tNo. 7.3 - : T H U R S Df tv F E B R U A 'Wf&i 5 1797 Vol L 10. I!' A Hall lias for Tale, life of Jesus 4to, ornawtnteQ with twenty two. elejft topper plate en. ,; graving and containing a more complete, aatheatic,- aWples accurate, Linftructive, irtjiverfa!, and full account, (freed from ' PopiuV fuperftition,and other trrors) thatr; ; .aa ever before publifficd of all be teaK 1 tbebeoefit oflbejiAderwic 1 Thc brig JNcptpne, and all her materiahAtitn j, tentdry,of which may be fcen uponf appl ication tovi . . . w Wm. NUTT, AucVr. - 'ho has on hand fer fceg GM wwder, cneap tor cam, February i. f mir Gt&Riout Redeeme. A Cafe rcfpecling Britilh 0brt, lately determined in the Circuit Court of ; the lited tatei; fr Worth-Carolina amrjet. Aubblement to Iredell's Revifal, ' with ind ithoutl Private Aft V hie whoH ;: forming; a complete affemWa jje of fall the Acts now in iorcc, iu6,iviuMnii Ibis codntry to the year I795 -v' ; i-.-Martin,i-vJfticek Do. Trcatife dn the TurifdicYion of uftis. Report of a ."'Cafe, lately bedded in" Fayetteville Superior Court of Law j wherein the following que! tiohs are difcufled and fettled, viz. i. Whe "tVerT irt' the"cafcr of a Sealed inftrument, .AnaitfliedJy ay UDrcrA Iliandwifting in evidence I i. Whether an aftion qf : iebt liei Uponfuch au inftrument? A delcriptibn of Occacock. Inlet-7 ChaH -, of the Latr of Inheritance, Pdlitical Dic tionary ?rol peel from the Cobgrefi Gal lery. Addrefs from Robert Goodloe Har der to bit conltituenta. Arc of Manual De fence. Together with a variety of Blanks; t Printing-Office, Feb.; l6i , . v .,n r I v. ' 1 1 1 ' ' I'ir r i H t b p e xj M VT$- r : ' 1 "Which accompanied the meuake of the Prt i ; fident oC the United States to both houfes Xif Congrcft January 79 7.V T tetter to Xlf. Pinckney, Klimfter PIenipo , tenuary of the United JStafes, to tho i . . ' (Continued.) . . , , r V AVith ibefe dKpofiuohs, the -emprefs of R toflia? in February, 1 780, made public the pi;5dciplc$ on'xrhich ibe would maintain tho 4co hmerce "t)f herubiecls.iT-lt-js-neceflary-r h nta'e to recite only two ot tnem. lit. i nar, ; ;aHuary 1$ The fubferibprs Five Hundred Calks which they Wift t6 ' iSS-S 1 1 W V1 That the aiicies of contraband ftould " lSMo'I. Hoboer'w.&te' I''tSregulated by the I6tb and i i th articles of t.:':Vr'tt;., . v I ihet treaty bt commerce with GreafBritain. ci .icnuuig mc rcguiaiioni oi uioie aiticica iq ." r fall the iMi hp nnwirnr tn fnbifti ot the FJaSedj, , j jhi nons at war, ffiould belfree on board heuV Freight tO 1 Hra A Veffs'lsl rnnrrahatir! crrtoflil eicent'ed -i? F O R 3 A L E, A "tfrad bf Land la GKatham county, on Haw.rivcr, confiding of .450 acres, finely timbered and watered, .With Agoodhoufe, and out-houfe, ftable, and a . -fcood flat at a valuable ferry, commonly called Clark's Ferry j on the main road from Fayetteville to Hillfbor ough. It has a na Iaral nne. mill, fey, the rice .about half , 4onei the damand luodgate fimflied, tim ber for the law mill is hewed and at tht jpot, fome bf the grift mill timber is got, and thirty" thoufand bricks atthe place; the neighbourhood is a plentiful wheat tountry)' where a gobd mill is abfolutely wanting, as the Creek mill in a dry feafoa aonbt gtind, neither do tbey vgnnd firft quality flour, and 00 oppoTition ou the river within fixteen miles It Is alfo a rood fitu- Jtiou for a dlftillery Much more could be aid with regard to iti favourable fituatioA fir a mill.