HAL Ls IV I L M I NG T 0 N G AZ E I T El No. 62. T H U R S D A Y, MARC H 8, 179S. Vol It j Mr- LYON'S NARRATIVE. ( Concludi'd-from qurlafj) N o t wi t h ft an d . n a t hexol d ne f s t b is" er ea& ed towtrds meand the cbnlequent oitktr ings, no officfcr ever thought jjfpcr tq rnenjion to jrie the un;uppy athir ot the preceding fummer. In this regiment 1 ferved at the capture of 33urgoyne, and the fncceeding Ipring, when my family could ruturti to my plantation, from which Burgbyng invatiou had drove them,, at the Micitation of governor Chittenden, and mary oner friends, I refigned at a rime when the. officers of the regiment itnfpft all had become reconciled and wiih. ed my flay.' Iihruediately on my resig nation 1 was appointed .ccp.'.ain in the mi JIitia, and to feveral c'v I dikes under the authority of the utg;. of Vermont, which kid newly formed a "conUitution and let f For the Wjlmikgtoh Gazette Mr. HAI.L, r Too itntch laud cannot he given to the learned and worthy 'Dodor who had been at lb much troflble and expenee, asio un dertake n journey to thefe louthern flattfs, purely for the gSWd of" the inhabitants. To relieve mankind from paio, is at all times mi object worthy of a Philofopher; and Inch univerlal phdaii'thrbpy, mult be acknowledged to be a cod-like virtue But the fSfe-j -the--l)r. is eithesferiorant Q&M circinidlance mteirdhichis Metallic I Man to be lb refractory ; how can you ex a----- . " t"W 1" : . t - i V ! .. i t -t Up government. ..' In the year 1778. I was appointed a member ot t.ffV legiflatur?, in which ltation I ferved my country ever fmcjT, hive two year, until my appointment to congfds; I held a , ilaMon in the nnlitia, until the command of t he regiment I lived in, wiih a full cvi;m:l commiflion was given to me. I moved to where I now relide a bout the dole of the wjr, and I have had no concern W;;h -military matters, nor bcen.n '-.ud.datc iuruiiy. military appoint-. meitt fince. ., XSjjj ciraimff inced, gentlemen of the Committee, I mult appeal to your ow n feelings whet he: It belonged to me to receive with impunity, the. aggravated hi. fnlt offer .-d nr; by th it young gentleman Tv.. (-rif.v.i'.d. J he ftation 1 now h l.i points out to you ihe prwpriery pi giv ing Mil credit rotiie plain ftory 1 (ell y u, efpecialty a it is corroborated by evi dence. The proper tH-tuiony h hip p"rt th's n.irr.u(.v. , I ui:l procure and lay before the public a8 loon as the lirua tion or ti.v tvide. ice wnl a.dmir. I flnll conclude with tn, iking fome oh fervati t,- or, the teil m.)uy, ah of which corroborates that I was Handing without the bar converting with th.e Ipeaker wiio (ikon an outfidc chair, the fubjecl I be. lieve it is apparent wai Mr. Nicholas' motion. I did not like the qppbiition giv en ro ii !iv the Connecticut in -mbcr-. 1 infilled they did not acl accrJ ng to the I'enTs and u.idt Tlbtndiug of the people of that lta e. Phis led to faying many o therthinp;, though my dilcourfe was di rmed to ttie f.ie.ikcr, it appear I trad the wit 4tici raillery of five or lix gentle, m.-n (r in New York and Connecticu', to within I and to rep!y to, it appear ilnt 1 lupporteH with good Intmour. It j'.v ir alio, l the tefliuijn, that Mr. Girifwofd, m Mr. fi.irpcr's feat gave mic in A citting infoft 1 he Ipeaker whom I was in coneffation with, heard it as ve il ai (bine oth-rs; thcr trilify fiat 1 lid not app ir to near it. Why not hear it as well as they.' for no oiuer tcalon than to ke?p up tntf prevaihng good hu. vur. Bar Mr. Gr if Wold upt tali tTcd sii i the inlult alredr given, lays to one cl liw unziiji He do.s nut hear hr.M Ind reoioVea and intrudes hiati'elho my fi !e, p.ills me hy the arm to call mfii- tcntum, and t'ty i inure pattcilaily and rMuts, or has not tliofght proper to com,.. municate it'tothe public Having dilcover ed it' by accident, I think it in duty to publifh it to tlie world, for the purpnfe'ef guarding'Vhe purclrafers of rhole