! F R I D A V, Au cits 45, 1775 . 4fi, ' 4v,, : r ' V .7 . ' "I'JIiIJ.t An A D 0 It ESS To the MiwlsTBainii PrIiitteOA CoKCitCA' -i iox$ in NoRTrt-CAaoLiN. , - 'fiivfttti ktfptSti Frienit and Brtlbtnt .(Ututional ats, air foeland -.would comain Ind'rtliBn. Urate ( and if they did mk repeal the in. they would lull , down the parliament hpufc (nrci'thcif cars. - And haVlwe not the bote rWhts aii J nriviiVen t an.! ar u Tii h Ulti'Tni.nBift ljttbre?.thV . or flavd. tll.it urr elar nor nUi I for tVm jn.f .niWiA,.i-. liarHi-nt t iir which every, lawful wt, to prtfm.e them fTOmtx fcyewif witfiniH tfHWf'SNif; i: . ' 1 I ! TILu i..,. J rv.Ur. d f 9tll 1 Uiail.l VI li 1- I. anil L'. . : Jamaica laU .oprf '1 ft ' ; moft toti'nlr, tOow 1 '' WIm . Crrr BV TjLra Jaf firal'i 'iai. ' ffrcatlY add .i VAinmOiu.. JL' lircucs to i-f'-f ii'iu v u r tome -Row 4uc irtnar k t'iv cafe of ftoilom amUibem', br nu-n uho hivc civVn vCituiabeft Ytou an unfair rejircfcmattini ol the ticlatCjiow fubliiiiiij tewctn the p;ire:it a uiitiy 'jin.l her .cobui v. ' AVc arj ,u.-.tV;r. ilifloya to :iy V.hgnjt em-in p.Jr defiriiiR to y1--.'-p governments in If pi a !..nt i,i B'i:...iii, as' they alien T a only ictire'to .Rialutatn the ri;h?l'''i'i tVrivii.-L'csof Uni- . .'. . . .... .... V. 1 . -U'n. but not to be n. Ir ir.w n r ( f m , HWHVt--VW-itay-iHW III lit-HO Yj I t . tH""'. ' -T" ".m ... . .l ... .... v..rt . r . - , , i 4 1 m.l it. Ami it' any Pvr.'oin in '.,m voa. thvt tSis is n t ourchsms, and to Aiflave" ui for everf 1 we are now compUintt wc igeap w fcj . wrong in.ur ccn mai ottrnrvutnerstnat lougnt lor uuertf ruim "HniHwjii ?w V am lJhni:ki l.n. in Kmi lamo' time, wire o war, ana new lOflpefcweK vex cAh when th :y oppofed and -t to o'jgt the coWWci WrlWWjW -J j Bv 4 1 in.l, it. Ami it any pvTiUtii ni.'rn voa, thvt this is tf' t D i!n ;rer.t caiifecf our.ua(-i;leat t:..'i;i'-il jii"idur4, they we the R catefi kiv i hi the ct-ntinoht of Amctica, who arc irmly united in this glo hy their gficyatAw tcfcre AS.ff,sH friends wid.brethren, :1!ih11 defert ui in the nighty conttft, they would fi ftjrifit .1 .1 an I Iniv with mir t -hii.t . r 11 una Orrrt.rtK.x. .1,. nY..u 1 ha alii-mMt . , NCWk I orm Ul lf MS It 1i'yTtn'''- - a jM' th tym to fartjewbnM -fciT hiimMe. tWrf'jf ?y:flIz are guilty of klihoo.l ant .miu.-pv. ( uU a. Our Com i- at LoiiJonuvny ii C r. ;:t..l CongTcfsj i'u th oir ; addr Jli :o t'e Kin;; ;.nt 1 1 nj !e wronj n.f.,t':y J i iMJKiinl, declare,' M Hut tt w,ta: no k-v? piiril.-i , a" ,c oifrHtc 4 J r-tii cchti continue tonncc'ted .wjth tfilm as ft , V V v.c r.xrv- ,lirfir' !l" til-)-dcrfland a 4tinc&.S. An I .ou:'Ja"nKi in i:i ir lalt mccti:: raTu'M''- , j tt. til a .'