HA L L's IV I L M I N G T ON TTE, T H U H S DA Y, APRIL 201797, VuL l.J GEE Z E IRISH HOlfcE OF LORDS Tuefday, January 17. LbRD Dillon laid, tha; durmrr the re lifh'd twicea week in aBelfaft papsr(The Northern Star) ; it was but an echo of what lords, and you will obferve that Ireland, not connected with England, mnft be con was pubhfhed three, times n week in a Cotlacled, with France ' and in preferring futh 4 connection, 1 heiitate not to lay,that the. .- I ' Mltl , lilt III L U ' WliU. 1 1 C I I'J 1 Ul RUUII , there nad appeared in certain ne vipa-I , , ' , . ' -peri; one or winch he had in nls hand, a . . . ,. tT . ,. V i - u .1. i- u hree times a week in the Dublin Evening jpeech purporting to be the tpeech of -a . ,-. , . -, , j a , 9 v 'oils the property of thelaltinentionen pa- irrtfat Itateiiuan f 'nrrox), in a unhtif coon- V 1 ,. 1 . , . r , 1 . . , , ' jcr was veiled in the court ol chancery, trv, and to have been delivered in a ?teat , V; .. c ,r ,, - .ir j c u u 1 .mi that court eon d no;. Interfere to pre- ki. ik i..If ;,;ve:u its inifcanduct, orrt would longfince , ' 1 . 1 . , . have done io. I he iauie murcprelenlation authenticity, but 1 am confident,, n it be . . . L r 1 , T . .;; t:.i " ,r ft'fk.V- Ireland, the lame male voieuee to .varus '.;mi,,...ix.-., ,. Si i.',1..; ... m 1. - - , - .Jlvilflnn . Vva. -.iM.-t -.- Mn ..KilMiitill.: 1- rn,M..iirr. Ill iiM Qi m fibril I,1 T I1 i O " be paued oh the legiHJture ot another cpuo- try. theie pipers publifhed. My lords, laid he, T. ... .! 4 .11. t' .!... I r 't ..I. tr i-rt.wh..r rrrlhU. th.r flfic 11 13 l" .uuv u, UIC. UCIttr ion OI. pcun i-iiP.i ...;; k -'umi y, iu.it wc arc w .acrmoiuiHK- hiii" j iU W UCL1U13 Willi U . , , i . . . arknowJedgmcnt of its impropriety, and yet; " f'"', . perfeveres in what it admits to I wrong em?t o! vfi0Qi: 1 he I oag )t is not neceflary for nie to read more ths one cr two paflages,. to roufe the indigna, lion, and provoke the reprobation of. an in dependent and iniiilted houte of pari i a ffieM. His lordfliip then rend from t'i)e Courier, txtrads from a tpeech, prof e (Ting '.tube a Ipeech of nlr. Fox, and aftertincr without any qualification, of terrm, " t'lrai Ireland had but the Ihadow of a legiii tint". 1 do lay, laid his lci'dlh-p, that ibis fallacious picture, was calculated to eu courage an "invalion ; 1 do fay, that it mutt bave 'operated in iiliiug the ranks of the ar. my dcttiiied againft Ireland. 1 am not hurt as an individual, by the libel on the Jnfh lejiiflatuie ; J lee) for an inlulted lepifla lure, and tor an injured country ; I rrnft-l poilcls as much patnotil'm as any othtft man in the country, but I trull I have not thai inordina'e ambition which would induce nn to eirtam weal tn :or power Ijy oetprrwt-t divans. 1 am too old for l.-i'oour, but 1 am io.o proutl to live by .publ c contribution. 1 anprt hepd, niy lords., that we, as an ln- ti' pcntlent legillacure, have a right to judge at ti act f r oiu lrivtf ard :h;.i it ;s as nnpro prr for any other body of men forming an allcmbly, however relpcctuble, in any o tner. ccuptry, to interteie with u, as u ould be in u to interfere with them. 1 cannot ht!p leeling with concern, thaf ib cuuutry has been long made the fontflool td ambition, lo gratijy a party in England in its political power. What but a iK.figu to faenfice Ireland on tbe altar of party, could dictate Inch i libel at fuch a time, . hen a delperate enemy were making pre. partitions for a defcent, and when iuiernal commotion was fpreading itlclf through an t itnfive province. Tlie loid chancellor laid, that he youki not iet fatiffadion it he