S- ' v mi rUo'jfy ! that horrid onfteij . Lb" and my otter loe and its elufive promiies ar 4 tht d to procure fcrfakeh I and from caufc of my untimely end ! fjy bad aJwice: I was indu the'arfenic. and excited 10 deflroy the fa id rn : and; fuch was the exc fY of; my paifiony that I became loft to all ooodi letl to myfelt ! I waited a long time for an opportunity of iviue the, arlemc to Ann Carothert by her as i urn uui yviin . ro ni perfon, but none ottered. 'At lengtn. nowever. a utal pfefenttrd itlel f and I put a arlemc mio a croc or leaver) thrr's boufe with which-the i hurt opportunity; portion 'pf the in Mr, Caro ; mily fermented tnd railedj bread, which fhet ate; and all ny other; , dome time pair, a Unit on to Salem Cbelfea by a negro neero firftTei2cd the .iruiueis to alperfe thy ncn.e ; anduhen on :rS?f;?'S tccamt fick. At this eve troubled. ; and when, I found I while ! att'end-l ma (1; of frjend mixed ai norti- was greatly; that Mr. caro-. ther s died, which happened on the a6th ofFcbroary I waa extremely alarms id) as I had no ill-will to. the family; t i J then dtfided. for a time, from accomJ Iplifjiing my horrid plan However an op- pcftunityj ottered one ntht, cd the faid Ann (under the hip on a bed of ficknefs.) I onin barley , and milk, wntch I nave . her with my own .hand ! , In. the imontfi of rhay, rny fcrxffd -mc to tenew my attack on Ann VaroJ thers : I therefore procured ellow arlenic ; and, ahho j rwas ni'ich impaired n heal f la Ha. C.ar;o:hera died' the 3d lucii was.lihe excels of my fc whom pre fen ted aiftol.anddt;a5riel theeen-l tleman'i pocket-book, from i kb; heitoik 28 collars in bill and then retuf 31 n .with the other .. papers; he then took Ji,.wacfi' The gentleman had fome mere mofin 'aiftcoat .piMi wuitu mry loriunaieiyf vaii4iiie. Tk.!r.:.'.t i.i a lie ly delpbia p tea. It is faid that 3coo tiMiP oo pound joncer brilliant (Ur that tliccs the LnrrU . py they caft a blemirti, theu.iet tln, m to blot thy virtues ! I But it is fur rVIv 0 . e blufh for the djhonor r.hich in this atten pt feme darinpparicides have call inLcncnr r,,n. . It is faid that 3coo biliP i6o pounds 1 onsinftaricp r.z. nl . A,,; . 7 - ' to tne J t ft of fipinnaii. n . r invio. : mfied, firm, enlightced iiate'iriju sod pttHi t. thy country! pride, its buiu i,,k and it Valtch- .u.puaraitn i vaui are the rlUi, the jntiin.s, the Uatter.es. and the tht eats ci Gallictoe?, uttllt thun- prehdef cter us. HntikvV h, . ' . t., .h predeceficr, fo,reitUr halt then .iced tl e . b. 4 muTf ai v Uf irf!cu, a i,d iiki turn ref- pienaent in thy vutue?, thbu n.ajtlt dtfy th H .lirlir r j i.LJf)m A.n..i I t ... . i "t.c iucu iii itiR"-" vvuuiry 10 me jii o dciimation O AD AM .w. palt.; The total weight is 78o ppuods. The lacdsiii the Tenth parts of Viftis pre capable' reftlrfs pafHons jut ot my rayv her whom ny greatefl obllacle, that fhprHy Hileafe of her motliet, pui enic into a. crock of butter soufe of iTiiomas Car others it; faid CarotlierSfJ Here it was my diabolical bvered.t o pi tlon one ounce of ! produced with eafe and certabt' 'fpetiaily-in' .the'n.iddle and L weftern conntl. o in South Carolina and Georgia! It ilh;orngj a moft v a 1 u a b:l e obje 1 to. th e j o ti n ' t r yi aid (v e i a p c uW Jlar value to the foothern IkfidS phe Cotton produced in, one yelr fremiti' l two'reres that are cleared ilf pay.fuii fr J I'-ttle farm lot f fifty