HA -m - MINGTON GAZETTE. - - - - - No.. 14. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1797. Us IGE ALLMND HALL Has for fale, at bis Book & Stationary Store, corner of Market and Second- It reets, MAGNA Charta, Beer's Nifi Prius, Lawyer's office, Practice in ihe court of common pleas, Law of evidence, do of & condition?,, do of ejectments, Joof ddtionsoji thecals oT torts & wrongs, rfb. of bills of exchange, Modern convey -atirVr. Comtfion law common dI; ced. Burn' julltce, Barlow's do. Martin's do. do. trea. tile on the Jurifdi&ion cf juftices, Treatife pt affairs maritime and or commerce, Com. pleie attoi c'v and lo'icitor Lex mercatoria, Klatura brtvium, Philological commentary, Sheppard? precedent of precedents, Ba 'con's abridgment, Lilly's do, Dtnver's do. Nelton's do. Walhintrton's do. Douelas' reports, Bunbury's do. Fortefcue's ditfo, baunders' do. Raymond's do. Vaughan's do. Hatdre'sdo. Cmke's do. Burrow's do. Saikeld's do. Comyn's do. Andrews' do. Strange's do. Cowper'sdo. BUckftonC's do. WilfouVdo. Modem do. Coke' do. Rt -ports in chancery, Wot d'. lnltitutes, Ca ies in equity abridged, Jacob's law diction, ary, Heme's pleader. Statute at large, do. abridged, Martin's collection of do. Obfer- vations on the ftatutes, Swinburn pf wills, Bartie's cafe?, Cafes in chancery, Vernon's do. in do. Latch'sdo. Huileraan's convey ancer, Interpreter, Brownlow's declarati ons, InUruclor clericalisj Green's bankrupt laws, Cook's do. Tenant's law, Inltitutio legalis, Law quibbles, Every man his own lawyer, Charge to all grand juries, Englilh pleader, Feame on remainders, Douglas on elections, Grand precedent, Morgan's plead -r, Complete fherilf, Englifh liberties, Lill)'s convey ancing, Burton's exchequer, Gilbert on replevin, Highmore on bail, ,KMtoMr.jite and mtt, L-w equity, I npey' practice, Practice,-Supplement to Iredell's re vital, with or without the pri vate acts. Wright's new and complete life of Jksus Christ, 4to, ornamented with twenty two elegant copper plate en j. ravings, and containing a more complete, authentic, ample, accurate, Jnltruchve, aniveifal, and full account, (freed from Popim Uiperltition, and other errors) than has ever betore publilhed, of all the real facte, reUtuui to the exemplary life, me. riturioiij fnfr. 1 .ns, and triumphant death of our GU)Klb(7f Hrdrfmbr. Harrington's work-, Bolliugbroke's do. do. tracts, Pope's vorks, do. odyffey, Cop ley's works, Lucas do. Howe's do. Field tog's do. Smolleti's L flu y of England, Macau!ey do. Kapin'i do. Macpherfois hillory of Gr?a:-Britain, Hillory of the world, Univerfal do. Brown's hoftory of Jamaica. Hilt's do. of Foflils, Leland'i do. ot Ireland, Voltage's hiftory, Robertfon's hiitory of Scotland, do. do. of Charles 5th, Hutchinfon's Maffachnfetts bay, Wallace's ancient peerages, Unive rial dictionary, Sup plement to do. Poftclthwait's dul.onary, Ami north's do. Johnfton's do. Kenfick's do. Ramfjy'a philosophies! principle, Wil. fon's lurveymg, Foriter'sdifcounes, Inde pendent reflector, Puftendorf law of na ture, Groeins on war and peace, Anion's voyages, Vayages, Ha wkef worth's ditto, Chalbsllew's travels, Travels thro' Spain, Brydon rour, Pennant's tour thro' Scot, land, Moore's view in France, do. do in Italy, do. French journal, Ducball's fcr no ;is, Add, Ion's evidence of the chriftun religion, Morfe's geography, Warton's hif tory of Englilh poetry, Prior's poems, Mir ror, Umverfal library, Rf markable fattrei, Dangctous connections, True mentor, Bi ron s narrative, Annual regiQer, Nellon's companion for ieftivals, Character of nati ons, Dialogues on education, Wird'a ana thematics, Miller's gardener's caleikiar, Stuart's politicaloBConomy, Peiegtone Pickle Letters irom Switzerland, S.yflenof ora. tory, De Witt's maxims of HolldWI, Watt's logic, Locke's pieces, Sidney on govern ment, Salmon's chronology, Gordon on rebellion, Patrick's commentary ,nd par a- hrale, neuiord 5, icrinture curonoiOMy, St and's view of deiftital writmfsj, Xite of Garnck, Tarleton's campaigns, Cs'jileman inarudted, Old Cattle's rf inarktjgiiNt j tl,f value ot the mines. Effay oUTHf ar-isak, Palladia's architecture, W hole at- Vton, Gee on trade, TKom Ion's feafpfa, Hta& ton's poems, johnfton's 66. Nigfcttybogbts, Memoirs of the batlile, Wingave'iarithn: tic, Gauph'sdo. Guardian, SteMena Shake fpfare, Poole's annotations; Poltocatf dicti