AT t't.r It reft UmaaUlprd 'Vi-.K .'-- m 'wV?N.r..,, c V..JvJI,,rWJW,.'-.llllJ.'1 J. 1 11 ill. .fV'i--iii;'. . . ,r7Vvww..; - f. ? V"t: ? - j? , :.' 'TaJ 5 t ,.- ifquefade Kkfttww v oneM the ibote tmuag , . - ..1" m ' f 1 ... . .. J .... .1 . . ' 1 - S'JL I &e Bum. ' TotheTvJnrhekeeM WTifible.' irrti becowmf tupuiyi iuy upv-.... IV nklA tnit rrejte & doubt in tbe MODle coil -- M.v: .ct . t :: : naanc V Sf t wSStlWfeiy Vee. Lord Bote, from hi. dark . a. i rlela, yet tb-f mm&crtm t)ccch wh.Jh com-: . 'J'W Unguage, hai induced hi rnajcftyw txprcg the pV ailonifli- . - I 4f ' crriW tkem Boxkineham boufe, and there deliver meat, nut ii laitniui ivojcti-. vf nuoi , - I . .X . ' .V. .. . 1 1- 1 ... . ! V ' i f: : J 1 i -f V- ,'( '.... : "'. ; wC corp I toxin the houfc f comm-na, in tie TieartBgl mofcitrate .n tnc i? wnnw w r mmf' w rt of oaenuoie mimucr. . woe, one oi crui unjuu uwwwv- j",-"", - . ouic iaec, panjamcni. nc miniuci iumiuiij ".uu u. ivu irhat'U fimofl - mafter in a Very indecent inanri, and wght to be pu hiata artin of niflied for it s tor how durft make, hi raajcflT - T " X ' '. . ;.,. ; 1 1 " ' - - I . T . . - - ! ..i Anj .,ft,.r. Fmth nd Mm fhobld be of tha fame bonolt Icnancnti wun tnoic noiile u i nwmu.wn . . . r-- .- - ,. . , . Vfc. lkU 4i Wdi for erudition and abUitieK Vpeds and uncorrapted commoiiiera in vOta outea ot trc thoCwceteft incenfc at BacUnghara h cent an. attkuda of the mcflragcr, make n;nrllitnkl. terrfrAU t rrcthle. The them imjlickiy adopted. The belt eicufe that can: be I preft thi utmoft aftuniihmcnt the fentiments of his - fJT.L:- S.-in, ..:wn. tkt tk irVI. fov! ritizenn. which ho himfelf cou! J not rolTible be iitcu w i.n ii.iiio Mwwvn - --i , l i , , , ne& of the nutter, it concealed by the mcffcngcr'a man aftomflicd at, becaufe they 'wcieferflrcopiiltem with er In deiTering t. The fatal iifoaJajeTedMihofot in both houf;!i. Wbtn a it tickka the pride, -flatten the ruling paflion, which a minifter fliaUdare to treat Biin jnifcmp la dc(potifo. Lord Bote findi hit account in thia mode" tuoua manner, all loyal fuhjecii oujjht to -refent it and of preferring hi afcendancy. Jenkinlbn it to him a uniie in bringing him to due puniii.mcnt. 1 he managc faithful flave and fpy. Jenkinlbn it every- evening at mcnt of public affaira will never be mended in this nation Buckingham hoofe. ' Jenkinlbn it the premier of the till fuch wicked minillers Ihall be brought to juftice, ImtI Bute kvt the efftr. and -it it hatched at -Colonel Barre in til fpseehm fupnortot th American kkingham i houfeTBut not to 4 in allegory, Of to -petition to the. king, after. jnentioning th rmajnycaUjni: fpeak in parable, when Jenkinfon hai told hit Ule, loidz ties likely to befall thi unhappy kingdomiri conteanence MaUfield ia called in to put the matter into tbe form of thefyltem adopted for the colonic!, f.i )$, The pa- Af iJmn t lint left an mrt (houhl not be wicked enouvh. rem heart will at lentttb teel t t!i: luninicitions ot ner the junto brood over it, and with a malice that difgracei children will be heird, and (he will pni." bulai of oity T human nature, they, with Argui eyca, cxamitc every and redrefa upon the wouu'U llio ha infJclcl. llien .fwut, that no meant may be left, by which the innocent too I fhall hope. Sir, that your inJin-ition wiil fall on .'niay cfcape oppreffion and cruelty. -The official, or ra.-thofc dangerout anJ deligning men, vio-.';iiiigly;in-r T 'tier' the oftcnfible miniftera, arc ordered to carry the t tetrpofingnhemfelvea hi t wecu Uk p-rent vcuiui y anj h.r laa into execution. Andtobeconfiftentinimpoliqon, affectionate colonict, hive for lcvi ral y.".us, bem to them it it pretended to be a meafure UTuing fponu inceflantly empluycit to duiolv every tij tli.:t u;iircd u, ,neoufly from tne crown, therefore it mud be m.ide an by abufing the royal authority, mifreprjirming th: in .'ft of parliament. Parliament to but a form, the bu"'' teationt and anions of your Anu;ric.n fallow iubjcdi, Cneia ia all fettled and finilhed before it comet there. anJprofecuting the moil dcfpctJU pit j.Ca of av.;:icc an.l .Parliament ia but the echo of the oflcnlible puppet, who ambition. Then, Sir, it will be who tluy are, who Uyi to the wire of the junto. It it not nonfcnlci there by fecret accufation an I opon pr;n ,n r icn, I y imcVt lore, to talk of following the wifdom and a4ke oi out private leitci i-of 4jjupuiUwp .hut, h ve,!a an Echo I On any other occaflon, ona would think it reprefented that, an t ntiitcl tivis c :i:iti y ; h. v.