: ..... ...-- - 7 J- 4- . - t No. 6,1 T H U;R S D A F ' Vol. I. - . .V- I; ,! .. ... - . V.,'. . V ' . On Friday the 24th hmant, will he fold, for . . 'tbe bcacfic of th? vndcrvvr jters, ' ' -The brig Neptune,- 1 aqd itl her materials Ah in, "ventory of which may be fcen upon application to ;Wiiu N UXT, JucVr- Whcrhas on hand a few kegs Gunpowdery cheap for cafh , r , February 2. : The fubferibers have Five Hundred Calks Flax Seed, which they wife to Freight to Ireland. ' . Geo. Hooper 6c Go. January 19. ,3 tf. Wo barrels f prk at4 Bills -oa, twWat 20 davs -fialit. forfaleby R. Langdon. February 2 Excellent London Porter in' bottles; for fale by ' Blakelev and Vancew iFebruary . g.?rr-- ' ;-t: 'Jri?. F ' O R S A L E , ; VOSBURGH he CttlLt) - (Windfor Chair-Makers, frcm NewYovk jf ' Refpeclfully infprhf the cttl zens of NorthrCarolina,2 that tliey have , commenced the above bufinefs on the fouth fide of Dock-ftreVt near the wharf,' berc" Jnajr J)e hady tionj highly yaniifhed in any coiottrj and ; ornamented tq any patern j alfo, elegant . Settees of ftn feet h leug'th'pr under Tuita ble to either halls on piattas -f garden' halrs fuitable' tb arbours. 4 A few moments reflec tion will convince dierning puWiCi how far preferable chairs tnuft be manufadlured in the ftatey warranted to be both well wade and paiiued witlvthebeltinaterial9,:tOithcjfe that are imported. ; which are alwaysrwia'-. voidably rubbed and bruifed, and nhaeliures in ten are bought at audion. . ..,' . They - reft their claim to public favour on the practical and' experimeiiital knowledge of theuprofelfion t andWSih the largftock of materials they; now poflefsWill be able to execute aiy orders with eiegiutf ahd difpatch;:: They are; deferiiined td make it their ltudy to pleafe, and do juftrcc tfk flh v ii N. B. Old chairs repaired and painted id finch a manner as to be both rifeat ad;$rq ble. .:-,- ."". -i n M week's Gazetttfoi:i;ondn rjead 50 .22 18 4 .50 .33 36 Twenty hllds. 3d proof St. roix Rum. 'Alfo ten quarter caflts of ex- Croix Rum. Alio ten quari tellent Dry Lilbon Wine, . . . M R. "WILLKINGS. ' January t2 ' l. . Bcft London Particular Ma deira. $n .Tneriirc. Lioon, and lrc 1 WINE, by tbe-Pipe, rter-caflc or C,at. Ion : CORDAGK of every denomination ; with a variety of other articles, for fale by . JOHN CALHORDA. , January 5. 1 tt . ; The fubferibers to the Univerr fity are informed, that their laft payments become due this day; and, are requi'.ted td call and pay the Ume to tne luoicnoer. Warrants will be iftoed and fuks brought a . gainft tbofe who do not call and fay their iabfcviplions in a lliorttime. ' . w -Bradley. January 3. 4 3 IT; t. ' f O R S.A L E, A new Billiard Table, com pletely furninied. Apply to the Printer. January 16. ' The fubferibers inteild open- incr a GrocerT Store, on tbeifirft of March xicxr, oppofite Dorfcy's Hotel. Boct and Shoe' Maaulaftofy. The fubferiber relpeclully in forms liis flit irJs iuid the public, that Mtf bu fine fs will be carried oh in every; branch, in ' a more '.extent 've line man nuutro, ..nayjjig got a iVcih (apply of Leather 'pi. the be cjyaliry, lVoa the north ward ulfo, acom plei wiifkintn as r.ny in the ltate.He is grer'ul for pvilt' pr.s fq ilVwaJlrf Wen him, and Tolicks a continuant no iav'tifei -: than attention to pleafe, together wiih'good work may claim. ' ' . , " '"G. Chaee', - "Who will take as Apprtniices, two bos either white or black, of good tnoials. , February , 2 3 - 1 will be obliged to thole per- fons who borrowed the undernamed - books, to tctuvned them fpecoi'.y : The tidr volume of. the Bon Ton Maga gino, for the ) car 1 79 1 it has my name on the nilulcct he cover ; the lecomt volume of 'Klegant Kxtraclf) in pi oft, 'printed in London, 1 794 " . . Robert Harlcy. February 2 2 Univerfity of North-Carolina. WlltlUliAS William Hill, hfqnire, late attoi r.ey for the Tmftees jnTthe dift ricl of Wilmington, has lodged with the fubferiber all thole bonds taken by him, for .the fale of efcheated property in the faid , dittiicfl. Notice is hereby riven to all con.. ct rned, that unlefs full jiayment be made at- ; . 7 - Wilmington, January 26, ; ' SCHEME of a LOTTERY. For the difpofalof fuhdry articles of Mer- chandize. - dols. cents v cah prizes of 50 dollars each, ico v, "3 lo. ftripM muflinet 16 yds each," 42 : I do- 49 3.4 yds fine white demity, 30 20 do, 20 pieces IriJh. linen, . - ' 333 3 cloT 1 5 yds Marieils quihing 7 .. ( " each, . 