' - - r t . commanding the centre. . . " Weluve uken 2,io2 prifontrs, atnorg ... n.vn-'nltrre. ana levcrai ui aw n m r v iirti: 2 .a 1 w a iki. - oiHcers of diflincYioc Th Cnief continues his luct?lf Comrauder in SOOCHET.V rr.nral Saucbei. lieutenant cf the uenerai n Ch.ct, to Gen. Fuonafarte Firft Conful Ot tne French KepuMic. ; ' HcaJ'q'riers at Melogno, . - 26 Germinal, -'-pril.17- ! ' Genral-V-for ten days 1 the army of U!y . hi..en engaged with the enemy. Finding r,yiif detached from tl.e army of the Lora in a nderiq Chief, MafleqaJ and having an opportunity of being able togie you Intel licence ! oLtbe army, 1 think it my duty to dolorfireaiy. On the 1 6th Germinal. Gen. Melas attacked in perfon the heights of Savo ra. , Lieut. General Soachet, who command ed them, wiih(fo0d during the whole. (Jay, !e attack of the eneany on' Cadibura and jMonrenotte, in order that he might be able (a fnd to the fort of Svona what was ne cedtty for its defence, and :io eiled bis re tret to Genoa ; for ai the commencement, of ibe iJay.'he culd eafily perceive that the enemy ha I flich a fuperiorit of forces that he cou'd not hope to c vercame v ihem. He threw a garrifun of 7oo menlinto.the 1 4 r c of Sv-'o-va, and hi the evening elfe&ed. hia Ts tfat to .Albiiiila. The (aie day Gen. Mi o'.ii .tracked on ,he river di Levarie. lie was fir it .'ohlieff tof.H back ; but on the i7:h da, MiiUni .?are?d hither' In per fen, beat thr u ifi ; ians, - VdjtoekJ'ioru them 3 5oo'ip'rifoVert, -among vbm are General B-tron f'Afpe?. .. I . I ' O.1 ; the 20 b Gen.; Maligna attacked the '- enrrhy at SfelTo and Abillola. The, ?Tair continued the whole dav. and on the ,21ft Genera) Maj?ena briflily repu'fed he enemy, and ttiok from them a greaU nurber of prilo- Eerf. ,1; . -. :,;:.-ip-j . Mr-"-:':;i-;''"' l- .On the 2td 2h and 2Ctli, General Maf Jena had iii-rp engagements,! the refut of whcli are cori.'Hntiy in ouf' favour. He took, ftorn thf 'tr. tny 45CO prifoDe" 7 ftandards and 6 pi-ces of cannon. , i 1 i . ,x Ori the 1 jib however,! i had evacuated , the; pofilion of Sr. JaqOr, ?nV IWcl dpced. -to tt:c line of. Sorgetto. The (Vlidonna de i Ja N4ve wa5 t skeh and jetak?n feveraT times. The Jlunariin greiiadfr& fuffered confider abljr at M-lope.- wherethc-y were viorouT j repa fed . Ibe i7th-,Jand the rrenjdira of the 4ih drifing'ii'hed jthe.-nfeivcs in a jiar ' titular manrer. pS'"ervi;ii that the erjtn) iere ertJea touring to ivm me, I dcterm'ned 13 advance totlie line ofi BorV.ttOi During . this jtifTie, General Zabloncufti ccmplettiy 'bcartbe divjfijn of the enrmy, v. hich-wai: dchfj-ji hiny by fanftro, a;jd had already ar rvd at Pieva ; he cook from then 503 pi i- lontts. ., ,!-. '''""'Jr '; ' j "''' Oi the TQth, having receivred orders from ;Gfn. Mill' na to aftVck theenemf . 