time prevailed at Norfolk, 'it appears, from ? ported info this Colony by Qf)den,Charrier, a publication of the Magiltrates, has fo far abated as to render an intercom ie with that borough perfectly fafe. Deaths in Baltimore,' tor the twenty-Four hours-ending the 9 th inltant, at iuiyrile Eleven. Extract of a letter from a gentleman of character at Cahokia, to a gentleman at DetfOHydatjgd June: ixy. 1797 " An American party to the number, it is faid, of 100. have difplayed the ftandard of the f reijich Republic have adopted 1 e name of Sans Culottes, and will acknow ledge no other laws than the French laws The juftices already fay, that, they dare not fit on the bench-!, believe they have iea fon to fear. R.I 1 & Co, tfcey are clofeiy confined in jail ; at I I- .1- .i.v ft I . i J Kl- iew me iducr. viuen, 1 euacs in ive-w- York. A total cohhfeation of their pro perty will take place." , V Extract of a letter from Antigua,, dated Aug. 26, to the lame. I am forrr to tell vou that the houfe ofCbarrier, & Coof Martinique is broke up ;ii!Btiieir proper ry cur.hi ca t ecidww decamped, and John in tail ; owing to their having imported a large quantity of bad coin teveral houfes have h?.d their pro. pet ty cohfifcated at Martinique for having a concern in this nefarious bufinefs.' Ttes gurit,. 70,000 worth of them were Jm- ported by Charrier, & Co. a all good coin had diLppcaicd, C H M O N D, Oct. 18. COMMUNICATION. Mr. Sculj., The information in your laft paper of an infurrection among theinhahitantsat Natch. ct Is not correct. It is at Kalkafkias and in the neighbourhood of that place that the French fettlers have been mitigated by Spanffli and FrencTt emiflaries''.to thrbvofr their allcg'ance to the United States and erect the ftandard of the French. Republic. General VVilkinl'mi is on his march with a Bfong detachment of Federal troops to fup Drefs th inlhriTents. 1 heie wicked rmil- . . . . .' 7 . 0 . lanes are alio endeavouring to perluade the Indians to another war with us, and a part cf V lavages has actually attempted to get poflelhon of fort Recovery, but were defeated wjxh the lots of twoor thiee kil led. Itgives ui great uneafinefs to learn that tjkree Frenchmen who palled through thiyplace fome weeks ago, ha ve been ad drelling themlelves toCornplanter's Indians and telling them they were oppreffed by the United .States and would neyer bt hap py until their old. friends the French were in poffeifion of 1 he country again. It is faid the Indians ' liftened to theft ipeecbes with great attention and there is reafon to fear the v-ile incendiaries who are now among the weftern tribes will be fuccefsful in their endeavours to kindle the flames of another bloody war on our frontier? ALEXANDRIA, OdWP ifl An Englifli paper received at Bolton, dat ed Augult 21-, fbues, that an alliance of conhderable importance was forming be tween the northern Dowers of F.nrnn. thut the HibTnne 4ore, lince the revolution of Venice, had fent atvay the French artillery and horfe which he had f or Pome time had in his fervice. That nn hfurelHon had ta ken place at R.ome, and that the pope had beenjdepofed from his fovereignty: That admiral Jervis had not quitted his ftation, but thjit a mutiny had broken out in the Sparum fleet at Cadiz: That La Fayette, and his fellow fufferers, had been certainly rclealed and were returning t. France by way of Bohemia ; and that the negociations oerween Anltria and France were at a (tand as the French wilhed to difpnfe of Mantua man ir dgi ecu UJJOII 111 LUC pre hmin.uiei- NORFOLK', 0,7. 76. Reports were current in town yeft.erd.iv, faid to be received by the way of New fork of the capture of the fhip Clnrlee. Carter cpt. Pell, with a cargo of dry good, from London to this port, value about 8j cr oo'ooo. rttrl. 1: is faid (he was taken l. m - - ' . 