T O C 0 N T N T. tenant cf the SERENELY - temper ftiade. Yi nfWely jcyous, WVrily-mufiTiE! Dart beams of patience on mv bufy mind ; I Teach me, like tbee.io varying tare refign'd, In life's worft tempeits with the 1 urge to - rife-- " '.V fn thought and aftion temperately wife Should fate th' enchanting Ipeiis oi loveae- Itrdy, ,. Oh, teach me hew to flight th unfaithful . joy;: . Make each delufion fly its native hreaft, AnA tUmibrn'A hliwirl ltnnmtsiren. re it!.' Should my ambitious toils, my love of name " .' . Public Auction. . . ' . ,. . - THE fubferiber propofes to do fomc bulir.efs the enftung fea foil in the VENDUE and COMMISSION line. He will therefore receive all kinds of Produce and Merchandife e ther' for private drpublic fale--Will hire out Ne groes,' andalfilr Matters of veflels and Su- nercar?oes in the dilnofal and ourchale of ... i r n - Mi" o - 'Mtllan win give tne following i,,. cargoes, on application Attention trial a place in his paper, it will audspunftuality may be relied upon. i A. JOCELYN. October 2$ 43 tf rriot COiirWittewoiro, that paid ihe partbn all 4haveo and thorn, that married the man ail tattered ana torn, tnat killed the maiden all forlorn, that coaxed the bull with a crumpled-, horn, that roared with rhe dog, that batked at the cat, that kilied he rat, Rial eat the malt, that lay in the houfe the Directory built AUGUSTArept.7. Law lnttlligencS. If Mr. M enrious much oblige a friend and ber. Jufikcs Court, - - Term. -., , vt . Meoro killing a t- fublcrf- Should friendfliip fteal its balmy hand away", ; Or fightlefs foj tunevmake nve pity's prey, In thy foft bofbm let the feck 'repofe-n. The pillow and the cin e of all my woes ! His honor the iutticetOok his feat, after Eatrt hot a whilper from the tongue off iuvjg nnpann-lled and fwom the jury. The plamitt dated, that the defendant did with the force of arms, unlawfully enter his plantation, and then and there kill, by hooting with agun loaded w'nh powder and lead, dhe tiegro man of the value of 45b contrary tothclaws of God and his coun try. - " Tke defendant admitted killing the ne- 010, but endeavored to jult'fy his conduct by laying the negro was in fob nt, occ. His honor the julticc then lole and gave the jury a flowery and labored -charge, and (idii ed t jjeiu to withdraw and do julticc to ihe parties ; the-jury withdrew, and m a few minutes brought in their verdict wii. tul murder. His honor told, them they were wrong, and that they mult go out again ; tljyey withdrew, and loon brought in their verdict negro llaughter; the jut tice in a' mighty rape told them to go out aiTain.that thev were ttill wrong, that his r j m u - object was money ? they again withdrew, & btoivht in damages tor the plnntifl", 45I payable m plantation tools, and colt of In t.-, die defendant complied by g'vmg nis note for the dtbr, and p.iyingjupihe colt, wh ch his honor received, treated to halt a pint and ad journed. ODE TO FRIEN D SHI P. Pvionp 1 ftveet fourCe of ev'ry jo) , Thy fmiles each frowrt of fate defy, O let me cal! thee mine ; .With thee I'll brave the heavier! ltorm, Difticfs and woe in every form ? , O.make this bo Tom thine. The happy pair, who own thy reign, Enjoy what Alonarchs leek in vain, And fhare the fweetsot life ? Their home amidtt the warbling grove, The feat of virtue and of love, li free from care and ft rife. Here kindnefs wipes the trav'ler's rear-, Here 'tendernefs and grace appear, To cheer the drtioping mind ; Here ficknels finds a hcaiii. b;dm, Here troubles grew divinely cahn, Where love and friend fhjp's joiu'd. Tins confecrated blilsf hi feat. Affords a fafe and fweet retrenf, From