1 marchtd . P.'i he, 2Ctn, the troops rook :by afTjult apd . tMe bii oir the tower and rr doubt of We : J'Sn;, rw 1 1 li 400 prifor.ers, 12 of whom were ofiicrrs Tha vhief of th battalion of Ve-d-.l, bt!o-ging ioi-thr,34h; demt brigade, a the frr-l th.it rufhed into 1 he. -.entrench-" ments. The Col. of the Aullrun .regiment ,ot'Ornje v9s killed. ..;"!" The nunfro'ii rcd'oubtr of Settepani ! were .taV.ten ort the 21ft. Genera! j Compere, with ap:rt of the 7lh light infaBtry, the grena dier s of the 3 4:h hiid ioth; favoured by a ver thick t.tjr funpurjjded the enemy, and . tak' 1 200 prif -ners of t c regiment of Hi.ff, a:"d tt the -prince ot Orange, among whom are- a Major and twoj1itute riant Uolotiels. ri" Oandard onlV fe'l wto our handi,' che M navrni? been mine n tmnrn - - - v ftj a, v 'ofj m thefe diircrent sffVirs does not cne huvlrci a d tvr r.ty v cutei and I I The or of thjfiprem. :rnr'.- ifonrri, has been ranch great V X rate mfn hrm xhi army has V cN ef of battaUionyof al Clsuriel,, ro command .xp'diri'on, is entitled to I ?ib ! liht infantry and Bojer, particularly dif Ket. ' - rneral Claufel was engaged r the f.rall hills, in ibe St. Jauej. Ke took p'ri tits icf Tcrzo end CitiBe fcl -G e tie ral Su w arro v a nd M or ia n ea - In the - var!cut ffiirs fcrtwCn . acvircec? pelts in the ValteliV- 5 the luiiaif BailiwUka j . 1 ca At the taken ct Tortoriacd p Ikrmibe4 ct ihe'cdvanced ectt .V Myeio . : , : "4 IGt5' ; In the battles cf AlefTaniSna, ti. if . at Vale&zay the ad litar Tinj Gat IU1U I foneis. xco Hcsc3nan creBder. Cheaf lier,' Ghef du " BatiaUion lhttaht ; to, the A0jitant-GeneraL5olighac, waa killerjfc Vb fought the whole day of the 22dJ denarat Solignac was vocoder. - 7. j iGeneral Gudioot, Chief of the StafF, who was the bearer of dispatches from the Ccoj minder in Chief, has juft jjoined mi. flfarn ori the heights of, the Finale, Upa . Mqgno, The i04tl,fnii-btigadeL has; juftl arrived1, .We are in .to redouble ouF etferta ior ' a iienefai'snd dccilive. attack. i OuZinot Chief cf the St. f. to Buonaparte, firft Goijul of the Frttuh ht public. .i Mead quarterns at La. Petra, 29 :.J i f 1 flm. A U ! n I A I t n 1 I''":- which the commander itchier has been job- 1 between Gens. Mrxdonat'eLOtt ' r,i -In tl e tkrcc-fcfd btttle cit Sstliis no, before pi;zcL2.i, j Lttwp CtR: ficges of Pelchiera, the ciur t ian, Pizzegheicue, .Fcrra, -Tvirtu i'Lj TorioiiU ' -" i nt the taking cf PpntreniotU in tj, iffaira between Gtr;eri.isi Ot'r. Kur.. and HohezolJern, ndiiijfcr;tttufB i.he (ivifijnol the Frtiih crfcie Ttf liged toltuake lince the f6 having prjrve'flted hirii from giving you Intelligence, I lhink.it proper to iupplly that deficiency. VC3 Op thar day the enemy attacked T us on our I whole line : they were fepulfed tnahe right I and ia the center.