Great Ban . o ains FOR CASH. On the Joth day ot April next, I r. J - , rz : . wiii oe expoieu 10 , PUBLIC A U C I I O N, At ihe CourtHoufe, in Wilmington, ajkcKuV. Further in'oraiaiion may be oad by applying u Eelvedere, Ferri-ry 14. co, N. B. S tVU'A l 0 eero Women Valuable Lands, Bi the fame more or !e fs ; formerly the property of John Rowan, lq. dec'd. viz. lituate, , - ' ' -:r JN BWNSW1CK CCV SIT. 21 20 acres on & near Wooers frmmr railpff th Mill I..nuk ilwhl'litKr . one of the beft llreams near Wilmi iton and fo well known as not to ri quit e fur- iKsr flffrriiitinn - .' 24 iteres on the Nortliweft river, being the Plantation wherern the late Mr. John Howell lived, called Weft moreland, and Iving between Point Re. pore anJ Kcvan Plantation, pirt ot which confills of rich and well timbered fwanip. .Vnj utiti vn iy i'uj imuu river and Wood's creek, running batk to Indian creek, containing withm the natural boundaries, a very cortliderablej furplufage; tat tit jfipr rhttxitPf the N r hwett river, by three patents, contaioing a very handfome fituation fur a fe -.clement on the fouth fiJe of the r -ver and on thernot th fide a large body of well umbered Iwamp, befides high land lufficient; together (it is laid) with a good faw-mill feat and ftrtani bounded above by Lands formerly 'he property of Good win Elhrfnn, decealed ; and bvlow by uthole of John Porter Grange, or John Hall, Enquire The a: ove Lands will be divided into any fired by ihofe who offer to pur- chafe provided luch divilion will increaie the to tal amount ot lales. ALSO, If 9 fatisfa&wy offer by private contrail be previoufly made, will be offered jv ale in the Jame manner and at the fame Thofe very valuable .town fioujeSy V I z. r : -v.: 1 vuc 111 viiunc a uiicy, wiiidt has been long qccuphd by J4ine Jennet, and in ufe as a well frequent-: d 1 a em; the fame having been lately rp ired. The other iitu ted on the north fide of M irker. ftreer, between Front. tfreet and the riyrr, nehg an ex cellent Hand for bull u fs, and carefully built of the bcfl brick and materials. Two roorm on the grou nd floor and part ol the cellar be n lubjtfct to Mrs. J -mes's dow. er. The rsmamder confiiis of the other part of the cellar for a kitchen, the pa! -fage on the ground fLor, and the two upper ftorlei , conuining a large hall, par lour and .three chambtrs. In failure of an ablo'ute fale of the above mentioned Houfii, the one in Market llreetwiil be rentcdout and immediate pokTelfion given. to bFlet, The Ware-Houfe opkfne Dorfey's Hotel, and ilxiy fix feet i the WHARr in front thereof; the very advantageous fi union of which for every valuable purpof. of Trade, it 100 obvious to require iliuftration FREE WHARFAGE on the (1x7 fix feet front joining and bove the latl mentioned premifca, will be given for STONE BALLAST. ' Enquire of Henry Toomer, Efquire. TO IiT LET, And may be entered m at Jbort noitcr. The Brick Houfc, Tavern, Stable and Pafture oppnfite Wilmington with or without the Ferric and 1 hie well noted Tavern and Toll Bridge on Town treek ; the fame having fome good Com Lmd fenced in and for a proper emu tbfe rent, every neceffary repair and convenient out buuduig will be mjde ad TO BK HIRMJ CUT. Thejr. are young, hf-althV, Tep" veiy hoiult, and l.ave been uled iohou( WOkli. - . k ' 1 FOR SAL E, dr!ddy tn be delivt rd ot fhort notice, ""YNE r 1 wo hundreU 'I houfan' J HKICKS, Two i Tr ree Hundred rrels of Kit E, and 1 hree or F001 Hundr-d Thouland SHINGLES. Applv as above cxpccled will be madeCafy, dic-arto at iiie uuvt time. v BENJAMIN SMIHT. Burjuunt tu a Bioec if it Cuutt a Sheriff's Sales. URSUA'NT to a Writ of Execution, ilued from the Court of Brunt wuk WILL BE SOLD AT-.PXJ-BLIC AVC7 10.V, On batiird-y the 2ift day of ptil mst, A A LL that LOT f LAND ii It, miporon, (inc'uO nu the wfaiti) for rnrlv the? property of Ch. rles Jekes, dtctalfd, and lately iccupicd by Ward, 'uit? Lmgdon, brng 99 feet in front; ith ;.U the Dwelling Houfes, Wart Houle11, &c. fltiiaie lf;ereon. ALSO, A Water Let, C6 2-3 feet in 'rent, wiih the "tar fix d, &c. thereon, -djomii g ihe hoiife and lot now occup e by baniutl Joctlyn. A L S Qt That Lot and Store in VVM or quire. Wafers. Quil!. -Httk