u I 2 in ' ' 4rn( OTIffl wh?h til St i i ... aa ' r n r . towards the Rbtnf, will coumt or 4,coo menJl The gener! of Wtillery, Kray, will . inter the fouth of Swiff erland from Italy. The archduke has ,o0o cavalry, including the R'uhW. whocannat aC with advantage in Swiusrland, and ird to he employed elte- where. '''''. f Several thoafandf of the jtroops of the . djke' of Wirtemburg will join the the j Auf. Irians, 700 of them, with 3 pieces of cannon Jia vr a 1 ready unitea vrjin tncm i.car uauucn. j TheiiBavatian troop, Tooo ofwnom afe at j -and hear Danauwerth, jon the, ' news jot tne French marching againlt Suabia, received or- ders fpcidity to advance toward Ellwangen, 10 protect the .Imperial magazines at that place. Field-marmal lieutenant Kerpen had a(fo taken all neceffVty j "meafures to lecurt Ulm again.! aa attack df the! enemy. j orince It marcbW i for frtpplylnr tiVfe,Jow -w-itb water wat, attendants.;he would make prifoneVs of tfc PHILADELPHIA; November 12; J . . i - . n .:!' :i: , Extract of a letter,' dated St. Thomas, Q8b(tr ' ' :, b '' .' -'':' 26 i i ;99. 1 - " ; .: :: ''' "jit ij reported ir town to-day, that there is an American fr.diamah; carried into Porto ilico, belonging to Philadelphia, but 1. cannot (late it as a feft. j .'j; iKv a vtile! arriek la(V evening from . t. 7 f : r - "11 GunUloupe, we .learni that! general Dei- lourneaiix has beenflupmed ny line populace, and fen: to France,, ana ije.ieral Paris elecled to favefed liitn, ?fiilie j by two others.'' Arrived yfflerday morning .and fired a flue, the Gangei flc op of war- from St. 1 ft 0 in a 3. . . . ' !,- . t I . P I R A.C Y. The Ganges has on jbojardi 5 pirates trho captain Whelan. for the vcJel had been iq ; ; fchooner Eliza. St. Thomas's. ! ftfter 1;2 davs at lea. ihefe three fellows entered jinto an I agree ment, to murder the captain, ftipercargo andj mate, with the in ent of poffefiing them felves of the vellel and -cargo. They - ac cordingly each fclefled his- man and 'en tering the cabin, one jkilled Jthc niarejand a nother attacked the ifunertariro who r'ran upon deck, and was t&ere m'ingled in a nioft j horrid manner, and thfowtj overboard while by making thole 11 lh htch with crow- bar, and pocro.v UJ 1 "c"u " by holding opepir woutha under the a perrure. FfrfuDP,y ther was plenty of proviftons iii t.heTt,e fo that he had no occafion to take c8fh nch. ' j , j o F;. fiE-E N:.V'0;-y,S. j:.vf; . I Our informitiinge envoys has beeo perfearW-, Thp embarked xo'ti Saturday taft ffoi Newport, in 'thefrigate. United' StatiV, Y 44 guns, commodore Barry. .W&fdort immaaine Jthey'wfll be, landed in the httch republic, bat at Hamf bbrgJ'orfomeloj'i,e"tra,,Porl hejNorth Sea. : At MrfMBtJ,AT i placed at tlje head of the embaflyl'co'fultationfc with bim will be necel7arv, f aWhe'r preliminary pro- ceedings, whic fcnot fo conveniently be held in FranceH fCoJ. Cental i Ved nefdaTMlfl if rived the fnow j Action, captain Wilfdni fm New-Yortk; ;wbich flie left the rIA.-She is lad? n with ordi- and ififlitiv fores by thet United li is nance Starts, and ,hc&nd up the elHfllppi. Excellency Br tialive.i The third who . 1 . had agreed to fefs courageous vcr murder the captain, bein" than the other twb 1 appr.oached him in a hay manner, havin-r ah axe in one hand 'and a Iword ui the ot)erJ and Sir attempting to ItrikChim with botlif &t the lame time," for- tunately failed in hfs wounded him flinhtly Iword cutting him on Hy this- nine capt obje5l, the axe only in the head and i-th- the arm. . . j.. !. W. hlad fecured ! hU tiow ir,flntly run upon concluded it was beft r meImates who would jointly attacked the accordingly, fufTered pd fiipercargn, but ? the with such intre of three dared him. rt L le nrrh firejafais when the fe ' deck, where the trio to dilpatch one of the jo i t i ' 1 em, a n d t h e n ctain. i The failor tiiej Jate of the mate a carain maintained hin poit piljhrmneh, that ntither ventare down to attlrV V JmJriig it'.was inipoOille to tiVe& their pur- a(iiT