Rebels It upwards "oFoo meri damp uie joy wai tucn at event woak owatf tn the m-ndaot ih JoTal, we haw . f il I liTTn Mil wr M accounts iu iniiCMi: iiiui uir nvitig oeei commuted by thehebels, :o deutl whffl would be painful ai d nfefds. I cannot; omit ullittj ou that am? named Ba con, by trde a tailor, wa this day taken Up in woman'! tloaihts rtconnotering the our ports at the city ; h wasformer ly a Major of volumeertf'and is laid to be the perfoh appointed aicomnunder in chwf v hen Lord E -Fitjgerald taras taken ; he has been tried by apurt mar tial, found guilty, and w id b executed 1 - la . .:..ei " -to-morrow, aman parties on ne troop have been overcome, which J hope will teach me army toe more c ' Much depends on th of the North, and I am ha they are repenting paft erro delivered up fix. pieces or can urns.- ilpolition o hear and have n, which the United Irifhmen had cQnaled dat Extr8 of mother -letter roe? L id rune t. Aiore tnan 4010 neoiam en camped tbeiufelves on ihe hilh ell allagt (about 7 mi'es tram vublipj htric, nam bers nave oeen conuucratyy aupmenieo b thofe who (urrehdcrcftoGrr.. Dun das. Thrfcvempmendra' leaders civti VP by 'hfe man w ere fe v. h miferablc j, .l Cdl wr cues, wno jomeiyntra ttirougH letter from Wawrfnrd . 1 nv wife aldinc of aSftmei therein, will " ' NT' . . " ... -J.A-J f fee treated oy mm as rcdcis, aw pw Entice of a May 20. " By gentleman who, arrived oft Sort. 1 ay evening rrom Snnifcorthv. we earn. that on Saturday igh, a body of Unite! inmmen attacked the houle ot Huckev. of Rockfpring, (Lieutenant in the Earl it .Muunuiiuiin o vutp 01 i coman vavairyj which they homed to the ground. An. exprefs waa inftantly lent off to the above Noeleman at Camblin, and in a fhort time his corps, affifted by detachments of the fcninlcorthyaiid Heatthheld corps, toge ther with Cam. Richards Lieutenants la. cob, of the Ennifconhy Cavalry, Capt. urogan, ot theeaitbheld Cavalry, and a detachment ot cape. Cornock's Infantry, proceeoea tor tne place. " An advanced euard was detained from the main body, who, on their com- ing to the ipot, tontHi the inlurgents bur ning the (uerounding coontry : They immediately commenced an attack on the Yeomen, but we ire ferry to date, Lieu tenant Bucky, who had the command, ana a Mr. Uouovan, were 'killed ; the re- mamderot the corps retreated, and ha ving joined the main body, they advanced, attached tnetn wuhgreat ipuua laontv. and comoieteiv r..ute wnh the lois ot about 40 killed and wo laccoidintjlv. And Lieutenant Oenerai LAKEnere by fequkes all the inhabitants of the cUy of Dublin (the great officers of Hate, mem bersof the Houfea of r-arliament, rnvy Couufeliors", Magfliirates, and militaiv perfor s in uniform excepted) to remain within their reipeAive dwellings from 9 oMoik at night till 5 in the morning, under pain of pooifhmeor (ro fefeiarHbtrilttvipg hati ftiwd with a vtolent lever ro tne neigooouruooa lofaiafsVWaTf (fome of wftomare dead, . and others datfceroully fitkj occauoneo, it is fuppofed by a damaged cargo of Cof fee which had been landed thete. A tew days wiH difcover woether or not SKS i 1 r. 1-1 1.. I : the alarm i! wen lounoeu, o u ucg the Yellow Fever. Auguft 15. Late1, from Europe, Arrived lait evening, the brig WtfU . ur lf J t Msv order of Lieut. Gen. Lake, com-1 Indian, vapt. w utqn, 31 o-ya rrom sv. - '.. 