actes fituated in tpe ie;Jthy country above the lower falls of thciivtrtln the Cato linas '-l' '-: ' i ' ' ' ' '' ' The Allied powers it feenfi,crding to the Oppbfition Papers, are not uitd nd each has his ferrate intereft ; t luckily sapbens howe ver, to be the feparate Wtertit ffch, thatthe . French Republic fhould be dlnT; and what ever oifagfeement thev maV&afeabcut the do j mains,; they perfeaiy agree an ilieftrbaicn of h the faid Ann and although. f 'June, etj IU I CIMUVC conceived tS mm f ' ' malice of thefe tuuv nr m3L U.. t ii icorn j for their ceiifure is thy high ft piaiie ; While genius, talents, integrity and K veot ctun xJt ?t5l!e tu be theebjects vi tOnir, thv ij? rrie thall be enrolled arncD ihe foicmcltoi ihytcun tryls worthies. ': ' ' A cohftitution like ours, adn iniOered by rnea of fplendid virtues and talents csn r ver fail to command the attatchment, and e.-lighrcn the mind of al the friecds ot liberty, order nd good governmenta l 1 1 J " i j j. And howfgreat mart oct haptnefs in tHial ref pea appear, if we contra ft it with the prefect French adminiftration, r.ri thejntuation of civil goverrmejntin France ; where toenlqf the rnoft abandoned chiraaer, the n.ili 'ignci i-i t a: c un principled wretches taken frrrr thcvifr dUg:of the people, auci noted for the diabolical cr neltv- expedited than by Gen. Sitwar negociating j wkkednefs, diffijaiicn, treathervart iniiij ue, il in his own way I H" .-fc.' f :1: I i I have often been lentrufttd with V f?cet cf at vern- ment, andhaye exercifed a tj rai;i th.t bfppara 1 It is faid the peop!e ef Palisr "'amon rous for peace. It caanott br 6re cffVtfuallv after the- flme of the ri The Trench fay, that ! Auftnan troops have been iof tiej whole of the ther fpring riun then living.. afcT-from the tail of the Pionah. It is moll prtfc''tbeT have been tr.ken frem tht barn,j by tifeti ffiicg thty have given th enemy. 'Sr.,-4-. ' n 1 i ' i. Ii ii faid the French Dirflnf Ire now in pof- f feffiod it the Brains of Vfaieffrii m the ccn- all detcription. It to. this we adr the c?fc with which.this great event, a chnpe ct cti ftitUioa has been effected smoi g us, will; ui t ivii brciS cr blocdmed, notjwithftariCiing thegrVat vajiitxof opprfite' opinions! and ciafhirp intertft, v'b ch mnft be concerned in an exit i five tenitorvi :lf auu couuerer uiii a iiuiiir cini ie in r ranee, lias fcheme wn difi;"j ttmplation of uhith thty tMe t4l ytt beeH able heeii the occahon of the n;oft i udlul "civil v, irs uu 1 was apprehended aid comniited - J to a And, for this wicked- conduct,;'!' lm inortly toiiuirer tne ihiraetdl and lg.v hinous punuhment ot the gallows. I it payrbe an awfui leiion to all young wemen the iaft rcaeit of a niurcjr to contending bftionf. mifchief bout, ope oclocki fhe was brousht )T execiition iOri her wajy to the gallows cot i . ed loleninity on jeared ro be t! t it e appeared tD;have a fett er countenance, which ap Vult of abfolute refipnatiob : Ar ' intervals: was eify to difcover, alth'ou" 'flie did not prels tt by word or action :hat t'be certath prdachj of b'er diftbtutton madela very deep her. (Some to their native tiore ''4 "fidelity. , anu cunning. j ; g: i ; ., The divorces in Prpaay for ten days j Wtie wenty.two, the maNges, one jlundred; r.jaud tw eat)!' SomttlungttJ ef than one to fxll; j. upon ftnis icaie we may pctt.ne tttat Kebubiican ir..rriapes upon art avkragl Etfoetwein hve fcnd fix weeks, j The duraiioii: he honey-moon is not'fb.ealily afcerained. l l ? '' j 1 t, Cit 2cn Car row, o4ne ofjfcf French Leaiflators in zei.l for th interfta WftlerFrench Hayy, his propclec'ha law aeniiiit twaikward cnlicni late ly adapted by the Dnncainf .'