J I 9- ? I Li ' f " Uil -, : Z. ! Six I. . -.71 p." n D- V r mm- -v . . i,,' . t ' . - - - . . IB W- - I '.a-ged, and confidently the engage-1 its conn -ctett by them would be held I. red, uri .in reality not theirs, but the t igagcmen'.s of the fovereign power uode wiucts they vied. Wim iripect to France, however, the cafe may tt very different; for wbillt Lord Mafmefbory is treating at Lille with the plenipotentiaries of the Directory, event! may take place at Paris, thatwould tryltrate Srtl his and their uiealures, by actually put ling dowi the Directory, and replacing it citner by a monarchy or iome new modifU cation of democracy . Nothing can be more p ecai ions than the exiltenceol the pTelWt furitfi of government in France, ror lome time part the Kxecu - tive and a branch of the Legillative Power have been in a itate of conflict, and the other branch of the Legvflative Bocly (tbejCouncii of Elders by its interference, has rather increalid than removed the emba'rrallmcm ig taken the oath for maintaining the civil i mail will decide as to the validity of this eoniutmion or tne ciergy. me Lmrciory account. prepofteroufly would-It ill punifh rneh for not taking an oath no longer of any con fc- fjnenc' to the Hate, as neither the - civil nor fpiritual ccnfliintion of the clergy can le of any avail in a country that noes not now recognize any iuchbody ot men as the cler gy. 1 . t . t 1 - ' f! fl - vjn tne otner nana, tne iirec;orSywitn a view to fecure to themlelvesa conlklerable body of armed friends, fenta meflaiie tarhe Council of Five Hundred, 911- the 26th of Tune, tb remind that allcmbTy of a propofi- tiouthev had fome time before fubmirted to for ehcreafing the pay of the troops quar I tered in paris - Such is the Hate ot the txepotive and 1 . Oclober, 6. BRITISH KLCRUITi We hold the documents, which warrant the aflertion, that there are fevera! public Britith rendezvous in this city, Jor recruit ing olmen to put on board the Thetis and frevoyante, now on uovemors lluiM, thatL leveral officers wjthjenipting gu m..s generally attended, and that upwards of 50 had. been put on board ! Thele circumttances are noted, that government may not remain ignorant ot the facts, without imrudingartmark at ' ' r i t- f t' t prclent upon tne law nil nets ot luch pro f government. Legillative powers of France ; a ftate little I ceedings on neutral giotmd. Argus. removed from a civil war ' A negotiation 1 October, 7. for peace at fuch a time, and under fuoh I Copied from the lotr book of the febooner .. ' ' , ill " I -' a . . . Vi'j,,.;. CM-cuumances, cannot jioici out any great I Nancy, of Savannah, ohn M'Ahaiter, (ruictt ui 111c an. v 11 1 11 . 1 in t 1 1 l ui mat " r n Knn and the crovvn. in cateot a oila- greement between itfelt and either Hotife of Parliament, or between th two Hou lies, has the conilitutional remedy of a diflbluiion, orbf a creation of new peers to cure the evil. It is not fo with France. The two Legiflative Councils are wholly independ ent of the directors, who cannot diflbh or increafc the number of cither ; fo that v.lictcvr a tlitdgreementarifes, and neither fide will confent to give way, there is no remedy but in a Revolution or Civil War, At pfefentthe oppofuion to the Directors has a majority in the Councils of Five Hun dred ; but the fame party is in a minority in the Council of Elders. The two Coun cils, acting each under a different influence, arc at complete variance, the one refilling "wintehTTo7n ineffectual the refolutionsf the other on the moft important concerns of the ftate. No remedy is provided by theJTrench Con- iiuuiiuii in iu.cn a puuiic evii as inn; aim if good fenle is thrown out of the queltion, and each Council relblutelv adheres to its own meafures, force alone can give one of them an aicendency. I his is the true caote of the formation of new clubs in Paris, a mealure that may lead to new revolutions, and throw impediments, it not infuperable obltacles, in the way of Peace. The two parties, to one of which the Di rectory may be laid to belong, arc now at iflue, and are moving heaven and earth on the one hand, to etnbarrats each other ; on the other refpectively to gain profclytes. Jn the Ipint ot this lyltem, Vdlers acts, wiio on the 24th of June, Hood forward the advocate of the army, and deftred t know what was the reafon that not one ftep had been taken to fecure to the brave defenders of their country the reward that had been lo olten promifed them of a grant of lauds which is the with of millions in both coun ties, j N EW - YOKE, Oct. 