-A credit wiUbeeirem Fbr particulars apply to Henry Lewis Lutterloh, Chatham county, or to Edward Jones; Attorney. at Law, Wilmiag. , ton. ' ' -';- ' , . rebYuary pTT 6 jm . " . "". FOR PRIVATE SALE. ; . , A Negro wench' and child.-" The wench is a complete cook, wa(hre and ironer -TAppry to' . Thomts" Fitzgerald. Februar9. 6 - 11 iix .j, . 1 . I will be obliged to thcrpcrv tin who borrowed of me the fecond volume ' f Elegant. ExtraOr, In profer printtd In London, 1704, to return it fpeedily; ., . Robert Harley. WAN? ED TO' HIRE , tJ t i A fcrrant Wbrnati v!io.iirt- "er(hodshoife work, and oan come well ' recommended for her k oefy. Apply at ih Print! ng.nffice. - Fbruary 161 , VOSBURGH & CHILD S,- (Windfor CbaTr-lakeri; from Klcw-V o?k ) . Refpeftfuliy inform the clti- tens, of - North-Carolina, j;hat they have' -commenced the above bufinefs on the foutb fide Of Dock-ftreetj near tne wharf, V? here jnay be had Wiridfor Chairs of eVery defcrip. , tion, hiffhly varniflied in. any colour, and Ilftrjial.te(l lfee ant t Settees of ten ftet in l&ngtTf or UhTer "fiiita-" ble to either halls 6r piazzai ; garden chairs1 fuitable to irbours; A few inomenm rcflfec- . tien will convince a difcerninj; public, hbw ; far: preferable chairs mt be manutacturcd in the nate. Warranted to be both well made and painted with the be ft materials; to'thofc that are importeil which are always nnl vo'dably rubbed and bruifed, and n hie times in. ten are bought at auclidh.f , ' . Y. They reft' their claim to public favour on .the practical and experimental kiiowlevlire of their profefiion ; and with thejaree ftockt ; Of materials they now poRcfs, wiHbe'ble to execute any-orders with -elegance, and difpatch. Thejr are determined td nv.i.e it their ftudy to pleafe, and do juftice to all. N. B. Old chairs repaired and painted in inch a manner as to be both neat and dura-. ble. ' : - ; February i , In lalk week's Gazette for London, read New.York. . ' Boot and Shoe Manufafioiy. The fubferiber relneafully in forms his friends and the public, that his bu; finefs will be carried on in every brancb, in a more extenhve line than hitherto, having got a freflt fupply of Leather of the belt Quality, front ibe north wa:dl(b, al com., plcte workmen as any iii the ftate; He is grateful for pad favors fo liberally gien nim, and folieits a continuance no farther than attention to pleafe together with good work, may claim G. ChaCe Twhd will take as Apprenucei, two boys Vitlier white or black, of good morali. . " . "February a"! r 3 :T" to the Public - Hie fubferiber Intends to lfcaVd xhis ftate as foou as his aifain can be fettled, therefore gives notice to all perfoni with whom be has had dealings, that a fpeed fettleracnt is neceflarr td be made He is ready to difcharge all debts and Juft balance! ' .that any perfoit may itave againft hinv ' Thofe who may be indebted to him, are re pefted refpeCliTel to make payment with oat delay. . , , ( - . r Allthofe" wha bate ftill reeiaing in his fltop, Watches, Silver work or Jewelnr are particularly requeued to call or fend for the .fame,.' ;... . . ,'',-..'