""i i - ' w '"J ..." v ':V-V- V ' '-7'- '- : m a. ."" af-J -V; j.-?. AviV- rf. T il ISIS '.!-. .- - -' ' T R I B A Y, J U L T18, . - i-- - : .-. .... . .- C K C U L A R L E T T ER voted city would deliver vp tht lr arms, he wotild per';: . mit tnerrrrto ih tromthe-towprVrth-thcie tfctts 33S2S11: To "the'C OM MITTEES of So u Yh-C AfcoLiNa.. They delivered up rira r-3000 ftahd of a?mV-ahd to tly$ t:feW;&mM r" v .y:-r - - - day, they arc, in ilumeful hrcac&.efthe wjnUita .'V; ' '. :k Clmltftown, Jne,30, 1775, ; taincd in captivity, pV.icntly chJurmg the calanutiei'o -lifv P 1 m of chelate -war, do:i difperfc vou rckls.danm.y'ihrow dotrnyour armtv; 'f ')'. .'3Sj iuiikri Ji cjunanj difperfe.; ' UponVlUch' the troops hu2za'd imcr' : 'vf icufure of iheir iniquity djattly one or two piScers'difthired "their7 "piflolsandrffNpigj xed in the purfuit ci their th-rn ihcrc feemedvlo It i g:ncnl difebrge fromlW? i' ? W " - iwcvci, inc tuiec ot -ramenca inu ccicnoes in r HI. V year will bca grand cpocna in the hiitory of commencement ol tli.s uiinaniral wit: about eiclit q, liiaiijkm.i. una iuiiivuuu.i an., nii-uninu,.. iriiic nuiinrcu MOKittts-caxiie in ucnt, iu!t oetote graced hcrfcll, in in unexampled rjrv- cl all the Lnghiu minutcrS ot ttnte rim William-- to rthe. conclulion net equal ths c uil t that -D r itiftv fjucc the Litter penod. ' The : mca ?r k.hh uw iuh. Ktm . .u j'...... i iui.ii uiTii uicic iecmicuau a K-iHTii liucirjrirc isom iiC "' i ' k'fv.i :4 - it "!- a..J-..L.-.Li-.-:-l. H t ... . : v-. . ' O . ,. . . , ... . -, -H.'iC-'l-lj p. ni to cnn.vve America, in oruci nw me; uuui iiiiitc ynor oooy. r.ignt-vimenc;iTi5-werc kiiietf-upon -tlm)i4-v(.i'f-vi I Vfl M.I XT i.W:it4Wiu'm to elevate. thcmonarch, jlutjusbtn nine were vrounded. The fohlicrs, j laced t.ii a. throne only to oTrn unncr ine uwiiito iuiuui.:6,. relumed their irarch to Concord ; sr.d there, , . " ;. rhroiu !i:'orc ail law. lint, divine proridencc has in-' ' l'pcedily dellrovvd a ccnfdcrable quantity "of flour and r ""'"'-. i- l"-)u-cJ tuc,rAJ:'icricitw-with fu'ch vitfj'couragv ?.nd con--. other iUa belonging to the' public. ' Another jfariy of? yX, lut, as lu likca.iy attract:;! th; attention of th: uui- militia, abcut i 50 nun, il.rn.'ed -at tuch Tiolenccs, baj."' W-: ;:' an.l will nukithctn iumoui Wthc lateit noftcrity. . aflcmblcd ncar.a bridire- at Concbid. Tbi" fcWiers fired' . i killed 1 .. two nxn, .; It was this re2.pcateJi , 'I'hc-Amcricsnn. promifc- to-arMt- tho land ot t yrunnj , 'upon them, an n.l to favc even llntjn iu Iron) nuckl:i. In a former letter we da la red 'to-you, that there i Kut it; i? projbi it? 01 i.ee:duiz the preunt unuapry Vxii troops out ot the town, and com ftcllM then ttx i.ublic difruus, by the pactfcc nttaiures we nae nitucno retreat to '-cxin 'ton, m here they met a rcnuorceintnt or . : ' .v.-TvJ ad cf deadly hof,;.ity tlut rcufcd the A mcricatis to repel' ' . 7' force ty force. 1 bey new returned the firc-fceat th '- , . kind's troops out of the town, and com pelted then t.tv, 'y'Jr;: p urlucd : Uur l.ica$ were junf .ana wna hic uccju iooo ircin n.vi?, anu two pieces 01 cannon, -a ne lautua. f V-'i r;tf, fimtft rcMutbn we-now ajuKunc'e to you,' beinp, by this lirae, incrcaicd in their. r.timccrs, they foort:-' ; ' ; X ; ' i! - 'tlMt-tW fird t f cW ar, W iiu only actually drawn, , didocd the troops from this port j who, 'during ihs-5" s, -4 i.-it HiiiK'tl' withi,HH I ! 'IV kind's. t.opps hive at rcmai.ider of th: Aiuy, made a precrritate retreat through: the American lire, awd - i:nc I r.rth i-cr'.inenceu hrilii'ti?' s-a.nll t'oi tontineiit; and i.rt confinin'n t!:-!r urinciico'. attjcks, "inA'incn in ccVcr of .thr ni&Mi In this bartl cf heih arms deK niii. tli.ir prcp.ltirs, tht-y hire (Luhtercd Amcrusns ha I 39 men killed, and 19 wcunded d a place cf fifcty under Ihc !ic uiuruit-.l. the Ut., mo n.