. uar.. 1 ;tT to all the coi'j.'rcitictis my.l-ir iii.tr c.try !i v - twllly recommend to your fainus pvtufi!: in i t !.; ! , in the fixth p1, tfiat t!ic opp AJ'vn t-'ur y:-- r I ! t.intrttit-n- ' uo? not in tiie I -su tie .tau-uii!oJ- .. ') - kiii,;, noHroni a ik-lif: of fcjruti-.m JV. n t'u- pr ;i,t t ." -vx you ami vc a;c it r r.. JV' f. T c:r: V! ,"'i!; it t i J-''tiiHiy, we. ddl: r.. r, t.t" an whl . ;'l i'u" i.-' 1 ii i't ir r'-,"ti -iv, .i-. I t ) ;'..! :!t ir '' t".:! "1-!' , ... J . ii' v r i it u t.i . "B.il.hv rt p-i ', , I .;' tlr d-t i.r"t;i "i.:i;-irv parii r-i t, 1-t iV tii-'t .'!' n. i f-., vii:V l it imV oif iv. T'.J i t't t "v -s 'iu- 'j t't'dij but it' i.i y iV.i' j ii;,' t a :) u U on t.i. t.i r hive ii-- n .' -i j.itt., t:. I, Wil:- i r pi u-ii-. ! in imik, t l'i- i:i ; t t 1 .1 ll . V f K ." t I I IS Kl 1- I I T . u i -m m - j i t iwiij us -'and o.Mx tj exji-.i..: if- we will vile iworo, or by -Lj-uuinj tflt, i .i- , ; . . U, t.' 1,1 i. 1 n-r1rivli trt it l"A rwnn rlAMWitli 'V I'.'claj aii.1 HcUTjffMi.'-.vi v.J ou r t f.u a, nttich tat oat Djr lincu OkrU( Itm.ttl'rl tr-irartivy -thtn 8" wv-k istrtif 'f : wni.i j-4-m-ta pt J u:ions n ntnerw 9xfoH; not. W4 neg? ottiYiiu ouil.-.'i tj n., ii.. Li., i. t.utr p.ciw . port go j.is, it out oe rocommeRJd I ri.-m.-, an i tu ir .It i tv.iui. lint it t .c luvo u rulLr oy oiir t.i ii. ir m.inrv on .. 1 i I i iri .. t. I r!u-v i.it.' f::v fiivr ntllirajl iKiC.M iu n.lil, or .) . uitu.u ittvrwc' T-7jHiac oy 4 m u UL6 yoJau.il J iniUu from th- Cr '5"ei"',,t wWi A WJndUtll tu.j.. .n. Mime. 1 "iu "lllJU ill III llTCt ? If til an 1 II. rice fo'r thiir f ifora, Mj I iti.w t ut 1C4I, ti V ". tii.' I. ni.1 n to twj tht . V . .:i..... :..-...!..... ..t.,., as lo.i! 4 tiny 1.1.4... a.Torir-wJircrjtj to juy it, thn . it4Bul;l'btXjia,iicnttttbr, . 1 iV iii Tu ! il ' r ' a- ill"''. 1 "N 'v, Vn' '' " -'1 "t r i aui il ie t'.'mo" a.pnJ nil rte nrourt tWcfdhlX' - anmaright to t"Vu. "a 'i i i . t ' -i jma Vt mVt tx u-l ..iitrmsj ;u. I if y relit Ail m'l.r; hif ylQjcirJt..?' . i t p; -iic. .:.i .ui : i.i .'ic.. . . . . .- i I .... n.i ... . .... . Ml mt ! tat' fit it !t IliM'l ' ' ; r"i. .1 n: Hl;-r "--e:;.L". r - . I i i . on. j 1 1 w j !.v , fur ti, or t milt, at: 'ir g i It thry luvc tlii ri-;!.', will :fi.y n n.'l f.i r-;tr ? Tli:'y will ui.' y-Ui l.n i "'i it. Mr an ri.h, at'. 1 .:!!'-1 1 I ' P '1 th' 1 1 ourii n .- c.tu.s to ucUrof t.i.ir bn3 by icitg ftr de1cM ;'j 'i i m i j u in u.u ,n'.n tdw vwq fuormcui icQm- i ::lh. i:i ... r. j.stj i i I nriiKT. and the Stewart family, and I t the bitter pill. V tv?j,-v),M 1. t' j Ui uuiwi.i. Umii on the throne cf E inland. : But we What (hall w ffie t -X , i. .....i. .v ..."