HAL Us I L M I N G TON G A Z E T T E. T No. 60.3 THURSDAY, FEB R U A R Y 22, 1798, Vol. II. J - IT CONGRESS. HOUSE ofKEPRESSrlTATlVES. Tuef'Jay, Jan. 23. Mr. Sitgrgaves .moved that the com mittee of the Iwhcle, to whom had been referred the melTage of the prefidrnt of the United States, and the report of the attorney general, relative to tke law for the relief of perfous imprifoned for debt, be difchard from thefarther conlidera. tionof tbem, in order that they might be referred to a felett commitee which he fhould move to be appointed, to en quire whether any and.. what alteration are necelTary in that law I oth motion t a vmv aorrri anii a nmoiirte(? nf i hJTi t The amendments of the fenate to the bill for fufpeoding the act relative-to fo reign filver coin, were agreed to. Mr. D wight Softer, trom the commit teeof cla ms, made ah unfavorable re port on the petitions of John Nelfonand widow Ru(Te!, who prayed to be allowed to locate certain lands before the leffior had been made by the Indians. Com mitted to a committee of the w hole. A meflage tm received from the prefi dent of the United States, indofing a long report from the lecretary of ftate, arid fundry documents therein referred to, on the fuhject of the difpute with tjje Spaniards at the Natchez, which was read and ordered to be printed. A melTage was receiyed from the fe nate informing the houfe that thty had palled the bill to amend the feveni acts for laying a duty on fpirits and on ftills, with amendments ; and that the prefident had approved and figned the adfc to com penfate their door keepers. Mr. Harper from the committee of ways and means, reported a bill making appropriations for the fervice of the year 179, Which was twice read and commit ted, Tbe fpeaker laid before thr houfe a communication from the war office, con. taiu.ng a lift of penfion applicants whofc cafes had been re examined. Referred to the committee of claims. The houle again rtfolved itfelf into a committee of (he whole on the bill pro viding means of foreign ir.tercourfe ; when Mr. Nicholas's amendment being under contideratioQ, Mr. Fiudlev fpoke in fa- yor ol it, and Mr. Ifaac Parker aaainlt f. Ti . ... m D -.11.. 1 ne committee had leave to lit again. sajourneo. . Thursday. Tao. ac. The Ipcaker laid before tne houfe a teport from the fecretary of the treaTury, in purfotnee of a refolution of the houfe of the ad of February laft, with a plan for regulating the duties on impofl and lunnagp, wnicn was referred to tne com mitte of commerce and manufactures. The amendment of the f?nate to the bill for amending the feveral a&s relative to the du ies on Ipirits and on (tills, which they had adhered to (and of courfe ex cluded any conference, which is ufual in cafes of difigreemeutj was taken up. and the former difagreeihent of the houfe to u wn receded from. The bill was after wards reported as duly enrolled. Mr. Gallatin prefented the petition of ounivus and Hugh Colhnua, of this city praying for certain redrefs on account of I2t cafes of claret, which were Seized and fold for not being included in the manifeft of the cargo of the vefTel which brought them from Charlefton, though the duty had bffen fecured by Hugh Col honn, in.Charlefton, before helent them oft, but which crcumllance was unknown tt Guitar us Colboun at the time oi the feiiure. Referred to the committee of commerce aod manufactures. Mr. Clopton prefented the petition of fondry peifont of the (tale of Virginia, lUrtng that the qttanttry of coal in that country was inconceivably great, and nrtviniv mlinml I - j f w w uviit uiiiut v in- 'i olliera. Referred to the committee of commerce and manufactures On motion of Mr. W. C. Cliiboroe, the unhnifhed bufineft of veflerJay wat piftpoued, and the houfe went into the