r I .! b '' rn -r formidable than pe. It w be mot! mporfVnt iffa'fi ol jr,. i re c uc r'cd wi h lecrer ; ih .- ,t s.v rnnitn'sis dilbofrtS ti ; th " r. r public r created and dctt;oed I sre miiipro1' and divided rn, fed he i c : "i ut"n a--, gVefrinieiJ &c. ekienMv , t 4 an 1 ; -.5 tlnjre th it it e huule of Aui , having tk n up traxpta dtiiroy ire . Jhmh rrpu' '.a h is found nr. ans to th- ino its troops in t ilUtitig its amoitiousde- ii. ns. - . 'We sre ;iTired h t the dire &ory has H minatrd a, nunilier tor foreign affairs, Tallerimd PeritH id, the ex-cn ftnu nt ; ta miniHer f the marine, L. Hoche, the tx minder S the republic at the conrt of Btlin; and as mmifter of juftice, pefmu tvrn. the ex cdnftitfieirt. I is added, that II keen Ramel at niiniltcr ot .finance. The Kedaaeur ol ytfterday, contain the follow in, official article. Bulletin of the Teltgrophe, jrom lijlc to Pa Th F.nolifh, Pleniootentiarv is arr.Ved - " m r I th seveniiiff at fix o'clock, 'it L'lle. fMinudl CIIUt'PE, E g. Teh The revolution ot the republic ot Genoa is completed. The Ex Doge has been chofen Prefident ot the nrw municipality, and appeared tor the fiilltime, on the 17th ot tuns in j ublic, decorated with a red and white tcart, the only myrK. 01 miuuuiu! sccrrdincx to the new order of thing' . K revolution has alto been tflecle,d in the Valtelit.e-jnd -Bormia. The people of thole countries intend to form a t'eparate ftate in alliance withy the Swits Cantons and in cafe of nor.-acquieicence on the part of-the latter, they propole to join tnc Tranfalpins republic. The following pieces have been propof. ed in the municipality of Venice i!t, a projeft of a proclamation to the G--eek na tion in the Archipelago, inviting them to fluke' oft' the yoke, and re eltablilh by their union with the Venetian people the former glory of the Greek name 2dly, a letter to the Patniarch of the independent territory of Montenegro, mviiini him to lead the brave Montnegrines to democracy. Gen. Huonanarte has formally informed citizen Alietrandria, a mcmbfrof the directory of the Tranfalpine republic, that Mantua witli It dependencies mail form a depart ment of the new rpuhlic. The territory ot Venice ha.s been divid ed into leven departments, vrz.7 i, Urtf- cta 2, Verona -3. Vic.nza -a, fcoua, including the province ot Kovigo fti tre 6, Venice, including Tievdo 7, Fiiuli. C ant Bert ftofF, the ctlebrsled minifter cf Denmark, died on the 3d of July. Court' U of Five Hundred, Jx'y 10. Bom don de I'Oife procurtd the adoption of a pr c& tor ret ailing to their homes the unhappv cob. ifh ot St. Dom'mgf, who have taken retime in the United States or w r t r elfewhere. Th fe who are in France will be conducted thither at the expence of the republic; and at their arrival 'Hey will return to the enjoyment of their eflaies. Tt is in f one. of whotn w fji'tf--Tlt who'e 'aceopuetl m o ruli-esi uin tf wli cli briif viiuini itfa ofwau 1 itjon!. Dvn Frat.ciic . Lam c'io.was tvi AU li ed up, and j.o ac c rn! habien recti ed ot Don Autouit e ;ido, who was with him. J J,e viMape of St. IhTtTS, which is rear tol acuna, is fvvahowed Ojt ; in this pljcc here was a lchool with upwards of torty (.hildien whoh.,ve fofTered the f , rrie fite. - There are ddferej 1 reports relpttftinij :hf vilbge of Anbato ; ii ib laid to be like wife in ruins. - 'lhe famous efbte of Marquis de Mira flores on which wa's a cloth n;aiufi6jtory, ul his horfts and' an elegant church, are ei;tirely deitroyfd, ni.ny lives lolt. C.ilera, an ettate adjouimg the Marquis's is .