-j' rv :. :: l t t-t r j.... r u;iM:iii? tru. .. ii. iiw; ivii.ii iiij(i, j..i.i ii ;v.-r oc'ii.ar.; mini inc muuui )i vi i.vtji, i. J'-'J kuj . li VojeiilUTw f.:UV aii l.njlii rul'ntrart4-mttcli kf fii.i' pot4ur-trdl,W.Cii . 'ri;t on: cf cur Am' .liha-vion, th.it !u: cvrr maintainol tie a "prelent help n Wl'iiiW 4",; . K:rplnan I'liin-i;. ;ui 1 ?u- limvy dewt-rd to the prcfjt but w?'mandejpvttkim4 . -'fviciiin? i-mflv. .u tiu al.Jucii.Ll iiie'iSr.iifli nrtvilcc'et aid. ufeof mcaiiit wC tift' nrtirei '.flvL'' , i.ilh liW. : J.. .. ,4 .". J-oifible V pn 'i''tt'''ii TT it il ..u i. tut tturn-.iii.rr iim riven tin tn; cu.m tt -oar iun nirnci,. not .pyynrc.Biwi i , a.i : 'w.a . : it ; t tii. Ilit-.r v'SJ lie :ii ir t in a wiiith t ',1 t.'a ttj'ivA' t. hiini'l i. nl'nt aiil pn'ifa-M, mil i'u:! r-.if tu llrip ui of ' yr-y l-rjuJn 1 ti i . our couilu it v. to l U ou --'1 ttiltMIJI UtUUMMillt.J I i.u .L .it p.'Cf.,i;VJtW(thll)nJiQg ti! oar prt).is al rJ.i i.i.t.aiv-'ii jitwi;!'! w:mull oTVr h.Mvi it.tti U ti, o w ' w we Ff ' g' - tv tu: m.niiier, at ir.tt pjtiwmcR TOtll il tUj ftviq ,' w' . w . ,e" t:ii it ; or thm be hwolv: j in inn'jiy ml dulrcft. Th: i ulurt and btcck tc loot Culia aiu cIji:ii a pi'cr Ir.nu: Iji to oiu I lo.trcri by ir;u: o I r.i p.-rti grcf, wil id every puWya&j, lion, ali ti at ci-ail' dccA a buH i't ii.vtly il .,t;nr t th-ir h .-..i i i. j Ji..ini u:. . I M .111 I Ii i.i. w..- yrt ... ro-Vi in' ilcra'tl:, ta u'lirtill f!li!l w a .i . ir, n t.t m Um:-i! anJ tr; ... k.. not ittvy do he (wM or r'i J wi.l 'y wit www ib-7 i f oar ca.-yinr ? nt the H.t.'.'li p..fi..m m, Mr th y tttit 4fctcc flouri.hiiig o jin I Hi in ..11 cafe wh a- Itru: your hi U blixfd t .7 lwve'iaibli:Id pop.7 yi.tr' l.Mow4.-etVjR iHfea vt l uncei rnl why mij p.vir.s: Hi jroii brlnalcyrr! ntr iiy uwj ct i unce t rnl wny miy in i'cnn!viyjui4 r N'onh-Cwolinir i il )'H tlw ixrt i.f H. 'Joa, ao J rui it, tor th: o.!:::;e of a kw tioieri wah mt iiivin; h.nl ih.,.": inlu.el chi:n. itilbrtr ownd . ...t-t : r"prosca o rvoi l:, rci an ;i:i. l..i'f.an4orI u-wS?k ,tyW J , vi i ellHlit Toiit .brtt'icrw i I ) ..i bo arlaJcd, anS VI JiJi Ac I l-f n'ir .iimTli rl t u ir. tit T CO ri ' 1 1 Hi t M' il ve i i. .t mm tir tptelTur,! not fir tin:, Until"; lie will, f-d.:i,s w wf-jr m.ytih;y t:..: cally IrtJ pr.tcncMtoCedrof. n.li suf BaoJy :L ;s wU . . .-ii m refill 'will be coattfd r:M.'un: an I wlit ft.. I i'h. .l.l,-hu, cr (.nrl.- in In Su.h-Caxdliia fOypri .Tcltliayp'traito . dj? Dull we now jt'm'it, tliat i y taf a tijht il n t lUia jM.r ftu'y htr mi4c an act tj p.