Powder, County7 and direcd to me, bearing tefrPWngton,. now in the occupation of .Mac- the 3otu ot January lalt palt, W lLl BrL SOLD, on Thuildy tne I2'h ray o' April next ; at Afhtou B.irn, in Bladen County, late ihe residence of George Weare, Efqu're, now decafed, and no in the nands of the Trultees ot tf e Ui i verfity of Nnrth-Carohna f y Efd'eat, or fo much of ihe fame as wi'l he nettflai y to latis'y faid Txecution; that is to fay, Ajhton Barny THAT valuable improved Plantation, whereon the laid Geoi Ware lometimfs refided, in this ccuiMn fituateon the fouth fide of the Northwe river, between the Lands called New. fields and Mr. Peter Goutitr's Plantation, containing by eltimation 700 acres more or Ids. Two Trafts of Land of 640 acres each, adjo nhg or neir to' Colic Svanp, i.i Ld count). Patented b. Jofeph Howard. '! Alfo, one Tratfl containing 640 acres, in ihe county, near Still 1 rner. and adj m iiu L .nds now cr I trrh tlie property ot Joleh Uecvcs. Patented to L. ut'ou. T. W. Harvev, Sheriff. FOR S AJLJEi At t -e Pi in'ing Office, If Vmb gUm, ' Superfine Letter Paper, ( m- rnpn do, and VV m ing do. by theam ttlien and Lotd. ALSO, That valuable Plantation cal led Porter's Neik, fi.uate in Bladen county, on the welt fide of the North - weft river, near to General Browu's, coma ning about co acres. ihe above lands and tenements claim the attention of all thole who ared. firous of hying out their money to advantage, as they have produced for three or four years pall upward of 700 dollars annual rent. The terms of the fale will be, one third of tne purthale mom y to be pa; within Ijx monihs tn m the of pur chale, cnc.oihei third within 17 imntt:s k the remaining th rd within 18 months ; the purchaler giving, bond to the mafter of the court vvitn good llcurity. As the above, lots and tenemert havr been already rented out, aftual polltili- n M the lot,, buildings, uh;rf, &c. ro jn the pofieHiun of Mr. Lanydon, Hill not Bladen County, N. Carolina, 1 4- Kehrmry, i748. J N. B. If Afhton B;rn dots not Imp a irrnid prce. it will probably be purchaled by a perlun willing to rent it out, niJb put up to bale at laid Public Auction. he ,'ven to the purcruler, until Juiu 1 ex' 1 'he lot and flore occupied b MatUllan and Lord, in OOo er next. But in ihe mean time tne purrhafer will -fVmitled to all the rnts in the fame manner as tncy na e oeen or cou'd he re ceived bv the Executors or Deviiccs cf the late Mr. Lwkes. Sam. K. Joceiyn, c. & M. e. Wilmington, Jan. 11. 3m After the a'urve, iviH be offered for Sale, 1 he v luable Lands of DR.-JAMES CLITHRKALL, jituute in Dl. id jn county at fo(hiv, viz.. 1 00 acres by deed from VVar! ren B. di t, dated ad J irur.', 1735-6, then joining the Lands of ohn Ahe, t" the writward and eaftward, on Landtnf Mr. 'Jof pn Waiters, whereon the laid Baldwin 1 ved the d y before mentioned, known by the name of the White Mufh 640 acres by patent granted ar.h r'ehrra-y 1735 ro Hiih Cmipbetl, lying on the molt weft a ardly branch ot Hanim ind's creek, and joining Lands ol Fraacn Thomjs. 32c acres on botn fides of H immond's creek, whereon Ne I Shaw lived, g' anted to Francis Thomas, and by him '.old to Hugh Caaipbetl. 640 acres on Hammond's creek, ly jttent grarted 10 William Fla veil, conveyed to David Roc . and b faid Roach to Maudalen Camphcll, jom- mg Linds then u -longing to Howe and omeliary,.?!. 24 h November 1738. 1 50 acres granted to Mag la ln Clitherall, 14 h Nov. 1718, lyios or Plumb branch, ucing a branch ol Ham monS creek, bet wen the line of Land then belonging to Robert Hamilton and David Koach. 640 acres granted to Magda Irn Campbtll, Q h March 1736-7, lying on the head ot Whi.e crrrk, a branct of Wacumaw river, lour ralei from th head ol Hammond's creek, and the plan tationof the then la'e Hugh Campbell. 