M F Tea and land forces are afieroTrfnrg with the intention; no jdoubr, of alarming U$-J and of providing for Tome time longer, employments for the troops that have been drwn from Germany fince the peace. JWe do poYbelievc that Buonaparte has it! fern outfy in contemplation to make even an at tempt of fuch a nature ; our government however, is only vigilant and active, and, if our countrymen be but true to themfelves, thil fea girt ! iflej; giarded:by her Wooden walls,1 may defy the machinations of the rrcat Republic of France. i . The Exeter paper of Wednefday fays. We have s the happinefs to announce , thatk in confequence of the recent importation of foreign grain and ihe immenfe ;y additional 'oiiantitv of wheat fhor tfy cxpe&ed 1 from ; Ruffia and other Northern ports, that "ar ticle fc'I in pricelaft Saturday at SouthmbU tony from 7 to 8s. per bufhel : .jat that time upwards of idqi bags found their way to marker' and onlyiabout 8 bags ''of 'it were fold. The farmers, in confequence made application to the Lord Mayor defiring to tie informed what: they were to do with their flock on hand ?jto which the Magiftrate vcryjuftly and judicioufly replied : that as thej importation- of grain from abroad orfgi riatdCfrom their own 'raifreprercntatibn.of 2 fcarcity at home, i they have to thank them- . feIvesfor the confequence of fuch deception. .. : 'May H-. ;;. ' :. -J The Park and Tower guns wer5 yelterf t3ay evening fired, in confequence of the i difpatches received from Egypt. ; ! ' The attack in Egypt on the iift of Mafchv is faid to ha ve been commenced by the Trf viricibte Legtott . a regimen r of 1300 picked grenadiers, to whom the Directory prefeiit ed ia Standard cabled, ' The Invmciole Standard,1' -who. made the attack in a ftate of intoxication ; the flints having been taken but of their guns that they might rely only On the bzyonct. It commenced upon the 42d jrcgimerit; of Highland ioor, who, xrorh their drefs, were mi ft a ken for Turkr. They penetrated the lines, and being nobly oppo fed, fought ecjiial to 'any but Bfidffi troops, and lefuling to furrendef, Were every man f killed and buriedwithin the Englifh lines'- not lone furyivedjtb tell .the dreadful itae i Yjefterday.lin the .! HoulV of Coinmons Mr. Addington.iafter a verv eloduent en- ! logujrn onShe bravery and discipline of ih I 1JJH a 1 V V I 1 1 - I I I II I I r t H 1 t m II Ik - J J y - 7 - - - - - r j w to, give dircV'tipps for the erection of a Monument in:St;i PauTs. to the memory f the . ever-lamented Lieutenant General Sir Ralph Abercrorhby, . who having, by his cpafummate fkill knd bravery, effected a ' landlno- on the cmfl -S 3- w w mj n f itJ VF a powerrui and well I prepared enemy, did, 5-tie2ift of March, r8oi,'reM an ob ' ftinaMnd defperate attack made upon" his " linesjby a chofen ;and I veteran army vben he received a mortal i wound, hut flirl nnr "'withdravv from the field of battle until the forces underu his kommand, had gained a glorious and'immOTtall victory, and to a ffure his Majefty that this! houfe will make gbod the xpence incurred in erecting the fame. -Agreed nttn. con. j , . Thanks were, aifo voted Admiral Lord' Keith', Sir Richard BUkerto'n, ard the Of . ficeri arid Seamen of the fleet off' the coaft' f,Egypti;- : ......... Ihe , ball which truck Sir Ralph, enter ed his thigh and ! rofe upwards, lei that it ;vras jfrapoiriblej to extract it, . .The remains of' Sir" Ralph Ahsrcromby "were brought' hbme' inthe Flora frigate, which, it is expeaed,' will be depofited un- 4der thfc Monument to be creeled to hU mtf. . Buonaparte's L'vihclbie" Standard' i w's 'yellerday brought to the ofBce of the Secre tary; of State for India .affairs', i ' jLbrd Hobarti in the Houfe ! of LoVJs, 1 prefented a? Meffage from the King,' ftating .that he had granted the dignity of a Barbnefs (to Lady Abercromby, which was todefcend to the male' heirs' of Sir Ralph', with a' pea. iflOn of 2QOOlr a VPar anH AC .U . 1 . . . . 