{VOL. I.) (NUMB. 29.) AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. CHARLESTON, Auguft 29. T WO Jews, one of whom fs a perfon of diftin^tion, have lately arriv-^d at Philadelphia from Jamaica, and who have not long ago been at Hebron, which is about 30 miles from Jerufalem,and which is their ailuai place of refidcncc. Their object is to Coiled fubferipti- ons for fomc of their brethren wlio have been enflaved by the Turks for not producing a certain tri bute at an appointeil time. There are lome who remember, that upon the failure of the payment of this tribute, the Jews at Hebron were fcizcd once upon as (laves by their ei uel and iaioiting oppofers, the Turks. > We are informed by a correfpon- dent, that Congrels intend giving encouragement to the railing or fii^ar, and rh(?m iking of rum, on the coait of Africa, with a view of ‘bartering American maaufa;^l:ure8 ior the lame. If we conlidcr that^ there are not one hundredth part of the inhabitants of the earth that ufefugar, and that all favages arc fond of rum, we cannot get better articles in payment of the goods wemanufafture, as we can barter away the rum and fugar we get in payment for furs and Ikins, with the inhabitants of the remoreft parts of the globe to a very great advantage, provided we could not confume the fame at home our- lelvcs. If Congrefs can effodf a thing of this kind, it would be add ing a more friendly part by the the Africans than the Europeans have done. Our correfpondent adds, that the Europeans ought to be glad*that can find markets for our ma- nufadlurcs amongft nations with whom they have fcarcc rny ac- iUaintance, as it may prevent our^ quarreling with them refpedfing’ commercial matters, about which, for cci^uries pafl:, they have been almoflf continually fighting. May the great difpofer of all events, give Melfing to every place that^will promote peace upon earthy, and good will amongft men ! N E W-Y O R A;, Auguftj;. By the UNITED STATED in COxN'GRESS^ afiemblej, Wednefday\ Auguft 20, 1788. T he Committee, confiftlrg cf Mr. Clark, Mr. Dane, Mr. Wiillamfon, M' . Binghuni, and Mr. Baldwin, to whom was referred the report ot the board o treafury refpsiH. g a requiliten '‘or the year 17SS, havmg re ported, “That in order to afcertain whef'er any or what funis in fpocie it n.ay be neceiVary to require of the ftaies thepiefent yeai, they have taken a general view of the-xpenditures of eve.-y kind of the Unucditatesforlc- veral years paft, and Including the eft mate :o.-the pnient year, and have compared thofe exj^endi ures with the provi ions that have been cnade by Congrefs or difeharging fpecie demands up^^n the union during the fame pe riod : that on afeertaining th anreunt ot the faid exp nditurcs’from Janu ary I, 1784, to January i, 1788, the aiiicunt of the intcreft whicli accrued on the foreign debt previous to the year 17*^', and the amount of the lunis paid for feivices performed in the yda^'s 1781 2 .d 1783, cut of the requiiition lor 1784, they find that thofe cxpc.nditiires, and the faid intereft and ftrvice* of 1782 and 17S3, and eftiinate, amount to the fums following, viz. Inteteft accrued on the Foreign Debt prior to 17SA, - - - Fi frirn Inf'-reft which became doc 1784, 1785, 1786, and 17C7, Foreign Ir.tertft which becomes due in 1788, Whole amount of Foreign irttcreft to 178S, inclufive, Dollars. Dollars. i*7C7*57'- 7® 468.981. 75 Parts of the Principal of the Fatties Debt due. 1.442.101. 55 Of the French Debt in 1787, Ditto, ditto, 1788, 462.962 82 462^62. 8s 72 925-925 3.36S.C27.49 239.680.33 2.111.782.34 326.427 6.036.917.16 3.168.442. 