4" iVl I - J ilk; : y . f 1 . . . . y - . ,. - " - . - ... EI TT7V 3 OR, V1 U N I V E R S A.'L. I N TEL L I G E N C E R. From F RID A Y j u l y 63 to F ill D A.Y J. u l y, 13, 1764. Th e : Roma n . Hi s't.ory Continued' from him ab ou t th e Streets with a Poniard under his ; - : the Rabble oelted him with ftones and Dirt: &uX$&'jtLBjfj: in, whofe Favour the - After which they killed-himrand draeaed his 5f 1 nfiirrrrTinn was - mac c.-tn nv- v .arraie wrrn a nrinic r r Trntwn mm j- wj - J .. -w w a W rmmj 1fMW kill V IF il HA tf cd the. Sovereignty a litU. j.; l bovc half a, .Year, and" was Vefpafianwtt made Emperor ti''Palaftin$. 1. i ? then .killed . For 0 ftirred: whether he had been fent by Nero againft'the &2ftgj2ttfc up r the like Sedition vagainft 7w, who were ilirred up .to a Reyo!vbv him'i asie had .;headed;.againft Nerb?yNpr the MifapplicatiQn of an Opinionrthat prevaii :did OAhimfelLIurviyeahe. D lut a few Months the Offspring J invenei. teUiuiy being declared Emperor b the Forces- from an-obfeure Family which' he rather' under his Command, came. agamt him. The vaunted than concealed, ' thereby fhewing two contending Parties mert if iiiue .1 own.inriy', :oeiwcen , ur anu :7 IiTzKis Reign itCW;-rfMi was " Verona. Atter a inorc acion Lrj rjropps "whiclflbaffVled him, tharhb could never be ib llril a Maintamer of-Mili r prevauea xipono rtique aiiotjicr ;he expeSed aM and might probabJyhave yanqiiilhed Had he undertaken a ftcqnd Trial ; inftead of '. mous for Finery than Fighting rrBuwhep'the';-;; "which, he faid he Would not hazard tKe-Livcs young Officer came to thank him :for his P'a--of (0 many good Men- for his vHonour.. Pujr- .vour, drefied like a Beaarand fcentcd with . fuantLtoithisiRefpl -his Friends without the'l and went X6 Bed jv where he flept fqundlythe hadfmelt of Galtck ; and", immediately ordered - whole Nfeht ; and as' fcon-aS'he aw takeii from himl ;aiid-V . M drnihg, tpdk'v;h is ; Wea jidhj wK ich ---h e had gi vjqH '.'to a Sold j cr;r-.H.eixTie3 Iri ; the 69th; Year laid under"V his P his: Age, and iiabb'd hinifelf. Vitellius thus obtained the Su-; . Sop Titus, . who had been intrufteel with the preme Power but foon met with a very dif-c chief Comimndof the Forces at; the. Siege of f erent .End : : For after a Ifh'ort Reign of, eight Jerufalem, where he .fignalrzed his4 Bravery to L 1i 1 I . 1 1 1 A. . - 4 T n . a J ' . . ' . . , . A 'TT ivipnms, in wmcn ne; inwea nany iniiances inefaqnnrauon -pr: tnc wjioic nrn;y. ne was of his tyrannic Difpofition,' he was feized.by a fo.beloved for his Humanity, that the Remans' ncrou I x J: - 1 1 -4 i ( (I ' V I' 5 1,1.' Hi V ? -"I ' ' 11, J! f 1 1- . 1 I; ,.1 . t . i i ; - 1. ; 3. .v....-:: : I V-j 1 H :; ,r i . ' i . :' ' If c: m 1-1 .i.- ,r.-.-.l '""i-l 1 .....L... . i . " :. : I f ,.; uz-..--1 i te-x 'i f 1 i '. i i't if . ;. .... : m,:. , , i I:, :; t.',!?t'if f' i -it's. jHj.l'J;!'.:- :--V -i