11 teems tnat tne practice 01 covermp m a Iter : irom St. Croix. Sept. 14, 1 at 10 F. W. faw a brig tlofc under our lee, Itanding to the Jduthward after palling us lhe hove about and tired a Ihot, we hove to and waited lor her enemy's property under neutral papers, is I coining up. She ordered out our boat and a principal foiirce of the vexation of A merican commerce. The fubiects of now. ers at war want the protection of a neu tral.tlag ; ana the avarice of neutrals ne ver lets Hip its opportunity to make enor. mous freiyhts'on their neceifities. But the the captain on board with thep3pcr which order being fhortly complied with, though not without a threat ot again bring mio us unlets we bor band. 1 he boat re turned with the ewptain of the brig ind four of his men, detaining ouis on boird Unitef' Statps. hts muft have 2 rrcte&ioa fiomthe United "States which certifies tna: he was a naturalised citizen of the United States before the pre tent war. J This role d'f quipage ought to be tigned. by two wi rdles, who atteft the truth of the facts, and fubferibfd by the ofiicer or judge ol i)ie marine, v. ho has given to the indivi duals the perm ffn n of embarking.'' frllL ADF.L1TTI A, Sept. 27. ' JTheSvediflibartpie Jupiter, capt. Scholes was lately taken by a French privateer and carried into a Spanifh port. The Jupiter brought to this city the American citizens redeemed at Algiers ;" was foon after laden at the public llorcsiiicar Arch ttreer, with timber ami naval Acres, fent by the govern ment of the United States to the Dey of Al giers, and was on her paliage thither when flie iell into the hands of the French. October 12. 1 A letter jr.nm a rffitfakiM: American, at 'Bourdeauy, daud luguft fiutce- tie following h?fort)U;ttion - . " That the minilter of the Interior, had lent to the -Municipality of Bourdeaux, in telligence of thf expected arrivil' of two' , new Envoys from America' That, in ther event of their arrivipgat that porr, ever pollible hoior way, to be fhewn thcin, and their journey to Paris, rendered every way convenient and agreeable'' misfortune. is. that he practice ultimately the brig. -1 he greatctt enquiry waster biings nnlcheif upon a neutral commerce. I papers, but their particular object v;is for Falte papers become common, and when I plunder, beginning at their buhotfs very detecied. excite the jufpeion of belligerent Ireauhrly, by rummaging every pari of the powers, and produce new, and more Ariel jihip, making priofjejyejhirgfhe regulations relative to Uupping neutral vel- their hands on, in particular our itotk and lels. Jprovdions, which they decently fobbed u,- Thus the multitude of American vefl'els, 1 of without any ceremony r-lo wis, pigs with American papers, which two years J ducks, goats, bread, yarns, kc. taking the ago conveyed aftud French property to ! whole, although knowing ns to be out but France, beine known to Britilh cruilers. I two days, ;nd bound to the coalt of Ame- rendered all American vefl'eU liable to lei- tica Surely we might itauip hun for a zure, andproduced infinite vexations to 1 Thief and no bailor, more elpt dally when Jhe fair trader. The Fnuich are now re- be took fro'm us all the pump leather we taliating. "Many Englilh vellela with forg- had on board, riotwiihltending wc told him ed American papers have been drfcovered, we-were very leaky He touk away every ahd the confequencc is the French go- j nail he could find, tools, lead-lme, fie. vernment demands a rolftd'Equipage, and other troubeloine proofs of Americanpro. perty. It the French government would ad here to any certain lyltem, and give due notice ot what papers they require, in neu tral veflels, our property might be laved. But this is not the cafe. Vellels are con. demned that failed bef ore the decree of the 2d of March, requiring the lift of feamen, of the value, in the whole of one thouland , a.nd whicn. ot cou, le cou,d not comply with the requilition. borne ot their orders are lo indefinite and ambiguous, that it is evi dent they were intended to give unbound ed licenle to the predatory Ipirit of their millions of livres. "Jt is not enough (faid this member of the Council of Five Hundred) to boalt of their exploits, and beltow upon thefc gal. Ian t men barren nraile; you ought alfo to HID villi" for rlwnia rraf urnrrtiv nf flic Cirri. J " - "V w bees they have made in defence of their country." That this object may be rendered (till more and more embarraffiug, it is infilled upon that the lands to be given to the army mould be thofe which belonged