,v ..7: , ..;i-; - m psi 4-i THE : ' . ; i vkJ ,'; r.. m., AND I.- ! !: - . .; - i mi . ' ' ,. r. : 4- ; 'I- a - -- ; . . ' -, . - - - -y-' SALISBURY R T I S E R. . S A L t S B V 7 Print-bp !& -p.v.BLitkx it F R A NC I.S JC.O U P E E. T H;U R S DMT ! JuiAr Vot, IV.- I' ! ! r ...( , - i i' : AD-'VE 1 Lord Hbbart h received his mdrning. dif- ( - si f . OT -ff . - 'A '" ' : . 1 Qaritfi cejart Alexandria, jriarcfr 19. I&OI 1' I have the. honor to lnclofe, the articles X f capitulation .1 of. the for v of: Ahotikir, tp erher vinK a retiirn of the priiLners fiir fendeied, a6d of the 'ordnance and ftorei foanin fotu ; I have the hbnoiy &cl , 'I. Vi i X-1' ; fe " ABEft CROM BV. " . i t ... I ;! I- '.Vi - t I. - . . tHere" follow five articles rpf capitutatipii sis th rtfnch language, by which the Er rXk wr allowed the honor of war. ; to l rrniaed 00 board th Brkifh flett: ; IfrilbBCrsTT LONDON, May 154 . I ! : t ' . .,. :i.-f CTrfW r i7f frftrt Alexandria, Ztk AprtL VbOl was'onufuaUy obftinate ; the enemy were twice lepaiieoy' sou, iacr wvairv wcio; ic pea ted jy mixti -.With our infantty. They, ai length.rctired, . leaving a prodigtou nura- UWhile this was- pacing oq the ligfct, they attempted to ipenetrale oar centre with a column of infantry, who were alo repulftd with, Jo (s The French the whole of .thi? aftibri referVed their righi rTljey puflifd forward, -howeveri a- corps of flight, troops, fupported by body of infantry aiod cavalry, to I tceeo bar hit in check ; wilcri certainly was, at that mt, the weakeft part of Our line,, ,;! f-4 .,h -1 'l Vv hive takn about two hundred, orifcU neft (not woondedX; b"t it vvasj inapoffiblc toporrud pur vicloty, on. account of bur in fenority in cavalry, andbeaufe the Frcrjch had lined tliei oppofite hills .wip 1 cannon, under which !thev retired. . We alfo have f fuffered conhderably i few mqre.fevere atti T SIR have tbe honor to acquaint you, j ons. have ever beSn fought,' cpnOdenng -.trie; .ou M,rrl!' Vrt affair took ! nunihrrs encratrcd on both lides.L . We have place between a patrple of our cavalry and ; tuQained an frreparable lofs :fi the perton pf one of the enemy in the neighbourhopd of, our never; fufficiently t0;be, lamented Corn Alexandria : "(I hae to regret that Colonel j mandej jn . Chief Sir Ralph Abercromby, Arcfidaltof the 12th light dragoons, receiv, ! who mcit ally wourdfd in) the'aclipn, -j-,. nrMm:M ; r. t v, - r m vhirh has Cititc and died on the aid cf March.'. 1 believe Been amputated ; and that we have loft fome Valuable officers .and mcD. InclQied here "with I have the honor to tranlmit tb you a lift of the killed, wounded and ta.ken prifo iers oh that day. I have the honor f&c X J- H HUTCHINSON, , Here fellows a return of the killed; &c. i ouarter-mafter, 7 rank and -file, iqfhor- fes killed ; 2 officers, 1 ferjeant,' 6 Tank of file,! I2i noriej, wourflea ; . 