(wallowed up, and lcarce the vefttge of a houie to be leen. i Ahque?, SaguVt, Puili, Fachuchi, mid other contitltrable villjgtsand ettotes are entirely ruined. 5 Ma ch a che, Al.feaci , A in a gi 1 an af A'iva f, and dther yilljjres in .the neighboU: hcod oi Facungahave levered great damage -iVut a church left Handing in either of thete places bur's crrtmire5!oPs to his flovrrnrre-nt e l the Vattn ie, capture d St; Vj-; en ' c n r ni d not! irg on which acorreCt opi.n in cT J-e iia:e ot t tie meetmp rouiu if oii Ctd; and ttat a tf (Tii;On ot belli it.ti. had Dot been prccbimet!. Tbe enmnt -t ins in Ireland aie lubfi ling and tut na'val muiiny was at an nd. - 1 he tri il of the mutineers on the Nep tune com unit ct : and about halt ad(Z.n had bten haiiged. .... The Bri ifli, jreeular trows in Ireland, he waft informed, amounted to 6o,coo j whiih, vvithri' equal numb j of embodied vtry thing quiet. .- ; ,. - II . till IIUII "MILU it-, vi, w 1.1 1 had (led fo the molt jitter 101 jxn t ot the hut hour. Exi' urt 'f i I tt'fj' w Lrvnr " The lift Pott intoinis os, thai Cadic is I tmcrtcrfv BBSS IS flret. 'Tlwti:m ; The mpumains ot: Calopaci opened in leveral parts and iJiueu arrat qnanti.ies o water : a fmall hill near to the city threw up vail beeps of (tones. This earthquake lsJaid to be much fr verer thatrthat w hich happened in the year I75S- To add to the general confternation ar Ouito, it was affirmed the nt-v day that an inhabitant of Guavaquil had brought ac counts of 1 4 Enahth (hips having arri'ed there ; certain it is, that a perfon who canie thence, puffed en to Gni'mcube, where the Vt-iTcJH i) r re LISLE, June 29. NLW.YORK, September 6. The lattft advices from Euiope repre fent the political horizon-, as yet cTcmdrd wuh hoflile appearances. The rep' rt o' phe limning ot a di finitive treaty bt t v em the tmperor and r ranee, at 'Monteheho 011 the 31ft of iy, whicii was Itated in pefitive terms, Paiis and Haciburgh ac counts, is now known to have been pre ma ruj-.e and the negotiations are protract" ed for real bus th -t can only be coiijtMured t-by crcumltancts". It the Emperor delays the final conclu- lion of the treaty, he mutt have tome know ledge of changes in the cabinet of I ric nd y courts favor a b e to his view i. or he has espectations from feme revolution in France. QUITO, 6 h Fehuary, 1797. Some arcounrsof the dreadful efF fti of the Ear h.iuJke at Ojnto and ittneigfa ocrcond, onthe 4; h 11 Itant. The dreadful cal. inity began at Quito V Kali p ft 7, A. M. ard hfted, from the b"(l calcination, upwardi ot three mi utes 'J tie elegant college of St. FermJtlo ,s in rums J he lare edihee t ianta Uomui go is o. ti.h 1 ..h.v damaged , the grani tower was broke into m.my pieces, am) a number of the cells entirely de(liove the (lulent's fcho' l is in ruins. The high church of Del Carmen, one of the molt e'epant tacrtcs tninis puce, is iota. Iv demoHlhcd. The tow er ot La Maerceti is nearly in the fame (late; it has beet ordered tube nulled down. 1 he churcl dc U Conception has lulfercd condderabl damage ; indeed ail the bell Tunldings o tb- place are dr ftrcved Nine of the low build ng have received any damage. At 1 Ktungi nc ejrtl quake began foTOe timepatl 7 oMtitk, A.M.andiic adtatll D of the rarta ontmurd until 1 o'clock, p M. leaving the vilhge entirely in fTrrflf not a building beirg let ftindirg, excep an arch m the great Iqurc, and a part o a neighbring houfe. The people who have perifhrd are in numerable the churches of Sr. AugtdTn i-nte Doroingn and La Maerrcd, WfW crowded uh people