46 Inftalmentsof the Fore'gn Debt, Intereft and parts of the principai of the Debt which become due from the con/raifLig thereof to 178^ indufive, Amou t o payments for the laid fervices, pertormed in 1782 and 1783, - - . - A6>ual oxpendituresin the years 1784, 1785, 1786, and 1787, in the Civil, Military, Indian, Contingent, Invalid and Geographer’s departments, ... Eftiniate for the year 1788, - - . i otal amount, ^ - Having afcertalned the expenditures aforeraid,thc conlmlttee have found it neceflary to enquire what parts of them have been aflually paid, and they find that thefe amount to And that the parrs of the expenditures aforefaid, remaining unpaid, are as follows ; Foreign Jnr« reft tothe year 1788, inclufive, 1.521.116. 33 The principal af refaid of the Foreign Debt, becon^ing due in 1787 and 1788, 925.9*5. 74 Arrearages of expenditures in the years 1784, 1785, 1786, and 1787, in the departments aforefaid, i8t.oo5. 43 Parts of the eftimateof the prefent year unpaid, 240.427 ■ " 2.S6S.474. 60 The comrhittee having afeertained the extent of public expenditures^ and the amount of the unfatlsfied demands which have heretofore arifen, and which arife the prefent year, again ft the union as aforefaid, proceeded to exa mine the extent of the provifions already made by Congrefs, and the parts tiiereof which may be applied to difeharge the onfatisfisd demands aforefaid, and they find that the Dollars. Specie requifitions made fince January i, 1784, amount to That the Foreign Loans contradled fince January 1, 1784, amount to 5.173.673. 22 1.600.000 6.773.673. %2 3.*! 2.594. ted. Whole amount of provifions, rii at of the faid requifitions there is now due from the ftates, making a reafonable allowance for what they may have paid to Invalids, fums amounting to Which fu ins may be appied to pay the unfatisfiad demands before I That chough a confiderable part of the loans before mentioned, was applied to difeharge debts of the late war, and 338.640 dollars thereof mufl be referv- cd ;or paying intcreft on the Dutch loans which will become due in the years 1789 and 1790, yet 71,093 dollars, the proceeds of the faid loans, may he ;p- plied CO pay the unfatisfied demands above ftated ^ hence the provifions al ready made and unapplied are, The arrearages of fpecie requifitions, amounting to ^ Parts of the loans made in Holland, amounting to "^Proceeds of Jones's captures, comprehended in the expendi> ^ tures, &c. Dollars. 3.292.594. 7 71.093 20.772. 55 3.384.459, 6s By this ftatement it appears, that there is a furplus provifion already made beyond the demands in fpecie, of the year 1788, and of the preceding years, of 854.625. s dollars, ioi-liiding the provifion for the Dutch intereft in 1789 and 1790 j fo tliat it will not be necelTary to require any fpecie of the ftates tiie prefent year, beyond the arrearages of the part requifitions. As the paft requi fitions were calculated ta the expenditures of the years in which they were made, and the Invalid penfions and fome other experces were not included in the eftimates, and as no requifition for fpecie was made laft year, and none by the above ftatement appears to be neceffary this, it may be proper tolhew briJly how this happens. As the Dutch Intereft which will become due in the years 1789 and 1750, is already provided for by the late L-utcii loans, ard ..s the whole foreign intereft, Jtnd parte '■f tre foreign debt wi ich become due the present year, are airetdy provider for, arJ as the refpeftive ftates owe laren a-vea ages of requiCtiens, and have large internal den and» upon the n as ind.vidu. 1 ftates to iatisfy, and t»’cir means of payirg them muft feen bediminifhert corfiderahlv, the con m itx-areof epnion, that it is not advlfable to re quire The rifpcTtiv. Hates tc make provifion fi-r paying siic 1 ^ ertft anc fuch parts of the principal of the foreien drbt, as ''id r.ot become due till lome time in the year 1789 s. In tins cafe, the Ipetie demands upon the Unite i States tor the p-^tleot and preceding yeass, ameunt to 2.568.474. 