- planted wat written and direQed to be faid, to ridicule the per jealoufy here, and paflioti th-r.', liltt I -;li,iy the k-,c; - , Ion who fpoke it. . But if the plan mifcarriet in the cse. of accumulated injurict anJ, f lit j '.net, w; tr.: ' cuiion, or pro vet to be futile or it founl, upon trial, almoft confleJ to leap thy- fittxl p.-.x-j-ivC oi . iil i. to be inadequate to the dedgn, tbe parliamentary pup- ' The livery'a returning th.nk. tj) i) J Ch th.m n.l vet diiclaimi the meafure, though he brought it into the Mr. Burk, it at much an niguirunt o1' th. ir vi i.i:aatlv ir boufc. He fay, it waa the meafare of puliaraeatjj par tatriotifm j for notwithiUn iin; both ih.l j cxv It .1 nr.: : it ti liament dclibcntrd upon k, day after uay, and thereby, railed in their laudable ciricmur. to rot ai I. is ;rit to all intent and purpcact, made h an act of tkit own. empire, yet the citizent of London t iUr.,; tS.- will lor While the fa& notorioaOy it, the meafure originated the deed, mull for ever redound to tlu ud.a.'y at wwll ith lord Bute and Jenkinfon, wat improved y the a firmneft of their priiuipks. , chief juAice, a ad con pleated by the junto. Thu ade It wat on the fame motive th? rcm.irs lnv lcrn cc voted majority in parliament are converted into fane lebrated throughout all ag;t lor irt4ui;inj th nk ; to their - truary foe parricide. Whenever an oftenfible uppet two confult (alter their defsdt at C'-nr. i) tor .u; Jjs, ,ir leCtatet at obeying the dirccliont of the junto, h it in Jng of the common-wealth. ftaatly removed, and another, more pliable, it apfointed He true picture of the, in Anv;i a, ?ri to hit ofice.' Lord North know tbe tenure upon which the manifold great Injurirt th it ill accru : o iiie mo he hold hi cfBca and he it therefore Mr. JcnkWbn't ther country urcnnfcqu-.-nce'tn.'rcof, aj fi t Ci.-ih ,rt ihj mot Iambic fcrvant. From thit Kcurfed font flowt all late city remonftrance, ha fo irrit.t ! o -, :-tjt th;t that poifisn, which, if not fpredily checked, win, not they know not in what maunaio vtn; i. pK-ajc vsuy huh umc iiukii k pur ci r ocqiKiinca dt wcurrc lire. - ... . PC Y- fl .A .V.l. :. u . ... . v vi n. uj m, America t u.j i:rn:n iivhitf Kcurcd." . ' the ttcoad, but the happincla tad property of ten mu uont ot peopte. , , , - Thoarh much ha been did, at different timet, rela tive to the 'JUNTO, yet no accurate dc&riprion of them hu appeared, nor la even a tolerable lift of them been fiven to the public. Their title, name and office are a follow: ; The effective ccmhMeatal cabinet for contriving and let fling all bufinef before it i permitted to come to tlote miniUfr who hold the ollenfiblc tad rdponCble office of government. Wr. C. JenLalbn, prtfideat anJ premier. Mr. Corn waa, iau orrotaeri oeputv and mudent of tke trrtfur It ... .r- .l- a , - - - -w w i &v a tk mm m nr m i vrn irnr . a w f - w. .w....,. Bh I t . To th3 X l N G. N the affair of America, you haVv' btn fwe!in-lr deceived ajid impoled upon. Yon arc iiir;iiin.icd ir bad men, who havc-eoniUntly rep.cfent.'d r:l: of America and oT Engljn.l,'ai-your'i. ai re can be no ftlCthood more( iniamou. . Th'y are fr.tnh t. monarchr, and to your family. Ani tW fluirmrle. MKphcrfon. &c. throw dirt upon rct.cW,c nain.a. vi u will IU( a. at at worfe to tV -C- , . T etc wron' meaiuet hiv Your miniiUrt hue n fceartr. Mr. Wcddetburn, chancellor and conscience fenuent aOt. All th ZXl' tro'-. M'. Mackentie, Si, ing to ba1 t(,tifcrf . auMKM, ton riuiinorougn, lord Cev. Hutchiaioa, Mr. Ifrtel Mai l-nci, Mx. T. AfUc, -b-a-i-ri,Mr.l the hiV a 0 T i,w h I A l.lf tf.h lum . . . ' i v "-w. I i