omminee of the whole on the report of the fle& cofflfnluce, on the memorial; of the 1p ilktur of Ttnncfi. .He kh she weBage ot the prelident reJve to that lubjrit, Mr. Kittera in the chair ;j when the refolution reported by the com-4 number of votes inipeacnmeut againit v inam diou t, a majoriy of the whole number of mem. hers prefent IhalJ make a choice; that if more than tie ven members ;h.,l hsVa majority, eleven 'of the- higheit miltbif tboleo, aod f-any 'two or more miheti having a majority of votes and fhjll Iw equal innumber, thefame fljall be decided by a new bllot." The ft rjeant of arms proceeded to c 1 left the ballots which bem dot)e, (he (peaker appointed MeflVs. D. Fuller a.ul Mr- Jones as 1 ellers. Having examined the votes, (which took up nearly two hours), Mr. I). Fcf ler reported, that the Tellers hid per formed the bufinefs afhgned them, -nJ found the whole number of votes to be 91 , and that confeuuently 49 made a choice, and that the following nine gentlemen, and no more were elected, vit. Meflrs. Sitgreav-s, Bayard, Harper, Gordon, P. in k 1 icy, Dana, Baldwin. Sewall, Hofmer. Mr. Baldwin faid, that perceiving fome of the committee which had formerly ac ted upon this bufinefs, did not poflefs fo much confidence m others he (hould beg the houfe to excufe h.m from fervi.igas one of the managers of the impeach ment. Mr. Brooks thought it was rurious that after having obtained a majority of vtes, the gentUmin from Georgia mould com plain of not having the confidence of the houfe. Did the genileman expeft to re ceive the whole 91 vote? Except a bet ter reafon waa given he hoped the gen tleman would not beexcufedftom fcrving. He was atlonifhed to hear ibe reafon which had been given. O d the gende. man with the voice of feeble minjritier to (hew confidence inflead of majorities t If fo his w fh would not, h: believed, be the with of the houfe. Mr. Baldwin faid the gentleman from New. Turk had mifuuderUood hxn. He did not fay that he did not polTefi the con. fidence of the houfa but " that fome members of the committee appeared not to poflefs fomuch confidence ot the houle, othera." Mr. Baldwin perfifted in his motion, which was carried, there being 4! vote for it. A new billot then took place for three additi nal members- Tne votes havm been collected, the telleri counted them as More, j.i.l reported that the whole num er f rjtei was ot . hut that no m.naier had a hi ner number of votes ' ' ' than 37, and confequemly that no election had takenyattfi", MelTrs. Pawfon, Den- ms. ooraon ana uaiiatm had tne nijnm ;.w . ax - m mittte having been nrft oetfftlvad the committee pallVd that formerly introdu-j ced by Mr Macon, nrft filling up f M olank with the amount ot the elftinate feet to the houte by oider of the prefident, vi. with 25,880 dollars, for the purpoie ut holding a treaty with the Indian . The committee thea rofe, and the houfe beinflr relumd, Mr. Maeoii moved tol poftpone the confidefatiou of the di (agree menr of the committee Of the whole to4 the report f the Ceieft womakiMt ii conVmblated addition to the treaty, fome relief being afforded to toe peflbniCbe cleaned, who had been driven off their laiida, tovdone. the fecond Monday in February ; wBtch motion being carried, the Tefolutid'ti" a greed to by the committee of the whole, was concurred wih by the houfe, ihtf Jt committee appoinred to bring in the bill accordingly. ;' . Tuesday, Jan. Jcv Mr, Sitgreavess faid as it wasyefttfrdav faid that the rules of the houfe reljac'&mb; the appointment of committees did' not apply to the prefent cae, it wou'ef be well for the houle to fettle a qudhon betore 11 proceeded to the eleclioo of ninaeip of the impeachment which might arift in the bulinefs, viz. whetlier a maf'rit' or a plurality