. - - . The fubferiber will ever with pteafiire re , tain the remembrance of taofe cuilens who have, for many years, honored hint" with their friendmip and favored him with their eultoai. , . - . - . ' D. Lambcrtoz. f ebruiry s . , ' ill' the h'elliirerfnr nnwrf. ' fro enforce the obfervahce of thefe prih . ; ci ties, fee .gavebrdets for euippinjg a con fid CY-able part of her marine. . . w " , In July of the faraeljear, Denmark; acced ed, lb the principles of the armed neutrali ty am 1 entered 'into a conVentioh "with Kufiia, f6t maintaining them, afluming for her rule -.;in.determimngaiimcleIho.uld be : det ?med contraband, her treaty of commerce xwfl rJi Greats Bntaiit concJuded th'ei hb 'of-.s3 J1 P70..; in inet,nira article ortnis trea : tyy the ' defcriptibn'bf- contraband goods is - " -; iii general terms': AnV prbvifions of war ' , - . as loldiers, arms, machines," caiuibn, iQiipsi or other things of- necefliry ufe in war.5 Bii'i; by a convention concluded at London, on the 4th of Tuly, 1730, between 'Great- Briti tin and Denmark, " to explaiir the " : treilt y 6f commerce of 1670, betwefcn the two powers," the articles deemed cbrttra- band are particularly. 'enumerated, and a . moi g them we fee timber for ihip-buildi irtgi: tar, Tofin, copper in (heets faiU iemp, arid cordage, and generally whatever fcrvea '.dire flly for the equipment of a veflel, un wrdfught iron and fir planks excepted." It . is xk markable that thefe are the very article adiii itted as contraband in the 18th article of our treaty bf commerce with Great-Britain, 1 ancl. for which admiffion Jlr. Adet declares, ' " iill the commercial relations between.1' Frojnce and the United States are entirely broken." . B:ut it is further to be noticed that this cod vention between Ruflia and Denmark, coii eluded in the mid ft of the American, war,' for maintaininc: the principles of tho r ardted heutrality, and to which piber Euro pel n powers acceded, is explicitly declared,' in t he ninth articl e to have beep concluded ami agreed dn for thtime. that war ftiould laSfc though it was to ferve ala bafu to fu tole engagements, which circumftance. ml ht render ueceflary on account of new . naval wars in Europe. And with the latter tm:w, me Ktngdweaen maniieited the ut no(l folicitude left thfe war Ihould be tlofed vfithout the intervention of the" neutral powers. He therefore was urgent that the , eUiprefl, with alhhe parties to the.marhimc . convention fixould propofe td the belli erent powers the efUblifljing of a congreft,- sn wnicn in uiiicrent concerns Doth ot the powers at war, and of. the-neutral ftates, - -ftiould be examined and terminated." And thefe concerns he afterwards mcntionljo be the pacification, ind the fettling a marn time code of lawt obicds truly important, "and meriting all the folicitude manitcfted on the occaGons by the king. . But thefe ftepi of the king of Sweden ferve s additional proofs that the principles of the armed neutrality Were not confidered by the tartics to the maritime convention, as Tanciioned by the exiflinglaw of nations. For permanently to eftablifli thofe aflumed, .principle!, by introducing thtm into a ma ritime code, was obvioufly the influential motive With the king fordefiring a eongrefi, 'at which fuch a code might be fettled with the auent of all the nations of Europe. But this project did not fucceed 1 nocongrefs was formed j the belligerent powers made peace Hift. armed neutrality, page 77. j- Marten's Treatife, vol. l, page IOJ. Hift. armed neutrality, pgcs 147 i;o .'-:VL-:H .,:-v:L;:L:vaM - -, : . fset - M- -V-' ' f ; : V- - ' . -- - : ; M i . - V...- . .' - r :- V ' - .' ;L-V v .' :.'(-': j t t -: :' ' " ' ' . .... I .. i . " ..... ,. .--r . ".J - - - - 1.. 1 ..... " I it I T 1 V fx ' ... , I. ,5 7 1 V 1. M I