H E i\ort h-Ca -r* /-;v7 / {.‘f i 11 i T • y f/i /i - rv f tJi Uiiiv^c !? Of \yl 5 Fayetteville Gazette^ ■TM-• ; 7, ci VoL;. II- ]■ IIISTORT. M O N D A Y, J 7'/ U A R r 3, ,i •j. -[Total H®* 69.3— S A R VE ?v’s 1' R A V L J-S. ( CorJinucd. J 1 ^ I'lE ftones an-l pchhles on ‘.he friorcs 1. of ihh hike, lire moil' cf them cing- ia a greater, or lei's elegree, v.-ich .‘V it - that iticmMc hrais in ihe:r coh ar, 7iur'.vliich a! c of a lulphurcons nature, .'i'nr.ll pieces, a'oout tlie iizc of hazlc-nuts, ol the fame kind of ore, arc found on the i'an ;i that lit on its banks and unde? the The navifi-ation of ihisrtver is cflcern* td more -Jangeroas th.Mi any ol the uiiieiS" ru ccouaC cn nvanv liffh iand-s that he a ' J na the btrcitrs-oi ir^iand projeff into the 's.r-.r a ptrptnrficn.lar . diretiion ibr •■•;nuv miks toi>-fhcr, fo that v-htnever v;d.;;n llorins aiiic, eanccs and boats arc ii'.gueittiy loll, as ^htre js no place for ti'.eui to itad a iisef.er. Tills lake dlfcharges its ■s^.Mtor.s at the n:.!irh-eai: end, into the River Niagarn, v'ihcli runs north and innth, arid is aljout !d-cv Hiiles in Icngf’, from wlicncc H ;'.'dk into i.ake Ontario. At the cn-- ‘.-ar.c-s (if this river, on its fliore, iirs Fort and about eighteen rriilrs fnr- ‘I’.er itp, thnfe renr.nl.-.aLlefaUs, v'hlch arc e.rre ned on: cf t’o.c mort cr.trcnrdinaiT' j-ro JuRions cf nalnrc at prefent known. As, thefc liave been vi'ited by fo many travellers, and fo frr.iuently deferibed, I Ir.a.ll oniT tjivine n uarhcul.ir defc: iption t'lt I’icm, unci or.ry obkrve, that the wa ters by which they arc fnpplied, a‘tcr ta-- kir.iT their rh's ntur two thonfnnd roiks to :itc norrii-wer'l. and parilnf through' Tie Lakes S-uperi'r, idichegan, Huron, ■> and Erie, during which they have been ‘receiving conH.iut r.crnirni’a'icn’'^ nc iwenty milej. Others have fiid tliat at a paniculai time, send when the wind fits fair, the found cf them reaches fifteen icagres. 'i'lie land about the falls is etceeding- }y iiilly and uneven, but the greatef part of tl'.ac on the Niagara River is very good, efpccially for grafs and pailu- Fort Niagaia r''-.ds nearly at the en trance ol liie well erd of Lake Ontario, and on the er.fl part of the ftraights of Niagara. It was taken from the French in the year 1759, by the forces under the rornmand of Sir William Johr.fon,and at prefent is (.kiended by a confideraVk gar- rifon. Lake Ontario is the nejit, and leaf! ot the five great lakes r^f Canada. It' fitu- ation is between fc-:rty-thrcc and forty- five decrees of well longitude. Tiie form of it Is nearly oval, iti greatcil length being from north-calb to iouth- wetf, and in ci* cumkreticc about Iri: hun dred niile.s. Near the fnuth-caif part it receives the waters of the Ofv rpo River, and on th^ nonh-eaf cifcliarges itfclfin- to the River Cararaqait. Not hiv fiom tlie place where it iiTues, Fort Frontcnac formerly food, which was taken from the French during the lafl war, in the year i758, by a fru'dl army of provincials un-- der colonel Bradftrect-- At the entrance of Ofwcgo River Ar.nds a ibrr of the fame name, gurrifon- cf only at prsicnt bv an inconliderable # « a party.- This fort was taken i;i the year I 756 by the French, wher a ere.nt purr (f tb.