- TL;e arrxy which the I tie enemy ' hv fon" jMontenctte a is d St. Jacques, will - be brifkljr attacked bj Melogno ad Saelle: If cu :tr6bpa at tack with their uliialal courage,! "which . we haVe no reifn;to doubi , a ; greiat part .cf triat corps will furrcu ri'ded. LleuH' Gen; Soult, .hd omnnudj the ccntejL'iv'occDpied Montenettoicn the extremity of its lffr. perceivinfVvthat "the column ulaih Was ad I juclion.of the AithcckeVaimies irh by -Montenoti-!: va. t i'HWuw. Macdonaid.' Suv arrow ad Mflai . At tl.e r&.fi. g ot tfitbltckacttitTbiv tcra by gei.. .Mcrtcu. j. r i J n tfte various battlea iri th :th;,. or Ger.i'raf Mtcdouald j " ' 51 At lhc lieges if Alcflcr.c'rla, " MaJciii ,fM and FcrtUrbano.' - . j , v? j f 1 lire ut 11 dutifvvi, irr i tCtfrLtl' v I by .Gers. H-ze ar-J: :Jeil3ch;th. , In the 2d aiutk oi uatr, and jn tlis if' Gnfcns Daring the psfflfge of , the Rhine A near Wintrrthur - ' In ttetiff. ir near FrauenfcWj at the vanensg gauui . i-uiiicnone, was mucij mre ion'r 't liiun 1111 i:rcer. nis $ command, rand whirh hajl niade k. rnciverr.ent topthe jibt to fupport tlie Btfchetla, evacu ated tf:e heights ot Sacra, ard advarctd;io filbilTala, to join the rtll cf"the a:ny. Vd the 17th Luutetant Gertral1, after cifpuiing the pclition ol i:.2jr. JaKjors'ard Me 'opno, retired to thei litf e cf hcirht 1 1 0, in order to have time to reccpe- Ktie It i ' J v r t- - t- w. t. tr.. r -0 1 P I ? tt - (Jn the 2 Iii,. Gen; Soechetr attscked and retook the .t h 1 tl." of Melr"tja.f-'ia!ena. curr.rriardrr.;: 'ci intelfitnce J lie Scuit , enensy who op- by di'rl'eie;nt rrsr.Cinvref, : I- - . . , 1 ! : . . ..,4 into tne Vii'ey of Y ltlinbla. All pofed him ll-Vre were erthejj killed -cr taken pfitcner.- -rJvisTccTurie's and eo.Tsrr! res K, L.fi;o.i.. t '--,-)! .1 : .11 On thtfe rlifT. if n:da!s ''General XVflcna In! perfon fock 6cco piifiA ers- amorpFw hrm are one Gtr.frp), i'w p Co'loflels, leerij Mai., jbr, 2co Orl:cers ; alio jfeven JiijiidarG's and fix pieces ot Cirnon General Sohchet, on f 1 i? 'p a r r , t o p k i u ,.t :h e fe d i Ife r 1 1, t e n g a g e m f n t s tico prifoner and 1 ftsrdad. Thave. ar rived here bv order cf Jthe Coin ni a: rider ..in Cjiief, to ccrcert with General Sctchit, the nipvement wiii hlis tq take place cn ibe id ci riorcai, t,diu t ; KCUS2 OF CpMRTONS. ;i ; i Aoril 50... t . uvu4c: 1 win. ti'c uwiua urniru tjiff houfe, that the Lords bard &c're'l to the bill for grantirg bounty on the importation cf ot.; the ff)r allewirg the lmportatien ot goods from America iri neutral, bottom!!. and f.-veral othr'r bills, wiibcut kraerfdment ' nr.d the tnder the 3 ZRft head. March 26, r . . . Vncd by; aropaign; ue 1 i the French jrmies has bet 11 eftimvtd 4 ceo t,5C0 '-t i i-' '; -. IT-he lof4f fv; dor in g the 1V lv a ' French V?5cer. who imeed nils(r of tjhje engagements. Thi? ejfrifnatelorly ShclodcV Ihofe men that were act ulahy ilan in battle : ! In the orit attack bet weVM-lielisi &' ! r.tff'rberfT, ?p tbe Gtf.tP'J t79? 