320 acres on a. branch of Hammond's creek, pr.nted to llu, Campbtll 1 71 H June 1716. r urim-r information hiU be given or ihe d'y of Ule 1 and ttruu, which it u FOR SAL E. At the Juhlcribers' Store, Blai k Books of dificrenr fues. Perry's Pocket Dict'onary, Young Man's Cttmpanion, and a number of other Bocks, confilf ng of Lavv Hiltoiy, Travels, kc. &c. &c. And a general iflortmem ot Blanks. notice. THE ft.bfcribers having of tained let -tsof admmiltrii'ou ot the tfLie ot tie la e Chailes J.udan, nqu ft all ptrlons irdtbctd liitieto to make pee. tiy payments ; and iholle hav ng d n i dg ot any kind or denomination, aa nit he 'ame, to biing.them forurrd within the ime liiiitted by an Ait of Aihmblv. tr- titled " An Act to Att, ei tiiltd an Act ccnctri ing proving of u ills aid ranting Icturs ot idmioiliraiion, ar d tu prevent frauds n the management of n -eft a tea' ellates palkd at t aeiieville, n me year 1709. , DOMINICK JuRDAN, Sen. ? :A . DILLON JORDAN, Ad Wilmington, March 29. . ON the 18th day of Apnl next, lold in Wiliiiinton, at Pubfi u ill v . ..Ill I't ubffc Aufti- 3n, the perifhable eltate of the rate Charles Jordan, bix momhs credit Avill be gien tor all fiims above five pounds, the ur hafers executing their bonds with ap oroved fecuri'y. For funis under five I xuinds. csfh to he paid down- DOMINICK JORDAN, Sen.? . , , iILLON JORDAN, Admrs. wttminpTon, March 29. CAME to my houfc on the 261 h mltant, a Negrd Wench named Monimra, nnrt jormerly fold to Riehard Dowd of Char iani county. Said Dowd is reqoeltrrl r -owe and take them uwny, by paying the apence of thi nvertifen.nt. MARGARET MURTAL'GH. March 29. Ten Dollars Reward. RAN away from my Plantation on Sarftrctar morning laft, ayout g Ne gro F.IW nan ud Jem, bout 22 years old, f?t fret 8 hil , fit v.. r m. de wiL.i a nun in irk t .1 j - (peaks plain and pUufibie, lut ra ter hoirle he has a Negro trl.s French BranJy, New-York vife Waging to Mr. Mmrce jonn, vVilmington. Wnocver t -kr u ti e laid fellow and celiert I m to me at ihe Porter, Infh Linens, Nails, Carting Can C'Tdage, and a general afl'oitment ol S' ip Chandlery. Alio, a f w pa r ot abek nd white ulk Stocking, and a new fet ot Harnels, F. FONTAINE 6 CO. Dec. in tt 'FOR SALE, 3,840 acres of Land, lying in the ttaie of rennefTee. louthof .her' t I 0 mi . a ver wmo. in tne c untV ot Uvidlon. on .he waters of Mi), -Creek and Bigo.H r- poth, -wi hm a few miles of the town of Njfhviile, 'urveyed in Fehruary. 178c, regiUtred in the county wherein it is Ii tuate, recorded In the lecretary's office of Hermitage, Hull have the above uwatd paid by John Durgwin. Hermitage, 26 h Feb. 1798. 61 Matters of vefTcls are warned not ro ake hioi off. The (aid Negro V oinhwer' ard.'t I is laid he has been leen n -u Molley bhtl has rcmarkabir lull yei, and it U a plau (ible ftorv. He was fetn about twelve Thirty Dollars Reward. RAN away from the lublcrmer, a younn Negro fellow 1 amed NKD. u r uarc 01 cvortn varonna, ano patcntfd 1 jOoui live teet eigni or i.n.e uuneb ngn( by hi rxcellency Kichard Cafwell, then Governor of faid Hate. This furvev. from every and multiplied intormatioo i equal I months aeoat Harr fun's crek, aid pof. to any other in the whole diflncl of mi liiblv is lurking about Toplvil, and m y Utary Lands in that country, for it wai. I endeavour to get amonwlt a Lre rum mong the hrlt and molt early location I nr of Negroes, if any pr Ion will fe 'iiadc therein, and the advantage of felec I cure him in Wilmington Jaillottat Igit tton eaifted in all its force at the period i him, or di liver h m at oiy plantaion 30 'aimade. I he title It guaranteed bv the I nihs above W ilnmiffion. lh.ll rece e ftatfof North Carolina, and every necef I the. abee reward aud all rcalunable lary record relpectmg it, already had andkeuces paid. made. Enquire of the Printer of this paper. Jfnujaiy ig. Wanted to purchnfe or hire, ASenfib'e country horn Negro Boy o Mn frtHn 16 to 2 J year of age, eaa pahleof welting asi a Angle eenriefAan, ni tikinK rare of a hnrfe : lor whom a generous p. ice, or wyes will W gj, require ot the Printar. Jwomry ig. RAGS. Tile printer hereof will give harboormg the faid at ihe.r 1 rri W illiam Watts Jones. March 8. t KAN awuy on the 9th Will, from ihefuhuriber mSami-fon couniv, a Nryro lelki n.. inert IIU LAM), formerle the rrotwrt if Col Jonn Samplcn, dK ie l well ktviwn in Witiiiinginn and ihe eighbourhood thereofi and dflipptiff d to be lurking about there. I do hen by ani a per nnswhstever from rmph y grit prke in cafb for l, an Linen and Wotiou Rg, THOMAS FtylLU Sampfun County. Dc. tl. 5 '