ALVs WILMINGTON GAZETTE. (No. 99 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 198. VoK II. ni.ri' r lasitfu The "Wilmington Gazette T;X7TLL be enlarged and printed on a VV new and elegant Tpe, twice ; week after the fiRST day of January, 1799- Price of Subfcription FIVE DOL LARS per Annum, (exdufife of poage one half paid on the receift of the firii number, and the .other at ate end ol the. year. ' . . ' JL Advert wrMntrVof no greater length than breadth will be infertel tfoehVU time for Six Shillings, and for evef unce Four Shillingslonger ones in pro portion. AU Communications deferving a place hi the Gazette, and which may not be oroductive of any ill to fociiff, will thankfully received, - . and inferted gratis. THE WILMINGTON GAZETTE cn itt new and enlarged plan, will contain an ample detail of foreign, and Dotneltie Intelligence, the Debates in Conerefs, the Laws of the United States and of this State, EtTays, and all other matter that will be ufeful or entertaining to its read The Printer with gratitude acknowled ges the great obligations he lies under to generous Public, for his fuecefuful en deavoars in his prefent undertaking, and to merit their further encouragement, is willing to make greater eaertions to ren der the Gazette worthy the patronage of his Fellow. Citizens. From the number of Advertisements tr contains, its prefent fixe and weekly publication wilV not admit of all the Occur 1 ences of this very impor tant Epoch, when the ftrongett patlions of the human roiud are in action, and the fate of nations depending. In order there fore to eccomplifh its object, by rendering it a Vehicle of General and Speedy Infor mation, it will be enlarged and puWifbed as arorefeid, and the great e(l punctuality ad tare abler ed hi forwarding it to fub ki ihefe.T 1 iffc ifroafOnssi it is Omiecenxt) to make any other promtfe in lits tntflre conduit rhaOCO Decency and Liberality. If he h to lorttmate asto pleafe in this bis pelt eon J nwi (of which there can be no greater si been J Foreign Intelligence, By the Brig C yrus, which arrived f of Btf. tin on the 2$tt) at, SUMMARY. By account by various opportunities, verbal, and epitfolary, it appears, (con. trary to the fear of many ; and the withes of fome,) that the publication of our difpatches have net provoked either the directory or' the fupreme legifl.turr f of the French republic to actual hoU I tilitics againlt this country. On the o- ther band the r rencn nat ion in general and its public agents in parti' ular are deterrr ined to prevent a W ar, if pofhble, - . a. . I . . . T etween mat country ana our own. wo- doubt, this meafnre will be aicrtbed to vaunted energy of our own mea lures. But hive we not a right to fuppofe that we are equally indebted to the wiidom arid moderation of the public council hi France. No matter what is thecaufe. Every republican mull rejoice, tha a war is now impoffible unlets by our own fault. The renunciations of any claims to a loan are now faid to be as explicit as tbey can be ; and the have f actually offered to make full teltitutioi, for all property unlawfully taken by then corfairs. We have not time to be more prolix :-hut we heartily congratulate the friends of peace in Qengrets and out oi l t a, foflefles efery requlfue for creating and manning a navy. . coalition for the defence of the rights of nations mult t;'ke place, or, as Tacitus laid of theanctnt Nations of Germany " while they engage the cm my one by one, pty ire one by otte conquered.' A coaiitton, formed not on the bafis off dftnemberment and partition of France, hut on that of the rights of men and na JpH :-by Wl.ich slot e effectual Jecuriiy can be obtained from external attacks or titernal iofumelioii. We are catrenic l)f gl'd to perceive that a party is form .Son ihe principle of political juftice, in die Coui dU of France. he,, two conOfiU hve' rejected the 1 rife otaer alt H -he bead of oppofition; that it, ft fna4s4Liropery ard well reiuilattt -S. : I lWWt own civil anu reiiPiout. it te W i . . . w iy aiding tbt party tn the councils of f ranee, and by a ftrenuous lupport of hJe principles of true freedom sm jultice on which it is founded, in op petition to the predatory and iubvertii it of the directory , that Ireland is t itecliialiy fecured from French ir on, and hurope yetto he laved Iron trial dominion. SPAIN nd fGBIIUCJiL ir, that their efforts to prevent a electa ration of war lalt teffion has thus far pro ved fuccefiful. NEW. YORK, Oaober ao. Summery, ' Of European Aihkettttbe lyth Seftem- V, ret eived by the WHliemand Henry, prim Unit. Twaeveoti are eonfidered s havinr taken place extremely