inltru ments from an incautious life of them. Some few day ago a friend of mine (hewed mc a patr ol tlitie inUruments ot necromancy, and informed me, at the ianie titne tUat'he had in the courle of'che.day cured a man 61' a'pei ipiVfUmony, an old woman of a rheutnatiim in the knee, and a negro or the tootli aclil examined tbefe wqnderlul I'oints with a kind of pious awe and merely to obfervc the feniations pro duceil from the life of them, in a lucklels moment ilrew firlt one P0111;, then the o 1 her, acrofs my tace, tide, knee&c. lecuri dum artejn. the feeling appeared to lie the fame as chat occalieiud bv the application of a l'ork or any other hillrumcnt of the kind upon my return home howcTer, 1 j.fe.lt .a ..U4&4Ucabie .ieujx. JuuEnxiide, my knees too appealed fomewhat afieded, and my teeth ached outright-rI attribntetl all i hi r-o a cold I might poflibjk have taught isi the evc-ning lUtt in the mean time ihe.'e pains increalird viih Uncommon vio it'iice, and in a limi t lime found myfelf un der the threefold nperaiiou of a pletri ily, the rheunvHiilin and. a toorti ach Itie (jtlifes a confiderablefhare ot fhrti'mle ntitl lorbem aiice to tupport tnr jain ol any me of ' thefe difoi ilers, fven tor a (hort :ime you ma then jmlgeot tv.y lituation when under the pvefftiil tt ilnee fuli cn niiu.s 10 tra' piiliiy and rcpole 111 t'aCt I roared lihe any hull - ',rtling 110 lihe. 1 1 o mi antrfnhi bTappVicatioiis and bcariug that a gentleman had - L puu haled ;afV of inftromenns 1 lo mwd them (not. witlnlaiuling the terms inentttfHfd in the grant) atid after a lew ttrokes found myfclf eotiiely cli,1 rVoin pain, as well as I had r.T hci i in my life, and in. deed I theugiu better -- 1 his is vrrv odd thinks I to tu.'.ell, th.t.tiuu- lubllaiices Ihould full prodiice pa iii. and t hen remove ii tliere is a great deal of phi loTophy in tins eiictimllai.e, and night to he inn lli gatrd After a due degree ( ntcdiiauion I formed an nypnthefis Wu U I unUcrtke 10 fay tan be well lupportcd, is loun.lt d ou fart, and verifird by experience. It is 9 troth that matter once called into cxill anre, can nevfr b? amiiydlared, that it muff continue to cxid ti :tl) eternity under fome form mv in fome mode or another It is eqtially true ajio, that from a ccrijll ncccfl.ny conlequeuce, there putt lie it much pain in the world', and if it is not in one perlou er body, it muff necellai i le in fome other penbn or body. Tin's fimp'.e propafitinn is f'uf'Jcient u explain 1 he aimve pheiiomenon. The jiaiuts 1 ulc.l, had that day extracted from fiffcr ent parfons, th" jleunfy, rheumautJU and tooth arii ; and confrquently, hy theafere fai.l atiom, the, complaints being with dr.:t irym tholi p,Uus, were Hetrdri. ly translered and inf ttfed into the points, and remained mthem in a dormant d ue, till bv nroner excitement. iIict w&rmtr ,n. . . . . tnor dchhfratel rope.us the infult ffcred the litcond time, to my unfortanare k i"wing if to he t ie mo:l proroki-ig lUlle i it one gcn.lcwan Could paliibly oil" r anther. Under all Wec'rc'imftances, I carinoi bit eiitertam the fodeft afl'.irance that I ftand juil.fied for the repulf. of chat de liberated in: iti oOeWtoma by Mr. orii wold, in the ?iev of i!ie comnitteeof the iioufe of rtprejentarim, and of eve. tf ma-1 of honor or feei ng whjfhillevsr heir the fkry. ' , F Of 11 S A L F, French Brandy, New-York Portu-, IrubLin-os, Nails, Calling, Can. Vai C r f 1 and rr-n-ral ari'irtaieiit of h indley, Alio, a f-w pifr ot bhek and white tihV9rockin4, and a new let ot nine's. F. Fn j I NJ E it CQ. D.c. 2f. II 1 v.fic the gentleman from w4iom 1 had . rowefl'we points, and thank him tor i Ik ttie of them ; on t he palliige up to his jrooin, 1 beard a bawling, which of all Aones u. the world, the neareit refembleu mjue, both in cadence and vociferation. Oh Any, Mr. Dodor, las 1 tomvfelf, l'H i'et gyld to lilNer here is anotlicr traiibfer : foing into the