BOMBAY fane COURIER EX R OR&'lHARY. e arrival of the Madras potlns morjj- has eniMrd1 u? . to t. before the huh Ac the following mod jfntereTmg dc- iil?', which we hive cooiejd from the Mp jural USi-UC rTAir curuunij .vt . J uif. The orders of the iKbighr Hono- c on. t .3 unrig the .merits ra!)!e the Governor Gr:ievat, rhiS Lar.!flirs fenVj-prntsioji of thej arnv; an 1 .the" importance of thfir crinqn-fl,1 both in f jql and To con hilt "no com ment of durs 3n add to thd laire of their. fol'irutWT c"fV nf a If.ter ffpn 5m - ay his I.ordiVup', rtut!wri ih. J. WRSE, O.i the 4th inft. I hid the H on or to add re fs voir LotdniiJ a h i't v nujte. a fcv'w'ord the' fu n of our tt i " " - I 1 ' jh-jve no. to repTrt ni:--e up netatt. Th fire 'of odr lotteries wihiirn n-ff'-n to ! breach oa the loth) April, hid, oh ennt lining )!ccefs, which iter in: evening of the ; i in . "To nvpcli" deri'troy- the vAUs, VT'ti'il which It was directed, ar tiv- artrmohvtent was then nvs'lev tor al- . . , i '1 ... ' ." 1 dtin the place on the fos ier. the breach was It? nor Be 1 tvou;J8 jnie jru ro o tOiieti in the trenches, ru W ofthe;"4thV etranHi't !-'!!. 1 I it lead ins ny to exp .tea t had determined to i r pra -tic i hi.", i' tenipjovej were v in the m:irrt ry T.-iV frrrj ?nts a:TuItf- htjat 3k in thi tSv:dv; at the ri.iie hell chlcnbted to en- efucc'-'fs. a s their trobpt would' .then be II prepared to oppof? ren flnk Ciitnpaaies'of F!jiropejTis, taken imthofe rejri'nentE, nec'eflaSiljrllrft to uard :dhyithe I2th, 1. 7ri anJ 74th regiaiantai and threecorpS Grenadier Seffys takeo hrom the. troops, the tlirce Preiln-nciet, wjth 2ob of his khcef- the Ntizms troo:s jr ned tlie par- fT'alt, acconifuni e artillery n i corpi of Pi Irted in ."the. trenchM bv the battahon cojti- ies of 'thi 'reri -nent de It-'.iron. i and f uf r hv tOO of neeri, - an i iup with the direc. tnived from the hc 1 of the Cire- Sr"J plaifl'd the ed the breaches rtalioni of ' Madras StpjnysJ Col. Sher kef - and lii-jtenant, 'cb'on'-'s D.inlop, a rymple, Uir lner anri ki nan com n jot - the federal fl snk , co npaiiies ; and nnjor neral tiaird wis intriided ha of'this infiportant ferviie At oie; o cl ick ther. troops f-iflie, i eroded thr roc'-v v F tn.lcr ; an e:rems he i w icis and dirch, and afcem; ine i-tulie hrave aim rampart ot the foi t, rnaosinttn? in the moil nt- manner i e" pry oh:ac!e which tlie diJfCulty. of the p'af- S an ! the rsfiftauce of tl 'criemy prefenf s to oppofe their, progrtft; Major Gene. M uaird, had divided .his force for rthc par- 3-fe of clearing the raniparts to the riht "i-ieftji One division waf . comtmndod by ll SliVrbrqoke, the othej by' iieuu coi. Xnibpfti the4atter dtlabledj in the ; breach, V ?tn corps altho' ftronrtly oppofed, wrre Pely' fuccefsftil.- Reladanice' continued e time after all "Rein 2 of had Xippoo, for ceafed from Meafures were inrne Jia-ijr 'pted fo fton the cofufion a: fifft lun!1 n a vc-r-v ilrongly garriron?d, fcro? , inhabi tants and their proaerty'ia ra'ns from ,the 1 I fire of a numerous artiileVy- antl tak-n . b) a iau t. The -iPrihces ,Tff removed to ti'e carrpj It j appeared to' motz'!ur'r Baird Co important to .afcertatni thltrrof the Sultan, that he "caufd immedlatflffarth to be j made. for' his bodv, whjch afre 'tioch d.ilTicolry hie 1 !. ' in the evening in cne of ih 1 heap of (lain, and foori police. Th' corpfciw'aj cojnizrd by the family -entered ; wi the honor due to Lis raofc, hp mauioleu The (rrength cf the foVt MitrJ, both from i its naturaLpofirion and (be l.tpsdoi:: . i work I bv which it is furround. :iat;s!l' the ex-. 