II 'ft II fflTtJsvWTL M I NG TO N G AZETTE. No; 9. T H U R S D A Y, MAC H 2, 1797. Voir. , : f A. Hall has for fale, Wright's new and complete fe of Jesus Christ, 40, ornamented vhb twenty two elegant copper plate en gravings, and containing a more complete, authentic, ample, accurate, iulruitive, univerfal, and full account, (freed from Popifh fuperttition, and other errors) than was ever before publifhed, of all the sreatT facls, relating to tfie exemplary lffej me ritoribtis fufFcrings, arid triumphant death of our G Lo.ni bus Redeemer, A Cafe refped'mg Brwifii Debts, lately , determined hi the Circuit Court of the United States, for Nonh-Carohisa diftrjet. A Supplement to Iredell's RevHal, with and -without the Private A&Sj, the whole ormkvg a complete aflembUjreof all the j As now in force, from the lettlement of this country to the year ijoc. Margin's Jftice. Dp., f reatife mm lift on the Turitdiclion of Jufti' Report of a Cafe r 1 j 'J. J : 1? :u . ; lately ,cciueu in i aycucvjuc oupenor Court of Iavy; wherein the following quel . ' tionsare diiculled-and fettled, viz. i. VV"he ther, in the cafe of a lealed inftrument, nattefted by arfy lubtcrrbing witnefs, the Hhand writing of the party may be admitted in evidence? 2- Whether an. action of debt lies Upon Tuch an inftrument? A defcription of Occacock Inlet- Chart ef the Lawof Inheritance Political Dic tionary,. Proipect from the Congrefs Gal lery. Addrefs from Robert Goodloe Har per to his conlUtueius. Art of Manual De fence. Together with a variety of Blanks . rVwting-CJmce, f eb. 10. F 6 R S A L E, . A tract of Land in Chatham mtnty, on Haw.river, corrfitting of 450 J acres, finely timbered and watered, with a good houfe, and out -houfe, liable, and a good flat at a valuable ferry, commonly called Clark's Ferry , on the main road from Fayettevillo to Hilllborough. It has a na tural fine mill fear, the race about half done, the dam and fiVodgate fioiflicd, tint ber for the faw mill is hewed and at the ipot, fome of the grift mill timber is got, and thirty thou (and bricks at the place; the neighbourhood is a plentiful wheat eountry, where a good mill is abfolutely wanting, as the Creek mill in a dry feafoh cannot griud, neither do they grind firft quality flour, and no oppofitiononthe river within fixteen miles It is alfo a good fitu- ation for a diftUlery. Much mote could be aid ith regard to its favourable fituatlon for a mill. A credit will be given. For particulars apply to Henry Lewis Latterleh, Chatham county, or to Edward Jones, E14- Attorney at Law, W liming, ton. .February o 6 vn - . . . . Twenty Dollars Reward Will be paid to any perfon who will apprehend and bring to me, at the Her. milage, in New.Hanorer county, a negro fellow nam. ed YORK, who ran away lait Tuefday, without the leafl provocation. He is a likely able-bodied negro, about five feet 9 or lo inches high-he I peaks plain, and 11 extremely plauitble and deceptions I am told be has been frequently hsrboured at the big Bridge, and it is fuppofed is now gone up towaods Long creek or Black river. The laid fellow is outlawed', end whoever harbours hire will be profecuird with the ntmoft rigour. JOHN ftURGWIN. Hermitage, 4'h February. 6 blank BILLS of EXCHANGE May be had at this office 20 DOLLARS RgirARD. Ran awaj from the; fubferiber, on the iorh inll. . a s Ov t : a negro teuqw named, oti. :PEO, formerly the property I if George Liavis, inquire. iiie auove reward will oe gnren to any perfon who will apprehend and deliver mm to the Gaoler in WWmington, or to ' Richard (ince. February 53- tf ! - i i V ! Ten Dollars Reward. RAN away frem the fubferiber, a negro fellow named TOBY ; hadon when he i went away blue jacket and jnt afy cauas troufers over a pair of blue ones." He U well known about Wilmington, having had the command of a .ightei- for fome feara paft. The above fellow will 'probably attempt o get off in fome vefly , and pafs aa freeman by the name of ElKfs s rrtaft(r'6vefleli are therefore charged not to con vf .-him' away at their peril. The nbove rcwa with rea fohable charges will be paid, on his delive ry to a public goal, or to the tTabTpriber in Wilmington. Ak B. Toomor. Tannarv 2. 