intereing in sjkr j pollrkai mfluence on the attaint of FRANCE. and all Europe namely, the fetting Dotnedic, 5pain frems to he divided betweer nnnaretiy and rrpublicani'tn .Portugal irtherrs hrmljr, and pfefares to give -"fry lupport in her power to her na- ir.iir evidently on the eve of new wan. e fomenting, dividing, and garrifon- tog fytlem of the UiMclorV, has pre- psrrdthat eon try for UA Kmpo-J rary depepdance on KriiKt. Moihim J t of a vigorous co orrra-un bet wen Auhri. and .and. for the fh of ' the h4m 1 ft , fair Vertce snot , JfrJL , fti tb Adrtaise the former or givt-ae I , TTZTI detrae of commercial influ ,ne in, th I nr. stlm. Medtttrrsnean to the latter. CtRMANT. Ihe Conorefl at Raftadt has labour- U Hart en hlmfelf that in his" future he J propoled union of Ruflla, A"fria, andied in vain to induce the Hates and prki. will be equally lueeeltful. iEngland. The htll opens to the t renchl ces cf Ihe Empire to make a peace wit) Printers being of like palBom with other,! Republic objecls parnnoont even to ia the republic leparetey from ihe head of iiuct, 101 wntcn in ere can dc iw srnirr to - , , i r eTSnie than the e.tenhe nreblalion hJr V Bonaparte, and the reful.l of Gazette ha. gained in lei. than two years)! the Court of Berlin to aceede to the W2ASMM SWT Baltimore;, nvv The lollowmg it urcfting fa is re lated in a New p it paper, aidu Haud to come from good authority. A gentleman reading at Lmg lflai d, wht re li.ey epj y air equally at pure as ours, and who had not ifitt d the city of lev-Yck for five Weeks, had octa iion for a barrel bf Lcet to te lot v. aided him Itom thence, on opening 01 hichj himfeif and two negroes preieflt, expe rienced tbch noxfous sxhaiatkms, arifihg in cebftqueme cf itt puirid Ittte, tbak ahhouoh it wa in n tdiately buried. thef ajlskjhe nMfa fever. 3f- anesBiati MrM e m titier JimpbitrUCf to ST. HtfSgt j. f A'Hu. f Gremda 8pfc. 27. On thpMilotAog. Jau 33, 1 had very heavy gales ot wjtidt it blew with lucn VKNCiite, ana Heavy lea ioin, was fearful L ihould have been ublioed t throw the eums ovei board : 10 acd :o our trouble iW ot vut k-fe chain pbtts gave way, atid with the j;reatfl oimtul- y, we laved our wall front fdicg over- boaidt On ihe snth in 1st. abii lore. ca. ell in With 1 hip and a Jchdnrr, being 10 windward ol tktin 1 bore down to peak the fliip, and genii g io clofe as to -ke the trumpet and (peak her, at that uKment we received a whole broadbde rom the Ihipbut tottunateiy did r.o n mage ; my people all at their q oar ers, 1 rni rmo 11m the uft.plm tM An ;.flion con nirnctd, which Sailed two hoors at d ac n u utes ;.4UPc) h.y cuolr " .'; wiiw'. icu ny u n oiil'ioi) 1 early ij etcitll, 1 ihti gt.t it fs It ru- t 1 t quit bru J lUftMdc f st- obe sri sntiih whsth MX os. Stat, Oat men, are in dauber of becoming the in- Itrumentt of parties, rather than the taun ful publithers of troth perfecuen Is the lot of mo man. If the Pi utter of the WiJ mington Osxette has any political princi ples, he hit iludioufly endeawsred not to be led sftray from tlricft datf by thrm. If he is in from any delndhiR pf-fmn.-itiathe LOVE OF MIS COUNTRY - Here he is attached to the ObyjfY of his withes, and rendy 10 lacrhkc Ms all far her Pence and Happineh. - , tvt The Wllminatoa Oatette will he ambition the fecund teems to threaten the Empire; but in the midlt of this wst ihecosKluron and fall of the German Em of words, they bave neglecied to llieng pire. Ot the ulterior views cf Boon a- then their tooting on ihe right hank 0! parte we have not yet been informed.' the Rhine, by reinforcing tltctrgarrifoni. Never t'mce the modern and recent im .id by new bridges, and thete loruh- nrovemeuis intneact of navigation waviMi. there any expedition, to no ureater ! dtttancr, that cxerciled for fo long a time the public cunooUty and impatience ; a circumusncc wnicn is prooaoiy 10 oe accounted for from the uniform courfe ot the winds in the Mediterranean, low. continued to itt present fobferibers, until I i in July and AuouH from North- Weft ,,m7 aj" F wnrry, unci ymm u. men gj, ,out it r.a ii out tnists certain, man H07HBRN POWERS. Difcontenis prevail in Holland, bt. patriotilm has fltd felfiUinels has tnc J ea a srv a & a ccfto. 