gave a u'ent vote on niefe rrfo'.utious ; htt did not intend to trHuaO on the time of the houle.by dwH ing tn the tii -en:. ilt ones ot tie late attempt ci me ehfimy to invade this country : ihty ar.d the-atidciQU& at psiacc ot Ireland has been facriticed to a party in England, a party in that country has ei.deiyo irtd to drive the people in this to delperation, ud leiuinie mat tncy cannot cjtect.aj revolution tltere, tl.ey try to wound England througi: the medium of Ireland. What was the peop e of this country would be a beo1te- people; and ihHigh, fotonce before Uung the fwn exprelTion I was reviled and 3bu- Xed, no cal.mnnv lhall ever prevent me from fpaktneas l led. Yet horrible as fuch- connexion, would be, I fear that there are too nianv difpoled toward it in the pro vince of tJiUer. Such" indeed is tbe ilate 1 f Harprvvvtne; thrl fear ir will fe mK: ceffary for the legifjature to dEvile nxear furt'8 of precaution during the pre let.' t lefR- rcn; wfcJt thele. mealurestiftay be 1 cannot tind rnke to 11 1 e , but certain lain, that if lu-iK inc. i nrr-, are not adopted, nuichi blood-, will be IpiHcd in that ps'rt'" of tte kingd vn. 1 am well allured thai: there are nwgiffrates in th t province (and if I knew 'h irnanui they Ihou'd not lung be uiagi flrates) who have trained a new Outh ol dlegianee, which they adiiiihilter.'to' the d-lu.led pfop'e. According, to this-'oath coudttct of this party in The viceroy vthe cuke ot rOi tland bv his majelfy 's com mand, lent a mtHage frTp iriliMveiit ty kniw what w.'re the caul e ot the ferment wjtiJgUnce t-a conltiTutidii of which a part n which .the count r) was agrtaicd1? 'I'he per la home of - co'iimohs not eJecled as they bumrne and political fpeech, rerTj intcreft is, that we find it adopted by the Due tuny' and publilhedin the oflicial depariihem u'f their own journal ; and the tun.uui i: th.ir they have lent anew envoy, tvitk oilers of peace to Vienna. -'.."..' " . . ' Head Qv aria s at mtm9 30 NhofS I certify tTr.u in the dUftrctit battles wlncfi iave raken place fince the 19th Nivole to lie 27c h of the tame month, the lilt of Au drimis taken pnt'oners ot war, who have paill-d in review, amonnts already to nigrf than twenty thouliuul, among-whom are; fyven himdicd cavalry, and that freft pvi 'onerS arrive "every riioment ; that tbe e. netny have left ns lorty four 'pieces of can non, wiih their carriages, 3II the hapgage of thecoliuiMi of gen. Provera, aud all the tlajidards of his coi ps, part ot vhichweie broken by the enemy. I certiry that, in purliiance to the ord.-rs of the frentrl i,. chief-1 have inu idled .Rev, gener'al ot di'vU (ion, with the t Inn ge ot condiictin to Gre noble the column ot fventy thoulinid pri fonei s of war by convoys of 'three thonfands, machin-rat the tlittanre of one day's jour' hey aie not 10 be bound by any !avs but!nc anl "'let tlie efcbrt of the jth demi uu U .as. they approve, and not bear aire fobs who atfumed to be the popular leaderi, let forth in anlwertb.eir lift ot grie vances the principal ot- them, the ulurped poei' ot England to make US tb bind Ireknd. li s niaittttv. m anlwer. declared his With J j ' ; to accede to the points ol their addre l hev did indeed profets, that grat.hed in hefe pointsj they would (land or fall v.ith Grei Britain. Be tore, the end of the let lJoiv...Jbuj.w.ty.er, they discovered that Hie bmple repeal ot the acts which gave tins poVer, was not fumdent ; the tntlunen vho had been applautled on one day ,iUr imingin r it lot ward, becanit unpopular the nex;; and thfiy clamoured tor a rt-iiuncia- tion of power. 