formerly to the emigrants, and which by theu? emigrati on, have been forfeited to the ftate. It is well known that the Directors have endeavour to ftrei.gthen themfelves by a coalition wuhevcrai of the emigrants ; and that for this purpufe they have lent their an! to get the names of thefe ci devant roy aldts (truck out of the lift of emigrants, and confequently to procure them a reftoration of their eftates. This meafure has, however, the effect of leffening, and may perhaps in the end m tally deftroy the lund deltined for the re ward of the army, This feu the. enemies of the Directory in motion, and makes them endeavor to inllil into the foldiers a fulp'r cion that the directors intend to defraud them of their promifed reward, and by dil. bunding them without having made any provifion for them, reduce them to a ftaue of poverty and diltrefs. Religion alfo is prefled into the ferviceof political parties, and petitions are daily pre fented to the Lcnidative Coimali. fome praying that the Catholic Worfliip mould ! oerHored to all itsiplendor; others, that II tin- (hi that have hitherto been made of parfonage houfes in the different panjhet in the kingdom, or Republic, fliould be let alide, and declared null and voidy" a thole hotifes would W neceflary again for the ac commodation of the parochical clergy " Thii is intended as a blow to the Direc ton, who, by their official mefUge to the ( nuncils, have exprefled their alarms for the confequences of the enlargement of the clergy men confined for the ci ime of not hav. We esfjtjsaf )ch remat kittp the j;jri between tbtJ Jemand and the demands 0 the America n army at Vrur H"mdjv9 jaft before it VHttdibandfd, and the extreme dtfpcmJt of pf eventing them from lacking their Aemandi ty mutiny and J wee. citizens. 1 bus where there is no regul 'I lyltem of regulations nor eitabhlhed autho rity to eniorce tne laws ii juttice, It is impjfiible that neutral can eicape vexa tion. The recal of Santhonax may be favour able to the American trade to St. Domin go, as Touflkht, the black commander, has ever been more friendly to our trade than the French government. But the power and predominancy of the blacks in that IHand, teem to haften the period, long foreleen, when France will lofe the government of the Kland, and be compell ed either to exterminate the prefent race ot blacks, a,nd repeople the country, or totally abandon it to it prefent poueltor. Lord St. Vincent, is faid in London pa pers to have remitted to Kugland, the fum ot 500,000!. iterling, the fruits otitis ac- quilitions. fo be a (uccefjful commander eitlirr hv had or fea, in this war of plunder and dr- folation, is a pretty (peculation. Buona parte has not been idle ; as appears b his giving 100,000 dollars, as a manage por tion to im niter. It appears from a foreign article, tharin confequenceof Buonaparte's proclamation of the Venetian idands, revolutionary com. motions had broken out in lome of the Tuikilh iflands alfo, and in fome Turkilli prof .rices on the continen. Thus the re volution it m kmg the tour of Europe at lead it not of Alia. Oclober, c. IMPORTANT. A report waa current in town yefhrday, but by what authority, we are not author lledto (av, that a veflcl arrived at Bolton on Jundav, from Guernfey, in a (hurt paf- fage, who fpoke a veffcl at lea, the cap tarn ot which informed bim, that he at the eye witnefs toan engage nnit between the iY(anfli and Englilh fleets, having la d to leveral hours to oblerve thnr triPt.teiir vers, and when lie parted, with ilicm, the action Wf4 undecided. This day's c j .lei n Pianderecf wearing apparel and luudry do - 1. 1 1 , 1 zen wine, porter ano nranuy. vvmietne honelt republican were learching our trunks below, his men on deck were threat ening to cut a negro's thi oat, to make him confefs w here Ins matter had hrq his mcyj ney (who was a gentleman p.ulenger with us.) The honeft thieves belonged tothe brig Caclar ot 12 guns and 120 n:enhtted out at roint retre, urauoaioupe. ana com I 1 ! T. I .1- - 1 " rnanuea Dy UUOV, r lencninan : ine orig neionued to mr. iviore. wrr our parting they permitted an Amerijpaii priloner to tike pallage with us thr following infor mation we have fronh'm, who as bh board 16 davs : Ot the 3d ot September (he took and plundered the brig 1 wenthn ntr, of A L E X A N-D 11 1 A, October 5 Wc announce with much plcafure, and from authority unqueltionable, that the Marriuis De La Fayette and Family have beiriilieraied 4Vom conrinemeTifln thejri fon -of pbnutz. His Ion, who is now at Monut Vernon, will take