1 ertions of the brave rroopspho attacked it, in whofe nrsiife it is imnnlt1 Jv i r - .jr. in..- - - - vi- if, irni 7 j mil 7urich, arriving at the left !rfT'nf: MS'L; na's armv, antj ?t.w 'thought j lr j ' inr-rd n atrackJ In tnvillape'vfcn rlje Je of Zurich, ?rench feritimrpt OHli pijevai', ard. tbe enemyj ts informed by then: Gfi ,,fry tion.of the fmperiaf army ; fpfS re daily apprehended. . . :'.: .; 'f-i f. . :" The French ghenI I Durront tvitU ht ex cVangrd for gereral Bav. Neifl ep the t Chaoe of g-pf ral' ?ack, ncr propofals for ?prare, are no"V tp )ken ot. 1 fier olaced in the Lavarer had an audit? ncm of tK. 1 . 1 mi.. . i ? . - - - - . r v r; yn'ch. taJted Ijwo hoor. 1 H" w?s . received, land filed tears on retvirrlinc frCra nun, ,, 1 1 , 1 - rxr si under a nrx& cay re- wit h ioieum archduke1. era Mo i.'y STUTGARD, temper r i" 5 r to f too . ? 1 . r . : ' 1. . 1 . mucn were reoiiiren top c ,.i in t'lirurcis. uch Of the ! ' k''T!i.- rh r V !'OrtVg.-il .With sr :i .n:nfr H lat bur T. , o . U 1 . 1 3) ' neforcj iovrght rr.gdef, -Si C owl m?rm or rue tw ? &v? jr-xurMiea my opinion in orders, .Yjsp;" c' "w.hsci;. I h iye the honor to enclbffL. a&'d J-.i-O ' cr '"iord" flnp I wj i 1 1 :pctint oar "the-ff'- "r4 tothe fa vortble notice cf ih-ir ;ki u ;nd country.! I am farry' to add; h- or, colt? in the j returns of otrr Lof?, it f f t h ; bfien. ) much heavier,, than fh4t ' nr'.t i!ralneo. On the jthin'tant, der of tlie princei, -I for LcVii Cornwal lis j furrr potts, ! ffnanding pro:,' the brother of Fippoo, refuce w:; h Meer "ftlu Ntrnam, ,war yt (l -rcla'vrfi ich d to; F,ut teh Hvder. the eldell I ippoo : m nt inj hhn to joif: his . brpV--, Pontfah f.r.d Meer Kumtner -odeen fC:"' have alfo been funiinoned to S?ringnp4ts ; no arttw-3 ti.?v et hem rectived, bi.tlj-xped th-ir khortij at their families are iinft1?. fort. . j This moment All Ie. formerly one cf the vazerU', from TipJV Sultan to li.ord Cornwallis, has 3rrivdkom Meer 'Kjimr merodeen Kahn, to ! aftmy orders for 4C00 horfe how under his ! nunrvd., ftll Ieza Was commiiiioned toirclare' that. Mrer Kum ;r od ecu would :a.e no .conditions but rely.on the genrrcfitwif the- Knlifh. j Monfieor Chapuy.aiwncft of the Trench 'areprifaners ; they no comriUlront from th? x4tc Goyefiment. i j 1 i I have the honorific i ',v Srtarrjsy is"ti3rti'y advancing ?th an af. ' my df iciooo .tnenj.iand- every whejre prrp rations are makiripfor thej rfrfpt 'ti 4 of h' troops, and to furnifh thf-m with jbread and i"oraT i the advanced guard is. already -arriv ed at Kal w, A rrw a-m v !of ihe f ine is- or .' g'anized under; the archdukej, wlwc'ri will : confil ofi5n,ocO'!'men. A; courier (r m tc it archduke to pfiwee Condr hs pa(TVd throt'h L herej ons his way to Pr?giue to dtffrf ;hira to' batten his marc' to 'HamhercJ there , ro embark, fothe fake of, xpedity-s. , The Imperial magazine's at "JlU'brnnn 'had been removed before the French ar'ivedhere: they Sefti that place snaini on ireceivirp i a ont ; wCtion oJ Fo.coo .fto.rin?. I'A printer ! ,in that city was hot in .his;ov;n icufe, j j The biihoprkk of Spires Kvbcen fcvere!f J treated bf the French;- At .