heirmg nut, nm The minitter otths interior, Benezach, has written a letter to the municipality, in which tie engages it to jollify, b; it? zeal, he confidence which me direchry m& ho- nnird this city, in chwfing it k r the place ot the negociatn ns for peace, about to be opened whit England. The imi;ic;paTiry 11s pVilithed the lollowing proclamation Oil this lutiiect The Muotcipal Admrniftraiion of Lille to its fellow citizens. tf Citizens, "The plenipotentiaries of the French republic arrive within our walls ; they come to plant the olive of pc;ice and labour a' the great work of the pub ic teitct". I he plenipotentiaries of England will join ihein in the commune ani br n w.th them all the pac fie dfpofnions which will re-a in mate the hope ofteetng the tuudon of hu man blood tapped 01 giving new life to igriculture and C""nnercc, and to efta- ihlhing the happtnefs fo long expected by the French Kepublic and all Europe. 1 nele circumttances, to tortunate tor the "rieodi of humanity, of order, and of pub lic fel ci'y will exact from our ttliow citi zens a flight lacrifice ot their time and their labour. But the lacrifice wnl appear hghi to them, when met tll be the nnt to reap the advantage ot them. VVitnout waiting for the nquilions wdtn circum- ftantes may render tu-ctffary, we flutier onrfelves that every 1 ne f our fellow cU tiens will lend his allitlance in j ying to the KepretenUtives of the two nations all me hojiof, to thole whom t vo powerful rivaN. willnn? to b-tome trumie, have cholen for the purple of brutging abodt the corum n happmer. Our fellow cits aens and brethren in arms are infoimrd, that the local national Guard of the com irnuiCr willjake up arms on the full fian! oiven of the arrival of ihe minitl 1 of 1I1 to nations j that they will be received with a difchargeof the arnllery of the pltct, that me troops of thr line ard the nation iiiard wdl line the road In tn rhe gate to ihe hab.t-uion diftmcd for the Mmittr rs j I and that there will be a guard of honour provided fcr the rclpcclive Hrefidents of ;he two legatioi s. J here will be, be tides this, a guard flationed everv day, v. h eh will be feguiaitd actor ding to iirtuin dances. ' J H (i.ven at a fitting held on the 25th Jtiie 179?." BUi) 1U,, . cpfemncr (. LA ITSl FHOM fcUKOPB. A gentleman is arrived in town from Klftfalf, Irelanl, via. Newport where he anived in 19 days. He informs, thn he London accounts at Kinfale, when hr !aded, were as late as Jn!y 22; and that It is hined in foreign papers thit the cabinet of tfuma had acceded, to the En f,t rn's viewi, &hgned a treaty to aid him, a few days before the figning of prelimin:;- rif-s'bv rnnce th.irlts, & Gen. Buon;tf)irtV How f.ir this lugettipn has founda icn in 1 act, we pretend tiot to know (T ennh cturc It tcUuded in fact, it may account tor the fc'iiptrjr's tardinefs in concluding a ciefini live treaty with Trance. The prufpectof an explotmn in iht-hea'i of France, may have feme infiutnee on the cabinet of Vienna ; as the combined now rs have always retted their hopes uon the enemies of the revolution and the fa&iofi whicii divide and ditlrjd tfie French ctun cils. 1 The death of the kinp rf tiflin, an event eh.il v rxprcffd from the ill itate ct hi health, may contribute to retard a final nedCe ; asthit tv -ut would probably h fiiitnce the tte of Europe the expected lute In r of ih it Prince bwing known tt emcr.ain political views d fft rent trumthoie of his father. 1'iie vews of the French alio remain a !ecret. 