of votes wefy to make a choke. He therefore propoled- thi foil, lowing refolution,-which was agreed to by the houle. M llel'olved, that in the ballot for manT gers dn.the part of fhh houfe, of the rteJnle whillt fining Matthew Lyon, a IVlr. Harper hoped the 'farther procee ding upen this bufinefs would be poftpo ned till to-tnorrow, that pentlemen might rtaveaiioppi rtunityof underAaudmg each other. The motion, was carried there being 48 -'votesmi favbr of iti -Mr. Sew all laid, he believed the bufi nefs which he had to lay before the houle would require fecrecy, as it wat a fnbjecl which would confidrr ibly aflrft the leel mgs of the members ot the houle. He therefore moved that the galleries might which was accordingly It was thcnpafT three o'clock, we fup pofe ihe houle adjourned; when this bu frnefs wa difpofed of. To lefltn the anxiety of our resders wifhrelpeft tothe above f-cret bifirefs, W'beheve we can fay pretty certainly, from, the converfation whtclt took place in tm; " houfe previous to the motion for telexing-the galleries, that it had relation 'to a nnfunderlfanding which took place rbe t v. ixt them embers d 1 ir indt r i r t i n r. KV-cJCAf.ihe journals of yclterday's pro ceeniMs m vongreis, it appears that the hujiiKi, which 100k place alter the doors verr doled, was as follows : - The hou'.e he;ng cleared, Mr. Sewall lUtrd, that he had been inft ruud in a mamner which left no doubt ot the tru:h of the fact, that in the prefence of 1 lie member from the ba c of Ye (front, did th'-i da y commit a violent attack and yrols iridecenc upon theperfon of Roger Grif void, another mcinbjr of thi; houfe ? and, in order to brintr the l.nln ri lirfitrr rl.n ytioufc, that hahd prepared a refolution. wtUch he re;id in his place, and delivered it,in at the Clerk'a table. A queffiou v.-av then taken in the following words : " Does the ma'ier fo coqununicated require fecrtcy ?" i'nis motion pafl'ed unanimoufiy n the negati.-e, and the galleries were opnrd.- Ihehuule then proceeded to coofidtr the motion made by the nj-mber from Miil'achuletis, whicn was read as fol lows : " Hefolved, that Matthew Lyon, a member of this houfe, for a violent attack and grols indecency committed upon the perfon of Roger Gril wold, another mem ber in the presence of this Houfe, whiilt fitting, be, for tins disorderly behaviour, cxpjlled therefrom. It was moved that th e refolution he re fered to a committee to be denominated ''A committee of Privilegles" wiihinftruc tions to enqu re into the whole mat;cr of the faid refutation, and to report the fame with their opinion thereon to the Houfe." This queflion was taken by yeas and navi as follow : 1 c 4';. Nays44. Ordered, that Meflrt. P nckney, Ve nable, Kttera, Ifaac Parker, R. Wil hams, Cochran and Dent, be a committee for the purpofe. A motio i Wit then made that the houfe Come to the following refolution. " Refolved, that this Houle will con fider it a high breach of privilege if ifc thrr of the members Anil enter into ay perfotial contefl until a decfiofi of the Huufe (hall be had thereon!" A motion as made to add the follow, ing words to the end thereof ; " And thai the faid Matthew Lyon be confidcred in the cullody of the Serjeant at Arms until the further order ot the Houle." The yeas and nays were taken upon this quefbo.i at follow 1 Yeas 29. Naya 61. 