horth'Carcnna Chronicle ; or, Fayetteville Gdzefti K' 14, of Vol. JI.j M O N D A Y, D E C E M B E R j3f ti1 '90. Total 66. No IIISTOR2'. CARVER'S TRAVELS. ( Cvri 'lKUtd. ) TWO very targe rivers empty the m leirek into this like, on the north and nor:h ea:t ftdt ; ne is called Nipe g. n river, or, as the French pronounce it, the Allanipegon, which leads to a hind of the Chip'eways, inhabiting a lake of the fame name", and the othei is term c.i the Michipiccct n -irer, tlfe fource oi vhich is li:ua:ed towards James's Bay, ticr.i v rnc there h hut a lort carriage tt ano :er ri rer, which implies itielf into 1! at Uav,aL a i rt belonging tethe com pany. L wmV ;-y this pailage that a par ty oi French fr.-m Mkhillirnackir.ac in vaded the fe -dements of that fociety in the reign of queen Arrne. Having tak n and dettroyed their forts, they brought the cannon vhich th.-y fund in them to the fortrefs from.whence (hey had iffued : ' thefc were fma l bra: s pieces and remain 'there tn this prefent time ; havi g, thro' the ufiial revolution of fortune, re urned to (he poifefiion of their crmer matters. Not far from the Nipegon is a fmall liver, that, J uft before it enters 'he lake, has a perpendicular fall fxom the top of a mountain, of more than fix hundred feef. Being very narrow, it appears at a diftancc like a white garter iufpended in the air. A few Indians inhabit round the eaft ern borders cf thi . lake, fuppofed to be the remains of the Algonkfns, who for merly profTefledlhis country, but who have been neaily extirpated by the Ircquris of Canada. JLske Superior has near forty rivers that fall into It, fome of which arc cf a confiderable f ze. Or! the fouth fdeof it is a remarkable print or cap, cf about fixty miles in le gth, cal ed Point Chegomegan. It might a, pro perly be termed a per.infua, as i: : 1 rar- feparated from the cor.-met t, 'he eit fide, by a narrow bar tb:v ert -p frmj faft to veil. Caroes hvr h. fi.or 1 portage aci o s th ifihmu. - crt ?s if; fher coaft i rounr, the v; - i ir.ore ;han an hndreJ r ilcs- A bout that -lifia cc to the v. c" : : cspe ijiut defciibed, a coiiiid.. . . Ci falls into th lake, the head of which is c( mpofed o. a great aTemblage of fmall flreams. This river is remarkable for the abundance of virgin copper that Is found on and near its banks. A metal vhich is met with alio in feveral other places' on this csaft. J obferved that many of the frca 1 iflands, particularly thole on the eaftern fhores, were covered with copjer ore. They appeared like beds" of cappera, of whieh many tons lay in a foul! fpac'e-' A company of adventurers from England, began, foon after the conqnefl or Canada, to bring away fome of this metal, but the Jidra&ed fituation of afr fairs in America lias obliged them tore Hr.quiih their fcht me. it irright in fa tuie times be mad a very advantageous trade'; as the metal which cofts nothing on the,fpot, and, requires but little ex pence to get it on board, could be con veyed ia boats or canoes through the ' falls of Sc.; Marie to the iflc of St. Joleph, which lies'. at the bottom of the (heights near the entrance into lake H.'.ron ; from ' thence je might be put on board larger veil" Is, and in them tranfporlea acrols thar lake to the falls of Niagara ; there ' being carried by lan J acrot- the P: rtage it mich' be conveyed without muchob flru&ion to Quebec. The cheapnefs and cafe with which any Quantity of it maf be procured, will make up for the length efwy that it is neceiTary to tranfyort it before it reaches the fea-coafl, and enable the proprietors to fend it to foreign mar kets on as good terms as it caa be ex ported frem ether countries. Lake Superior abounds with a variety , of fifh, the principal and beft are the trout and Hnrgeon, which, may caught at almoil any ieafon in thegreateu abun dance. The trouts in general weigh About twelve pounds, but fome arc caught that exceed fifty. Befids thei'e, a fpecies.of white fifh is taken in great quantities here, 'hat rr rrrble a fliad in their fhape, but they are rathr thicker, and le beny ; they weigfi about four pounds each, and are of a I'elicious tafte. There are likewife many foits of fmaller fh in great plenty here, a d which may 5-r faken with eafe ; aimi ng thefe is a ort refembling the herring-, that ae ge 2ir2lly mads '. ufz of as a bait ior the ,. ..... 1 . L - a . , j ' 1 trotft. Verj iraall crabs, n6t larger than j .halfacrownpiece. are fbunidisoth m this ahdj lakie Michegafr. ' h I 1 This lake is as much arecredBy florrns as tpc Atlantic ccean the waves run asj higt, and are equally as dangerous to ! fHips. It diftharges its waters irom'thc foutjh eall corher, through the freights of qt. Marie.; At the tipper end of thefe ! , ftrclghts ftawJs'-a'fort thaf recedes its ! nanjeirom tKetn, comrhantJed: by Monf. Cadbtv a French Canadian, who being ; proprietor of the foil, h fllll permitted f ltd kpep poffeflion of rt. Nfar this fort ;isa yery ft rong rapid, again ft whieh, thb i it is impoffible for canoes to afcend, yet ; . whei conduacd by " careful pilots y they i mrglit pafs down withont danger. f j llhough lakK Saperior as t hai?eefbre - oiepredf is fupplied by nearjlbrt rivers, ' JPan7 of which are corifideratle dnes, yet ri does not appear that onetenth! part of the waters which are convey jed into it by thefe rivers are carried off at this evacu ation. Howach a fnpera'hundance of ; , watr can be-difpoftd of, as it mult cer- j , tainy be by fome means or other, with out -f.hfch the circumferencejcf the lake : . vrpujd be continually enlarging, I know ! not j that it dots not empty itielf asvthe Mediterranean fea is fnppofed to do, by ; an ijinder current, whichj perpetually counteracts that near the fufrface, ii'cer tainj; for the ftream which falls ovcthe rock is. not more than five of" - x feet in ; deptih. and the whole of it js(0e cn 'hro the jtreights into the adjacehtake-nor is it probable that fo great a quantity can be abftrbed by exhalations, j ror fequent 1) thiey muft find a paflage thrctigh (bfn; fubtfrrarean cavities, deep vuniaticm ablej and never fo be explored. Tft.e falls vi Sr. Marie do pnpt defcend : perpendicularly as thoie of INiagafa r St. Jnthoay do, bui connftp cF a fapid vhich continues near .three quarter of a mi! el, ever which canoes w;ell piloted might pais. ip . Ak the bottom of thefe lls, nature: has formed a moP( commodious fiaiion, for patching the f.fh v hih are-,to be fpund there -in limmenfe quati?k'sj Per-, fonsj (landing ia the rrcks tbjat Jicadja-'.:; centjtoit, in ay stake with ' cfpr-ir rctr,: j abbtit the, monihs of Sep'rmer and Oc- : tcber, the Tvhitb fifh befcre -jpcttiojnef?.