Gen. AVilkinfonrf and fuite, go paflifgrt.; The Irigate tonltel latron r expeMedviir convoy them to the mcuthof theilL : - ;'ri 7 1 1, : fit : rr . : : Fx trail of a ietrr Martinique dated 28M . received e ftkoiner Amiable 1 Amty arrived JafJ pef';- : "i- -'K . '. ' ;' Vou havefeb oubt heard of the caoture of Mr. S. in thelfcboner Richmond from ycur port ; he waslleined thirty days, owing to an embargajhfa'ng taken place on account of the arreflatM f Gen. Defomeaujc, and embarking himlc France on the 2t ft inft. There are tvoltefrals' appointed, one earn ed Pellardy, tcjeevnand r Point IPetre, and the, o'her ijlnj Paris 1o command at Bafleterre, W jprchend a-ll h not quiet in .that iflasd Mnor will be for . fome time to comeI ejare momently expecting the errival of nery rents from France,! with lome troops.', If IT; i "- -'-'A !.. i ' - Ca-pt. Tay,lbfcthe brig Nancy, arrived New-York , y j davs from Cadiz, in forms, that it vp'reported there when he failed th at Swedifiad declared war lagainft France, and Spirtcainrt Kulha. He alfpu brines account offtr death" nf Mr. ! Yinardk' the American coif at Vadiz and the ar- Mr.' F.llirntt furniuar tl t-L.i .1 - ' . of the Fox with a confiderable quantity r Bowles will be kindly received by the Tndi ans, the pefent moment is favorable fCr him f the Indians are in reat want of gocdj many of them are out of temper with the States and Spain : add to thefe thJn. .l their difpouoii at all times inclines them plunder, &c. ,fhat Bowles will ftiroul,,! to defperatc acts there can be no doubtj M bit Confequence and exigence depend three, on - for it can fcarcely. b-. foppofrd, ! that the United States will tamely fit Hill and al low a Britiflj emiflary,' fuch as Bowler re enter hVr territory and dillmb its peace' ar.d liappinefs. It cannotJ now be denitd that Bowles is fupported by Britain, 'that com mon difturber of the peace of mankind f'n e very quarter of the globe j ft e coufd not W content with what fhe had already done, in being the acVive mover in delugiug tHree. fourths of the world in blood, and (offer this quarter to have remained in peace : but ca 00 r unlj a ppy f ro n t ier feu le rs vv ill h a v e the cruel lavage let loofe on tbm while Britiin't fleet is robbing and infultittfe us on the ocean, whilft, perhaps, a deeperthd- more ferious plan i raaturning to dife our '. indepetj, d;,nrfi ' . . ' -SI ;4 Th author of the preedtng fnforww t i o n i a n d r e m a r k s , i s d e fi r q u t h a t t h e y j1 j b u I d he , publifhed in order thajAhe government a?id trontier fettlefs of qrgia fliould be prepared fof fhe confequence that' is to ht apprehended,, iT I''. r If is ;with pleafure, wV announce j the Tafc arrivaijof major Miner, Nithj Spanii7i cotrw mrrtioner, and all his party f : in geotl bealtl) ?i ruiniTtup, at .rnejmoutn jot tnc river 51. Mary's os the 1 3th of laft month, t I . : ;" . 1!'.' " :'-n----'---rx: Jfe 111 Ul MviUlllHI tUiUi'li U u 1 .11 u ill .!.!.. , I Ml J. .ft il t II t lit 1 1 fi fj f J B f ! f fl II II H lit II I SALISBURY rival of the Unit ciF thatj port. States frigate In A U G 1 HisExceenc, fon is re-elecled of 67 votes he h: S A V A urgent THURSDAY- :DeCme m. to nif! Oh Simrfav the 24th nlr. Jn T.rH,n btirg Counity, David Polk M 'Ree, Efqi Attcrne at Law univerfalv admired for his taltnn. an 13 11 n m n Tnr nil tirniftnAr r.niv hn f . lament the lofs of an Tan.iable companion, b country mult ever t'epiore the, ceprivaticn of biHties fuch.as he poUefiVd. 1 nt s gone : wuoic nat ut eris pitraica, vnoie V - i rufpired,, 1 ' 1 ITT K Cs i , I f A r m t.nxVtl uilir. II ' VT UUIC innuuiu nuvic Til iUCI all a . mired. - ; . ' tennsj which I captain ihem. 1 Thefe they a creed to .w p. r ..jiuicu m inern. i 1 neie were inai uiev iniiid jpar his li.ei for which he ro ld vige them to any part they mi.ht tluak iropr;r k i to r-tter mis, they owedapta!n W. per. feet liberty, wha.acljd in obtdience! to their orders until a few da; after the affair, when, perceiving two of them jwere in the fort fcuttleand the other at the: helm, he feized an, axc knocked pw 1 the man at the helm, ihen run j forward, drew the- hatri, icuttleand faftened them down K i:r.:- the anchor over the bow and placing it upon ployed J T A, Nov. o. 1 .. sjor"general James Jack- rrnor of this (late ; , ont r3- A H, Nov. t2. The following Mi politely handed us by a trnd at Sc Tefterdjy aRleprefs arrived here in I J days troui the ati5 garrifon at St. Mark 's. with letter from gfc.;" EUicotti the Ameri can commifiloner" f&rrur.ning the ! boundary I i ' 2 '. r- !' - i J ) . .1 , ?arys, for publication. l Honnbt-r 2d. ihe. Mr. irjcot. , riies,' hat thejadven- Ifte hatch. While h v thus em the man, whom he I.kd knocked down, was recovered and had afcended the Ihrouds, where he begged for mercy, which, uoon being granteu. be delcended and iuffe'red himlelf tobetied by feaptain VheJan. Ilaeing fecured his it iloners, captatn Whe lan made the belt ofhtVway ib the Weft. In die?, without a foul trl aid him in working the vefle, an alter 3 day. .,W a Sr. Larth0omcws ,r wher;c fais ptif0Ders wcre oe.uercd to captain-CampbeU ol the ale. . ' 2 kuoq ooard the Gan- (The method which .1 .. ;.:..; ...-, captain V, adopted turr, gen. - WtiriaB5ioo.ftus Bowie's, Vhad again made hrs'appance in that! quarter ; 11 nit, yviaciiCe is Kattd as : sou t lows : i. ; I ''r f , ; - .;' ! ... " j-,-; :r v A Britiffr floolHf war called the Fox. commanded b lietAant wbblbfidge of the navy, mounting 16 nd nPsr ICO ,t,cn. took Bodies a :i4 f.isl tendants oh bbard at Jamaica, and oV f hex siof September laid :velll was wrecked 'on&ebrge's inano io the bay of Apalacheelnear thefmoffth of Catafio. chee, the veflel fltay loft, hut the crew and pafltngerg faW Mr. Ellicott about that time wasjeoAg dbwti 'the fiver! on board his fchobeerl BoWles wrote him and derei.-:in'tersr; V;.wnil;b jie bad. t appears that his view, are hoftile. efoeciallv !,??,lin i iskd fb the running of the .me. Bowlrs vt-V. rlJi. non, attended by tfcre, aids, I onejof them an Enghihntan, one a fcoichmab. ttie other j frenchman, all captalniin the JBcitlYh r. W. reported by ithem ttti 1 my large fbpply of goods are bn the way from nglard, as polenta for the favages. Bow es deelared to Mr.- Sllicott, t hat Ibotflrf he iail in with ,u Spanifit comiBiffioner and hu Laft words and dyingj Confeflion of Sar 1 i. Clark, ni 7: -C Who was Executed at Carlifle, on Wedn j mi. jwi 11 wi uu 1 , 1 y V) lUi will j i n g i Joh n C a r o t h e rs K fq . o f K a ft p e n n Iw .rough Towufhip, Cumbcrlaud j Coun . State of Pennfy Ivartia. . 1 f I ! SARAH CLARK,1 was horn in the y 1 1 766, or 6 7, about two mifes froml Cs lifted My Father, name! was John Claf jwho died when 1 was young ; and my j M jthe'r, fl think is yet livings in Pittfbuf ifrom a 11 years of age, I Ira re been jftrangeri. When about 20.I I engaged !the fariil of Mr. IJas as a rtoufekeej where I continued about il 2 i montht ;l fj whiehj I went to the family of Mr. Lo where I lived about two years ; after wl I jwent into the family of John Dougl where I continued, expecting a ftjor.t f th until my ruin took place. Whllft I liv the family! of Douglaft I contracted a I forryoung. man but who unfortnatelv j pcared to me to.be in lorVwitb Ann Cz t be r, t h e Da ugbVr of John Ca rot hers xvjy ioui tnpugnis were cent - on the mart of removing the obftacte which appeared be in my way, in order to obtain the took advice i and ift the; fall of 1798,1 f chafed a quantity of while arfenic ivhij heard would poifon animals, V and - whic meant to give to 1 Ann Carptbers.ykt. purpofe of accompliftjing Hiy.i-ft n abt ihg the young man. ',-'. r v i " Here! mu(t obferye tbl althoogh I ct ceived Ann Caroihers to be my Riy'al I hid no wifli to injure any . ot .Mr. Ca thers f amily V' nor had I the leaft ill will her the (aid Pi na, excejpt that I tbooht in my wit aowards thv attainment Ihi youn man.' whom1' I loved to exc j

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