60 to beoifchargcd by furplus provifions of forci-n loans and preceding icqmfitions, which as befere hatedl ati-.-unt to- 3.363.687. 7. N t to panienhrize feveral inftsrces In which the efti mates have in ropreat d-gree exceeded the aclual exptn- fiiturei, the furpius provifions will be principj'ly found under the kw follow ing heads ; -In the requifi-i -n fo the y.car 1784, i.ooo.oo® of doU irs were provide ’, for ftr- vices of I78_ and t7'’3—765.320 dollars of which were rot applied to thok cbjtQi ; in ,hc fame requifition, 161.461. 57 dollars were Iequired and r.5t app ep-iated, and in ther qu fit.on of 1786, there was a fsn-Ius called for hy mirtak- 333.iii, and a large mrplns has arifen in the paft rf quifi io-is by applying a confiderable 03. of the iatc Dutch loans topayirg oictgn ir-ttreds, &c.'t. pay wh.ch, apoiopriatiors in thofe requifition- ha: ce:» made—paft appropria ions have alk be en eakd ct.rd:-'' ra- bly by other lo..ns. It is to Be cbferved that the |oc.n* inace ty the United States in Holland, inthej rsrj .-St 17S8 a.;u.unt, when filleo, to ^oc.ooo doll.ry —tra^-.ra- Vifion IS rn-iue in the paft rcquifiticr of Co’-'vrd's fc-- ing the principal of the lur^ y.. deb; 025 r:?c. ■ -s fo that when the ftates (hall iWona -lv p^/up i -' - - ’rl of paft requifitions, Crngrefi, will be enahLdt Ilf • forUgn ctbt, nctwlth' ar.dmg the faid kan.of i-*- and ,7?3-.to pay th? intereft due or the fere.^-. eht to the year 1788 m iul p..y ti.e cunr-t txpeoct. of rhe lec.erai goy .rrm r t o h pr..Lpt .ud p ycur,, and to bep-ovided m fome mcafures for the dc.nands ..i ihs year 1789. ^ Under ihefe elrcumftimces the committee areof cpinloti, that the monies iaicly borrowed in Holland be applied fi lely to diRbarging the D itch irte eft, and certain de mands arifing agiinft the United States in Europe ; that an adequate fum ct the an ears due o' the paft requifitiors be appropriated for the l.rvices of the preftnt year, .md that one year’s intereft on the dom ftic debt be called for arid made payable'in indents j”—vv'hereup: n, Rehl-vedy I hat of the arrearares cue cn the fequlfitl- ons o? o ie thoufand feven hundred and eighty-four, one thoufand feven hurd.-ed an.d eighty-five, and one thouf»nd fiven hundred and eighty-fix, be, and there is hereby ap propriated for the pn fent year, the fum of three hundred and twenty fix thouGiid, four hundred and twenty-feven dollars, and fer t ie totlowingpurpofes, viz. Dollars. For the Civil department, 108.587. 6a Military department, 119.839. Surveys of Weftem lands, 4.000 Indian Treaties, 2-. .000 Invalid Perficr.s, 58.000 Contingencies, 16.000 Refohedy That the ftates be, and they are hereby re quired to pay into t!ie treafury of the Umced States on or bvforethe firft rf JuJynrxt, the fom cf one million fix hundred and eighty-fix tho-jfa.id, five hundred and fo r- or=e 'iollars, and twelve nineriechs of a dollar, being the amount of ens year’s intereft on the domefti; debt of tlis United States ; and tsar the quotas of tj e feveral ftates of the aforefaid fums bg as follows, viz. New-Hampfliire, MalTachufetts, Rhode-Kland, Connedlcutj New‘=York, New-Jerfey, ' Pennfyivania, ^ Delaware, Maryland, Virginia^ North-CaroHn^i, South-Carolina, Georgia, “ Dollars. 59.258 252 339- H 3^.326. I4B 516. ig 144.185. 57 93 72s. 39 230698 i3 25 23^- 72 159096. 8r 391. iS 122.564.54 108 i6c. 18.036. 63 4 1.6S6.541, la

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