.Keifoua,' of brcak- imr the line. L R '. J 1 i ! i ' ! n ' i ji2ici. i?tpit octecifo Jnpreliion on bed "a few tears ;. but that very deep alien, that Ihe. was not general - !rtiUci4 i nrr.r.nA P" Inndiri'i. . Mil V obleryed; She frequently er and jeemed to take a f loniiibi. eiing. lobkZj She uttered! forne! expretfiori t the place of execution, which were thought ficoherent by rhe multitude ; probably Uom otiheing heard diftincfly. Prior to the fat al momeint me appeared as if f engaged in raver and' was final! v launched info ha ndl of and fcenes of mere .than (tv: te m eliv and fl-ughter ; has overturned tkei vr r.y f e.undticn of civjl and religious focic ty, brckc throtJvh alf the bonds cf moral oblipation, antl ir.ft' tf a ' mild fepub lican obica has t Uablifhed military defpotifm ten thouund times wcifr th-i. ihe ar bitrary monarchy, whkh they ideflroj d sihdl hae exchanged ONE for MANY tyrant: ! 1 ! efs eternity, with a foftittdtf anil com. ure, worthy a better fate. The. concourfe of fpelators, on this acca- 36n, was very preat. It fs fuppoled that Itar 5, oop people Were prtfent I-We aretnformed, fays a late Savannah paprr, (iat theComniiJfiosjert on thejpart)f Sain, and f the United j Stares, for- rtinnin'g the line be w?fi the Florijas and the United Isfatesi have Cr ved at St. Marys, and. are now; proceeding afcertain the fource of the St. Marys river. III confequenee of a mifunderftanding bptwern fr. j. pj Heath ' nd Mr. A Xeepe cf Balti re, they met ia Howard s llark, jfor the I pur ffejf adjuftirig it j and muclj as we deteJtthe ueity, injullice, and irreligibn of clueHing, we give Mae praife to tfie capdoui anJ hononrJ Mr. Heath, who, having received his adver 1 ball through his coat, fired bis pift o' ju the and apolog fed for the harfhnefs of expreT-. t; which had oxcafiphed thedifferenee and a ving histfeterminatron riot jtb aflail the life of stfon be. fo Warmly efleerned. Tbif termi n ,f the canteft, and Che parties reconiie each , er again as friends.- Thil is a rare inflance courage aud good fenfe difp"layrd on fuch ah afion, and unlikethe vindltlive (pirit of moft i a aat .huu , wn?n win tne gopo lenie ana jnog at of the Military Order, jwhofe cohdua - ie can give energy to its reprobation, abolifh s blood. thirfty and lawlers euftom f A cbi- u fo ftrongly tinclured. with inrancs cf.thf Gothic gei which gars.it A cbuntryman in E ftioo.tibi' Par tridpes (co Laws pf that cout)try, tl cif ii ft ft a penalty of 5i. forieyery Partridge4kn:d by a man! npt: pof tclied of idol, a year, afid ho it he f as ti at, is not entitled te fhoot gahif tn his own farm, un til he tins paid two guinc: for a ticcncc, hich rnnft bf repeated cvcrHir) excufect him fell to. the 'S quire, by fayinJiii;he was learning to fhoot at the French fh'mJ .