room, why- what the d 1 iS! the juatt er f you item ;o ling without a earn tit. Ah! lavs he, 1 am a dead man. 0 r -v . unity, and begs leave ro 10'icit their, fa vors in the line ot hei; bidmtfs. Kbehaa been in this townfiiue Ju'y laft, but in dilpcfnion precluded her iu'dkii c a tender 0 I lee, but it is not genteel torn d-euxt I r Rer lervices to thepabhc till now. u i'ne. 1 am wei aware :hat minv acres wiJl bedifpofed to firsts at this mode of reafudng, and perhaps tempted to deobt the truth of the iVatement. But alts,. Mr. Primer, we lite in an unbeliev mg -'fr and !eli.lcs I do not publilh this fjr iheir benefit, biit for ihc goo I and comfort of thole who have faith in ihefe m r.iers. How m my things do we fee in th. animal and vegitable world produced m t carried forward 10 p"rfvtton, of WlioGi origin in I progref We can jjive n faitfatlory acemm: why duc4 a bear Baajia down a tree tail foremolt, and a nrrel with his head ? why lines a mon key take fach Hprem? delight in negnn. Ria evrry pii.fible kind of mifcfticl I aye tef me iImi and chatter iuced'amfy 1 1 t her than keep his mouth flint and look tle? when, Mr. Sceptic, you can foWe I Mil mylUr.es of the natural world, in a p iih,f .phical m inner, yo inny deri h m f deny my Jiypothe'.is. IJ.k to reOnoc my narrative the next day evening, after ; uy reco J iho.iu it proper enough j.ect a chriitian buiialf Unlets yoti behave with more decency r i his afternoon, an (Vexed he, fancying 1 had a pain in mv iceth, ami merely -to make an expen "nr, in an evjl hour, applied theie, in-. ' L -ffHj pm:it to my face, lute, and knees. -?' jCi!y, retyrtietl lf you have Lhetoth i'th, a ltitch in the hue, and the rheuma ufm in one or both knees. God be praiieci laid lie, in. one knee only. But thele me tallic hibltances are the taufe of my death., I forgive the Lmiitor with all my heart ; 1 arn lure he had no intention to do me this .injury: 1 Tuppofe, however, thefe points arc not inenOiy to all coniiituuons. Upon this. ne fefrnp ins lamentations' wkh irclh vigour." Knowing the oiigiiiof'Jiis coiii plaiur, and conliueting myfclf the Jole, tho' innocent caul'e ot his liillenngsl lent for aiioiher pair, k 'began upon the piety, rily, as the molt dangerous, and Lich ought to be cured fun, : alter a tew mi Jiutcs opeiiU.io.ii, the pain, increaleb with renewed violence, ami raifnghi. uu-.cliom forte to fortehinc II rain, he bawled to lue" utter a!ton:liiinent of all the neighbours. Ah thefe curled poinrs, fays 1 to the per ion lioin whom they were borrowed, and who had run in to learn yie caufe oi fuch bellowings, they add to toe pain i.dteau of removing it. That is iiiipoffibfe, re plied the owner, 1 coinpietcly cuied a per ion of a violent pleurity t!ns very day, lou did! no wonder then that he Has a double pleurify ; this proves to a demon.. Itration myiheory, wiuclil will explain 10 you the moment I hav toted the pati oht. T.k :i tendttvg for another pair whi'li had never been uled, and cuiitain. ed no d'l'ordci ? to be conin.iiiiit 11 id, 1 1 1 licveil the gentlettmn from ail pajiig in lefs than'kven mmmes. Fiom a review of thefe facts i. is evident, that the leveial complaints, when drawn but of the patient, remain fixed in the points; how long they remain there, and whether they wear out LnfetifiMy by time, or whether they may he extracted ty tiu opeimioii oj fire, or by immei ho m fome liquid, to as to prevent liich pains Iting trunstered to the human frame, 1 have as yet been unable to aicertsuh. My motive, i:r, in this publication, is 10 beg the Doc lor to turn his attention to this lingular property inherent ill his points, ft he u ream ignorant of if, a;nl to g:.e us f.aic direction by which wc ratty ufe tlteiu with fal'cty ; and inform ns in what manner, afffr having reaipved th? d 'order liom the pTi-fVn, we mhv rXtrct it hoin the QiMraneei. FilU.O AS I H'JLOCiOS. ilmington, February 20. N. ii. In order to convince the