T H E NortB-Carolina Chronicle or, Fay etteville Gazette No- j 6, of Vol. II. J MONDAY, D E G E M B E R 27 i79 Total No- 68. IIST0R2. I CARVER's TRAVELS. ( Continued.) OME of my chief amufements W2S that of filing for trouts. Tho' the freights were covered with ice, we fiand means to make holes through it, ant Uttingdown ftrong lines of fifteen yv-rdi in length, to which were fixed three four hooks baireJ with the fmall fi.h te: re defcribed, we frequently caujht two at a time of forty pounds weight c.i-h ; b i thi common iixc is from ten rnt.venty pounds. Thefe are moa de licious food. The method of prckrving th-Ti during the three months the winter generaliy U Is, is by haniag them up in he air, and in one night they will be ir en fo hard, that they will keep as Wcii as if ih-y were curJ Ath f,w I have only poiated out m the p'an of my travels the circuit I made from my leaving Michillimackinic till I arrived ng un at the fort. Th fc countries that tie nearer to the colonics hive been fo oiren and fo minutely dcfcribeJ, thai ar.y farther account rhri would be Vi -iels. I ih til .h-xeforc only give my leaders, in. the reminder of mr journ al, as I at fir.l propo ed, ascription of the odicr -oreat lakes. of C anada, many ct which I h ve n.iv.Vatc j over, andre Ure ar the fame time a few particular la.iJentsthat I trnft will not be found inapplicable or unentertainin. ; ; o I In tine, 17.58. I hft MVK;n;.,.v.: pxc, andeumcd in the Gtadwvn ft-iooner, s, vcffd o ahoul c tns b -rhen, ever lake Huron m lake, Sr. ajre, where wf left the Ihip, and pro- Jed ,n boats to Octroi:. Th:s lake is a -mt ninety miles in circumference, aai Jn hc.-ay oi Hiron n ver, which runs Jr m ih.. louth corner of lake Hiiroa, re. the wai-rs of th- hr- crrculak,; -n.r, M:ch-.;an. and Huron. Its l" i-- rather round, aniin'oni- places T. 'U r?P,,ghfor lhff n-rion of eiieis, but towa- ds ih? mi Idle of V-aie loaded ixom paffi. g over it Such as are in ballaft only, may find wa ter fufficieat to carry them quite through. The cargoes, however, of fuch as are freighted, mutt be taken out, and after being tranfported acrofs the bar in boats, refliipped again. The river that runs from lake St. Claire to lake Erie (or rather the itrcight, for thus it might be termed from its name) is called Detroit, which is m French, tire ftreight. It runs nearly fouth, has a gentle current; and deptlrrf water furSsieht for fhrps of confiderabl burthen. The town of Detroit is fitu ated on the weftern banks of this river, abrut nine miles below lake St. Claire. Almoft oppofi e, on the eaftern fnore, h the village of the ancient Hurons : a, tribe of Indians which has been treated of by fo many writers, that adhering to tlie rcitrictions I have lard myfelf under of only defcribirrg places and people little known, or incidents that have patfsd un noticed by other, I ihall omit giving a defcription of them. A miilionary of the order of Carthufian Friars, by per mitlion of the, jIiop of Canada, refidcs among h m. " The l a ks of the river Detroit,, both above aud below thefe towns, arc cover ed with fettlements that extend more than twerty miles ; the country being exceedingly fruitful, and proper for tlie cultivation" of wheat, Indian com, oats, and peas. It has alfo many fpots cf fine pafiarzge ; but as the inhabitants, who are chiefly French that fuhmkted to the :nliih government after the con que2 cf ;Lcfc parts by general AnJierft, are more attentive to ihe Indian trade than farming, it is but badly cultivated. The tflwn of Detroit contains upwards of one hundred houfes. The fomewhat regular, and have a range cf very convenient and handfome barracks, ih a fpacions para'de at the fouth end. On the well fide lies the king's garden, belongirg to the governor, which is very well laid nut and kept in good order. The fortifications cf the town conilft of a tlrong ftockade made of round ph??, fixed Simly ia the groutd, ard lined v. ith pali ades. Thcfe ae defended by fon.e jrnall baRicns, on which are mount ed a few rndiffrrenr C2nroa of an in cor. -fidsmtlc Zac, - juil fcfScicDt for its de fence againfl the Indians, or an eelny, not provided with artillery. J ral br 8nicn m time of peace, eon fifts of two hundred by a held officer, who afts as chief ma giftrate under the governor cf Canada. 1 I theyear i762, in the month of Ju ly, it ramed on this town and the parts adjacent, a fulphureous water of the co lour and., confluence of ink ; fome cf whlch being collecled into bottles, and wrote with, appeared perfectly ineligi ble on the paper, and anfwered every pur pofecf that -ufeful liquid. Soon after, the Indian wars already fpoken cf, .'broke out in thefe parts: I mean not to fay that this mordent was: cminous of then, not withflanding it is well known that innu merable well, atteaed inftances of extra ordinary phecnomena happening before extraordinary events, have been record ed in almofl every age by hiftorians ofwe racity I only relate tne circBmRancc as afaic of which I was informed br many perfons of undoubted probity, and leave my readers, as I have hitherto dene, to draw their own conclufions frr m it. Lake Erie receives the waters by which it is fupphed from the three great lakes through the ftrefghts of Detrcit, that, he at its, north-writ corner This lake is fmiated between forty one and forty three degrees of north latitude, and be tween ierenty-eight and eighty-three de grees of weft lorgitnde.! It is near three hundred mile- long from caft to weft, and about ferry in its broadeft part : and a remarkable lorg narrow point lies on its north fide, that projects for fcveI miles into the lake towards the fcuih- ; 1 here are fever al iftaiids rear the weft end of it fo infefted with rattlc-fnake?, that it is very dangerous to lard on thf-rr. ' n injpoiuDie mat any p?ace can cucea weater number cf a l 1 - - . Kir.cs c; thrf, reptiles than this doer, prticuiav wa.cr inaxe. 1 ms lake is envtrt i near the bar.fcsof the iinds withedaige j ond lily ; -he leaves oftvhith lie on the water thick as to crvtr i: eat frK ft r many rfcres trgetker ; r.d on ca-h cf thele lay, when I piL-d t er ir, vrcaihs cf water fnakis bidhirv in the- iun vhich amcunted to myr?ard.s " . The rr.oa rei?is:k2b cf the difcex:

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