1 he r .imo:ton cannot he or lint cd, . nd the ttrtng'hof their armies is rqual in aoy f nterprize cn lane. It is eidtni ihei eh sheen a ciangc of viev s :n ihe Legiflwlfve Councils lince the rUcTon ; bin the pacific pT.cy of 13 rthiUmy alone, op- .l . . ... iL . I . poieu 10 me moil violent ai a zip' runs projects cf Hew bell, Carnot and Barrah, in the Directory, 11 ay not be able to ilent the torrent of bold tuJac cus atuinpt.' fo puih ftill further ih humiliation ai d diior g.n 7au n d I;. 1, rope. . , It the 1 rench mean fo urfue the idea of re vol u loiiizmjt I ii.i nd, uiiiib is n t tmprobihie, their enenng Hnon n'jcci- meiti has 'been ery ftv'e r.pwai. s of 1 o-jo iiiliaUttatits have fled hotu the city. witdeb hasbetu IV 11 on fire in fcver-.il places. I lie ttiwn ot St. i3ar s, on the main, has ren canto red" . . Ex'.raB of a' letter jrom Meff. Bin tley 6 Son, aateu imy; id. 11 The Blockade and Homh u dment of Cadiz ttill coniinues, to ihe j.;rtat injury and detr-iment Otthejr tra!e. CADIZ is in V long- & -6 lat. :6. 2f. a city ami port town of rhe pr. wf Andahdia, in Spain, fit. at the N- W. ei-n or'ihe ifland orLeoii,oi i.yon,c.ppoiue rop4)ri St. Mary 'g (intne coininenr, 270 miles S. W. of Ma. 011a 00 111.0. u . or iscyjoe uwd 45 Jsf oi Gih: altar. The ifland ic Hands trnon rr . 1 . i L n , 1" m lengui .mom is iii. iiie v w. end about b hnnid and the N. W . Pllli Wlici atli. ....... iu(oflMrior Wifii fhe coniem by a bridp and with rheoppofitc ihore forms, a bay 12 m. long, and 6 broad ; but about the mid dfe of the bay are two points of land, one on the conunem, mid tlie iiiai.d fo'neaiv together, t bat the -Tons oj)(n them com mand the paflace. The civy hasabour 5000 boules in it, ai;d.btll foieipn trade of ny town in bpaut, for the jlallcrn.s aimiuiily take in tluir loading liere, and return hi ther witti ihe trealiiresand ridi merch-rj!i7e of Peru and Mezico. The ear! of tftex in ine year 15c oiaiidtd on the ifland, took the town plundered it ot a prooigii rs trcafurv, and bun.t the galleons in the barium,-. iHSPtteerA PIlILAIbXFFnA, AuitUac. ":r- . AUTHKNTIC. The information which has been puWifli ed in fnme ot the lu-wlpapers, that toe American .troops at the Natchez have been ordered by, the Spanifli governors to quit uiat couniiy, is .without toni'datmn. The latefi intelligence is to this effect : I he long dthivs oftiie 'Spanifh' eoveniors to exc-citte the treaty bet warn 1 be United Mates and imain. and nr. :i furcrilimi nf Inrii uiefier.dde pretexts as could not !ectie the j.iotis at Ltlllf, it a mere feint to CTvTf i eir t ... yp.'ct iiic-i oeligi:' ; liue tney are pi ole of changing .ill the govern- iTv. ihey mention the Crminntaiion of the ne trociationtat Lfle; but (bat nothing deci five had been agreed 1 i hat lord Manuel- J Cadlt s bombarded tfae town, Ulut- coin. i' the u n.eiits m l aiv , and rrepanne to enter up on (he iaiiiephn in Spain, Portugal, and iJie i.orthof h.t r..pe. Iuderd itiitar front" heirg mpn.bjhle, that the real vie stf il e leaders in Fr wce.cx'cnd to tot il rcBQVQtton oj Eurtpe, or lubvr rfion ot the prelei.t forms of govirnn ert, ri,d that all the parade a bout peace is niPile lolely to amule 'the pre i nt goproniema, uq.til the FrencA armlet ball attack and demoblh one g vi ri inthi ?ter atxvilitsv.Ai d thus . bjL.jjuea'-.injral. change the whole llrocturc nf the pi lit dl labile ol Lurope. Indeed ilnsmay he (ho' to be the only mitm.ii'e latciyot the French Kepublic 1 f r the t relent governments Europe mi.il I c all hoifile 10 that K'pubhc, and embraietveiy coiiven;rnt ppcrtui tv 10 