'J he exij',encii s of the em pleale. To I iy nothii 1111.110 O li.l mIC n 'V, . . . 1 u . 1 i neie t(:o,puies 01 tlie Draye arnivot lialv n e lb much calculated to afford an aoi eeahli furprife 10 Our moll faithful fjpientls. that I msi ot ine afiiiiaitdl .htni- 1 1kM..Zir.A tun. .1.-. 1 United Irifbmen, avowrdly a&itated t tfitation bv thij ollicial reci.l It.-:: . 1 -' ' 1-'. , . .. . i .... . f ii - 1 uipporr tne errmy, 1 win rccai loom f.ordihip's reco'Heclion the d-ai.ftig inlclei.ci ot dome of thole peifons in the great com mercial town ot -tic 1 tail,' wneie a me e tint was lately held, at winch refclutious of it reafnn;il)!e a nnnre were entered into, a' to make us amazed -t the mildnets cf gc- vernment in not punitlnng the amhori. By the fnin Pa ctor, Cn.jn. Ktmp, who ai HJltd ai New -I Oik, ifi 38 clays from Lor. dim, t tie tollovinj vas ieceivel : PAR S Jmtury 2 if. ffi the Council ot Ancients, t orn readifi 'hi 1 Ml f ed lour regiment ol bnciblcs for the de icnte ol the country, a new l urce of com unt was ojiened, and every ki. d of cal umny thrown on his conduct. During iln next adminittraiion (!rrd Tcmp'i'.s) ibt (amc fyltcm was purlin d, the cognr.ancf tome trde lui:fl in V( Ittnu.dtcr, occabonci anew the demand ot t length granted Found, ami the demand became tunVcitcti Mi.o j reform. To obtain this reform a in - htary Convention was aflcmbltd, bearding she parliament, and rt had the modelty io fend the demand for reform m?o the bcult hf commons .at the point of rhebayoreti - lis UUeinperauce d;flro';ed its intent, and the requetl was treated ami deferred. In 1785, . .. jtL. to. . 4-4J . I l . pire required. mat K ne Ot the tn Ojis lht uldP"' '.lc' Mou,ipaice atiu Deiinjei, u.e lie w itluirawn, av.d UitJuceroy having rail grati- (Sintd) ALEX, bertiijlr. re fuflicientlyk.iowu tumake every giwdf ,u W 'wnfr arranging the mdeof .ne ;wu cntin tries, were rcjccieu, as irercllioji 1'ian m the land gratetul to that divine pow ft, by whnfe interpofition the danger had .-f averiecb His lordihip laid, he held a Matiifetio ot general H. che in his handJ wWreh if Was appueut, that the enemy oiniwuui ii;tf t n war. n ivt-r-d bv nn-,M o 1. j Dtimas. Chi?ej! RcpTcfcntdtsves, li'fmene hie inlm inetl of the details of bis hdt v ictoiy ; before we are iuipuiiniec! with the manner in which the forelight ol the valiant Buum pane contrived tojiivplTe he Imperial geiiemls in the double liiares wtncii 1 lie v bad prcpaicd tor b in ; before d ici unciation, that walhinu' has l" 'emeu usv ith the record ofthe ;a new onevai Ce wJ'!,c" V::;:ic.lU ;" lA anns v,'i(U ''i'"'' ,,! Ur.L, rni.A '!Mft"ja mul dernled the hue ot Italy, let o. haften to publifh bin- gratitude O ' liiS'UiT.ye, tliis invincible army. Mantua ntidl, tbouer or later, fall ?nto nurliftrrdaftei iliisdecifive battle, 'f he cntiri nt Vienna, width appears very receiuk i lia'.e r;jetrted new overtures tor negormiiori in bop:?, I v railing the blccka. r ol Matuna. jfchlflgii i i.f n-ljieclive filiations of iln: cotitracfiig powers, ind dimii (hittg th value ol oar co ontfltr, may H.per it felt isrith 'ftreferviitg lor a few days the bulwark The D'u fo v has appointed ofii.inl Ih'che to the t oiMiYand inTfcitfinf o... iij bl tiywhfiyj aUtiNle which was uovthonallj ivtn to gen, Morc.iu Rc- ilatein. J iiiiary jq, u'eafli re thai Matittia every quarter of an horn firesaiipl 0f dillrcls; ti.at lioujut- ai te tranlhiittcd to Wunnlerihe detail off3 uc Isrft viiftury, and l hat he f'un;inoned it to 1ii rentier: ib which W-uwnfef replied, thac beeciutd hot deliberate uponihellete be wa$ .i) l; Ketltl tSi?t;eiai1 wen- t ir i,'lv i.