-. 'BrttckfaJ they j clem3 ndif 800 pair of dpri, jinld i 1 50,060 . ,'fjorini. vhirh they afterwards loweredv tof lOOjUCoV hut only 2 1 .000 florins' bating . pttl j - at doc hi thv took-thre h'o(l'PfV with t.hem i who, how ever; made t heir efcpe t 'Lap) e. Molt of the prince himrpfs efTscfs tad Ufen' removed from Bruchfal before ihfr arrival.' The village of Simheim is Dearfy 1 burnt "tO; the ground. , j H A N A U, -Sqbtembtr 3. -t i i of the, elec-i 5.C00 men, I hi -.i -. ' AKftract of a return ofiiiUra.. woundeai and mifling at the adulof Seringapitanl on' he 4th of iay, 1 757 " j Europeans killed'.. captain, (jx lieute nants, three fergtsnis, oae drummer, aiid Hftyeight ranliund file. j ; i i Di'to wounded. iuo'fenant colonel, four'captains cigW MeuVrprtMs, three rii:. GgrJ, two ccoucbrs Jtelve ferjfincs, five drummers, sndWo hundred raukand Ditto rnifHrnr lOne fcAot . and three rank Nati veil killed.. Thirt' rank and Fde. two duni ftworkf ; two of bis'rpni. were therej who r-MurAac ot latety ratrenciered to tnc 0!)i furrounding them ; and guards . were lor the proteaion dt the fatnjiy; rnoit were in the palac!e. It was foot et roorted :h'jt TippoolSuitan hid fallen. U Stieb, .Meer, Sadute1, SyetJ G9far,- and 7? Ot mw n(' 4i! Ili, fm i nf nr. 1 P- fl t 1 r Ditto (wounded. Oij jemidir, tw mers and thirtyrC" ran ." fic:. Ditto miffing. Twtrank and hie. SUAElAiptmber r. . THE attack vrfijch the ftoflrini pefted to mak'e near Zurjch, bad cot taken j piste 1. on the aoih; but'that army w continually in motion, on account of thenew arrangmer.ts necefliry by the1 arrival of the Kujfians. The Jarriion of Zurich. confift ntiiely of Rulfians, who'ire now at the headof the hoc. . Part of the armed inhabit jnts torate; of Mentz f ni'ounrinp to advanced to-day along the lelt bankr of thct .Mayn, -coming from Steinham,! olir fortitfi' and other phcfJ, toward Krnct fort : from thfnce they will procred further, to protect the.hai:veft of the jiiiDahitant : of -the electorate, They are accompanied ' by eledorial. artillejry i khaffdtt, and infantry t the rate of oaefolcfisr to 10 men. and. com manded by the municipal-, officers. Lieure- ' nant general de Fber has the; chief cnrn'r ma ad ; he was1 accompanied by baron A Ibi ! tn a far Sellngenttadc. : The pepfanti, baV : in afTembled ar lfchaffenhufg,i woo'd be detained nolonger but dielired fo be led a- -painft.the French, i On beirig.sficed h?thfr thy" are marcningtiuer amwrrji :fait:. to Mentz. The inhabitant1 of flfenbui g uct" other neiehbounng couutnea' lae; been de filed to join then: HeiT:i and Frarcfoft j re-, main neutraL Baron .ibini fent an .officer-.; to concert properimeafures with , the fenate for arming the inhabitarm : it y9 . Sunday an extraorcinary meeting, ol the fe nate took pla.ce,? and in the evening the- I of- . ( .-l'l' 1 M a . 5tV "Vnf ',r.fwr' in which ihev refufed to icm ; but notwithftandtng this, a divificnj will march along the bridge of the Mayn,! at Francfort. In Wirtzburg and Bamberg, th;e people are likewife arming. Near SelingemWt ; fa. M . !: 1 . ...1 :' -1 : -.C ' nr-'w 1 nm" . v'-iTfli. Iflftlt -, l" - ... 57.7

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