1 1 . c ,uk... lii l.i art ill lath nil. 1: l: fr in the kinir. I deira. irom wucms v dom. G. HWETT, Adjutant. Gen. ' goblin. Adjutant General's Office, May 24, 1798." ' BOb 1 Augntt 4. Captain Smith is di ad. Letters were yeltcrday received from Guadalotioe, via, New. York, from cap uw imitn'smate, iniormmgoi uiMoe'Mi abotft the iytb June:; a victim totfrencn ittfatnV. Sfarva.tion begins to take hold of the yt'eeth of the Well-Indies. Hughes look ded- foiUe, and it t! ma, ncgins to reiax in f U wafrnearly an hour after Lfeute-lWs bfamies 1 loud.eville aflutnea wett ant Bky and Mr. Donovan Were killed, I liafrtyand the black general Toutflant, belere the mam body came into action, is preparing halharda tor hoillmi the '.compuiiton, and Vereabrut to defect th.m through iear. f he term given to thtlettien have created high mur mnrsand a rumoUrpievails-of tarv inqrrry. The event ceriau;lyflow 1 etc v.a6 no frcurify lor the engage. -ra nts ontheiideof the Rebels at al- huh and K atharjaan. Art! the rear if this army with w 1 4h-Gtn. Dut das had treated, inarchii g( ft wrh their ?rtn, rely iowiiH and at acktd b)ri mesD-fFand his nun, Jfcho was eicornng the mail to Kaas. but he put the Uord about aoo ol them. 41 Knaifcur rry (about 48 miles fiauth of Dublin. n a fine river ca.led theSlanevl ii in the bands of the tehels, who have put every Proteftant tq death. "Mr. More, of R-thaugart, having drawn out his corps againit the xkebels, bis lieutenant, who waa a Cjth.hc, crjed oat shst " to would not fire o bi fel low.cnitens Nor. Nor 1 1" ran thro' the corps. Qn abcb Mr, Mm 1 -t frf i t-Mixrrt no itJ n araorigu you nq oy me: ' Dbt or feeen man inftamiy Hood forward, who with" Mr- MW, as inttantly Fort their lives, and the traitors 'fled to )oh the Rebelf. M'Cann, an apothecary , liatnifrd by rns owa ten man of having luppbed ier vanit wub Mimerous doles of potion And Mr. faw a lift, 4ound in hit fe, of feven females in Grafton ttrec t med ro death the night of tbavf en ral rlfmg. Happily, hosrever, our Hr trlhut friends have fr this time el taped tuele herbaruus intentions. I Honfb, who is employed by covern tnent a! chimney fweep to the poolsc of fice, a to have let the barrarkt, the ariiaaicnj, ana an tne puouc ckosi on re The multitude of Rebdt in the county ot Waxfi-rd, and the herrors have committed upon innocent pro of the pr truant ptifjwfton, 4be that thefe two pr nciples have not brer Il0vthe irt Vain "Spare ni 'Nd Catholic Lojanxipauou whil roteltsnt livra.' . It it with atfliOieo end a we vatfjlt thfe r rmmrtapcei before our rawil r The beft commant on then eveey isia tnd 1u tii owirheeet. lit tTlaer energy, the valour, the faorhpWtid of eaverument, Were called lorth, 11 1 it this mtmrot. Kvsry day's delay a anew portion of Itrength to the rebels U it mitint action is mduhnahle dele a and cautvon muft be blended with human ty. Thwl bo laid dowo their arm furaendereil on trvco mtlersble men fuaadrrs, 4bo were but mtiaaidned fol lowers and of the reaaaloeVr, part join ed the tubals at Kataniian and I .harh and nrt attacked Gen. btr fansea DufT If ever enlajard coofsderstions were re !., it ia now. The vsea-s of huaaan itv rtMrrreaibe sseaiaww Lot th rr ba svrrry, a 1 at at nserty can be to individuals, bavt Wirbout cruel aWm avl.rge. The fate of In fate of thai empire, it perhaps during-which interval the wretches glut ted then .lavage tmy iby hacking and ti anglingthe body ot the "former Gentle man, having covered him all over with wounds, anil (erved his horft m the fame brmal maiTher. It is fuppofed there could not be left than 20 of them, tome of whom had tire -arms but in general they were armed wuh pikes. The guard ft ill continnes at the bridge. All tbe ftrangers who have not piotectiona are arretted and examined , and thole who appear to have come from' J a yV ptociaimetf places to escape apprenenilun are put in confinement. f Lalt week, we undematvd, foorer five pt Hons of rank and fortune were ar retted tn WaKford, and committed to goal, or treasonable practices." The Jollowing ia an extract of a letter irom an Omcer commanding in Carlo to bis friends in Dublin, dated Carlo w, May 2b We have e leaped molt inta mous plot that has been laid aaainlt this town. At half part two this morning we . m . . . 