atinov iisltrencthaiHipnlntiiu. The French ttwy therefore bn ve tluir caii power and conlequencc, to depend m he uttef eaiindioti t the m . rchiea of L -rope; and tn.iy be tins gradoajy lie ttroy 11. g them, and (brewing the nations into mall Hrpiil.hts, vt Inch will be .Uavs weak, becaule divided. A proud, fubtle, Atie, in rumg nation mJ fuve rhelc Mtennve M.w&, nd Gcd only know, if they have not ibe power and the yv ill to car ry them info effect. Sepicndev 9. BOMBARDMfcNT UFCADIZ. An animal at Bofton from htfbfii, v l-irb j riM thence July ao, dates, thai I rd Saint mrem, (Uie Jei) with a fleet of lo (Allot the line, gunboats, &c. had entered leatt v.aiy and mfgrtned of the inhabit ants ot tnc Ni.icliez, rave ureat uiieattnefsi wbi U was mcicafed b the Sj)ainari rein iorciiigand repaiiing the forts at ihat place and toe Walnut Hill. t he inhabitants geiferait) wck- impniient to come onder itie goveiimtnt of the L' in red Stales, of whjen they tonlidered then fclycs citizens, A g:eai ajd-e:y otiju idcins on li e pa?t of rl;e Sp. i. raids, and tx.ra prothin anon of ilie iiaton deCar.iH:idet, 01 life itU.f Msiy, whltti the udial iutntsMcv rd Atjittle fhoit ot dee laruntn of v.ar jratj-U the Uni ed States, had w io gh their ui". i itpMo a nigl )iun. In tt t. : ; 'il, publicmh d, u In j te ..i (d iniire(Iioii epuld nor tll to pi ou net ;! cxp', Ik.i,. 'j i,m 1, a j peited on lite :orfi 61 jtn.e. A V...r prcaclter, and aiVSzcii ilu b'nitctl States, wat taken on icii c trivial pretence, and confined by his legs in the Spanifli fort. Ttiis was lonfittered by ihe people as an attack upon the privileges ot the ettiaem f the United Mate?, within their oyn acV.M wlcdged ter httory, ard evidence nf a determination at jII evenri, ic eitfotee wi;h rigm ttie lavs ot Spam, both ciil and rtUgitma. Under ti.isimpullion, the inhabratts Hew to anis aid the governor aid piireipal Spanifli oflircrs io.k rtfiige in their Uivv In three or lour days, Governor Gajofo requslVedan interview nhMr. fllicoir, ot vhuh the cbjfi't vas to fall' on (bine plan ol ; rcoiniiindation with the inhabitants I his Mr. hlticOit I ad unifoindv taeneJ hinilvll to auomplifh : and af'cr fomr days, it vvt.tffictcd : mid he and .Lieute nant I'opc tt.c cfljeer cniti.aiidinj iht Aiiit-i iian neopsat the Natchez, enpagrd to ule their eiMlenvotus to priicrve tbt peaea aim order thus lettered. T l " r "T . 1 - a mc uin; uurrnts i;ipui;uri, u ar rnvinf embodied ts citi7n of the I imni Stu ., 1 one ot them (hould be pi rjfw otetl or fired tor iht ii tondtiel in ibis :dl h i Thai vlule tliey flioidd renniii uiuler the Spanifli jo tildielioni ihe laws fnouhl be executed with modetatiau t and that none of the inhabitants flioidd I r trnnfponed apri(bri fvotit ol their d lit ,, on nny pteteme whairer : 'Ihat none of the inhabitant. north tol ibebonndar) in.r the ill drj.trc ol iiutth Isnitnde) fliould b eiitbi-diecl M militia, or 10 aid 111 any tntlinry operation except in eateef an Indian uation, orta hippirlf. riois, doting the flate ol fufpctds in regard to the execution nt the treaty , but on ilie cnittiary, that durinji that time, they fliould I fonfide'fd as in a lime ol neutrality. To thefe le-ms Governor Gy nto lecetfed ; and pnblSibeti (he fame ht Ids pi c,i !;ui'3t inn- Mr teiltt rif dil down to New Orlerns to the Osmrntf Genetol, the Baton de Caronde'et f. 1 M 1 01. lit nmtion. v?hich if Riven, vill rontlnu the tranquility, which, ehio' 1 he prude 1 1 conduct ot Mr. Kllirnrr, vi h the ptinnpsl inhabitants, bad been happily rcUoicd. I. K -