4. ' . ' j . weir Ldrdfhtps to enable him to fc cure the lat ter part of the grant. - On the J4th iofl. Lord HawkcJbury bro't frito the Houfe I of Commons, a Jvlcffage from his Majefty, recommending to the con fideration of the houfe, to grant him the means of affording fuch fuppor t, 1. by wry of fubfidy,; to her Majefty the Queen of Portugal, asinay beft enable her Majefty to take loch mealures fot the defence of her fengdom as the exigencies of affairs maj require.- He then gave notice, that he fhonld, on a future day, propofe to grant to his Ma. jelly a fum not exceeding 300,000!. forjthis purpofe, - . d ; 1- :'.; t:.u - j J The guards whb.ihavd.-; been drafted For Hgypt, marcnea rnis rr.urnang ror rorti mouth whne they ire tb Embark with the 24th and 6th 'regiments and fail immtdi!- ateiy under convoy or 10& i,una ana Aq;ve frigates regiment, The two battalions of the loth ftatipned at Minorca 6 regimenti cavalry including! the York Huflars, and corps of artilleryJ are alio junder order$ for the fame dellination. j L. 4 tJ' Thetraiifports wllibc : convoyed by three fhtps of t be 1 ire, with f rigates, i) nder the command of Rear Admiral ;PoIe, and as many troops will befput on board I the mei of wsar as they! can jconvenieiitlyj take ?rcre OuantitV of militarv ft ore. &c. is t A draft of three hundred men ah d 6 pffij vaincnne me orear, ,t or tne encocrs.. - of commerce and indtftry, land corfirmin ihe city Charter. Third, An'aQ indcm ty. Fourth, . Aboliftihg the Chancery Z Inquifitipn. . Fifth, Repealing the prohihi ' tion of eaportatioB of commodauon at a , pruYiui.jg iiiuciuxiiucaucns lorsmoie uhbhaii' lunerea oy ir.i 1 A' alio cers from thefecond guards are ordered arid third tegimems jot1 to proceed from 14on don on Thurfday morning for Portfmputh, to embark jfbr Agyr i 't; .j.;r..;'.'V'.-J r4,':'. J The Citoycp Frabcois of thej 1 5th mffi nas ihierted a 'Jetter dated Havfej the 6th which ffates that i . letters from! Toulon announce that the fuadron commanded by Admiral Gantheaunie failed on thegth lp real, (April 25) with 4000 troops for! gypfv' -,U .: v'r"; : ' v We underftand that Minifters,when thev Hf ft heard of Sir Ralph Aercromby's death, - 1 ci.. . r. 1 ., ii: hi TO 1UC 1ZT ' - i.v.tchinfon ceed was him, too wiih the command fearing that General young to ! be entrufled but they are now fo much fatisrled with his conduct and the ability dif played in his Wif. patches, that they have recalled General Floyd,, and confirmed General Jiutchinlfonl The laf ferjis knewn 10 be a very good officer; and he ias rfimh beloved by the army) t Juft before his deai Sir Ralph Abercrtom. by received a difpate h frmIndia, rcnctincT ing as it is reportedi the impoffibility; of feed ing aii a rfiiy ! Foin ijtmbay : 1 This; hes is faid to have been forvardtd 0 Ebptand in r ri ! J -; y J . ,. .. t tne r Jora. -., , k - " 1 . CONSTANTINOPLE, April1 . In the attack which Gen. Menou made on the 'Enghih, 21ft of March, after a Council of 1 War,' was held at "Alexandria, the greater part of the ccrps which he brodght up from airo, conhlted of Copts, Gieeks and African recruits. -U i !. 'Another, and decifive battle is ex peeled in gypt, when General. Regnier fhall cime up, who, is op his march with a frefbcprps of z 2,060 French and African troops... Ivlu rad Bey likevife has procjifed the Frcncfif alliltance. 4 ' : From Ftte jfy Galroiinl j?ownafc " ;? To Citizens if tit fiatl tf Aonh-Carblina. THE expediency of; making fome improve rneti.t in our form . of government t& labJifhedj by the Convention of Beceniher i775:t. re.h fupp'ojrted' by the opihjoo of : the moft enlightened men in i ihe (Ute for fevt'aI .rsiPaft anf the puUic fentiment. har of late Ioudl.,calfcd fer Jhc mcalure, i tneP!6n: of the cWflitution of thej iUf ited States made a;newr,riftribution of " ;the Toyefeiri pbwe r. f and placed us in a fi- uatibh:vhich.had. belen fied by rip experi? of nations, it wai patiently ence tecbrded in the was ccrtiiriiy Wood nohrvito time to obferve Us etfeat r?e de v elope men t 'ofj? i t s "rir