-.. by an Auitnan fi.. er Seniine-lle. We luarfr.in birtielrfoVff ilfai that place i iivKH j uaxeoi rftflTe. Allalonatbe nihs or tlie Rhine enuenclud camps camps are I 'fun .11 I I, II, M.. ' W - 1 . - - - , . - . . . to conliue thistjuai.ci 10 flciti.nve war, in 'rrler to make Italy the piincipal ihcaircof unenfive war. Letters from Switzerland mention, that the roads in the Tyrol are covered with u jtiians, whoHy in ltranling parties, alter having lolt or 1 brown away ihtiraims . Feilct. LONDON, Feb. 5. An erpils 1 1, nn hover, bioiipht us lafl nighi me molt importani papcis which have hu; u I ... 1. anv ueekatiBtii 1 irh. Tin v ingan account of u brilliant ferieiof lories V c muA 1 fcki to xite fhut-l iwim.iir aivi ii b Cuoinuai'te hbnfelL and thm mmi ' ' ' "vlor tlie A inn i i rtnl It hmnt. Il n. n. ' r.n text wen: molt of them adopted in fpirit, feou- to m now. without any debate WTiar-pjfTfd on the flic null ira of tha D;rr -v leavr, ., nelancholv occalioiiof 1780, is a tii! iufther doubt that rhe new arthy drtt tried to lave ...... w . i r 1 a a it .1 . - . ...... r ttt hroiht toourcoalt wuhilie hope ofpro01 ot lhc 'y11"1 r diiu nou ot the two waunia.atah hazards u entirely dedroyed o . . I ... u : ..U L . . u. . Isiii.I tv 1 .. a'1,1. ... ..if .t. ........... .. . .1 . . xt ended i:n ictittti fubltance Ik-nl J iomed hy our countrymen ; and I tfrorg'y ere they adored ot Inch affiftance, that ft ts I (act, avowed bv the rreuch nrr'invirs at Cnfk and "Kuttle. there wen - en bnard the flrei no led nan 5000 dil mounted cavalry, who exixifted 10 be fun h' with horles hy the people of tln rotffnfy, the moment they made good a' Jn c'n .i. I here cannot eMit a doubt in the mimi of any rational man, thai the dc4 fee fit by the enemy was foliated and nego imitd by traitors in the bofum of their 0tVtry Ths manifeflo by general Hoche it ddrefTed " to the army employed in ef frvftnp a revol.itiun in I -rland.'' ' Hislonl- fhip then read it. It be in by nd rming ttir truu;, " ti.at thry vre cholen tola tllitate ilW revotu'ion ot irehnd, already undertaken by excellent republicans in tha: country 1 and aher libelling the loyal tv of the connt y and 1 numfraiing the gr evancei ot Iriihtneii, it g'ves a potftivi afTuranre 10 me iroopt, that on their arri va. in Irelaml thty w.l! be reccr cd wiih hafpiial'tv a--.j fiaieruit). It adds, tlui er a republic one and indi.tfible with it .nice. h- firen errded. iht Irtlh will cm) a iy the invincible ! r' 1 to Lon .). where they Wt pnu(h Pitt.' Hh ioid l, p ohferved, that this addiefi wai prc ith bai e fee in the newfp.iers of tHHc.ur.try, wfa cn call ttieinfelvei patn .it ; .t was b .t u ii . f vhat W31 mb countries, which has been fo lonit aud per. r1' w arc 'o aflure the iiartou, and to ' . . . I 1 J . ........ fevenngly adopted. Lvery bo.ly has ijenr,nKrm,," f on-le.vrs.tiiat at lait this jMetie ot ii.c leroyrd IUV III l!1i ! cnewr.l UU Haute nei t ft the manilcllo, lieiiedand counterfi ncd,bi?f P?" (f,,e poflilfinn-i of the fcmpetor in mbkh the govennmm and tlie ptop c of L" ' ' "ur T" S? L?2 , j B ,1 . . n 'UI P ,W(r to prove us value hv piiflelhi i' r.n ' ano are cnareu wuu ot. ucraic anu till. .Ai , .1. ' Ii ll.m nlr ii (1 m In il'l i iu li ir 11 a jnr C... Ijllhlll.llb uiiig.i. iv v.imvi ftin. .uy illll loll. confequeiice 01 Irfeland; btii this was not Itnalle, to the extent of onr w inir t their gteatelt inteniperanef ; the report of dilliihute ic wards, let us at liO i reftht to the drna'cs in last fellmn ot parliament, c0-i"f oeietuiers Hint ol which ibry ne moil tain luch language and luch chargei., foun 'eaious rue eKorclhon of the national gia ded on