-e ganlion, whic.h cor.fif ed of the late ♦ 7 banieys and ikppeTifs rcgimcrts, M*rgch rulh dnr.-n n ruper dour ]■-*-.cipicc' td rrvTnunJ/ec ?.u-i forty i-.oet ;.frpeikii* ciilar, and in a :tror>;,'' rar-id. ri.ai' eviends- to the diku-'ce ( f eight w nine rr'ojhc-' luv,- fall O’utr.ch rto 'c—’hi.s rtver tion after entpiice icfcli iiuo L.akt Onta rio. ' f h e r.f 1 "e of u> t R hmav b t h card au mi/inovow; I ;onM n'uinlT dt>ri.n-- ti>eu4 in r,calm moinitig more ttiafl were malfacrcd in cold blood by the fa- T C. C ^ V * In La'ke Oiit-nrio are taken rn.nry forts of fiJli, among v. hich is the Ofwego Bais, of an excellent fluvour, and weighing about three 01 four ponndi.- There is alfo a ibrt called the Cat-Hcavl or Four, Tvh.irh arc l;i general very large, lorne ci them weighir.g eiuht or ten pounds, and they are c.^icemcdi a rare dilh when pro- petiv drefk-d;- Cri the north-well pamts tT ibis h-ils-e, ana to the f.uth-c.aft of Issk-e Luron, is a tribe of Jn(^i:ms called M Hilcnycs, v-ii-ic town is deuomiusteJ 'Towuiro, from the lake oa wliich it lies, but they are not very numerous. The country about Lake Oataric, efpecially the more north and canern parts, l.s compefed of good land, and ia time may make very flouriftiing fettiernents. T'he Onisda lake, fituated near the her.d of the River Ofwego, receives tlie waters cf Wood-Creek,- wliicli takes its ihe not far from Moha-a'ks River. Thefc two He fo adjacent to eacli other, that a jundion is HTeffled by fluices at Fort Stanwix, about twelve miles from the mouth of the former. This lake is about thirty miles long from call to ■well, and neat fiitccn broad. The country around it bcirngs to the Oniada Indians. Lake Champlain, tlie next in f.zc to Lake Ontario, which lies nearly caft from it, is about eighty miles in Icnjth, north and South, and its broadefi part four teen. It is well rtored with fifh, and the lands that lie on all the borders of it, or abemt its rivers very good. Lake George, formerly called by the French I.ake Sti Sacrament, lies to the fouth-weft cf the iail mentioRcd lake, and' is about tliirty-flve miles long from north- eaft to foutli-wcH, butofno gteat brcadi.h* The country art.iind it is very mountai nous, hut in the rallies the land is tolera bly good. When ihefe two lakes where firft difeo- vered, they were knov.m by no other name than that cf the irequeis Lakes ; and I believe ia the firft plans taken vf thofe parts were fo denominated. Tlie Indians alio that were then called the Iitquois, are ilnce known by the name of the. Fire Mohawk- Nations, snd the Mohawks of C.inada.- In the late •w ar, the former, whicit confisl cf the Cnanda- goec, the Oni'.’.das, the b'cnecas, ard the Tr.f:.^rc:ics, and the irorudeekt, for.yht on the Hdc of the Lrigjifh : the latter, which are called the C-~mva!'gars, a.nd St. Francis Indians, jrir.ed the F: ench. A rail trsfl rf Lvd tha‘ H''*' hrt~ 'cn the two laU P-jf; itf.rred ^ T.. and la.'.c Ont: trio, as nted in tlie r - ft?r I Cay, by tlie Plymouth Ornpa: v\ I’tr ; - tent they had rec fivtd lit'.n r; i • t HR h T CS I. 0 [ 111 Fcrdina ndr, Cv ifes r\ } '* re 10 cap- tain Uhn Ma'rn . ri-c !*;-'•! f • . it. : 1. i- iy, 3 liietv.arJs eVd ti.'igudhcd 1: m ■ herr cf ll >a’ n.ime, by iliC HAit r.t Cl

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