mcipies, a nd to make a fair trial of thetr loint ,onrattUn; vThi$-6bcia has been 1 c6mplete!y::obtained by u p?Mncnc.or:qean inireeo. years, , Ma- .for their .pa: underftanding. ny men, triotifm, deemed refpjlable nee j and v he prefent an inaufoicidus mommr. to actenapt the , amendment , of a conftitutionij OWincr tO the nrrvalpn" rtf ,hr. , ;il . dangtobi;:opi ,hich the FrencSr r revolbtiori had k ven !a coficJcrabie decrree 6f vogue and celebrity in thefoutherri ftatesl .8- uMgcr, ijuweycx;; no, ionger ex!ts 7 thele fantaftic and fan'guijpiyj theories ..iiavc. been exploded, on a full experiment, in the country twhich gave tfim birth. T Their no velty early extra cled ; general attention . : tneir prpgrcls was anxiouUy. marked by fur rounding nation and their refuits have ex cited only tne fen time m$ of horror and difW' gufh.v Jtherff fesutious of j innovation, and deeply .imprefled with the higli importarjee of the meafure.) have vyiflied f it pbftpbned uftder the expectation that th mals of our pofitical information would in a few'years be oofjdeiab)y iricrefedf affpriditjg; a raiionsl . jiope that'l the Convcntiop migjht be prccurt p or mcniiu more capably, of jn;dgi3g . .cor retlly cf the faults of lour . cpnftitmionand ameJioriitinJts prbyifipns ; alleding- at the fame iimei that the Drorreffive wifdom of km ree re- HaMBUKG, j May -4' , - j . . ; s - 1 t ...f . . ; - j.. ; I , The navigation of, the Elbe has been :fince the iftinftVl The buoys are alfo placed. "r . , Uti the night of the 2d. I two couriers oaf- fed through tHis place,! one frop London to Berlin and the other fro ni Peterfburgh! to Copenhagen,; ,.'.,';. I , . . Some of the Oerrrian papers, .declare tKat the Emperor of Ruffia, has written with his own hand, a;, very, friendly letter .to Louis XVI 1 1, and ihe ipenfiori of 266.066 rubles is continued to htm' which tie is now ciijuying at mittau; PETERSBUR0H, tfpril 20I On the i3ih in(t: ifie. Senate was tionour ed wiih' the prefenc ot Imperial majelly. Several Ukafes have been DublifheH . Flirff eonfirming the rights of the nobility, fee- w"ui c-cuaDiiinjng the regulations of the General Aflembly. would counter. balance fufficiently its defeclsi and "comoenfate the cominuniry for the immenfe annual expence incurred in p'ts fupport.., 1 iwilf not permit mylelf;to believe that there is hnot good enfe fnough; in the ftate to make 1 the-neccfiary improvements ;iand however ifjatterifg oiui ? profpecs may be of increafihglour .lock; of in formation i t, i s Ve r r ai n ly hot neceflary to defer.rtf-J meafure riowi almoft iindifperifable , for, the pricertajr r;arriva1 of this apolitical ; diL penfatjQn.-jAsior the expejclation of finding lonie equivalent in .the, prOgreffive' wifdom, of, our LegiflatuTe, I peg leave, to efer . the citizen who repoes ori this J, vjfjonary hope, to thevaclsand journal of cur 1 Aflembly for five years 0aft,; and while, remarks therivo lfjus objects opob Wh,ch jhejf have employed -r their attentiori .and wafted ihe f'piiblic time and treafure, and" the entire, wJnt of fyftem - and, policy, in their afls arici proceedings, while he feels hrmielf cornp?l(ed to graduate the decline, -inftead oflthe prtSgreflionof the . Legiflati v; hody.i n political wildom; ; he rnuft not attribute thefe hiortifying refiilrs ,to the general flate of moral or pblitical; fciene ia North-Carolina, but to thejj true caufe 7 certain f'adicarerrdrsJnthforkhof'OMr.b''.' vernment. wfioferdpffrtii7i I riffriiflioh has sgiven this .-unavoidable direction to its adnii - .JJiCj principal objefiions topur prefent1 constitution may Be comprehended under the following heads : j 1 ' , r iftr The nurhber of riTemWrs in the Gen eral Afiemblv heinor nor nn lv nfrlefs hut "in Jomemeafure. incompatible with, the difpatch l relation to our population, c'r the fe w. abi.- - fimple interefts now reprefented in a ftate , 1 t - - -' r J uiiurc, ana incurring an j immemz 1 ii,: 1 - 1 , i

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