-jitnt iHc northern fiuturlH frm iLtlh !i, aJ n t -., an! 1 1 eiu'i.i : ui f Cn-d ftrb d : ir I !n . .i..rwi -ir lIc ffjrn likini i a.n I why may n :b:y (by tlx Cwie ni,l.. uf ki g jfjej liiiti ftru.vle (ir librn, wbuti are fuliy pifu4.!td ded.y all ourraiafjitK:eatilmi'icnnlirfJ0wa p i no ilcf.rt lh cWJu Tilwt If .u y ill crntend tW, a firmly n we d.s w'l.n tou a' li iii:i oi wow.en do o, or to miita.Ty rung otpjmi, if y.a (u7cr toa c '. ii mfvt.HH.1, 4iiJ wi.l im give up ju.' pn prtry t? lata twi.-i ninmif imapjw.-r M.-yo.ve tui n.jat i cxvom. n..t :riit nil cnOta 1 a. bra no ribt t.) J.xund it. f -i.l..ig owbiM ul nittmmUlv &C "i'hef bitbAdtti' ubifltnc.ef U tuiyld tiu 'ITut we futf no r:ptcfcntsic in parliament ,i eti.lcnt i i pu (by tuiipawyr) t'.ti trttr of tht carrroml of t4j f.u'r of7j!tlotki"tVf taj ir l;i-n. tontcR nd if we mull ie or nvm-y a oft a it ni.ruferhBka'tJ wJrri.Vty ikey do,tK Ciint bt ni m!iale! t ' tl,T xc'rfea i i.dimjiidel by il-em, wh-re i our l'.ti;liili d f To a'l the clnnirca girR:n:s awi JcOroy ih chaneH.4 luf ny mn . ni'.ner, witlHmt r.iewu nt, i.an,.n,ina nmyiyania, uokaa.iwut, .MiryUril, tnJ all th3Uarttrfl Wtttlanterfliyrs J Ciit witars to ualn :d l!x b -f Co-I, air! th: j Jfc " rf tiie erbtf erji.cr? Aal.lbsn what fccurwv a Jnyal (jim of Uni' dvt I hull i it ievnt ant fu;n U.l4, ciruM' wre.it v.h ; hi. f. oaf limit anJ improvtiwaws aJ pnrJertM Rauoiu, in Bali. Wbxt itt and Coiil.it-i.im.4 Un-hii-lj an I lo compl ihi, an.) f rrn w'.irh we nolj wnder tliefe tharrjrt i Crtaiult tMhcf can a.tJ iaaomricnnvwA i , .!.. :.. ,0 .i. .1.1 i lii. ......t u .L... .i.. jr i ti Ti.a. if -iif V I . t iCl ltl(KII a al.l """ " " ""' -".. lti!cllnn. I'ut it i fiU. il I Cf, llut im I'll Mlikt 4( p n,ii.-e charter, they can difanntd ail our kk, no fcuvwOi'm wiiavoAjt Jbur L , an I nit tin fur Uniu or for anr otbef ivivilern i ana ii flull we.-n far' cm im (nJ b f tSpit!;..i.rnt crfrnriirtlhnrupr.-rn. MlwU-litr'.ai nriW.'iTi L at nianr iha ilanU arc at lhi will nut biLU nf Vrtf to Qfl .n.- ..ri l.. rcii'l. Tin aHw, while J" In', la whon Hull w: covaplaut, w what fltafl wt dor b r m anmg tr &.QJ tVi h th.t r.n.'!-. anl arn-fin,,; ru the II ti,li.it, prwtWmt an I trmojiftrawm, cowl J km - Tirnltwf Krary tin! if tW Uh a ..i -m. .Lu.la.KJ lk.a a. . A.a a. . . . L.a .a . , a i - .it ' - 4il n-t col I, ihtt in- K.t;iniin.iirti: f.yif, a.M rnwrg4 'nwn yV 'r " tt.Hiiii fdf.t' ithi.f lliir umf in. 'lliry t"i thiPvor-lt mijjlf (ki tit tiJccNtl nrtkc ibdf tiiPJ- ... fa 1 r enitt. tn' '."t1 ' i. !-" ""I n.- ftiiwjwy roccrttd tno p"ttow ct wwr ge ''V juit,. Vt:y4w,ABw- M kiac 4: tiliaeai, b4 lk wrt lw4irH ,ffc - f " ' t' 1

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