$cy attempt to land. Bur vhy (faid the '$it.r) do yc fhoot ! at my g-me b why do you hJt.'if. a mark on a tree & Ihoct atithat i That Ivtiicl not anfwtrj.the pur p f. (a Ifwertd the coirrrman) yru have always to'd me the French wfl.'roi away, and therefore 1 muu itrn to flioo: uiht I FXTRACT ISiM a'SERMOK. i . . . . . . ' . U nvered .n , itie I July, utt. -at Airvei, New-erfev, by jthecverend T. Grant. The author after yiviff a brief cTfcriptrcn of our excelUntxpf ftitufii, proceeds : ) 1 -j ; 44 We ought. thetlcie hgMy to vuine this excellent confUtutio, vi hich if the fafe ry, hap p'rels and Iory cf o country ? and we fh uld Jtand ay and defend flis p3ilac'ium if our liber tv and ibdeDender,ci?pair:fl ail tl e att?t k.? of iri- ttrnal and external foes. Indeed it) mutt be grpfs i snorance andffUHid?t, or a deliberate & wickeii 'intention to eppefe the profpe rity and happii;efi of America, whics excites ariy to fian der or defame our f!cfent government or its ad minidration ; for tbry are9cfh the choice uf the eopie , i '.ney are oitn eiueareci iu us oy eupe- . xiedce and trial ; thty eft both ; fanftioned . and l ratified by the exprefa ue avc wed, the public cat 1 repeaceo ceciaraiionspsa greai mjoriry m iijc raoft wife, enlightenedyr d patriotic leg'flitures, as well asindividoaU,bfoDphoo? the unicn. It is enough. then )f xc'ite indignation in the .bfeaft of every true friend t t his c. untry, to fee nfen p rof effing a gre'rt concern for irs . welfare, w ho si: tne fame tinnendeavour to promote dif afreaionl to the epWrnment: and jts adminiftra- tion, aninder rjkfacred BrH of patriotif m, like political alTaipja -conceal a dreer! to plunge a W ASHI KG TON ! thy PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY f I y E N, -if : : -i..: . ; j i " 'THAT any perfen upon whom information.! A 4arrbe 'Obtained, having ut wbc-d i r tref- ! puffed on! the lands formerly belcpghig iol Judge I Macay,:and known by, the name cf Ktrr'a lanij I will hereafter be profecuttd. . " - f i i aJ WM. L ALEXANDER. December 12, 1799. I I N O T I C E, T ii ordered-by the Board bfCommiIonera ofi 'the Borouth of Salifburv. that'Davii WnrH. j , . .11 ' r 1 fon Jc hn Bmner, and Matthew Tr oy, f h r m e r ly Conltables, lliail, ou or bc'fbre the 15th cf January next,, fettle up with the TrealVrer their ! arrearage of Town Taxes for the years 1796 and 1748; otherwife ft'iiis, will immediately com-'' mence.cn their obligations. 1 ' ' By order of the Boaid, - - ' ; J. M'EWEN, C. B. December 1 a, 1799. 1 T E N C E N T S R E W A R D..f v: RUN AWAY from the lobfcriber liyirg .in f. Guilford county, an apprentice boy to the i Cooper trade,1 named William Goodrich, eight een years of age; 'five feet sYor 8 inches htfh ;. he carried witx him a mixed cotton coat, Gripped teft, blue fir all cloths and felt bat hiph in. the- , crown ; he is a fmartaaive lad. Any perier that witl bring the faid boy tome fhall receive the a bp vc reward, but no charges paid. I . GEORGE SWAIN. . Guilford county, Nor. 16, 1799. N O T I C Ei ALL Perfbns.indebted unto the Subfcribers, either by bond, note, or bock account are de fired to come in and make immediate payment, therefore need into Jrs vefy vitils. i thvIonV triecf'fervicesrl thr nard earned laurels, I as they intend leaving the phce : thi I thv difinferifred watriorirmi'thv noble talents. . not ex c eel any further indulgence.' ' ! the barbarity and I thy dtftingu'fhed Virtues, which comoelled even I ' - , ' JAMES HART, ejivtons. Europeans to confer oathee tbe palm. - ' J-'!f ANDREW HART. 1: t I could hey notfecurc even thee from thofe (hxfi fsalifbaryV Norcaiber ai, f 79 -1 H '4 I i -I! I' -'4 "4 ; - (. .

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