unhe heert of the truth of my alfertious and theoiy, in !ei', thito is quarter of afi hTiUr after the ia.lt cure, feeing h vicious boHc in thi ilrcet, I applied the poiuta I had died, to his knees, and in three minutes he limped Off with a eoidiriuc.1 iheuma mmff to-eba great amaaeioeiit t ali ne heholdeis. R AGNES MACKINLAY, M I D if I F E, "TTtTTrr GLaSGdw. tr: T C lir'ir 1 r 1 it . nai rv-rL-ijLii otters I tr 'crvifrtf the Ladies ot Wilmington and ffs vi FOR SALE, Superfine Letter Paper, C m- Dton do. and WrittftJ do. by the refm or quire. Wafers. titiKf. Ink Powder, Blank Book of diftrent fies. A few copies of the Dutiel p.iyib!e bv lav on all Goods, Wares aasi Merchsr dize, imp: rted into the United States, after the laJl day of June, I797. Perry's Pocket Dictionary, IMng Mm'i Companion, and a r jaibcr of other Book', confill n of Law, I' i ry, Travalt, kti kc. ic. And a general frtTortment ot Blinks. rHmrv 8. A Horfc and Sulktjr. Apply to the Primer. rebrtary 1. 1 " 1 . 9 Site will hkeife attend Ladies in Far1. vrr. .-rrrr rr r v - cneviiK, ji icnr tor. As tiie encouragerrjrnr flie hopes for mud depend in a great degree.on he r be ing -properly qua! Jed for the above bu f:i;els,; and as a proof thereof, flie fubjoins the fwllowiug ceniheate i tiUfgm C(,!f?gey lift May, Thele are to certify that Mh. Auhea M:ukmbv has regularly attetedmy Courte of Leclures in Midwiiery, hip one lelli on of the College, and has undergone all the ufual Examinations vith apprbat 1 ion ; an.l iurtlitr, that the fa.d Mrs. Agnes Mackmlay h.ns p'urfaed the know ledge and ptcict'ce of Midwifery under my direction -t the Lying-in;Hofp:ta! whfr-lbe had i.ppp.rfun.tics of afliftinrr ac a variety of Labours In reft,mony whtrcot, this ce-rtificafe is fubferiberj by meX JAMKS lOWERS, A.O.P. VilmMigtcn, TeTOary 1 5. 59 Purfuant to m Vfcret of the Court $f Eaukv. Will be sold AT PUBLIC dU CI -10 N, On 'Saturday the 21ft day of April hexts A hk tha-t LO f of LAND in VV.l- mington, (includ ng the wharf) for merly the property of Charles Jewke, tlectakd, an 1 lately becupfed by Ward and Lmgdon, lif,,.r 00 u:e: in front; with ali ihe Dwelin, Uonfes, Wari Honlfs, e'ec. fi'tuatjS t hereon. A L S 0, A Water Lot, 66 2-3 fect in front, .wi-h t!,e tnr ,'hrd, ccc. tli.recu, adjoining ?fe honfe and lot now eccup.ed by Samuel R. J" i lyn. L S 0, Tliat Lot and Store in Wil mington, now in the occupation of Mac leUen and- Loid. A L 'S 0, That valuable jntation cal led P.ricr's NecW fruatc , Btadeft county, on tlie wetl fide of the North, uctt liver, nesr to General Brown's containing about 640 a re. Ihe ahotc lands and tcemcnts claim the .-.ttcntion of all'thofewho are dtiironi of laying out their mn-y to advantaoP r ihey have produced for three cr r..ur vears pall upward of 700 dollars annual CJila i he terms of the fale will be, ona third of tne purchsfe money to be pan! within fix mouths from the lime of pur chafe, one o:hei third a4thm 12 riiontba, & the remaining tb rd irbin 18 monthl ; the purchafer giving bond to the mailer of th.e euurt vith y,oud frcmity. Ai 'he above, lots and tenements luvs hern already rented our, actual poll, lb, rt 01 mem, cuucimos, wu.ri, fcc. row m 'he pofldhon of Mr. Langdon, evsll rsoc iie V: ren to the parcbaler, until June '.ex:-, and he lo: and Ih.rc occupied by Madcllan and Lord, in October neat But in the mean time tne purchafer wilt ne entitled 10 ill the rents in the fanta manner as tliey have been or could be re ceived by tlie Execucori or Devilcei of the late Mr. Jeukes Baia K. Jocelyn, M.f. WilmtngtonJan. 1 1 , m - fo tttalte: A Senfihle and likely country born N. 1 x gro Fellow, .hout ao or 71 yeart f act, well acquainted with field work, as alfo attending on gent'.emen and tak ing care of hnrlfk. he has fcrvd (i mm little time with a carpenter, and under ftands tic ufo- of fonie tools and rough worknt that bufinrfs. 1'iire of the rrjwtcr. ' January 18. 1 4- TH ii I