nuef and h::irarcl care ; Hqre ttreains of bnul ailcviiun rile, And fympathy that never dies, Toblefs the iiaj'py p. dr. Hail, friendfliip! tjneen of earthly joy, Without thec, dladetrts are toys, And vain is nature's tore ? With thec I would for ever reft, Made by thy baiir I'tipremely bleftr Nor a!k the work! tor more. From 'I'll it. LKNT I NF.L Thus the juttice 'extended his jurifdiction to 4. from 7I. ai d made h;s a court ol ct i initial juri 'Miction. A A WARNING. - PRACTICE has exiflcd for fcveral years, of cutting and carrying away, without permifhon, trom the lands of my Hillton plantation, fire-wood, hoop-polej, and timber of every kind as thefe lands do not produce more of any of thole arti cles than is equal to the neceltary conlump tion thereot on laid nlantation, l am con- flrained to give notice to my neighbours (in and out of town) that this practice will no longer be allowed ; and to requelt them to give directions to their lervants accord ingly : every future inltance of it will be treated as a trelpals. W.H. October 26" 43 tf BAR G A I N S. To 'le Sold by PUBLIC AVCT IV N, atthtT Court Houje in Wilmington, on tee id. day uf ihe enfuirg Term of the Sapeior tc.vr, the following defer ibed VALUABLE LAND Sf fmcrly the proptrty ef J'.hn Roiuar, , deceafedy 1 tz. 640 Acres on the Noith fide oftheNorth welt River, joimng lands formerly - owned by Goodwin fclletfon, dee'd. ; 291 Acres joining the above and below, on lands ot John tjail, Efq. jio Acres on the South lide of The River joining the fame, on John P. Ciaty. 1 400 Acre joining the lame, beginning at the moutn ot Woods' creek and iun mfig down the river. 500 Acres on Alegator branch, between the North. weft Road and River. 500 Acres joining the above, and near Mrs. Williams' on W oods creek. Alfo, the MILL-LANDS, Containing 2120 Acres by Patents and Deeds, with one or more very valuable '1 Seats, the advantageous CtuatJwji of uhith ' is too well known to require a further de. Icripiion. Terms will be made known 6n the day ol fale. ' BENJAMIN SMITH. Oft. 26. , F O U N D negro woif.an under my houfe on Sunday hit the 12A inita new I M PO RT ED From L O N D 0 N, And for Sale at the S'ore latelv nrm. pied by George Hooper & Co. very low double -fkincd i'addlc, faced with velvet, for Calh, live owner may have it by ; provin.g $rcr ve,.y General Aflbrtnient of )cr'v, pay iiijj uic cajhcc ji unsuuninii- nient and giving a i mall reward to the fin der. CHRISTOPHER DUDLEY. Wilmington 26th October. ...1 :... I A V A N N A if. Sefit. in On Monday the 2f(h intt, were arrefied by a warrant from John Glan, Kltj. mayor of this city, John Monay ol the Uate of Ma ryland, and dliatn towell ot the U;te ol North-Carolina, citizens or the United Stales. V who were picked on at fea with The Houfe that ' .ck built," in a P'- tlnee other whites, and thirty-five blacks, iitical vitiu : r Munkof.'s rrqui furl by caat. CaUaghan,of the fehooner EHittnft) 1 the ralai of his tcml, com flit d wit :n THE HOUSE. This is the Houfe'the Trench Directory built. L' ARGENT. 1 his is the malt that lay in the houfe the-Directory bub. Iinvinc been on board the Britilh armed (hip, General Nicholls, of Grenada, they were brought before doctor John Love, one of the aldermen of this city, for examina tion, when it appearing Joleph Moffay had (hipped hiinlelf voluntarily on board the fair! MUNKOE. This is the rat that eat armed fliip, he was commit ted to the federal the nnlt that lay in the houfe the Directory i'l r his trial: hut it appearing that jjyljj Wdbam Cowell, ou tne oath of two ot the HCKER.NG.ThU i, M -h killettherat, that cat the malt, that lay rf