3 oipccrs, i quart er-rria ft er, 12 rank. and file miffing. he was wounded early, but lie concealed his utualldnfrqm thole about him, and con tinued in j the field, giving his orders with tliat cojolpefs' arid perlpicuityi which had e vefvtnarked his ch rafter, ! ujntilf long after ttie ?clioii! wis! over, .when he jfainted thr6?k weaknefsl a ud ! the Ipfs of blood. Were it permitted for a foldif r to regret auy one. who has fallen W the fervice of his country t jradier- General Hope was woueded .in the hand ; the army has been deprived of .the fer vKes of a moil aclive zealouiand judici ous Officer, i ; '. Kl-U ; ". ; - . i- V ; 1 he lofs ofthe en emy has been great : it it calculated at 'upwards of three thbufand killed, wounded and, j prifoners ? General, ripiie, who coTpmandcd the cavalry,.! whicbt. fuffered conOderably, wa killed in the fkldi Generals JLanufie and Bodet, are fnce dead of iheircjwounds. il have been ir formed tnat feverai otlurf General Officers,- whofe narnes 1 do noVlcnpw have either been kd.eoX or'fvbuniled - . :. h:r , ; -j- l:!. 1 1 canriont ccpcjude; talk letter without ft lemnly affuring you, ; shat, in the verj arduous corVtft in which we are at prtfant 5 engaged ; his Majcfty trrxmBgypthaTei jaiuiiuiiy oiKiiargca ijicir uwiv w try, apa nobly upnei.d me tame 01 inc an tua name and -eation. c. ?' , , ; n - H 1 have the honor fo; bey Ice T. H HUTCHINSON Here fbllows the lift' of : killed, otc the tor, tl of which was, : j6l officers, 9 Merjeantsi 22a int and jfile kfciledi ; : 60 t,fEcers, . ferjeantf, 3 dianmerVj ap32 ra and fiie wounded ; 3 (officers,. 1 ler jeant, . 2& ttaulK and hlcj miffingw . 7 The names of the efficera. killed, General A&e'r'cr'oxnby, iCoh Dujen, Lieutenant Ccfeonel CJgilvie .Major Bafleu Captain. Stij Pern,. Gibfon, (JLieHt.- Camp be II , Rbbcr 1 1 1 Ander fbn , Stewar .Joceiirlr Duvergier, Ij)ejean, andYEriiignnCaanpbelU Of the; i officers founded MajpH General ivioore, nrigaaicr-generals iopc v m Law Ion. J '$,! I . . s .- . -1 Andfia h April Soil v-; -J - SlfV.-f-I haveihe honor to inform you, that sfcer the sfFairTof the xirh' March, the. I rnitiht be cxcaflir laiiient than any other Parian but folation .thofe who ttnderly as his life Was honourable, iloribus.! Hiiimembiy will be recorded in the annals of his country; will be facrcd to j every Britifli foldcrf . and -enihalmed id the g htm more it is fame, con Tovd hi 1x1. that fo was Ills'; death . : ;'iV , r.;.v -,"kM,r fi,i. m'iiifrnm 1 rrnlleflion' of a-pr,ateful noftentv. Alexandria, having, a fandy' plain in their i j It if tmpptTtb)e;Jdrme.toj do jufhee tOjthe j froor, the Tea on their, right, andthe canal ci ie,xanaria Iar preicni ury jniuu ut f;Abopkir ,ot.t&e leftJ In thisTpbfitjbri We lemaioecj . without : any material , occurence Xakirg place, until the 2 ifi iMarcb, yvhea i he enemy attacked us with nearly. the whole of , their force; amounting proba&t j to eleven or twelve tnoufapd men, , .Of; ,14 derhi.brU gades of infantry which" the French e ha vd in this couhtVy; 1 2i".'ppeir .tohaVe. b;et'V,en, aged,;:apd all their cavalry with the exCep-. tion of one regiment. .... i ; ! 4V . . : . The enemy, made the following diljpotiti On of their arm v :". . . v. i General LanujOTe was on their left with s tour uetni-oncaaes ot mtantry, ana aconu. derablclbody of cavalry commanded by Gen, Rozie ;j (Generals tenant and Rampon Were in the ccn:rewith 5 demi. brigades; General . Regriief ph the right, with 1 two deroi-bri-' gades, and two regiments of cavalry ; crt, fiEftaiti conljriahded jhe advanced Tlird confiftiog of cXie demi-brigade, fone light fttdops and a detachment of cavalry f t; j TTliff -aftirin cnmmsnccd about ari hour DC fbfe day-ligrit, by a falfeitack on our left, Athjch was under Maibr- General Craddoclt's tummand. where thev were foori repulled. ' f . -w p , - V - t . . - The moft vigorous efforts -of- the enemy zeal of the officers and to thtr gallpntry of the foldiers ot .nis army. ; j i hje -.rtterve ; uhrym the nrincinal attack of the ,enr emy was directed; eonduded thewfelve s wiih unexampled fpirit. They! re lifted the itft petuofity of the French, infantry. &. repul led (everal charges, of cavalry. Major-Gen-eral oorq , was wounded t at tbeir head, though hot;4Dgerpody.. I regrtt hove5 the im'nd rarVi abfeoce -from the? army ! of this hiehly. valuable and meritorious officer. wn.pfe coun'ei ana co-operticm.wouiu do iu highly neceflary t,o incat this inpment. ...jBri gadierGeneral Oaks .was , wounded neatly at the fame. time, -and 'the afmyjhas .been de? prived of hi Jervic?. ; The 28th and 2d reimenrs aaed in the moft dilltnguifhed ;and hfiiianr manner. iColbnel Paoet, an officer of. great prpmife was wounded at the head rrf rUm fm-iriM" regiment he has' llnce. tho' nbtxuuite IrecQvcred, returned to his duty. . RtteriHier.Lienerai otuart ana mc brigade fupported. the referve j with much promptnefsVpd fpirir indeed ijt is but juf tiee to this enrol to fay, that they have, on all oceanons, endeavoured to emulate the TThe Garerte nrct contains 1 letter frctu Lord Keith mentioning ?the death of Geti AherrronibvJ and havitvo a return i-OI . SS r- u:u j Mt...,..4 . T. arffi that tUm Pantnin Parka arrived f?h the 26thUlti ' wuh three j fail of- the-Kncanda bbdy'jof troops ? arid bn the followfcg day a- Turk'b Vice.Admxrat joxredj 1 he ?earl frigate hadLjrrived o Fgvpi. )?Vd dgintell gence pfAdiairal Gantheaume tew&S Mediterranean. j -:':a:X 4t5?. ' : lowayi dateci the camp of thejGriid . Vttjef 1 1 Gaza , M arch: 20, 18011 it appear thjCt on the ;2 8th bf that month one tbouiand ? Batre cavalry a d vaoced from that, . ' place ed ) on theibllbwing mbrnirg erne th Arab- cayalry. This body ii to be under the comX mand of Taliir Paiha, as aa advaoctd gjotrd On its arrival it El-Arifcfei it is; to halt il, day or twbrnntiliMahomet Pari axrivg j with .a confide rabJe . part ofthe rmy? jpros, -bably about jcob nienv wfien: Tahjr rap is tb. adyacce to Cf tfebittris AtiitjGrniirX Viiier'i intention i " J t lii V tliw 3eOjpai ,Vi W invuld join the Jritifh army: whenever- thtt It alfe aonears that Eiepgar Paftia htf-f nrtt ini) rr'rfH fOCO of hU trOODS! tCI ioitt! the Imperial army fpr the purpclc ofthe t&XX pulfibn of the enemy from Egypt. 'ivTh.eJftf party that joined cptidfted ol abbot 45 fibp r cavalry -weii mounicu, iu tcvsii 1! 't have ipinedfince. I r zeal and fpirit exhibi ted by the Brit ifh. troops and oerfectlv fucceeded. Major-oeneral LudTow defertes much . approbation for h'n r- t,r- rApH actainft our 1 ripht. i condufl when the centre ot jtne army was Which thev had ufcd everv Dolfible exertion attacked ; under hii guidance: the guards ; to turn. , The attack on the point was bV 'cqtidiiaed themlelves in the knoft f cool, in Isj' : c... w.: iLL f?K H,M 4nr4 rnlHir like manner ;l thev recciV ynfantfTfuftained by a ftrong -body of caval-j ed; very effeaual Jupport. by i movement, of. from BrdrRo tr who chaigcd in columnf The conteft S the right of General Cooy bngadt, Bri: chtfotjj LONDONMry 9. . The (hbreji of Great-Britain a lEalxt. tnreatenta Dy tne Dug-oear an mvalioti -1 -.1 V

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