onary, Art f manual dtfcnceVAafe rev fpefting Britifh Debts. lately determined in the Circuit Court of the Umte $taie, lor North Carolina diltricl, Report 6f a cate lately decided in the Fayettevttfe fuperior court of law, Apolpgy for.thehbte, face of Mafes unveiled, it. &c. and 4 puaiber of French, Latin and Greek fchpol Bpe-ks. Alio, Maps of Kentucky, Tentiaffee, and the Weft.Ihdiej, Writing paper, blank deeds lawyer's declarations, bonds, appren tice's indentures, powers cf attorney, (hip ping papers, protections for feamen, bills of exchange, nvuivelts, bills of lading, en tries, warrants,, executions, &c April 6. For St. CKOIX, (To tail the 4th of Apr. I) The tall fa ling Brig Salacia, Eli m Noyes, ttaller. tppr pafTage apply Vth mi' ter on boaW r Marcho- wfHK April 6. The above brig mould have been advert.fed for Si. Croix laftweek, in. fle.nd of New-Providence. FOR SALE Bv the fubferiber, cheap for Cafh, About 37 M feet of werchanta- ble Lumber. AMTHON B. TOOMER. March 30. f FOR SALE, . On moderate terms, Beft French Rappe SNUFF. LEGRO, March 30. In the ally near mr.Carr'i. THE fubteriber, D. LAMBERTOZ, having 00 band l'undry articles o Silver plate, jew elrv, &c. in tends io dilpole of them by the fallowing apiiSMiS of aJJ I TEtlY : rwzts. uol. cti i Silver foup ladle 14 1 do. do. do. 14 I'ttpi, iMt Tpoons pi 69 Mdn,do. do. t-liwvua fpooBS, 1-2 doz. do. vith do. 1-2 dux. do. with do. t doz . do, engraved, witn do . 1-2 doa. do, do. wiin do. 1.2 doz. do. do. With do. 1 doz. fmall Ipoons engraved, 2 filial 1 pap fpoons, 1 pair men's fhoe buckies oval and eferantly cu, 1 pair do. do. tquare, tonguet and anchors, 1 pair do. plain and lets, t liiver watch and chain, war ranted good, I do. funk wheel and pinchbeck chain, . I plain filver watch, l pair 1 tdy lilk itoekings, ' I do. do. 1 do. do 1 do. do. 1 large gold device ring, l lets do. do, 1 lefs do. do, I do, do. do. 1 granate ring, 1 gold do. engraved, 1 pair filver knae buckles with filver tongues and) anchors, 1 pair do. bra Is tongues, 1 pair do. aWl do. I pair do. do. 1 breeches buckle, I pair horleman's piftoli, l double barrel pun, l lmall gold locket, 1 do. do. bread pin, 1 pair gold ear rings, i larpe gold locket, warr hne gold, 1 do. do. do. ditto, 1 lets do. do. ditto 1 lefs do. duto ditt l ditto ditto ditto I cold ditto imported l ditto lc Is ditto; 1 pa'r ilver Qoe buckles," pen work and Iquare, NUT-ICE, The fubferibers have qualifi ed as executors to the lail will and tefta ment of Mrs. Margaret Beloate, late of Wilmington decealed. All per Ions in debted to frid eftate are requefled to make payment; and thofe who have demands, are required to prelent them, within the li ne limit ted by an ad of affembly, enti. tied ' An a to amend an act, entitled an acl concerning proving of villa and granting letters of admbuflration, and to prevent frauds in the management ft in tertatet' eMitee.'' JOSMM 0. WRIGHT, Tp . SAMUKL R. JOCELYN. JExr4 March 30 4 THE fubferiber having taken that com modious henfe nppunte the Church, lately occupied by Jofeph Frilkh, intends keepings boofe of fcntertaiumenr, whrre gentlemen may be accommodated in the inoft genteel manner. William Mitchell. Newbern, March If. " - - - - 0 j0 Q O, 1CL ditto, 8 Dollars 401 84 46 pries. The above articles will be drawn for at Toon a the tickets can be ditpoftd of they were chiefly made by the lubferiber, are rated at the lowed colt value, and accord, i ugly fubmitted 10 the infpeclion of the pub lic, by tber humble tertant, U. LAMBERTOZ. Wilmington, April 6. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN a . ay fome time ago, a mulatto fellow named ELIJAH, about feet 7 or 8 inches high, wall known in and a bout Wilmington, was fome time ago talu en atSwanibofO'igh, has to impedimen in his fpeech, and tne lower part of his left ear taken off ; he is a good Yhoetnaker, and will probably attempt to pafs as a freeman. The above reward will be given to any per fou that will deliver him to Doctor Hill in Wilmington, or the fubferibers at Rotkey Point. W. DAVIS, April 6. tf T. MOORE. N. B. The printer m Peterfburg and Richmond will plcafe itlert toe above. ; V : -JSJ M':r: r'wnni.r---:. : - -.- - r-rvM j m with filver'" ; Z,:. -r ''" 'vSH iZ I ' I a I 5 1 4 4 1 ' ' 5 14 ; 10 ZT . d anteo 1 18 ,8 . m o 1 .t- . , . M io 9)

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