(50) qnxmity of electrical. ftuidr I , took my Jta'iaa as Ur as pcffibls from any cover ing;! chuling rarhtr to be expofed to the pekiags of the ftorrri than to receive a fa ta. Aroke. At this the In iims were much fdrjjriziJ, anJ drew concluiions from i: noc unfavourable to the opinion they already entertained of my refolution, Yet I acknowledge that I was never m'irc affiled in my life; for nothing fiercely could exceed the terrific fcene. The peals of thunder were fo loud that, theyjlhook the earth ; and the lightning tl tihed along the ground in ftreams of faipljur ; fo that the Indian chiefs them fclres, although their courage ia war is ufually iivincible, could not help trem bling) at the horrid combuflion. Asfoon as the ftorm was over, they flocked a rouni me, and informed me that it was a proof of the anger of the evil fpirits, whom they were apprebenfive that they had highly offended. Wjhen we arrived at the great cave, and the Indians had depofited the re mains of their deceafed friends m the bu rial place that (lands adjacentto it, they held their great council, inta which I wai admitted, and at the fame lime had the t honour to be inftalled or'adopted a chief cf their bands. On this occafion I made the following fpeech, which I infert to gve my readers a fpecimen of the lan guage and manner in which it is necefla tj to addrefsthe Indians, fo as to engage their attention, arid to render the fpeak er's expreffioris conformant to their ideas. " My brothers, chiefs of the numerous and powerful Naudfrweffies! I rejoice that through my long abode with you, I can now fpeak to you (though after an imperfect mannei ) in your own tongxr like one of yor ow children. I rejoice alfothat I have had an opportunity fa frequently to inform you of the glory and power of the great king that reigns over the Englifli and other nations ; who is defcended from a very ancient race of fo vercigns, as old as the earth anti waters, whofe feet (land on two great IhJnds, larger than any you have ever feci, ami the ireateft wacers in the world ; whofe head reaches to the fun, and whofe arms encircle, the whole earth. The number of whofe warriors are equal to :!ic trcts in the vallies, the ftalks of rice '. yonder marfhes, or the bWIes of grafs n your great plains. Who has hun !: eii. ofcanies of his own, of fuch amaz : w4 hi r;-;i, that all tin waters in your rur-rv vould not fitfice for one of them t i i Vivu u : eu h of which have guns, i .1 i'Tii.ili !'ke mine chch yo-.i fee before v. ''!: f i magnitude, that a hun c i . ' v ;:-'o ite.1 roung men would with -liSi:'il:y be sole Li c.irry one. MIS CELL ANT. FOR THE GAZETTE. Of -fa Jirfl peopling of Americ. NUMBER III. i HAVING now fufficiently prepared the reader's miad, 1 fliail with great defference, and due fubmifllon, al though tinder the impreffions of Elihu of old, when he declared that " Great men are not always wife, neither do the aged underland judgment ; therefore' I now fay as he formerly did, " hearken unto me, I alfo will Ihew mine opinion". Although we ' cannot afcertain with any degree of exactnefs, the various ope rations of nature, by which the prefent fi gure of the earth was brought about, yet we muft rieceflarily conclude, that it mud have bcea an effect- refulting from an ex treme deranged combination of elemen tary canfes : this tremenduous ftruggle of nature, would firft bring forth the inte rior parts of continents, and extendedv oceans : Iflands, ftraights and bays, &c , would be the product of her abated pangs. Laftly, minor continents and remote iflands would announce the approach of peace unto the elementary world. How long might have been ;this travail of na ture, rational conjecture alone rauft de termine: not only ages will be taken in, but even yet her ftruggles are not eatire ly over, j The great continent, taking in all Afl a, the contiguous parts of Europe, the pacific and indian oceans are here firft bom. Trje interior and fouthern parts of Africa,; and weftern parts of Europe the baltic and mediterranean fleas, with their feveral dependencies, are her young erchildreni America, with hernumerous train of iflands, are younger ft ill, peihaps by many: centuries. "Remote iflands, which have been the fubje&s of recent dif covery, are the product of the detached remains of the grand, and primary de rangement of the elements, which fre quently iffaein earth-quakes, vulcanoes, Sec. and whicn every fiicceeding age evi dences to become mere and more lan- . guia CaulVs and effects, are one cojt efpond ing wHOi-f in all the unerring operati ons of name: for where caufes are mighty and progreffive, effects will follow a the eftabiiflieddiHance, and in an order eq ially uaeriing in i progreflire. The fir it caufe creates the elements, the ele ments, the! Jecondary caufe, gradually brings forward and prepares the earth ; the firft caiife brings forth the moft ne criiarr furniture, fuch as the moft noble cf ihi ar.i.nkl aad feathered creation, and t . t ? Lt ''1 m . lauiy. UI5 oeginning ui uic r-iuuiwi wria as lord over all the reft. Here ends the exertions f the firft caufe, as it regards the firft plantation prepared by natur., and how the fphere of i'econdary caufes, became infinitely extended, in the vepe table, animal and rational world.' Thus far I am fliielded by ouf infallible ftand ard the writings of the moft eminent of the inipired penmen. Thus far! we have feenpart of the earth got into being, arid the divine power difplayed in bring ing forth the various parts ofj creation. But whether its immediate exertions! be came iiifpended as itrefpefls new ration al, and. animal creation, as different and remote parts of the earth were prepar ed 2 this is the queftion which fets us upon the very threfhold of all ; the diffi culties which have hitherto baffled! the conclufions of the inquifitive ' inquirer, and to which I anfwer not. The garden of Eden we find is the hap py fpotj that is bleft with the origin f the rational world, from v hich ftock, by fe condary caufes, the earth as it would em erge, ajid become prepared, fhould, whh a correjTpohding progreflion, be fuinifncd with inhabitants :: thus we find this pro greffivei extenfion of this mighty firft born continent, is anfwered by a corref pohding increafe of inhabitants. This fir ft exertion of a firft caufe in favour of this firft part of the earth, conftitutes and makes jap the whole of the Mofaic ac count of the creation. That the infplrcd oenman fhould have told us thai after ages had paffed away, that new conti. Heats and iflands wottld emerge, fevered from the old bv an infinite ftretch cf the T J -; fea, and that it fhould be blefTed with in habitants hi the fane manner in which the pridr continent had ?1 fay, becaufe he has not told us rhefe things (when, verT nrobablv h rnew nntbinon nf it J i" J & . himfelf fhall we deny it, when the whole ceconony of the natural and moral world incontejlibly evinces it ? The primary exertions of the infinite Architect, in this firft ftage of the creation, will take in the wnoie perioa contempiatea Dy tne inrai lible penman ; and wheat he tells us that by the children of Noah was the whole earth overfpread, that is, that which had tlien emerged, and to which his know ledge extended. As this doclrinel may alarm the clergy, and perhaps forae mi nor philofophers, let us halt a moment and reafon- upon the fubject, that the firft may be jquieted and the latter convinced. VVhoj among us fhall limit the Al mighty jin the moft noble of his,miracu Ious workI mean the creation of in telligent beings ? when, for a fttff-'peck-ed audi 1 nrateful people, He com manded the iurring fea to ereel: liquid walls for their flank guards ; and at tle

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