7 rrnioi privaiccr aoout 50 miles to the fnuih ward. uf the Capes' -- ' Within thele two days there have been two or three arrival! from the WeiMndies their cargoes not very filcahle, confilf. ., inomy, or American Lapuns, who Have received the fraternal hugMHow lone we (hall continue to ret e.ivc thmin Iweef embraces we cannot d vine but thit mucji we are certiin of, that our Mer cliamsy at well at our poor Seamen, are heartily tired of inch damn'd loving fquee- Hy the fchoonerBetfev. Canr. Rotrriin 1 days from IWi-au-Knx, we have ac counti of numberi of Captures by the French, among which are ine brij Sophia, :apt. Jhirlry, lel.m(r.njf 10 this rf. and tfwfttjr Sally, capp Clark, bHongmg to Gofpon. liy :he lateH account! from I'hiladebhia, we are lorry to ti d that the fymptotm of me prevailing rlifurdef in that city do not hpear to abate. The deaths during the S hours ending if 1 a oMock on Wedenf. iy the i8h mit. j8. 1 ar i. Aft .ar . irarj ni a ifttrr irom a renf rm, Marunique, Haed Aug. 26, to a Merdi- at tn up! borough' in m-ic'i r-iofurmn for rortlerjuencc f a very cum ha mu been int- CH OLESTIN, Oaobex i ; I An extract of a letter,' from a citizen of this jtate, v.oii) m ffcJtmOj too chut utter nt the fit ft repetlid.iiity in this city, on the tub- ject oj poinu Syiuy t .irhaftne' negociations now pending oerween nntain and r ranee, may polhbly terminate in Peace ; t!iat of ilie Di'redtoi v of France, but one member : ("Barthelemi) is friendly to the United- 5tattT; of the Council of Five Hundred a majrtrjry may be reckoned, well dil'poled to us rather than other wile ; that Ihould a peace take place between Britain and France, it is im poflible to form a judgment, of what meal' ure or conduct the Directory will adopt with re'fpecl to the United 6'tates, and it 13 therefoje of the utmoft iniportance, that we fliouTd be fully prepared tor the worft, and that our lea port and harbours parti cularly, ought to be immediaieiy. wellforti' fied. In fpeakino of the dilFercfices he. tween the French Directors and the Coun cil of Five Hundred, the writer fays, " that it is uncertain whether the armies will fide with either of the parties, or that BUONA PARTE will not itt up for himfeif, with the title of KING OF THE ROMANS. The Brig JcruHu, from Brillol, with dry goods, tor this' port, r was captured by .commodore Barney, and ordered for the Cape , two days attcr (he was recaptured by a'Britim privateer, and carried into October 24. A gentleman of thts city, received a let- fiance of the efFed of their AflLem tpOn the marxec : dv ine pernicious manner in w men ter yefterrfay by the Moiiy Erotn Cape Ni- I they bo't articles with navy bills, and the cholas Mole, which mentions, that 2 orCorh. j jnainier in which-they afterwards furided mottore Kickett s iquadron, the llegnlus. I them, for a ton of hemp, which before tlje capt. Camber Of 4 guns, and the Maglcien- war colt 23K an addition is made to the cap- ne, commodore. Rickett's of 5.8, on the 23d ihlt. got fight of commodore Barney with the 'twdFrehch Frigates Medula and Infer gent. They firlt difcovrecT the French frigates at lock iu the morning, atid cave them Chafe until 0 at nieht. The Bngljgfb frigates purfued with an intent to brrtig Barney to action and did luft fire j but he while running away, fired above 30 ital debt of the nation of 120. In his third feet ion he examines the debts and taxes incurred by fbe prefent war ; and Tie proves that, includinc the Emperor's loan, the debt incurred by the war, at the end of this campaign, will exceed i74,oo, 000I-. and the taxes will be 8,5dO,oool. In, JVIarch, 1784, w hen Mr. Pitt became Chan cellor off the Exchequer, the interelt of the fhot, which hard no effect. Getting a land debt was only 8,045,055!. fo that in fact he breeze pne qaantrrot air hour before the Knglifh, frigates, he made his efcape into Portde i aix. Tlie vvriier of the letter, remarks that the vaunting commodore, who wanted on ly to meet equal Battilli force, to give a good account Of5 lijetiv, "fhe'Wed no difpofi- tiwii to ie.te the "opportunity when ofl'ered hltn, unle.ls by a running fight. : r ' lr-i: " ' ' October 27. ; . "" . Vefterday arrived, the fchopher Sifters, Filhei, Bakiuiore, 41 days, in dutrefs, bonn; to the Havannah. Capt. t'ilher, on his voyage, met with very fevere weather ; it began on the 4th intrant, when he was off. Crooked Illand, and continued ,to blow a gale for 41 days it then mcrcated to a hurricane, and. tho' will in five years have more than doubled all the taxes that exilted before his adniffili ift ration. He then examines his loans .the prefent feflion, and proves that Mr. Pitt has departed from every principle of Fi. nance which he has profeffed' At one time it was