4 tf At a meeting of the jConlmifli- oners of Pilotage and Navigation for the Port of Wilmington, ORDERED, That all veflels arriving in this Port mail WftriclW examined by -the pilot1 who ay bring fucn over the main bar or New. Inlet, and if arty lickneli be on board,. Inch vcilcl or vefleb, if coming in over the main bar, Audi not proceed larther than Bartery Hland, and if at the New-inlet in like cafe, not farther than Five Fathom Hple, where fnch vefiel or VeBels (hall remain until veporx be made by -the pnSt, and perm i (lion be given in wrhing from the Coinmillioneis for their coming to town? ORDERED, That all veflels from the Welt-Indies and Bahama Illands, that may not be flopped at Battery-Ifland or Five Fathom Hole, according to the Intent and meaning of the above order, fhall be brought t a the Dram-Tree where fuch veflefor veflels (hall remain until report be made fey the pilot and permiffion given by the health officer in writing the captain crew and paf fengersto remain on board until fo'-h per miiKon be obtained, under the penalties let fdrth in the Quarantine Law. Fubhlhed by order of the Commilhoners, WILLIAM NUTT, Clerk. February 23. Fifty Dollars Hevwd. CTOLKN from the foblcnbcvj in Wil- 1 O mincton, North Carolina, 6n Sunday the firtt inftant, a light c,rcy HoiTe,,wjth a dark main and tail, his main cut, aboanij and an 1 hajf hands high -likeWife a faddte, bridle, and a brown caoblet great coat, lined with green baize, and has claret coloured bafket buttons. The perfon who carriat away the faid horfe, &c. pallet hy the name yf DAVIS ALE, utherwite DAVIS ALtEt.; he is a boat 26 years of ate, $ feet t: !ies high, well made, pafles for a fdiool and finging mader. He has palled by Tarborough for Edenton. Whoever will take up faid thief and horfe, fo.as the" fellow nnty be brought to juflice, and the owner get his property, fhall receive the above reward, ,or twenty five Dollars for either. J, R. Roblnfori. January 19. 3 tf N. B. It is requeued that the printers of Newfpapers within the United States, will infert the above advertifement, as it may be the meant af detecting fuch vil lainy. VOSBURGH & CHlLDb, (Windfor Chair-Makers, from New. York) Refpeclfully inform the citi zens of North-Carolina, that they have commenced the above bufinefs on the fouth fldeof Dock ftreer, near the wharf where may be had Windfor Chairs of every defcrip tion, highlv varniflied in any colour, and ornamented to any patem , alfo, elegant Settees of ten feet in length or under, fuita-. ble to either halls or piazzas ; garden chairs fuitable to arbour A few moments reflec tion will convince a difcerning public, how far preferable chairs muft be manufactured in the flate, warranted to be both well made and painted with the bed materials, to thofa that are imported . whtch arealways una voidably rubbed and bruifedf and nine timet in ten are bought at auction. Tbey red their claim to public savour on the practical and esperimental knowledge of their profeflton , and with the large flock of materials they now poflefs, will be able la eaecute any orders with elegance and difpatch. They are determined to make it their ftady to pveafe, and do jtiftice to all. N. B. Old chalrt repaired and painted in fbxh a manner as to be both neat and dora ble. February a FOR SALS, A PEW in the Church. Apply to JOHN BLAKfcLETf . Febroary aj. ;:JBE NOTICE. Ordered, by the Commiflion- ers of thetown of Wilmington, That all perfons having any m.iit?, Ipars, logs, or lumber of any kind, laying in the public docks, or flreets of the town, remove the fame from thence in five days from the date hereof, under Penalty of twenty-five centa per day, for each log, fpar, or piece, fa remaining after the expiration of that time And that hereafter, none to remain there more than three days, under the fame pe nalty; to be recovered by warrant from any one of the Cummifliouers, and to be applied for the ule of the town. Materials for building, and laying near the place of building, are excepted from this order; for a reafonable time. And that the Town Conflable be, end be is hereby empowered to enforce the fame By order of the Beard, J. BERNARD, T. Clk. February 13. I$r NOTICE. A meeting of the Wardens of the Poor will be held at the court-houfe tin Wilmington, on the fecond day of the enfu ing county court in March next, for the pur pofe of qualifying the wardens, fettling the accounts of the late .wardens, laying a tax for the year 1797, making regulations re fpecling the poor, and building a poor houfe for the 1 1 of the paiifh of St. James. February 1. Taken up by the fubferiber's people, a Ihip's Boat. The owner of which may have her by paying the ezpence of thie advertifement, giving a fmall gratuity to the Negroes for fecuringher, and applying to Benjamin Smith, belvedere, February ai. FOR SALE, On board the fchooner Amity, Benjamin Shaptey, matter, lying at the Market Wharf, or at mr. L?ngdon's ftore, Jamaica RUM, Ath proof; Holland Gin ; old Lifbon Winer Madeira do. Salt Window Glafs 8 hy lo and 7 by 9; warranted Wood Axes; MuOin, and Muffin Handkerchiefs; fine Checks; Print ed Quilting, and white do. together with fundry other Dry Goods, which will be fold very cheap for Cam, gcod Pork or . v . 4 S nice. Kbraaryi6. 7 3 4i

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