-ij.i.-.s: r..ir.j, :sr. ram. ow t..jf.rci out Jc tlie cfciit! I'-ciy jf ip-.tr. trJ, !icn the i.n:, iicii from the ciinnrT tily o;'pic.lilj thry I. c no king's troops lolt 166 men, killed, wounded, and rtii j heir enormities wire iT.n .ri:t!ran:e rui x tNC 1 ii.u : ;n or ths fun, un;:l tic p'-t'w-Z 01 the fanii i'.ngi-anJVby fubfequent attounts, it rpe.;s that, vx . : ' . ' ,'. :"tv$ confluence of that aclion, g.nehl Gsjc rmy has luf- tsintd a diminution of 1000 men, by death, wcunds, " '?0' prifonei, difcrtion, forfeits, and other incapabilities of , fcivice. l or the trorps 'kn2 fourrtdtemy horn on duty, marched", fought," and fled, 43 wile, ia tlut . time, v ithaut the leift rcfrcfhmer.t. Ltt it be rcrocm berc tht kin?', troops v;e:e di.'.omlited ;tt!.ey tij.l b.icre cur ioure.! .VlilU j tl r.iH.i Uti thcai iVota total de i'.n.tiicn. " Hut fwe, in what nannf r th American rivij wafcom pkk runefdi and we bv ueirc you th-csle, as l!v:d t try . . 'it . . . j. 1 j j: 1 1 . . . . . I . ;iiral 'z: cn trc 0.1c psrt, aaa uy in. oi.c 01 .inn were ociJf.ca ana uimn, y jwui wt omu.i.n nu red, that th:fe iSoo Britifh regulars, ct(.5fiir5 of the;' kkrJ rt(: i f the w'nolc armyguniditrs, light infin y, ;md fnarin .s, carefully ricpared for the e.pcdiJcnt in 1 on r..e other. ' una, ortagni.io rcpci an enrapcuea iiiatk, anu ntarutii. j t , , .'vi iZi'fiLnttii it.: a f!.ts:hr.i,f:t.oi about KiJic.'iwi'iu.nui prut upon we. ipur 01 inc octaiun.. is -.yTl; i 2 into th: MM'n.iv, t-j fwe n l d.fWey the ptrperty ol the be uclmrvd iun to polterity, that tie American ch'il tec ids. Ifj:.: !..fi.;j;lMf.tr-I''iy. 'Ibis Uetirhmer.t, in vr broke out on tlw 19th diy of Apiil, 177J. An , t -'jV J 1 .m dr-un no" en 1 prem. and when the trccrs came ! the La'.iirtnnpire , . ; ' ... .. r ! cf t! v ..:..n iio y n ti;-ir rtM'viii thtrv bC em (a f.tu.itiuii of the line cf Much ait important eycr.t :i tbe ac!lul ccmmencemeDt , " 1 ;,', X to Ale u.n The foldiers urxn of dil war, culcd the nnvcntivn cf the iVngrcfs, est N , '.S oKVfv'?.2 tl iii'.n.t tl.. in. .(... .t,..m ia Ciiprni.n.t -lit tl.i f?0 of lun t in im Jr. fkaf Miiir rrovilion mirht ha I i ) W. 111, .w.ivm.i. ' ... 1 p. - V . . nude unit in.pcinUng rtiamues. 1 he Sc nie Of their, who I.jJ jumped cr.r w-1', tlu-n hrctl f-ur yr hte ila-t it the uoap, anj, m r a - mm m ... a a . t.u, t.C lulliff V lK-glil a uitTcrc.i 1.1c, jna un ng f.j.Ttiics. 1 ne ccngTcu rt.c on the aid inLnt) and it u cur duty to inlwrm you. anJthiough you, the yublw it Itrg.-, of the mater ij :1 Itii.il fevtr 1 f the country people. Clear af it n, Irani -tlioas cl . n.ipoit'nt i.i.ion. i i V . ' ctn ff m tn'i Uat that the king' troop-, by ru.r.inj . As 4 fuf. lUi for our ucfener, it wai thought etpe- y . , ' t:r, ictually iracUd -i!e ri'l w.;cca"Jy J.i:ngri; int t. r.it: the inSalit:r.ts of the oLny, " ;as a bind t-'U ft r-rcial Cajfe Iwi the icjt'it) to cn nle hu in her Uftiue aguinP. every feeatk1 tothu plrpu -nvrv.ivc nf ti uuftufatc atlitr. 'a cm u-niUntul 011 tk' unrth day l June, iu'.mcdurtly after the cck- - ;, 1 . 1 ... 1 1... mif-iU na r bt r.t m. I r .tii of ditine ferkr. in conrfcU an ifibeiatlon wat , I riltV-p. r'c oiMihiUJufli) Hul rr.r;i wi.l fitwi by ill tlie nirtnbcis pirlmt, folcmnN cr;i:tnj . "e l U lurpifv.! m ihU; vhi iMlu-y arc i,M iVe th.fr lives arrd fo.iunes. U the fpacc : .f four dayv ; . -. rtrl irui -s n. fawpV'w ' lTaf en 4 f-'lenn cnf;e- the -lUbtimi was lolunurily fobfawedbf aJ.hCllCfcrf t irrf Air il.e cctirr.ti' ileus! tr 0.71 rem tied t inhibitint ia CbrlcOvr, ui L'AttiuuiuJ uwj ,... . , Mn, 1.: JcwLtid, tU il "tiic ihU'H--u wt : tiai Jc 'wuuuj, H -.1.. . ia