1 . I k 11 1 were artacKea oy near a tnoaiana u nitea Inlnmen, armed with every, offend weapon : fortunately we had tome inlor- 1 the luhject, aThief matsoa 01 and 30 of the th Dragoons, one company ot the Armagh, and one Ot the Cork Mili tia. In test minutes we were prepared to receive Uiem.and in two hooeaVWe killed on the Ipot near 400 wretches, with the aasaol only torn men on oar .1 I'elf wns under the difagicotthle 'siecaib.y of killing tour or ave at Tealt, in Ihort,, I rult this event will be the means ot re- itoring peace in mmt parts ot lite king loin. The light in the (trcen and avt. noes of the town is (brtfkjng. We alto turned a great part of the town. The vOonty of Kjldai e ha been in a moll re bellious Hate. 1 oould not conceive men to have 5ted wiih more eodrage add bravery than the troopa.'' DUBLIN, May 24 By tie Lord Lieutenant and. Council of sr - a a JrelmnS, CAMDRM, " His Lxcelvencv the Lord Lieutenant, y and with the advtce ot the privy Ohio cil Hat iffued orders to all the General Officer! commanding he M. jelly 'j foree!; opun'tlhanperfousaOiug, aiding, or in any manner slfiitug the Rebellion which now xiiU within this kingdom, and has broken, out in the mod dnog and violent attack ,ipon bav Majitfy's Urces, accwdin to Martial Law, auoer by death or ether- a lie. as to them (hail t. esasefkr and ea nedici t ftars and lliinea. The felectmen havino had aonfI- tation wirk the phy0cians of the town, find from thetv reports, that from the rirft appearance of the ftver. .via. from tne tit ot July, which has proved Jo mor tal as to excite foike al?m, boh m town. -and country hut 16 perlons have died with tnat d.feale, and but .10 periens are now tick, that in all theie cafes, ibr probability is, the infection was taken in or near the tow-n dock ; and in no in- rtsnte has it appeared that the infection has been communicated from one potion to Lanoiher no.phytician, nUrfe, or atten dant on the uck, having as yet t.aqt tne dilorder. In other relpccts the town is as heaUhy as it has been for fcvcral .years paft. , . The, felectmen have taken, and are taking, every precaution t,o remove (rem thole places ell caules of infection. - .By order of the 5eleclmen, WM-.LaOfkR, Tvtiro Clerk. the L on the morning of w hich day, a Portu guefe vefl'el arrived there in 5 days from Lifbon, and brobght it formation of the Toulon fleet, with Buonaparte on board, having been met with by Admiral Nelfon, who had chafed them into Corfica, with the lofs of one frigate (taken or deftroyed) tbat the Britifh Iquadron beJrgconfide rabfe lefs in number than tbe French fleet, the admiral dilpaubed a frigate to Lord5t. Vincent, for a reinforcement, to alTift hun in the blockade, and in all 1 titty in an auemjfct Jajettroy them dport. BALTIMORE, Aogoft 16. This day, the federal floop of war, Rahinore. Iliac Philips, eiq comaaan- an F I J e toniunation tne nn,' mat lob- oy tiers at this fealuo of'tbe year, aad until the middle of oepteritber, asc enur nttly cintt-iouv to tbe healta and predifpoftato putr d dtfordert UEW.YOHK, AuuO. The French knu then friends. The accounts ilns day received frrflr Guadeloupe ftate, that much djla isladi n having pp red ti eie in conitquime of the luipefion of intercom le vmh the U ued Statek, V clor flugf ethat' c-l l tog' (her his troops, aad readlaem apa per containing nn-il genre which. he laid l ift arrived Inm Aim r cj. " That the fret ch partv in New.YorJc, beaded by the ianaiaaafmmr7y, bad rifcn, aud at- tera pitcJied bat le with the ArtUotrata, in which they Jiiltrd 1100, had taktopot- leiTu n of that fcity, and that flour and provsfiont u d iocm be 1 plenty ase ver." Satisfied Atth ihiincA!, and be- tut d, they had wken ihe vtTe departed evry (hii. va prU6ly tri.- qu.l. ' ': .. L Captain Duplex, of aha brig Cret and Cap' Clark, ot the fcSoosm Aatnbler jtiU atrrved in 13 ds front Guadatoope mernknedthai they had heard tbete o 1 to toe .n), thr uoe l for tbe anm.fhraent anJupnrel fsooof ill Rr beli m heir fav raid ft Melt; I . . L! I L I . 1 1 M-1- III... A. . . . I 1.. 