- S t I i . . , . J iJorfh-Carolinafibfintck ; or, jP S, of Vou-IIO M o yettevilk Gazette, N D A Y, A" 0 r 3 i? E R i, ;i79- LAoUi c-J i ' - TiBiBi'm i iiiiiMM i mi i ii mi win iii'UMi" ' "in' Mi I n iij-i-H x. L ': j Mn HI HISTORT. CARVER'S TRAVELS. (dr.'lnzcd.) in thcii ope-a:in agamlt the r-it kind's eni-s wi.cn engaged in b-ih ; the 'errer hey carry with them td i ianuar wants word to exprefs. Voa maj remembr the other day wken v -ere icair.p;. at Wadawpawme-,d.:-r, the bUck clouds the wind, the -the ftupendons noife, the hernble c-v: -a, and the trembling of the. earth, r..:r;h then alarmed yru, and gave y u reafnn to think yr-ur -ods vje angry vrh ; not unlike -Ivfc ore -he vrar-lik- iinphTRcnts of he Eg'ilh "hen they are- fighting th haulcs oi tluir great i ivT ' Several of the chiefs cf yur bands hav often told we, in times pad when I -elt T.'i'h vnuinvow: trnu, that they rfi!iwiitobe counted ar.-g the cril rcn a ' allies f "he grea- kitg rry. r.i 'er. Vi:i may remember how o'ten vru h ire defire J e, "hen I re' urn again r . my own country, to acquaint the c,r. -t cf rv.r v'ood !iipofnY.n to-- w !s I im an.l hi fub;.-ls, and that you v. ' I for ade:s frcm the Engliik to -co'ti? am yon. B:ing noy about to ; '?r.v have cf yon, and l return to r.iv own country, a lonj way towards tr'r riitr.g 'ur I .i i a alii yo to te l me r.'jr'i'rTY'.i ccr.tiiiuc ia the ame mind :r I T h to you in council lad v.:.1c.. . .n.j t1-r"c are nw fcveral of T.-vjr chiefs h-ie, r. hr cr?re froni thegrcat plains tov;;rds the fitting of the fun,, I rVv.r fpoL-a v.'i.h in council be- -I , I afkcoi ro htine kMr- if you ?.re . r ;r;n2 to xekao- Veer ypujfeWes t - c.lrn rt rrry great n-.aSrr the king i tc Ecliih a"d cl.r r-'-'-s as I f:U take the f:rJl opp: '.uni-r t,- acquaint rf your dcf:rcs a- ! irood rcBirns. l ;-ta:r- you n to pir- he-dto hid re r , for t!ier in wicte.l uirJs nymg 1 m A-ur anir -he nctiaour.n'r . na'ioas, X ... A, t r"3r -ji-ht'"n?r "vtl tlun-js ; rovrrars s'lbitth hn!'- centra 77 to what I herr?,Nfof 1 hav e ic!i you iix; tr.?j.. " And as to the chiefs wio are about to go to MichiMmackinac, I ihall take care t make for thexi and their fuite, a ftraight-road, fmcoth water?, and a clear . fky,that they may go there, aad fmoke the pipe of pcacej and reft fecure on a beirer blanker, tinder tWe (hide of the :. great tree f. peace. Farewell." To tkisfpeech t received the following anfwer, from the fnouih of the priuciyal chief : j . ' r Good brother ! Im naw aVout : to fpeak to you with the mouths fihcfe my brothers, chiefs of the eight-bands of the powerful r.atidn of .the Naudo'wcflies. Wc beliere and ?r weH'fkusfied in the truth of everything: you have told us about your fpeat nationy and Ehs great kirg o'trr greaiel fa her, for Vwhom we I pi ead tlits bear a :fclaket, that his tathe 1- i ly protediom may ever rell eafy and iafe anorg us.his chiljjlrea :..yomr colouis and yc.Kr ams agree "frith the accounts you , hae j;iven us abv-jut your great nation. We c'e-ire that wljen you rerurn, yeu will acquaint the great king how much the Naudovtefllo- willi to be counted among his gcd chiU'renj. You may hlieve us 1 whiii we tell yon,jthat we will not eptn ' ovr ears to any ..ho may dare to fpeak evil ct ur great father the king tf the Englifh and oiheij nations-- We thank you f r hatyouh ivdo?e for us in making; ea-e between the Nau dowsffiesand the j Chipeways, and hope when yu retn'n:to us again, that you will complete :hisj good work, and quire difprllins theclmids tharintervene, open the b'ur iky of j peace, . and cai le the bloody hatchet to be deep l uried uncr the roors of thegreat nee cf p--ce. ' We wiih yon to remember to repre fent toonrgrest fa. her, how much we defire thU" Traders may be feat to abide among .s, wi .h fuch thip.gs as we r.e-d, that the hearts of our yourg mer, our triTc?, anl childrmmay be made glad. And mar peace fubfift between us fo long as the fur, themcon, the earth, and the waterfall enduic. . Farewell." I. thought it necefiary t caution the Indians agairift giving heed to any ba 1 reports thnt Kiayj reach them trcm the neiehbourinT nations to the 'ifiraxtage of th Unglifii als l had heard, at differ ent placcslhrough which I paffed, thxt emiflaties were 1111 employed -br ' th French to detapK thofe who Were friend-: ly to the Engliik from their intereft ; and I faw, byfelf, feveral belts cf wot puna; ihathad been delirered for this - purpsfe to fome of the ri!es I ws ameng. On th4 delivery eath cf thrfe, ajtalk was held, whereia tha Incians were tcU5, thatj the Engtilh, who weic but a petty people, had ftolen thai country from their grenti ""father the king f France wliilfl he was aihep, but that he would foon Rwake, and take them! again unrier his prote4i on. Tliele I ound were ient frcm Ca-na-i by perfons who appeared to.be well aiTc51ed towards '-'the government under which th,ey livird. ! Whil.'t 1 tariijd r.t the -mouth .of th. liver St. Pierre whin, thele friendly I tdi-; ans, I endcavdured . to gain intelligence whether any gcqdhad Ween feni towards the; Falls of ir. Anthony fa my ufej agreeable 10 the; pre mile 1 had reccircd from the gorernor when I -left Michillf xtackinac ; 1 ut fiRcicg frcm fosse Ir.-ii? ans, who pafTcd by in their return from thofe -patis, ihat this agreement had noi been fulfilled, ;I was oblige J to give urj all 'bxughts of proceeding fart-her to north weft fey this route, according ro "mv original plan. I therefore returned to La Praii ie lc Chien, where I procurj;4 as many goods from the traders I left there the grccediag ear as they could pare. ' -; - r i As thefe however werenot fufricient to enable me tb reaew my firft defTgri, I dederminro' to endeavour to make my waV acrofs the country of the Chipeways to Lake Supepor, in hopes of meeting a' the Grand Portage cn the north fid5 of i th traders that annually go frorri Michiliimackinac t the north-weft, o whom I d -uWfed not but that I fJiould be able t procurb goods enough to anfwr my purpble, ahd alfb to peaetrate thro' th'-ifc rror- northern parts of the freights of An'r ran. j And I 'hr wore readily retnrneJ to La Pra:ri le Ch'sb, as I could by tbar nteans the better fu'ai the ensrao;ement I had to the 'par v. of Naudowefiies mentioned at thf' crr cluficn of fpeech. During jritlabode with this people, "'i(ning to fe cure them entirely in the intefeft of the Engiift; I 'had advife'd $iie ofl the chiefs Hi in i ;