fcnooncr Grace, of Wafhington, inthe houfe the Direclory built. North-Carolina, Mr. Armour, rhe owner, an HOMESTUS. This is ihe dog, th " I apprentice boy. Kl.ward Potter, ot North barked at the car, that killed the rat, that Carolina, an t Charlc Langley, a boy of eat the malt, that lay in the houle the Bolton, with two bUks i that cap. Michael Directory built. Monifon, of the laid aimed ihio, had jer- lONNY.'the rt mU-1ribmmnTtt fnitted the captain, owner, apprentice and is the hull, with the crumpled horn, that the two blacks .0 go on hoard lot an , Ame . , 1 - 1 , ' . rican fehooner, bfit had detained by com- roared with the dog, who barked M.lbe uion lhe laid William Cowell, Kdward car, that killed the rat, that eat the mall, f,o(er aml Chzrt Langley, on board; tfcaHoy in ha houfa the DireQory builr. n,A nt K-Uam. on his arrival there, he l.IHEKTY, la mode dt Francaif. v,jCcd a nuThifrfhtackrntiard tlteMJ This is the maiden all forlorn, that coaxed Cowell n4 Langlty prevent them getting the bull wWhacnimmcd horn, that roar away from his thin, (for Putter had jumped .ltiMth ihmAnm. uho barked at the car.l into the Iwiat of rtieOliebe- Idntc m fea, that killed the rat, that eat the malt, thai lay in the houfe the Directory built. ECHJALITY. This is the man all m frrra'and torn, tht killed the mat len all torlorn, that coixed the bull with a crump led born, that roared wbh the dog, that barked at the c it, tlat knied the rat , thai jftrr rch:mnioiT a (hot full with hrr bv iniltake at night) he w.m in confequence ditcharfffd ' al terman Lowe. CHARLESTON, Oct. 4. We are informed that citizen Vitlor Du. pont, conful af the Republic of France in rhit rirv h.is received his annointmenr of tat the malt, that lay in the houfe c0nlul-General of the Republic, to relide racmv niiur. - 1.. fhiladelohia he is fo be lotteded in THE ROWLEY DIVINE. Th'u isthi, itate by citir 11 Stherere, brother to the Vritjl allfhavrn and fhotn, that ma -(General bcherere. A new appoint-irrt nr.) the man -11 u'terc and torn, thatlj8 a'lounde; cit:?en thnc is to rilide in Villed the maiden ail I rwrn, that toaxdl Wtlnmwton i. C. as Vke-Cimfnl of the the bull With a crumpled horn, that Toared I Cpu!ric for that llatc. Citcen Mozard, with she dog, that barked at the ot, tharconlu of ReptlBlic at Rolton, it to be killed the rat, tlur eat the mair, that lay 1 Urcrrdrd by citi7.cn Grroult. in the hvnPe the lrectory toir. liLOUNT. 1 his 11 the Pairmt cover. NOTICE -J ...t.l. f. ikii ti'tA t Un rut I rn alll flllu,n and morn, for marrtinc the man C N Satwdiy the 19th day of Novem. -11 .i ,mf mm th.it kifle.! the nu -l her next, w M be fold at Public Vic den all forlorn, (ha' coaxed the bull with 'ion. Several NEOROK , part of the a crump'rd born, iSat roared wnb the doR, permnn e.tat,. o: ,irs. margaret ueinat, thar barked at the cn, that killed the rat, deceafed 1 comh ions will be -made known that eat .he malt, that lay in the houfe on the day M Wt; theD.mnrvo. f. I ft vVRIf 11T iE- CONSCHACa Thii if the cock, that J. f. W HIOHT. .X. crovfc-ed in the mcrn, that waked the IV- V UgM , Oa. 1 RAM away trom the m. fubferiber about eipht'dajs palt, a Negro fellow by the rjt name of J O II N who calls BaLhimfelf TOI1N GARDENER JOHN i he is a fhort aeffiyc well let teouw, aiiti is iy trade a lilacklmith. I think he has a fear on his f ace, but exactly where I do not remember. He would be known in Kayetteville by Mr. Grove's ne crnes, in Wilmington by-Mr. D Mow fg, in Chatham by Mr. Mallett's. ! think he is endeavouring to net on board fmnp veilel to po round to the northward, and (honld be fail at Wilmington, be will go to