his aim to leflen the principal : at another to lellen tne interelt : in his loyal ty loan he has departed from both doc. n ines! he has given to the lender the op tion of both ways, and he has given him the tiYm againft the public both as to the quantity of capital and rate of intereft. He tiien thews ihe whole enpitnl vf ttic nation al debt, and of the annuities, in which he ciitfers very little from the committee of the Home or Commons ; he Hates the debt of 392 millions, and "the total of the animal he had reached Widiin twelve leagues of interelt and charges of management at 15, 49',S7i. wmcn win make our peace eita- Dimimcnt lull 20 millions a year, whereas we have not now' taxes to produce more than 22,651,0001. fo that new taxes mult be laid on the people for more than three mil lions and a half, even to carry on the peace the Havahna, he was compelled to enter the Giilr and hand tor this place. He was informed by the Captain of a Philadelphia brig, which came 'though the Gulf with hun, that ten tail of American vellels had been lolt in the bahama ft raits, three of which were from Baltimore, and one from New-York ; he did not learn their names. A man has been apprehended and com- yefter- We have been lw dayt pjif, in ' T JIM lllllf ill lA Cape Nichola Mole ; letters were 1 . 1 p 1 ' ' uay received rromtne optam. ExtriuJ of a letter from Capt. Edward Johnon, of the (loop Jutnet, lTrlwgin'io M ffrsi Blake and Mag-wood, oj this city, dated Nujfiiu. Sept 20. " 1 am lorry to inform you of my long paflage from Charlefton, and alio of my misfortunes. On the 22d of Auguit I was in lat.26. long. 77. which was with, n 0 j outs (ail of this place, when I was boarded by the Gi ouper, which is a opan 1II1 privateer, by which I was very hardly ireaced, and my vefle futtained very great d tra ige i they kept me on board the priva teer 48 hours, during which time they rob. bed my velfel of every thing worth taking. I re ceived a flab under my right brealt, but ihauL God, it is not dangerous. They carried mv velfel back as far . y long. 79. and then jv.it feveu Spaniards on board of her, to cirry her to St-J ago in Cuba. Heine unwell, fhev put me on board of my own vellels, where 1 found means to get polfefhoB of her and have brought her in here. 1 am lorry far your lofs, hut it could not be hoped, as the privateer Grou per is tne occalmn ot all the damage the cargo has received. A great nuny Ami i -.hi vcfi'ds arc brought in here : ihf uke out whatever is contraband, or con. trary to treaty, and let the vellels go." Ok toiler o. The Hups Ocean, Cpr. Williamfcn, and Sufjnnh, Capt. S'evenfon, are Eng liih fhips, bound from Jamaica to tendon, nd have put m here in a mjlt diftrcfled ntgattqii, having encountered mi.it- 29, 47, oft the Bahama Hank, the heavy gale of the 26th ot September. The Ocean left Lucie, on the north fide f pmaicajon the6ih ult. in company with !e fhip,ialcabelTi. Storey, and New Lionels, Rffchcy, from London ; (bip Eiiia heih, Kelide, of and for Gre.iock and brig Mary, Micklerd, of and for L-ncaf. ter; falling to leeward, they fell 10 with the Sulann jh in the Gutph, and all in com panv (Wfng the o.le. The Otc.n lolt all her mafh, except her mir.enano main lower mail, aid had 1 feet water in her hole, when the gale aba" ted ; her irgo confided of 450 hhds. of fu gar, rum, coiiee, pimento, mahogany and vgwwu, nu nao pumped out about 100 hhda. of fugar, and threw overboard 7 out ot 10 M h-r guns. 1 he day after tre gale ihepafled a Urge fhip, without a malt (tan ding, andapTenily wrthuut a living per. ! mi iiwaId, at nounai wavlhcwn. -FOR SALE, nittedto gaol in Augntla charged with Qll tllC Third Day oi next SU lavincr counter eited in Hnlhir 1 nlrh J having counterfeited 20 Dollar Bills of the Sank ol the United States- i October i& Captain Spring who arrived in the Tane from Uolton, informs that there had Oeen two arrivals at that port from France. That certain accounts were received bv the hrlt, of General Finckiiey being actual. ly at Paris, and either. one or both of the other American envoys. Th- la it ariival captain S. lays, was 15 days laier from nourdeaux than tne hrlt, and brought no further intelligence, which occalioned on liderable uiltalinefs relative 10 their lecep. ti m. We h ive Hated the