1 ne uutcn are uoomeo to po litical domination. CHEAT BRITAIN IRELAND If general Lake has been too prec'K luhicribed after the fifth day of January, f 79T, when the Gazette wn conmenced, fliould fctile up 19 the firlt day of Jaoaa 7yo. Wilutmgton, N. C Ocsobsrath, tfot. nPHB CiSMrtnerflno. of Ioin CL Jk HoROA.ndCo was d. (solved cm SJM 1 tth o Scnaher hstt by omen I can lent -Ail perfons having demand againfl fold FitMt or omn CawiowDa, ate r an lied to apply to the foofcriber for payment, nd thoft indrtted thereto, ar deftred SO make pafaacnf witboat delay. The foo6 n hand tfoiongmg to the Compsty, will be fW very chesprfo tjlh. in order 10 clof the bofinefs. No ereditwtll be givo to suy perfon what - JOHSCALHORDA. Nov. arrera. It , reouifite that thole who I sryp, j, ,n .dmirable politton, whether I pitate in marching againlt the French his views he on India or J urbey in tu I with a imaii ano undiiciplined force, rope, or both. In the former cale, it 1 Lord Cornwailit leenu to verge towards opens an eafy communication with In-1 the contrary etretc) yet, we readily dia by aieansof the Ked Jea t in the fe-ldmit that it is well done to lav lives cond, st commands thofe nugaxtnes oil if pofTiole, and 10 reduce the enemy 10 rice and other crain which lot m a great I the neccflity ol lurreodermg. This IV portion rf fuhfmance Td lh plnahuants, tempt of the r reneb i mil u ted, will have ol Contlanttnople, and other cities under hc hppy eflecl of dilcouragciug fimilar the TurhiOi dominion. Whatever he attempts in future, the delagn ot this ntraordmcry expedi i he examination of the United Ir'iflt. 1100 to Pgypt, we are not inclined to men, before the ferret commutes of the form fo great operations from it as fome Hoof of iwd hi that kingdom, d. potitsqaiis ; or to treat it otherwile thai; I ur vet to btiead with attention by very vor. Usa 1 THE TaMrHKr fVtr t. ,,d tr w w at teparatc, thought vary extraoHiofjry event, which can neither Aop nor tfrnt- 1y accelerate the great utovemcntt ol affairs, which depend on chains of an tecedent occafious and combination 1 the nuoral cffirAs of which ft Onglc catalfrophets no: abl to fruftrate. The geoeral plan of French govern, tnent and ambit lon would not be over- tnirttlffct I Crt by th dtlappoiniment sod defsat iren vwviiiuiiii. n iiiv vini they have prepared, in Italy, tor ftsfh a dtfeomfiture, if it fhootd hsp pen. 1 11 garriioncnt to is ten w ( lu ts Mamua. A new army na m American hut snors particularly by eve. y 4MMMJCAN lC0BUi-A care ul tienifai of it cannot fail to convince rn Iriends of the execrable OireAOfy 7 th PrhttrM a thr Ftirrxi Cmxette. Gentlemen I ucjueti ou to give puMUity to the following through the MsRsmi 1 1 j our Gaxctie. On tie tb ot Sett, I was cap- torcd in' the tntw ht iy, nbaltunre dole in with tbe iiamfh h air, by fit nth privateer, on ' board of which ihr vt ullow by the nan e of ohn Mat Lett of UaltiMort, Whb tclo ma in order to cover his piratical tonouA. that be was Only getting ifclfegc from LegOira to C urracoai but I ft bo found out that be was On of ti e Uitl aiuv of tbo 4rst's crew. I t ptifuaOed iht capt. ol lb ; t iv; eer, tl at unit is he to lined ne and sny ncn, we fihuld rifo on him snsj retake the trow . lie t apt tain mct.tionen what he h.d it Id f in, and crucrcd oiyfelf at d oiaie to be cci fi ned in the cabin, ai d my men io lot Aeersee, whet c we were kept to dole, that toe heat bad nearly deprived us of eniftence. When arrived at Curracoa, Matbert afhotitd great impvtanr . and directed hy has ndormaimn, another Ffencb privateer inttantly got tanner weigh to cruife oft Laguira, for the hmw Maryland of baltimufe, which (he cap. meed sad into Cnrrjftcoi. The shove Watbers, hotomon Ceer, and on Learock, went out privateering an th 14th inft. in s French knooner of so guns. I s pre lent when th two m. VsaKJsa.l& -m. latter vent on noaio, and heard them de clare, that every American they captured ncy van vn wmm owns. I with evry printer in the union to pobiifh the above, in order 10 siCjOaiot the Otfhtic, that io a wflt again open hs 5hool terms as foymtrly he hfts a obtaining fovm fit for the Rrrbert Harley. were not tore th peons" of Ireland, hu- to jmhjgtt thtm 1 and that af-rr de cctvino them thro differi-nt times with proeaile of aJiftancc, they hav inally led them into Inare, and left 1 prey to the md.e nation ot their own in- canted government. It is alto of remark, that m the tsie moe th French, no doubt ;hrotaah a fl am. x . 1 ui is i"itHtjs a new army na mu. 1 motives, ptaeoo in inm peataniry in ched to Know, titwitt, warn its fl t ul iront of the battle. Jnch atU that the views ot the French gceenimentl the cam wanders of veftsls belonoinK to m - - .It at a a a -orihyl m become I -r th United States, of the villainy of thole Jacobins. Your, It. gaRRat Barry Curracoa, Ofl. 16, '(at, Tots! fettha in New York, from Aug. ifl to Nov. ift. Mro ie7J wajsjssj a A s j.d srlenals, n tn tHe grtft of tire Ii I tbe aftnotft Of IW raftsry J, in so M, ail Italy, w ktk Wilmiagtoo, Nov. j, ol. 46I M :h4i. 4M wuh Uk t,