1 do. 1 damafk table cloth .10 14, 2 do. 14 yds Marfeils quilting 7 - , ach, . v H do, ,28 yds calico, 7 each, . "4 do. 28 do. do. do. 4 do. 28 do. do. do. 4 do. 28 do. do. do. ' 4 do.' 28 do. do. do. 16 do. II 2 do. do. do. . 1 do. 22 yds ftrjped Patting . ... 8 do. 36 yds ftriped fine mixed , twilled coating, 4 t-2 each, . 8 do. 56 yds fancy calico, 7 each, do. 2p yds elaftlc cloth, 4 each, '40 A U 3 l -2 yds butt caramere each, 3 5 J do. 2 pieces nankeen each, 37 X 2 do. 1 cocked hat; each, - 1 48 18 do,. 2 yds fwanfdown each, 20 0iJ;ywMat,feil5 qulljingfx-tp T-3 lotib-yds black bambafetteach,, 9 1 do. Smollett's hiftory of England 9 4 do .'2 mufl:B"mawlseach, ; 16 6 do. 2do. do. each, . 20 4 do. 2 do. do. each,. . . 12 4 do, 5 yds ftriped muflin each,' iy 3. do. 1 cocked hat each, . 24 6 do. 4 pair cottoji ftockings each, 24 3 do. 2 pair ladies fine. hofe each, , 7 3 do. 2 do. do. do. each, ". 9 3 do. 1 do. black fiik blockings each 14 2268 21 9 18 74 20 40 37 X 70, prizes. dojs. 1200 00 Vebruary i. r, Mnrtiii. I the (lore of Walter and Gavin AHes, on Lit TO THE PUBLIC. . TlicTubfcribcr intends to leave this (late as foon at his affairs can be fettled, therefore civet notice to all Pf rfons with whom be hat had dealings, that a fpecdy- . lettlement.il neceliary to oe maie lie is -Veady todifcharge all debti and Joft balances that any perfoii may. have againft hini Thre who may be indebted to him, are re-, tpiefted TefpcAitely to wake paymeut with4 out delay. . V All thofe who luf t (lill remain ln bit Chop, Watchei, Silver work or Jewelnr, are particularly rebelled to call or fend lor the ume. - - . The fubferiber will ever with pleafure re , . tain the remembrance of thofe citizen! who have, Tor many yean, honored him with their friendfaip, and favored him with their, cultom. . D. Lambcrtoz. February 2 IhiTu ftlay or"Api il iietfTon"" all bonds which (hail then become due, funs will be indifcriuiinately commenced, with out further notice. Gavin Alvcs Trealurer. January J. v 4 3 Republican Livcrydablcs. THE fubferiber informs hU friendt and 1 th nnWic. that he hat prepared hiin Telf with Li very ftablct for keeping horfet, at the Garden of fcden, three nartersof a mile from town, -and being provided wjth ekcellent Provender, &c. trufts that thore Mho favour him with the care of Hoifet, will be pleafcd with the attention which will He willlike wile accommodate fentlemen, and hat good pafturage for Beef Cattle. , b, 1 DAVID DUDLEY, , , Who hat for fale a quantity of Leather. 0 make men and women! Saddlet, and will furnifh Chair and Coach llarnefs, and Car riace THmmlngt on the fhorteft notice. Wilmington, January fy. 5 tf 600 Tickets at 2 dollars each. All prizes fubjctrt to a difcount of five per cent. "' '- ' The articles which eompofe the dif- , Ifercnt prizes are charged at no, more than , . tncir miriimc name. This Lottery will be conduded in the fame regular manner as other lotteries, and under the infpcclton of four managers. T;itzrald,prorrictors ; J. Mumford, 3 N. B. From the. probability of an imme diate fale of the Titkets,it is fuppofed that the drawing will commends in a very fhort time. . 7 PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given j that the fub feribers have qualified as executorsof thelait . will and teflament of John Jobnfton, mer chant, late of this town, deceafed there" fdre all perfons having amy juft claims or demands on the ellat'e of the laid deceafed, . are renuefted to exhibit them duly authorif- -jed,within the timeprefcribed by law j- and" ; tnoic mat are inucmcii iu mc m make payment without delay, at it it not in the power of the executort to give any In dulgence.. HENRY HOSKINS, . ?rTr. ' . FRANCIS FONTAINE, J x January 12 2 im C. NOT ICE. The fubferibers have. qualified as executort of the laft will and tellatnent ol the late Dovlor Henry Kingfbury. They requeft the per font indebted to the ejlair . of the faid deceafed, to make immediate payment and thofe having demands theie upon, to exhibit them within the.time U "roitted by an art. of Aflcmbly, entnic. Anaclto amend an art, entitled an ct, concerning proving of Willi, aud granting letters of adminiltration, jnd to preven fratidt in the management of intcflates' cflatei;" " 7"f ' PHILIP SPAULDING,7r. JOSEPH DEAN, Jiuoary J. -i , ... .... x , . . . - ;:. ' "." " ' -i . " : . " -f. ? 'r:,,V -v., y: .. '"V. .,.."4?'l 5 .- . - '':. - : V'.,:,;-- ,,;'1.,,. Si ' 'If' i,,,y;:-;v-"':. 70 . . ,r. 28 . iM i ' - '.'!. i ' ' ' . ; jiw .-'."ti rr7"-! $ 50 '' . - ;-:.-rj-rV'f'l'- , . 'vxl ; f . . ,',.. ' " 45" .. V.;h 4 1 ' !l 1- 7 ' V: 1i .... . .. ) i 1- - -J(