t - - " 1 .V tellusv completed in the Year '646, etJhe' 1 ri3!fortun :. Their own- Sentence, 7 the Dull of f ' the-Karth, made it difficult to apprehend what 'mcty .this Vip. pvep the Serpent -fllould fignify,"- ' thejNames bf or hb tMy, Jwho were ihortly. to be. Dull ' V(riow and A(hes, fhould bethe better for it. But -" tuS'Cafaj be purged upon this Head - to z$:!l ' ftt out.the Obfcurit oi this PomifeTIwoular am asonerQueftiorT: "Wa's noV this Promisor--! . Claud juil thb' . funyunjded with all Jhis :Ob. lar and Trulfc ""Iffes of fflizkmb Of lv was iii; his Reipn and Confidence towards find after thp Rail-, in ' auaeu to tne uommions. r1 ed'by'Difobedlence ? If it was, it fully anfwer- , the, Acquifition of Nor was the Kins;- ed the Neceffitv of their Cafe, to whom it wa dom ot Portias, reduced ; into the Form of a, civen, and manifefted to them : all that - God Prpvince nuke-mariifcft.- -They could have Jbjzamium nowuoniianttnopu) ana great rare had towards Ciod no Religions w thout ibmc tT, "r. lt T. rr I i - Nof Thrace, became Provinces uncler Vehafian the Elder. All thefe once flpuri(hing Cpua-. tries the r ureateft Part of the then known World, Teaching from the Kxyzx ' Euphrates ujtJ; fro in ! t he: Danube .Sd, together wit . , great Pa xt oi Britain, to Egypt, and ;rV as far as the 30th Degree of bduthernLatitude, --VwcrnowunderrSubjed . t6 the vidorious ; vvho, at the Time of their Expulfion of Tarquin the Proud, , their Jaft King,hadrnot ftrehed ' above fifteen Miles frqm the City. Nor was their Empire always confined within thefe "wfiicH will be related in the Lives of the fub ' fequent Princes. : - : ' ( To be continued. ) :r, .7 HbDes 6f Mercv : It was necefTarv fherefnrf? th, -con vey-fuc h Hopes xb utrtbrte .1 1 themlwthe fc Hopes fhould bcaccompli arid-Jylahn jested againft this Prophky It is Very obfeure you fay ; fo Jt is j Jb u tt il oblcura m t h e Points whjchGpdiE Time, and which were not necefery thn to . be known. You fee a plain Reafon for, giving this ProDhecv. and as faAas the Reafnn fnr giving - the'Prdphecy xtends? fo far the Pro-; : Pccyjsyc only .where - there is rid Reafo whichcljrlFf anueiy r iamt. . Prophecy D I V I N I T Y. J.-' it 4. r f ".ar .-, in -th!S-rrniTTl!"fiTth"3ih X7 iiinnnfj fliAm f Mrrv ctU7I;V e ana intent orrrropbecy, Continued TT . ; w n ' . . , yw mniiit wc uxcicuu 10 uncover unrtt . mm fcaf m m m 1 - - m. , . conveyedXp our firll ;.- its onlv a general Hone and ; ffivnpflhnn of Pardon and' Reftor by God. to convey no more ' to jShow came we their Softer i tv to Ji nd'fo'm uch-nor e- ;T,' E T us now look back to our Subject Jl and fee what Application we are to make ; Tbis Pro to the firfi Parents but very bbfeure V it was in the Pliraieof St. Piietu in this Prophecy, to Tee in it the Myftry of hie Ri t-f k .k; C . . IT...: J -l n - i vi ' 1 oyer allthe ; Powers of-Darkriefs By what ignc ao we ancew an theie Secrets ? new By what Art do we unfold them ? 'Tis no Wonder to me, thatfuch as come but'Lighiybm a t. :V . .1 J "H'-.-u ta.1 I'l ' :V-1 a.-i-1:--i;f ( .knit "' v C 1 ' r xOA -7 tuutiuue rrom ic was, mac , v pv,-iuj iu iiuu in caui 01 ineni, iome e:prefs Character and Mark, of Cbrijl!, plainly to be underltcod as fuch antecedently ,J '. ' ' to v. their Cafe was not dtiperate; that fomcReme dy, that fome Deliverance from the' Evil they 11 r-t; .ftVt;; ! 1- 7 V"'V1' ! i Li: -'-1 .tj-:.ii.: r-MH , f.'-.;;f:..,--i ' b i if . (;?', : - :: .?;'-T.T If "iV -. f "1 T IS! ' :-:;f':i.rv 1 ' 4