1 hi motion bring negatived, the fenfe of ihe Houle wat then taken upon the nmn q-i 11 on, as originally offered, and it was carried. The houfe adjourned about t ight o'clock in the evening. The houfe then proceeded to the elec tion of th: three managers, ni the vo.ci iVm.r Wn mWpfted. Meflrs. D. FoftVe 4 and Jones were again appointed Telleri; I 11 1 jc '11 j& follows; '" 1 hat the whole number of totes waa pof-that therefore 46 made a choice. Meflrs. Dennis, Evan, and Imlay were duly elefted. . Lateft Foreie:n News. Receive? py the fiip Flora, captaiti Coiley, arrived on Monday in Hampton road) from Guer njey pajfage 44 dayj. LONDON, December . The PlrTugWtje minijler at Paris has re. ceivtdy by an extraordinary courier, jrum his court, the unconditional ratification tf the treaty of peace concluded between the two countries. It was at firft doubted whe iher the Directory, in conference of her Majefy's tardinejs, would conclude the ra tification on their prt ; yet it was hoped that :he mini fieri M. dlranjo, might he ah It to cfptaft them; and it iuww generally he liev'd, tint the rairf.'c tion tat takm place While liuotupartc is proceeding on the bufimfs of the con ;n-fs at Kaftadt, Genital D?fa:x conti- ues the organization of the army (J EifgLnd. Infirudions are J aid to be feat to Spain, 'relative to the part which the ravy of tlat country is to take in the eic pediticn againfi Britain 7 he DirecJcty intend to appoint aminlffcr tx'.rortiixa y to the curt of Berlin, to com ptinu-nt h s J 'rt'Ju n Majeji' on his accefjion to ibe throne ; a mifun which they cn fider at this time, very important, v hen England ard Ruff -.a endeavor to Circumvent the young King, that they may get fnffifjtn of ins iiiVkV 11. .' -A f .iil ft. A. UnlA -.J .La """) " " n tmm iv ftr fvtw unu enter prifing, and jecure in their favor the influ ence of the cabinet, which will be very con (idetdSle in the congrts at Raftadt. ' Tie Han burgh mail oj the ibthult. fay that the Ruff a0 court has entered itth amrw cbnrtexUn with -a Ctfmun prtofr, but neither the name nor ttrms are mentioned T i' ... i AJfcemcer 14,. Saturd.iy f.me dijfntcbes wre received ot Lord G' tnvilL's cfee, f-om the honor a. bte Mr. Walpole, hi, Mojefly envoy at Uf fWt which were fent to his hrdhip of Dr.pmorc. Tbeje c.dulces are faid to be of a 'very unfavorable nature 'She Engl'fb troops, from the late treaty, under tlx com nwnJ oj Cm. Stuart, ate reduced to aft pr'ovifhnh Earl St. Vincent full con.inucd off the harbor of Lifhoit, and the next ac- 1 t.nte Air ir m J a. i '.tU . . a . O . - import ant to this country, A paiketwus alo recced at the Ptrtu gueje nuntjfer s, WM jon ater dipatched a meffage to the count de Pombtho at Bath, ft is now confirmed that a peace between France and Portugal is concluded. Thomas A tub, prefident of the $c:tch Defender s. whi wasbanifhtd to Botany Bay, whence he efftcled h-s el cope, las annxd at Biurdeauxt and it on bis way to Paris. PARIS, December 6. f three months of the Prrfidency of Reveillier Lepeaux being expired, Barret U declared President in bis ftead. The follrmnb perfins have fern arrejlei on a cha'ge ofbev.g implicated in a roy ipff con f piracy difcovered t the min fler li Uire Noel, tnfreflorof the Poaci ur.d:r luehon; Molfu of Lolais already impli-m cuted in the affair of Dunan and Lrothi,Tt Monut, Potlet, Dupont, Fowtaine, Chott lan, Ftlli.t Francois, Jormerly advocate at Macon, and a femJe named Poffiere, with her brt),brrt. What it yet known of thit cmf piracy doet not yet afford a very clew 0" iiUinff idea of it. The cotfpirators are faid rt be ac compfices of thofe philanthropic focieties mentioned in the papm that were printed 1 the epoch of the ib Ptucl'tdor, Their means of counter revolution were the ma nagement of the opproaehing eleBiont fhMt to royahte them, and exclude the rtpuhli cwnt. Ail the perfont elefled are cmfined in th Temple, D.c. 7. The day keft Buonaparte Jr. rived at Rafladt, he went to pay a visit to General Angtreaw at Qfftnhourg IV fir ..,() .r . 4L.I La, a. I J -A ... . j-'i '"j " 'nvm iint i rx arrrveu Uw Pant lafl night about ten 9'eioch, He miB 1.

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