Newberp. I will pive f ifty Dollars to any perfon who wilt apprehend and fe'eure tlir (hid fellow lb that I get him again, ami pay all realon. ablerhaiges, &c. W. NASH. N. U. A fellow by the mmeof ROBIN belonging to Mr. Carrot Gondloe, went off with him. Mr. Gondloe, I doubt nor, will give an equal reward for his. W. N. Cafwcll county, uly 1 7. GOODS, Suited to the Seafon, among which are i the following Articles, White and coloured Plains, VVhite Napt Negro Cloathing, Bears Skins, Superfine and Inferor Cloths, Double mill'd Drab cloth fbr great coats, Fafliionable Waiftcoat Patterns, White and Red Flannels, Striped Swanflcins, Women's Cloth Cloaks, Tatnmys, Callimancocs, Wildborcs and other Stuffs, Role and-Duffel Blankets, Lead, ,Shott, Salt Petre, Gut , Powder, 4 1-2, & 6 Inch Mill-Rope, Coffee, Sugr, Rum &c. &c. 15. W. IHACKFR. Wii tnington, Ocl- 2C). The Co-partnerfhip of icojt, and RAN away irom the fublcriber, on tlie 7th mff. a tall Black Ne; ro MAN, by the name of Hary ; he wore when he went away, an old brown broad cloth carried with him fome other BLAKELET iSc VANCE Mollies, which I cannot ddenbe-hc is Was diflolved on Saturday the 6th in. f0'"1 f 01 9 W "u " 11 by the death ol the former; all thofe who anaci Mr,c W .. .7,77 have uufetiled accounts with them, are ;v" . .1 V VJ requeued .0 call on the fnbfcnber for pav. ,and aJd h" ff ,B. th'S "a,e " ? f4rCC- ment, or adjullmenr, and thofe who are man ; he ,s a Ditcher by trade. 1 do fore indebted to laid firm, It il expeaed will all nerlom from harbouring the la.d make payment as foon apolbble, as there Negro -m Mtt is an abfolute necclbty lor finally doling . j a ivico wniuni. xhe afiairi of rhe cencerti. . N. B. TWO Dollar reward, if in rlus 'ftatrTcri If in amy otlier, proved I jut him Duplin-Coitnty, Oct. 13. cif SAMUEL VANCE, Surviving Copariner. Wilmington, Ocl. 13. 44 T O B E N O T I C Bi SOI. I). GN the Firftday of January next, HTE Copartnerfliip bftwixt Ceorci fair, ifnot.thefirft f-ir day, Eiphi Hoow 'T1 Jo nckam, tner- valuable country born NEGRO FS, to-fT?' was omoiveo on ,ne 7tn o. ju.y lonomntotheEftaieofthelateCol.Sw.n. ,a,l by the event of the death ol the lat- " o . : . among them is an excrllrnr Cooper, al1!- ,r, ,r , . r9nunr.. .j ., F.uJ... ,k I As there ta an abfolute nrcefhty for lei has worked with I Carpenter, two Wo t,,n." f1edY al H'b thf ir cf men who are prime hands in the Field or in Pnerlh.p, al thole indebted to . . ..... I. . A .l.l.il. .... I VLI .l,.,..lAn 1,11, I - the Houfe.two very likely Girli, one 1 ,c ; "'"'"" " . about 1 vears old, and the oher.7.-They ,hc f,rn: f Cwlwl! Hoopf. and Co. are t. . . . . . .... . ' I rm. ,,r-tmA IA .III. k ill lnm ailll I 1 IT It are wen unpoied and not told tor any lao1t,l"T" "v" '"""""'H ''"i , but to pay debts. There is alfo a iicEroa l,av detnSndsaRainft lid firm, or with Man about 60, who is well nfed to 1 ur I w"",n u,crc rc "r" K"U,,," pen.ine, and for his age valuabb j they t0 f lhib,t ,hc ,3l,,c for W"ni 01 ,KuuU- are all a tanuiv ot negroei except the laffl,,w" ' n TTT . . . m m mentioned and a ymL Wench, uhiel. 1 he flock of Dry Goods on hand, cor woman M ran Ml at 9,,u Cm. t I hft no of a fmall alTortment ot articles vr; fale. Any pnfon inclined topurchafe, fnayfpd ,rade tnf lW" ,! ,r Tmm Kw ,1., , ... n. .Ifalr ai alfo the Rriff r AIR AMr.l. iv - in 115. ne iwnniy ill " negroei areas prtfcnt hired to MedICAN about 120 lonl burthe,b J fom IfaatkandUvy in W .Imir.fton, and maIP,''tf rrPa,r "d rtV for recaivinj; be Iccn ihrre. learro. AppW to MILDRED SWAN. A.hVx. mim JONES, AuVr. oa. 26. GEORGE HOOPF.R, Surviving Copannrf' Wtlmington, Otl. 5, t?