THE North -C arolina Chronicle or, Fayetteoilk Gazette. N. 25, of Vol. II-j MONDAY, FEBRUART 28, 1791. 'Total No. 77. i CARVEil'9 TRAVELS. ; (Continued.) C VI A P HI. . . . ' C their Man x s- quuiijic vru WkiliM ..he ii..!iau fit d.i ihv l:ace rhemlelves in a .r; it-. . i 1 :ruir knees cloie tO- this roftrc, they walk badly and appear i . I 1 10 DC umc. " They hive no midwives among them, their climate, or fome peculiar happinefs in their constitutions rendering any af fiOareeat that time unneceffary. On thefe occafions they are conhued but a r- - 1 - rrsm tYtrW nfna.1 employ- . ICW UvUI) . ; . . . 1 I -1 ri . ments, whicn arccommomy ; oc thm mm. who are remarkably m- VU, - ,- , 1 t v.m rrv una 01 aruu rery ; even mxucu uaUuu6 r- - farmer will not deign to bring home the me.but fend their wives for it, though P v Hiftance. it lies at 2 vci 1 tuiiuu.- ; The worae place their children loon r - - K,vm nn boards ftttfted foftmoft.fuchas s d;mrt- ralTes or meadows. The child is laid on its back in one of thefe fanf of cradles, and being tapped in ton or cloth to keep it wlrm, if fecmred in .t by fmaU bent pieces of timber. . I To thefe machines they faften firings, by which they hang them to a flump or ftone, while they tranfaft any needful fcufinefs: In this pofmoa are the chil dren kept for fame mMths. are taken our, the boy are fuffered to maked, and the gixU are covered fronv the Xirck to the knees with a (hift and a fbort Thelndian women are remarkably " gecent during tneir menu.-. Thofe nations that arc moft remote f'ora the EuVopean fc-t'emeats, as the Naa doweffies, Sec. are more particularly at tentive to this point; though they ali without exception adhere 1a fome degree to the fame cutlom. In every camp or town there is an apartment appropriated tor their re.ire iacst, to which both fiaglc aad nunied retreat, and feclnd-thpmftlvcs with rhe tlnftnei this period from a.l l'ticty. :.f;er ards they purify then.fclvesin running ftreami, and re turn :o their cifcrtnl .mi)icy ments. 'l"hc men on th ie occifi ns molt care fuil) holding ai.y cor r-unicaiif-n wi h vh:m ; ana ihc Naudocfcs ire f,. uii in tliis cbieivance, that they ill noMurFt:! ary bcl ning to tl cm to fe ch futh things as are neceilaiy, even fi e, from iheie female retj'eats, though the want oi them is attended v i h the greatelt inconvenience. They are alio io .uperltitirusas to think, it a pipe fn-rn crack, which among them is made cf vood, that ih poficfibr has either lighted it at one of thofe pollute .-fires, or held fome unlawful cenvtrfc tfiih a woman during her retirement, which is cfteem cd by them mod difgraceful and wicked. The Indians are extremely circum fpeft and deliberate in evciy word and adlion ; there is nothing that hurries th?m into any iritemperate warmth, tut that inveteracy to their enemies uhich is rooted in eveiy Indian heart, arid can neer be erac icated. In all ether in ftances they are cool and remarkably cautious, taking care not to betray on any account whatever their emotions. It an Indian has difcovered that a friend is in danger of being intercepted and cut eff by one to whom he has rendered him felf obnoxious, he does not infcim him '-in plain and explicit terms of the hazard he n ns by purfuing the track near which the enemy lies in wait for him, but he firft ccolly alks him which v. ay he is going that day ; and having received his aefwer, with the fame indiffercnf e tells him that ht has been informed that a dog lies near the fpot which might pro bably do him a mifejiief. This hint proves fufficient, and his friend avoids the danger with as much cau k n as if every defign and motion of his enemy had been pointed out to him. This apathy often (hews itfelf on oc cafions that would call forth all the fer our of of afufceptible heart. If an 'In dian has been abfentfrom his fsmily and -iiicnds roanj months, cither vn a w 01 huntine party, when his wife and children" meet him at ionje diftance from his habi taricn, indead ff the afi" cticraie i'er.faii ons which would naturaliv arife in he breaft ot morej retined beings, and be prod active oi mutual congraiularions, he conrinues his cburie wi heut paving the lea i auen- ion to thofe who furrouad hiati, till he ax rives ai hi- heme. He there fiis dov.-n, and with the fame unc( as if he had not Been ahlent a day, fm kes his pipe ; thofe of his ac quaintance who ha-.e. followed him ,-o the lame; and pefKaps it is levtral hours before he relates V- thm the incidents v.iiich have befallen him during his ab-. fence, though ji perhaps he ha iert a fa ther, brother, or fon on the Ald, wlmfe loi; he ought to have 1-mented, or hat been un. tu; ef ful in;he undertaking ihat called hitrr fim kome. M Has an Indian been engaged for fve ral iars in the chace, or any other Udo rious expedition, and by acciden conti nued Ji is long without food, when ar rives at he hut or tent or" a friend where he knows! j! his.; wants! may be immediately Supplied, he takes care r.ot to&ew the leait fymptomsiot impatience, or to betray the extreme hunger by which he iskdrtured i bat on being invi ted is, fiti contentedly dori, and irnokes his pipe, vith as much compoiure as if every appetite was ptkyccj,; and he was perfectly a raie ; he does the fame if among Uranpers. Thisciiiomis itricl ly adhered to by every n ibe, as they fl teem it a ptoof of fortitude, and thir.k the reverk vjnuld eniiile them to the ap pellation i v,cmen. -: . I I If you tell an Indian that h:s childrea hvegtetlv finalized thmielve-ag,:: X an enemy, have taktr. man 'fcalpk, , and brought home many p if ner, he cWa not appear !tff feel any extraordinary pha iure on the joccafion ; his aniu er gtnc rallv is, " li is - ell, ' and hp makes e- ry iittle turtrie, crquiry, aoi ui n thecontrary,ir you intbrnlhim that hischiU dfenare ILiin it taken prifoinrs,hc mak:s no compl mts, he only replies, " I' doe& -.. r.-;i .Qrif! nrobabtv. foTfome-timft t lcUa ftot tyw h haptuei.