above report exactly as it was received byus: Our Hoiton pa pers are to the i8th inllant, incluiive, the day of the vellet's failing; thele make no nention of t.iis important event. Our rea perior Court ; a PLANTA1 ION on the mouth of Lookwart's Folly River, Brunf wick county, in an excellent fituation for as S T 0 R E. containinp- 1100 acres of Land 400 of which is very good for the culture of Indigo ; thtre is 230 acc.es well fenced in, comprihng an Orchard of 400 Peach trees,- the D welling Houfe, Kitchen, and other out houlcs, (among which are fix negro houfes) are almofl new, extreinly convenient and in good order ; the above la,nd affords excellent pallut ige' for cattle, for terms apply to P. AUBINAUD. Wilmington Nov. 3. ;JT NOTICE. per fons Indebted to the dersjiaving the report before them, will Tiuidcrilivr, by Note, Bond, or oprn Ac- attach to it wiiat credit they pleafe i but count, are reuefled to make immediate the probability is in favour of the, report, payment, to Arcmbald Cutlar in Wilnung lucked hy an extract ot a etter fivm France , under the Philadelphia head ot the utn mit. WILMINGTON, Nov. 2. With pleafure we announce, by the in formation o captain Welt of ihe (loop , who arrived here ye terday, two days from LharlHton, the laL-iy of the crew of the fli!p Aracji-cffa, from Jamaica, who, with the pilot, thele Sea .lubbers, the French, lent aihotcf at;er they had let the fhip on ii 1 . 1 , a a . - ton, or Hugh btalhons in oouth Wafhing on, as all the Bonds, No.es, &c. are in the pollelfion of the above mentioned gen tlemen, their receipt will be a lufficienc difcharge.' SAMUEL BLOODWORM Nov. 7 !irc. ENTKRED Brig Neptune, Grilin, Sloop Silly, Anthony, SJooneLAnjericanat ftgU, , Polly, Briggj, CLEARED Schooner Jennet, Athton, iin Ihearurater, Rubcrtfon, Bofton. rrovioence GENERAL ORDERS. TH E Detachment of Seven Thou find Two Hundred and Sixty-Kiht Men, to be drawn trom the Militia of this btate, are to be arranged into Two Bri pajes, commanded by a Major General and two Brigadiers: Major General WiU li'in R. Davie, ii appointed to take Com. New.Yn.l u";ul of ;1,c Dct;u hment drafted under my Norfolk. v,;,,cr;01 ine ,,r or a'P' ,a 1 ana Briga- oicr venerai rvtanm Arrnitrong, and 15n. gadier ucneral Stephen Moore will con fider themfetves ai appointed on duty, in the JJe'achment ; and receive hit orders accordingly. .Major General DaVie will nine tne neceuary orders, and take the mod effectual meafures to have the Detach. Charlefton. -V.II.ui. Mr. Morgan's Appeal on the FiNANCBt. From a late London Paper, A pamphlet on the prefent alarming ffatc of thel'ublic Finances, and of Public credit, I mrnt compleated and the returns made as Hy William Morgan, Elq. came out yeller- lajr. A more forcible call on the cood fenle of the people w,n never made. He nuts the v dlrfiil lyflem of the prefent iniiiiHer in fo clear and prrlpicuous a- point of view, and (hews from their own document, ( in rontrovertibly, the nun with which their carrrr 11 pregnant, that it rannot l.ul of Mi.tkinu a deco immellionwn vrv artrniive tinnd. It is tmpoflihle to do juldce to his demoiMtr.11 mil by an ex t. In his (cc'tion on the growing olnifap of tne war, he tlicw) that tnltead ol one we hae twenty thuncetlom of the Kxcheimer. all of them with licentious power over the public purle. The mnfequence of which is, that the fnim fpent with it the prtvfetN nmifnt nt rarhainent,, are now greater man i ne turn enpeunrri on tsie elhtnate : UlM In t 79, the I'nm Ipent with the preL HN confent of Parliament wat 14,600,000!. 1 font fytnt wiihont their knowie lr va K3,oool. He then proceeds to fhrw thc the nav debt has been luHered to grow up into equal enormity He gives a curium in. loon as poflible. SAMUEL ASHE, Captain General and Comman der in Chief in and over the (late of NorthXarolina Roper Moore, A. D. C. Ralegh, Oft. 12, 1797. f The Subfcriber has for Sale, Shtap tor CASH Hum, .ugar, Teas, Gan-Powder in kegi, Hot 1 led For ter, Flour, &c. &c. - Stated da)t of Vendue, Tuefdays and Saturdayi T. F. GERALD. VVilm'ngton, Nov. a. M R s a L k ff rrimtittg.Officr, WUmingHn$ flbaks Books ot different kinds, Superfine Letter Paper, Common ditto Wtitingdo. Silli, Wafert, &c. October iu-

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