paftage to that parrot Europe, winch will (oonett prieuc iim 10 lhe embrace of a perfeoutfd Parent, and 3 Mother and Sillers inimitably affec tionate, . ' October fov Deaths in the citv and fnbnrbs of Phila- delphia, for the twenty-four hours ending 1 hurfdsry noon .Fourteen. Deaths inKahimbre, for ilie twenty hours ending the "ill inll .mt, funnlc Four. libber TT7 Deaths in the citv and iuburbs of FliHa. delphia, for the twentv.foui hours ending rnuuy noon seventeen. pound to Ham- St. burirh. and ,ave them bills on Martibi- o ' . yet ., , . , flue. On the 5th the brig tiecta ot New York, capt. Raymond, atur plundering took hts boat, pumnc bis people in irons -y m, 1 . ' jjuj threatening to bang their, vr fay tiny verc bound to an Englilh port On the 6th the 1 nrre rncnus wnarieuon bound to St. Domingo, alter phmdurirg (hamelully abided lhe captain. The 71I1 the Hup .uper; ot riiilaueiphia, ci.pi.nn John Boydc, bound to the navannah, lundcred her and I uttered her to proceed On the yh, the fhip Dil patch, captain Happiton, of St. Thomas's, bound to the Havannah, plundered him and took one of hit people All the above vellels rre hoarded and plundered under Englifh ct - turs : ithef went on board uith long knives haHglrig 10 iBfTf'fides, having "en boara an. American as matter ir 'pe..kmg vefleli in Lngiilh, one nuse Barnes of Pdrtlmou h. New-I' uipfhir . Extract of a jt r fr m a gentleman fit hi antes, to a tefpeiialU buift in this city, Sated June 15, 1707. " The certatntv wii.ch the e ociit 'v- di- leclory of France ha- ld, thai Ihainj! El - ihfti vellels failed under American cnbrs and that mary American vellels raited w i h lhe greater part of their cirws Lnghfli, has provoked the decree of the executive directory of the nth Vtntofr, 5 b year. (2d March, '07,1 wtveh pielitihta thai dl American veflels fhall Ik- captured ami condemned as good pri;et, which have not a iole d'rquipagr or even having one, if the captain, or any ' ' ' r JUfif tL tlm. or one third of the crew flnmld he hngbfh In confequtner, cverv American vflel to be inrulr, ought to have a role cPeqoi page, containing the names of baptifm and family, the pl-ue ol birth and place of re fidenreof every individual on board, som- prthendmg IhiiIi the crew and pallcngcra: and if any of them Ihuulduot be iorn m the WILMINGTON, October 26. Cti Tueffitiy laft arrived here tb: hri Te. legrape. Captain APh'inms, !-uo clays j om Ltarlejlcn. The Captain informs ttat there was a tVire hurricane at Lharlftn nn j - thurfday lo(tt which did ccnJItUrabie da ntage among fl the foirpinz ir. the -hurl our ; fever al large f!:ips ahd other vtfftls ivcre driven on Jbore ; and the Detfey, char teflon Packet, Ih longing to this pott, t ece'wed great injni v J torn a flip runnir.g J cut of her. A y!!p from GtalgttWf and a Brig from i?"V-7", bckngint: fa f.hj'lefi'on, withiniua. he cargoes, -were taken in fight of the bar, Ov Stench pilot-faa,t buiti privateer, up pofti to be le Grouper : their crews Jcnt a fhorc cud captains detained. Captain Mh";nn':e vr favored the Printer with a charlefton Gnte of ire lith Gclo. ier Jram which tht following is taken r Charleston, Oclotcr 18. Arrived brig Hannah, Bythcvvocd, 40 days from 1 tnenffe Captain Bythesvdod vrm at Cadiz on the 23d of Augt:lt, at which tunc Admiral Nellon had letmned with his fquadron Iron an unluctcfvul tnc.l;iion a::inlt rencriti'e, and had joined Admiral Jervii'i leet. Admiral Ji rvi continued the block- ade of ( adiz,, and had declared that he would do lo while his anchor vvould hold h ; .' Tfie Spjn.fh flCct ditid no: m t Miic on-, but relied upon the Krpilh li tel beiog driven away by the Equinovt ia gafc. There h i-, been f.o cannonading hnce the 8ih of July. At Tenerihe capt. B. learnt that wHtni. ral Nellon had lolt an eye, at well as his arm, and that (apt. Bowen had been kill ed. The lols of the Brinflj was fv.d to hae been bet en 5 and 600 k.lled and la. ken, the prilonets were iminrd'attty rr ledni The attack va faid to be a mad imprudent alt ; the trootia were landed on a fine moon hght night, itithe laci of 20 pieces of cannon, and wiihout a fhip near tlum. The Americana are taken by French'at d Spamlh prnatccr indiftriiiiiuaiely, and art t invariably condemned. Lift i f Amernan vefftls, at the port of Algeziratf i$d Augufi 1797. Ship El 7.1, ot Boftotl, Tunur, taken by the Spaniards libelled. Roanoake, Wrnton, Haine, do. do Snow, South-Carolina, Clwrb Mom, An drews, takui by the Kreadi and con detuned A sw

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