this opinion, as would ddgrace Bill ingfgate. When inch is their conduct, what wonder U it that (he people ol the country lofe all refpect lor their repreienta lives; ttfattney adopt opmionr propaateo by clubs under luch men as mr. lone-, apd that the y believed the declaration ranch men as mr. Tandy, ho wis by this pifiy elected into their choice It f c ry, ;n a mo moment ot phretuy, by acclamation and who has proved bv his eonduci, an cqu-l anSiety at leaf! to lobvcrt ai d rt publican re the ct nltuiitii'U and country? Hit kirdWp4 alter nianyilri(iuicon mf. l one and in Unit, d , .ill urn, atconncclrd virh ibe po Lt. Iiics of the Wni Club, proceeded: W h iboutd it o iceru, much more why Arnold 11 diltiad this country, whether mr. Pi t or mr. Fox, the duke of Portland or the ma' pti of Landfdo u, be in power in ng land ? We Ihou'd, fromevcrv tinumlUnce, adhere to a connection with England under any adihiindratkn lUcur to tue map, my itudc- Let n. here thank oen. Bounanar te and the atiiiv of I.afv. ror onlv twrmf.. be) have anquifl;ctl and defeated the Au- Hrian army, hut alio becaufe tlnv hae imoothed thewayfWr afeneial pe.ue. Thi isihe luphrH triumph which the govern Mirntwim h the nain n ran prepare or thrm. Suthisthe mniimenr winch u h ourtntkio raife to 1 hair elm v Let us prove that weknuwlinwrn offer ut kuioe that peaie which it expects i that !(. not able peare which our fuccrU ferine I i ll and equitable fnnllanceiwl, it ti .'I accepted. I etui, in fine, i II wltat cota.'r r""" ill it., n will be h ffiricnt m tr, y r Cfly, (iiire we ate sktonont bv n ar.d ho f of genu uei rViier for ti e fe impottaiu actions. 1 i.e in is, thai l!uoi.np..i io Las ib pan of the Auttrii.n ai ve times has the Ltnpi roj o;ed army ; in ibe l.dl in 1 t dftei mined mntinau.ini tyaftd rdmoft of cxlianrted defpair, was t- eitf .l In niake a viiinirm nifivmni Cnr JetiveraUre of M, ..1.. 1, IV lhi;,t ..!! In, frontiers, he railed forth and animated the oiii fpii 1 ol )!, )H' irj . the youth ol . hi n.i v. , roolcil , ti.r I hiu'iftin-riif of he court, i.s v II av;heir .i.aiiual loyally, o entei 11,10 Miliuiircr Inutalions ; aud 10 hullen (bv t Npeoiiio'iiHy tlie teiioits were tuoumed in 1 r. . ai.,,! diln.uefed bv pull. Ii. fl.ott, the hdvaiien of ftiaMua was coufidei id ;i" 1 1 t' Ittil llakc ot the Kmneior ndkii p, ind 101 il. i.s every ibiuc was lo Ue hazardcl , lor 1 bii ibe pi op.. In if, us ol ecu. tl.itk wa rt 'rtfted 1 everv i.Mer of an m- inillicc w as idufed and we hae feentioiu the late German lonrnala thai ihev hx.knl with ; feci eniifldef.ee to the lucceis of their tnioh o f. vri t IpJ ihis eneipy iy mull I hi hi l.i own lhc i 1 victories ails . I rrove that the mrPt be pjitMtd and lillribuied, fix copies lo each meatbi 1 Adopted I This would be very important of it fet1', though it would feive to (hew tl at a part of he afte u.bly at lead weie net mated oy the triumph, to the friftfo!.-er of the molt tarred doty of every tationtP Inciul to mankind, but ihu which tHettbil i'e. P" 1 M k 1 s. Whai a ) tfon " d to un ions is ibe refnb ot V' ti.it a dteadful refponfilnli ' ; incur, which, frtfftlhe, 1 1 it 1 s, flints hieai ap.ni ir ol pe. 1. ! Onr readers will id with u.r mrrc niHllnei ot thr'.i sve 1 here fore pul hfli the oftuid 1.1 1 ' 1 ti i .1 u aj.a uanlai.1. 1 1 ne pubti M c alluded to, was HcUl rtetaSh h I hit wtckl.. r, Co.. the mellcuaer. was fent nff at - v - 1 f o'tlofk iu niiu fiom Lord Gttiisillc'i Hit", ii dilpaube" for an Motion 1 1 W . jttt S i Ambaflador at the court ot 1 They are (oppofed to relate rn hi h-ne ol aftnirt in Italy The ' cut muit tiatuiatly be an-