1 ve nnj a;i:tK: near ; escixirch, i;hUh 'were ret ken by Gct II z. j I. the ts r ft 'attacks : : between-thjr a4-. vaced reft 3 tf ute archdnke Chailea' ! i 'II. i J In the 4th stuck tf Geni MerTtn!a'od Feldkirch. . .j ; Jin the battle cf Stbchaeh jln the enttagerrenta in Erg din, until 4thr e-agemen? rf Gtn. l.eccnrbie j jln the f'a"T of the vallevvf Munlter.' I between CermlsDefoMe land LaToir, ad the. In:p- iil Gcu Caudon i m In the v.iir.ns operatic di inUppr & jln h- two K ittle on tfci Adjge,, be- tuefR Genr, Scherer and Kr3y I in thr ttr'e ot Mauna, and tfle treat of.M'ircitM r - , ., - - ' tre battle . below Cremcha re and 2.GCO 1 f,cco i,cco I,5CO a,5CO S.co TOjOCO tjCO Gotbard, tetTcca Gcr t rala Kellegarde arri Lecour'ae Io the attacks and defer ct-tf the h trerchments ceai Znricb; J , Iri the, (Inlt rent ikii mi Ihes between 'sbrf fcilvafeed-'poffa. ot XitittU Lc ice hi be snc JelUthithTTf I . ., In varici.e attacks cn Hhr!pr"f, brr ,dtri ct the Ri..!e ar,c! in tl f uk'.rg & t'v?ruatingf.C&uburf on the Lower mine : -i - , .1 rrj The French lectin kiHed atone. men, exclufive of thf; Ne?poiitari8r, h their Idles by hckneTs nd she he ret ipt. dition ;of theitnrsgedi lriilr.s. .'i re wrcpi, t and crippled inay be'eitimted ai the bz number. F- R .A. IL C E. "An advice boat dtfpa.Tche.d by Generl. Ki ber,. has 'brought an account to Goffiv went ofti e crinvenlion concluded iat.gt ; between that iCevtrtl and the ; Grwi zier. refoeclinff the t vaeuation of Egjji It annears bv the letter ci Ceneral KSeftr, who ftiM' writes the DircdlorV, tbr.i the oth of anufry,! he was noting f the revolution of the 191b Brcainu November 8.) ' j . .. ' w ... ! Gampat SJciich, Jan, V ) 4 have figned, citizen . DirteTcffr t.patv rftaiive to the e acuation- tt tp : r -- 1 - .. . . ' yen a copy. r Wti?Ii I.rfnw fend ...t.;k hre4th fM.n.nnre ol the Grar.Q hs for f '.'r.-aii the exchanoe vvas'fixedto takeh- .it EUArifch. p. I -have informed vcujin my prrcffitfgw' patchls,.of the fnuation cf ilefrn:y.l . .. a. J lF the f,eOii'' .which General HuonraUe httc&itd fi rh hrVd V;r ar.dlhich I WSStOCMi? fnue. Thfl'uebat that! pf riod L ejV t!' iittl-.vm'the feccefs of thefe rf gocVaticM-'-H entertained a hope 'njit they wceI? ' the rBirrh of the Vizieri as well as fe !' like preparation?',. tbatyoo mighj hsT? to fend me luccoi.rs in rnen ifid rm f J tranfmit your. in.a'rudions - as. to ti e in whieh l thpull conduct pj felf ucder fuccour on the knowledge lKati the rr"" and Soanifli fleets were; united jtt -.'Tf-f and waited but fcW fiVouirable wind.'wHj from that harbou'r. Tey did fail i fjf but it was to pafs the Streiohts. do . Il I enter into the poit of..Bret. This J"f,j ence deeply afHirted tb army, ve!J.V the lame time was in tor bud cf oc" ,l, in ttly, Germany snd hqllaDd, sod p Lavaodee, without the Lappearar.ee c 'j mevfure bring taken io avert mff which threatened even lb exiftencs of U The Vizier, was then rdrsccirg Iff j mat. un tne otner nana. 111 r I O&obery a fleet appeared befer yimi5: