V Wens, lie 7k L Us IV I L M I N G T 0 N G - A Z E T T E. No. 35. THURSDAY,. AUGUST 24, 1797. Vol.m.J 1 , i 1 't LONDON, June j. From the molt corn et information, it appears that the exact fore of the Duich fleet oonfitU of no moie than leven (ail ot the line, eight frigates and a few floepi, and sdcftiued, it is fuppolcd, to join (be Breft fleet. Admiral pure 1 was to hve failed in tauefi of the Dotcb fleet, but the crews Jv brought the flips to the Nore. Jr is hoped 1 hat every difpute will (boo be fe rticd, tod tha: the fleet will lail imaiedi itelv. mm t . A rd round to .he Nurita bc.j with hve imp cf the tine. A' Ptymourb where it wasfuppofed eve I ry thing was fettled, the feamen on batur day came on fhore, and behaved in it.e moft outraoeous main cr : rhev brcke the O I windows of two houies of ill-fame, and entirely gut'ed them : they alio commuted 'many other irregularities. r . f 1 lneie has been a mtwirr among tap fc.dierin tiiegrnfon at Plymouth, wli ch Vwhcu difcovtrtd by the commanding cfii- ler9 all the men were ordered to appeal ton parade without their rms; tne ring leaders were then feked, and.iL'bordmati- I on re flared. The artillery ill Woolwich War rerf have I followed the example of the feamen, Bd demanded a retire. s mf grievances, a?d ad :. in ere a fe ot pay. A council was he J, aft irter which the Marquis Comwallis let jnfj for Woolwich, when, by proper corteefjs a cms, the mutiny was quelled, and fome of the ringleaders confined. N The gallant bur unfortunate General iKokiulko is arrived iu the river Thames, Ion board a Swedidt veHcl, attended by la many robin cniccr, who .ire goiog with Mym to America. He is t e vi rely wounded mn tie be.', has three bayonet wounds of tv , ttvia can p.rt ot bit th: Th rartied dm h - 1 .. c uc -a it g tot tnemi thole wounds ocoIkii, as i.e ca out move himfeif, he amuies bis boors ttq drawing landscapes. Thefe woundihe received while lighting the bat tles ot itis much injured country. He fpcaks ?kb the moft live'y gratitude of the preente.ipVr r of R dlia, -and complains that tiiv ootids Were long neglected atftr be vi. as v ide pri firmer. In the battle that d-termed the fate of Poland, he p aced the ocl s on tie two wings, anil took himitlf he c mmaud of the cenrrej w hie. cj.iujtlc ol new levies and ceiftn The Ttte&blcs firft gave Wayi the centre m-uifced us ground under the au.pic.om valour if the General. This great mas det earned not to turvive his country, and Ihur, but alfo marched a ftroni ga; rifon in to the place a meafure which I fliduld coi finer in set f bcftilitv, hut that I dread to renew the etiuilon of bldtid.' It appears that arr expedition would be undertaken agamf? Erglaud, by France, Spam and Holland. Thg jendr of tv.t Batavian deputes to Paris, is lobbied to have this for its o!jec"L Aconfp:racy has been lae!y difeoered at llftrma, confiiling of twent)-!our per fonf, among whom were fever al of the nobj.'ity and clergy. The duke pardor d foK , .p? the rctt.ha tj refieiveaj u ir-n o be hanged it was expected that the army rf i5 naparte, would evacuate the hcJe eultria utfore the 15th ult. Ime and tout frigate, has failed liouJ 1 ou- A veiW'y rived at Do.blin from Boi'ir deaux on Tutfday lat, the n-aiter of wljrch iTer, lite previous to his departure from France, traniports, laden .with' a: n iid iWliiary floret, had failed dnwtr the Garonne, for Breii, in order io! ihtr iieet at that port. B MUTINY AT-SHlpyNESS. 1e commeocement ot tnis Sfegreeahle buiirlWs vvaof tf.e 12th ult. and be;?an in the Sajprawich Kuard-fliip, at the Ioie, t by the people getting on the ftirouds and ! 1 ... . ,, iving't,nree cheers, which was aiinoit in- I ltantincoully followed by the other ih.pi ihe-euit! at Sheeroefs harbour; the rcwsvjfjjk the immediate coaimand of their refjeCive (hips, sppo'nted couimir teet, aird rhey rove ropes hi Itrrorem from the fore and main yards; the re us an im mediate co.jhnunication from the dim r. nt lips, ardgthcy appoyircd the .band ich to the theafrr of their detibei atious; u.e ac cordingly appoint. d two dejeutes from each co u;n ijmigc -n rw;..'d v. a: r.t mi verl inwt j " -t iiwe o toi k, which ilelegates had poverto act and reprcfeut their fliipi' compjn es, and fbte the pn vate grievance of each iiiip. In th meai J tin. e the cres fent iuch of their officers on Ihore as-.ihey laid had, by their tyrannical 5 lite different articles read, he faid he bad no power . 10 grant any of them, hut faid he had no doubt the lords comniimoners of 1 fe admiralty would grant cver thing rea Mi -able : the two lafl articles he faid would ic-juire a. length of time to difcufs, and he ft&fed rhey Wouid not protract the buiinefs miiitiu on having them immediately .ett:ed. The lailors then infiittfd on hav : a beard -cf admiralty held at Sheer &u. , 'J hefoHoVnrg ts a correct ftatcment of hr deiiiands of the tailors : .rt p That everv indof nee pranted V o 1 ft:" H-e'ajf Por-f n.-.;:h be efted ton s .virtj i.y .ucjtcts ferviiig in the fleet at the Nore, wd places adjacent. r.. That every man upon a hip's 'cotuii g :nto liarhcur, fhail have liberty, a ctrtain i Umber at a time, fd as not to injure the ihi. 'sduty, jnd fee their friends ard am;lies, a i.c$i enknt time to be aiiovs ed to .'f 1 Ulan. 1 " " i 3. 'ihar all (hips, before thev go to ffca. v1'1" be paid a!I arrears of wages down to lix months, aceojrdi.g 10 the oid rdks. A I f a I l.illl'ffijilr l L.'i.-c I.! ,..1 of any of his Wajefty$ .hips mall be em ployed in the fameJhip again, withcUt qdn ient of the fhtpV company. 5. That When any t-f his MaJeftjH liiips f be paid, '.that may have been fomeHnne 1 An anfwer, figned Peter Parker!, Pre fi de nt, was fent on more, declaring their de termination not to come tD a nv-accommodation, unt.l the Lords of the Admiralty ap pear at the Nore, and rtdrefs their griev ances ' The laft letter from Aheernefs, brings the preafing intelligence of the probability of the difturbances at the Nore icon being at an end. The delegates had fpecified ihcir wants which were now reduced to ah ad vance of two months pay to purchale clothes, ?nd his msjelly's pardon. Com -miflioner Hartweli undenook W the failors uli be .i'l agreed as to their rq ie4i to r?i ocecd to Cvndcn with their petiro 1 and he expreffed himfelf i:Ot d ubrfni ci obtaining tor them, the pardon wmch tUv.y ibheited- ' . . I , ' J"he 3. Our aeeonnts from SlieefMffti m a; d;f trtlTrng as eve? . The actt of vtolence'cotn -in.it ted t;pou ihmc of the offices at e s lmo. t too'flicUjr.g for narration'. On T'uuri iv-stw.-ycdn ofin-v .iV'ionta.gjue vras: MiTrvd end ' fearbe? ed, 3r'-l in. h'at cendiften v.-as" ; twcd ryuna : tie nee . xie was a-ne fevejst tiier Cificers of tl,c ih.- Silert'cfs. cane. a : KniSJir. h.iwevcr p, is -daraiaed j-y -board cf 'l.-a Knii-'h wiih'.lvfm. Xhfi'r-.hriifti.ioft ir.ow. J. conceived. 1-ur cannot ne' 'defet-tSeJ. 'Pv vliu were dtiekei: on- i. t.oiijuiiliionj, if there are any or ; dj that n.av not be in riled mei- the g'-iar lesci; midfhipmen of the . Thu. fday, and fo.i tliie i'Mru-H ' j-ei-ei !e of psmertf, rhey ih M receive two j conuntti'ee otdelcgdt on ths advance to 4uniitU riiun Mta msr the deie claries. j mfr; a poeia;vf&,tjo o. 1 hat an indemnification be made any f ' ' L: ; ' nan v.'hn nii --rt U ! -. - " " " . . rm . i I 11 111 M V 111. W III. . 1 I I I I 4 R4aje(lyK naval fer vice, and that they fhaft 5 i or the hcjl; fr-' nci vei three- sJozen '.- U . : i CI -.e s en t ot - : . rt e jo i j f : .'r ; i ; IP. i e v 'liable to be taken up as dclcr- ot be 7- at i more' equal dinVibution Ke prize money to the behavimir, rendered tbcu.ijelves obnoxiou to trnn. On Saturday the 13hV infrant, there were four delegates appointed to go t Portfmouth, and confuft with tbeir bre thren there. 1 be inflexible of 6a smns. Wv 'a v. nat tne aj civics crews oi his mips aia xeiui or wJir i wcr. as nowt.cn forced, require various alterations, feverai of which to beexpunged therefrom ; and if more moderate ones were held forth to leamen iti general, it would be ihe iiiealiSof taking eff that terror and pre judice againlt his JVLJelty's icrvice, on that account too frequently imbibed by feamen, from entering voluntarily into the fervce. The conmittee of delegates of the who'e fleet afiembled in council on board f -' -a - veriio; c which was lying ax B'a'ckflakes, unmoored tfll til piftoi to bis own bead! If mil - aod be was immediately made his MajeRy's Jhip Sandwich, have unsn and proceeded (tfflhe Great Noj e. lettint? I moufly agreed thji thev vt ill nor deliver at defiance a MDort that was ipread, that upthcir charge until the appearance f the garrifon atheernefs intended no fire ome of le JorJe commiJlioner of the on tbem if they attempted to pafs : as they admit alty Aatify the fame. palled, they gave three c nee rs which was! lo the aoyve demands the admiralty tiiit the Piiicf liigrf.iui as ;if?y we their grievances, as they would. bring thhsn once. This as" cu.iH', wiiich fhey wehH fcarr I tt-Ofik, rive Seandiiru, iVpc:-i.?. L: i,3i and 5 wan, got' under wih, janri nbb&miA ar equal diftances acrofs the nioirh of 'the Thames. . Soon after, fevetal ve.ls lfahd ingdown the river, were obliged to come to an anchor near t he Chips of t he m tnineers. TLe Monmouth at the fame time moved her birtfi. The prefident of tne delegates nowliolds his office only for a day. A frefh prefident is chofen. every day, V L On Thar (day the officers of tlie SandwjcH applied the men of that fhPjSfor levc to go iyhore. In unfwer to this Replica tion, they immediately illued the following paper ; " Sandwich t No-f, junt u "The committee of dfljrtoftea of the whole fleet, havefinally detenined that no officer fhall he peripitted to go on lhore until the return of the people vio are at prefent detained. We are well- convinced of the conduce of our officers who are on board' f re:orned bv the fnie iijjfcber from the I cave for anfweV that the fifth article hd-N t iT t-.-ll- i n-jm .1' 1 1 1 l l f i. 1 - 1 A . i (uvcrcni nuia.5 ana veuers in tne nai Dour, oeea orjore coniphea with that the 2cf and at the Little Nore, excepting the S'. fnd 4th arjaclcs could alone be aufwered Vo frigates, L.a Nimfa and tlena I r lOrer.Zo fnoaic, wli:ch the Inflexible per hy the cfhtls, as occatn.ns recjuiied :o tfir Tohn Iervis fleet, had a lew I ceivinR, immcdiatefy fired a oun loaded witii I the 3d and ctb. t9ev faid the preient atfrs of . . " . r. . . . f I - . . . ... I if. W - ' - f ious, laiiUcd a riea cargo xrom I round and grape thot at her, which went I parliament were tufficient that they fhould inah. Mr. ivlutr, who had made I fo dole to her as 10 carry away fome of be paid as thefe acts directed, unlefs w from Bo.any-Bay, taken on hit. I her bob llays, and lodge a part of the I urgent occafions prevented if and 1 La Nimia, frcai the Havann ah, I grape fhot in her cut water. Thinrsre I Very ehcourasenient wowid be given to by the hrlt Hioc which was fired 1 mained much in the f.me if ate dntij Oatur- i volunteers as well as to feamen in general I cer vvoi:i theyWere thus iid'ukine and de mm rv .:i . mi a . . . - ; a . . . . : . . - -- itJntur in ps. 1 ,uy tne 2orh following. mm to the 6th. they laid that that muit 1 e SraoinS- Yefterday at noon an'offireri! .wasjarrieil round the fleet attended llyboac f rotn each fliip. It was fuppofed" fi r m if e wailla of bueeriieisearrihmrthat it was ftimt- nffi- $ have ben received of a revo- 1 The delegates of the fi;et after mee.. thefTect of his maiefty's clemency alone ; Tif craqes brought by the failors a hrPfprit having evmced itlelf in rhe ling on board the Mlich ererv djy, nd concluded with informiujr them of his a,nU tiie'r (Ilcers &e. -a-e inany,in Jblou enpre of China. The inhabit- I went with the boat in proceflion to J.heer majelty's pardon, and a reSthmendation , JRV?" lv- aravred ennrely ot the hilly country, fituated about fnefs, accompanied by a band of mufic : I to the officers to burvia oblivion all that I e ow- -l.r.l lVu! ..r..!". ir I iv-iii mi mwiSj himj IUIIIKH'1 III C ' :SCIvS i Tl 1 ' is tral v may py for their fituatioit Oti-OIt wtne u'..es from Canton, have expreltcd I the admiral's boat bodied the bloody flac I had pilled ... - . . 1 a 1 1 .11 . v-. . .. .. if uilcontenl at tne old emperors ap- I 1 ney examined Ucic quarters, and I law I After admiral B.rckner -had Ati&.mA I commred to rhar nf rhnft- whn fcV , I 1 1 1- 1 . - " - M V I - r w v imunent ol Ins fifteenth ion to fucceeo I mat cne licit people were well aitended. he f'creo-oimj let er to th tmVlt nf th it: . iL : . ei.j t l ri a: a . - . i .. PTa-r lMm on me tnrone, ana nave inuuea on tne 1 c puner s wcwaro ana Dutcner of tile I Het, lhey were allowed only ten minutes m a fe l l , I C mTS . I - . " V right ot promigemture, declaring that they I opanker noipitai imp, at iieerneis, were I o conlider and return an Vnfweft m place will acknowledge none but his eldfft fon I ducked and lent on Ibore: the former the of doing which they took to their boat for tner future lovcreign. oouie large 1 unois tiidrgeu wnu acirautung tne tikof f went into ihe harbour, & brought out al. a quarter ol their allowance, and the lat- 1 the gun boats lying thereto the ureal ... .....1 ...... -U f- . C - L " . r I . t - C " ibe nutwiciiii iu oocaici.ee; um iac 1 uuLuug mc im n tne meat ociore Lore j they then as they lay, to mew camels ol" tiieir numbers, Htd the ad van - I he brought it on board. their independence, fired at the fort of Lge of their lit nation, have hitherto ena- 1 On Friday the 19th inft. the delegates Shesrnefs. The delegatss then fent for returned from Spithead, with an iccomit anfwer, u that nothing could 9k Jettd till that a report having been fpread of the tnree of the board of aJm raitycamedovn to French fleer being at lea, the Spithead Sheerneis, fleet had ieferred rcdreifing their gries- Two days after, on the 24 I1, they re ances in order to meet the enemy, and in- ceived a letter irom adm ral Buclcner re- eh viable. cue of troops have beernt to reduce Jl . vlyjU.T.rir. r l..l.. . Kk.i. (lit. krc of their fiiuaiion, have hitherto ena- . . i" n . . m. cd taeai w reint, wun lucccis, ever) t of the regulars It appears by tne orders ilTjed from ge neral Hoche, that genrI We meek has A rV.m aril ... vCK.yv M 1 1 I j:eu iw iicu naa oeen agreeu ooaru- in communicatrour oetweei mips and the Ihore is now entii off. i he following is a hit oTlheWrs ax the Norr and i the mooth oti the Thames. Three or four of th number,' however. are well difpofed, but" thefe fhi,p3 are kept in the midlt oFthefleer, anl arsvobliped to conform to the orders ot the delegates. ' Sandwich ; Montague 74 Infiexime 64 , uireeror 64 j jNafiau 64 i 6a ; Bel"' liquexJU i IStanelard 64 ; lVon 64 ; Mon mouthoV, Ardeit 64 y Terpficborea ; Ir!a 32 ; Bnlliant 28 ; Frofernine 28 ; Pyladea 16; lnoe5tfr 16: Swan i a fnmpr t a n' 1 1 -. - t rr, --T-f r i Grampus (fl. fhip Serap'ts d. n canaries Orav commands tn perfon the, garrifon of Sheernefs. The difpatches from Vice Aonv.ral Back. ner, at SheHrttefs, contain mteilicence of a given on word honour, thar rh I have redreued. which madeeuht articles. I S inotnrth.r in.,. 1 rr j I moft unoleaia;u nature p. - j- f, i v J ixit.ki v vuvwui'ti -aliu C VLrSllf' O i -. j r: Jkf ary f the Satnbre and I The port admiral, wee-admiral Buckner, a hope that they would avail themfelves f tw degares who came alhoreyeC Vl:Ir, crtthat city, lo pur I appointed faturday the loth inft. to hear h.s majeftyN pardon rath-r tiian e I ceraa-Vr f"0.011 to the fommiflioners, were tlaruclca-they ftood iCed of. I ihem5 he accordingly met the delegare J pofethe He defired wht artiv ordered rh. ti.. ... I 'a 1.1. j r.. u I .uwjwcvimvjcutw wnicn r rhem to rep;Hiron board their (bins, aad eot- e- - ue.onooarotuc.aaiiwcu 1i.crieaiigi womaiovy. I full their co.nmhrc- aiwl irJw Ai.ft.,.;kr . v.:-k a. t , - R .. . . - .od , -upumci thit trancklon 1 tended fo refume the bulineis when thev f peatimz the oiler of narddi,. tellmo- th,n reoiain a neutral dt. HoctJe. in I returned. This the failors fay was all the! that the admiral rv hd refufo.) rn km ordsr fays, that " Werneck I intelligence thev received 1 in confeaoence ! KarH Sh.mtc .k .u a:j 0 ,lr-, 7 I . J? . . ' ' . . ' . 1 ' vi.tr uiu rjo: npiiirr.i---- ... i.or war, after I tney ltated 1 He grievance they wifhed to j mean to encourage a repetition of demands h-mw . ' uuiiour, tnat tbr I 1 4 t f