01 wnicn nis iviajewy wujtua uvicvy required to take nonce. . f , Given at the Council Chamber, In Dubfio, the a4bday of May, 1708." NOTlC. Lieuteaaot XsVweril Laavr, cow manding his Majefty'a feecea m iht king dom, bsving veetived from hli Excel lency the Lord LtttmsT pow era to pal dowft : he Htbelllon, and to pdfllfh the Kebeli In the moU fummsr y manner, iccordmg to Martial Law, does hereby give notice to all hit Majefly't hat ftev ewiernsined to earn eatrufied o him in tne moil aioner, far the anacdifte fup I tba leaaa t ad that all perfom I til ftefeni Rebel two, or u J der, weighed anchor and went down tbe ever We undcrftand (he is to join the Coronation now in Hampton Roads, frorn whence rbey will ijimtdiatfly pro ceed in company to the Havannah, to convoy home the valuable fleet ot Weft Indiasktn, now lying there. TEUSBURG, Augnftai. Accounts received from Philadelphia tbat that city is in a moil dtl- fituation The greateft cpnfter- v Dtevailed neoole flvina in all quarters moft of the phyfjctant bad left the ciy , and iome of tbe public offices are remosfd. 1 he difeafe was fpreading generally proved fataL 4 Auguft , 94. , Pcftmafter Gent ral has provided two fall lailinu Pilot Boats to be employ ed a k Packets for carrying the public mails, tshtar between Philadelphia and Chartetton. Ihe number of burials in tbe feveral prate yards of the city and liberties of Philadelphia in 04 hour, endmg the acib mu., at noon, weie 30 grown perrons ana .7 children. Thephyficiam are lamenting ticir waotot lucce!s in treating the dtt ea)e. aa it appears to differ materially fnoib the fatal fever prevailing there in 1-717 nd 1793, and in many cafes ex t(ds t! erh in it! malignity. NORFOLK Attfuft Cip:. D.xnn of the Determined Rover, as he was envrg iuio Curracoa, wa chafrd a shore by a French ptivsiaer the crew of which tcok pcfltaTicn of her f but the gave rnor' fent 15 foktier 1q. fecored 9 Krercbmen, put them in jafi, 1 d got the fthoonef cfl wnh little ot 1 0 damspa ; Ike had a)o,cOo dollars worth of Englilh dry goods oh board. beviqg the caule in peaceably retired, Croy mtn for bie. me tf the Rendi It was the o aer Le among the powi vigaraas this rclon, that there were French' men enough in this country to 11 tit N ALL OUl CI 1 IKS AND TO CUT I HE IHftOATbOP ALL I HK IN. HABITANTS that wa Would there, tort ha alt lid to do any act that might rifque a war with France 1 baft gen. iletnen heard this opinion generally men tioaed, but arere particularly told foby a French cotamiflary at Point He t re. PHILADELPHIA, Auguft 7 - f 1 1 1 a 1 1 J . a vonuoerswe ataraa nas prevauca ice to or three dsys pet (hot particularly I rdffday) from a rvport of the Yejlaw port tm.tnre fo SAVANNAH, Aoguft 7. We are for ry lobe ender the neeefiiry of mentioning a very daring eat rage, which was com mined in this heihor on ihe night of the 4th inftant. A vroali Spaniih fchooner had that day arrived Irom St. AugoHine, which sras foon known to be the fame veftel that had lately been a privateer, and captured two outward American vflrla near Ty bee bar, which were carried into St. Aoguftine. Two of the rtivateeffWn came in the -schooner, aaat it appears were recollected by mass! ,oL theft vh had been captured. About V" If Pf9mJ the waarf 1treke Ichooner lay, maltreated in dsa maftosurugeoua manner the craw, then nn rwaored and carried her alou a wule up rtie rWer, Where Ike was fel fire to, and ent ire. ly conlumed. This Mo'eut and tMlMMA- eov, every dllooatson . m m 1 United State, and UmA o camered vefUi, .tv,.- meinim.ed, ti findine that rtie kwd M ieband articles en beard lm m. WJSJV blc act it Spkntlh lih was, eaini UliJUH regretted, a the Herftar Hirsiion have rf- terdav haaaacewatadht awaswHna u rtw Aasftog in ted we behave ne, arm nave rome 10 a ralMaetaja. that the mayor do uarifmtt to bis eaaalliiuif the tovemor, thelnfWiation tkey kwvi medraiely isTue- a proclamation, offerinet1 mmm ICll af the cendS"-