--si;,-;... ThVWtf N E,. for" 1.64.;";: break free, and ;then taklTTlhT rbVridiessand spread :;chem on.theground -to dry. Afterwards bind-them up in handful agr.iand Li : rcajrltkemjaplb each other on their roots; as, you do corn ineaves';in tne ncia,:ana ict. mem. " dry throughly : iri. order: to make" the ftalks brittle 4, arid fit for the brake as follows. . . ; " ' .V. The brake is a machine of wood . eafily made, -which compare to a man's hands, when his fingers - are ihtermixt vvith ekh other ?tthe tops between 1. Y!1: may fuppofe the ;handfull of hempjp ut - From-and-afcerrSep ihg rates and duties lhall take place loh thefe verul fpecies of foreign goods, here enumerate' edy -imported, into 'any , of -his majefty's;pldn tations in America ; viz Qn foreign : white ot clayedugars, xJ. . . per C wt.i inftead.of '5'S.- - .'; Indigo 6d per ib. inftead ofd.7 ; Coffee 2 1. 19 s 9 ch'per C Wt. : Madeira wine, 7 1. per ton. Portugal and Spanifh wines, 10 s. per ton: , Wrought filks, Bengals, andftuffs, mixt be. broken from one .end to the .other; after which you are to fwingkv them' with a plain picce-of wood T.like.the.blade oL7aback:fvy,ordhtch )Oii take in ' wjch filks;or 'Jierba, :;rs; per lb.,, ' ,ne nu'.?nQ1 "M."S c.ne nemp irom inc m Calicoes 2s, 6d. pet:pi'ece,;. back'-of a chair., IlriKe it with the -piece of wood you. have in the- right hand till the broken (talks -fly offset as fomc will it ill remain, .you muft pick them out and. make them as clean as you can, or " ruther-evr'y. hemp planter ought to be furnifticd, ' vhha. hatchel to take out the . dirt-and fhorV italks .remaining afttr.thefwin'clirgV-for -without tit is the hemp will not be fit to lend to a foreign market for, Wp becaufe ic will. coil the.purchafer from twelve -v- tOitwenty pounds to clear and. make fiufor ufe eve ry hundred pounds worth , he buys, and thert-iore 'Ak will either not pur.chafc it at: all,tdr give -for it little' more than-twa-thirds of- what isgiven for ' t " ' , r ..... ... clean hemp. Cam bricks ?s, per , piece . French Jawns,. 3 s per piece. " - -. ; Coffee and Piinemo; of the growth af the Britifh colonies,; imported from thence 0 .ther. places except Great-Britain, Coffee , 7 s. per Ciwt Pimento; (Janiai'ca. pepper) id; per'lb,- . The A16(Ge"o."li (for the betterfecuring and encouraging the trade of his, Majefty's fu gar colonies in America) (Hall continue in force till the 30thvof Sept. 1 764 rafter which, it (hiill be perpetual, fubjedt to the. alteirations fallowing : i- - - 1 -; ' ' - roreign melafles and fyrups imported, into Some planters have too commonlv a cuIHtn to f the Britilh colonies, (hall pay 3d.' per galloa juncau o! :p aaseretororc ; wmcn was lei domorrnever1 paid :rbunni com-: dew-rot .the ftalks, which , difcofours -and takes a- Ava-tFc-beauty-'-ofthe-hemprx-Il-is-plaband-obr vious to every one that, by this method, before the llalk is rotten the only thing intended) ihe htmp itfclf is rotten, and. every iWay fpoiled, which you may.be convinced of by examining the outer and inner barka of any Tree that lies on the ground and is eipofed to the dews and air. 7 modities daily fmuggled. : N: E JF B E-R' uly 13,;. It may-be neceflarytb theirhempr long on hand ,but to Jendi t: to miarket as fbon' as poffible : For botlrto its; Weigh t kept in the air extracts, the oily fubftance, 'wherein - Icet before funlmer,-;t wall wejghvat lean fittee n -. r v 1 " c. l "o'V- w , - .' - i nner -Ypnr tuhn nfr hotMnn to wa rrxt-U C ' J pounds in every hundred lefs -than the hemp rwould have done m the winter.- TKe 1 fl of this I nSant; being the Day on whicK ; e Eleiion of a Mayor for the Borough of New- bernTis annually heMf the Mayor, Recorder, AJ dermen, and Common Council "met at the Court- houfe in Nevvbern, to proceed to the faid Eledlioh J when Thomas Haslin, Efq; was unanimppfly cdoien.'JVlAYUK: for the laid Borough for the e.- fuing Year ; who, after having taken the Oaths of iiovernment,ndthofe-appbinted for his -Qualifr-cation was.placed in the'Chair by Samux Cok' Nell, Efq; the late Mayor, who;refigned his Mayoralty. . An. elegant Dinner was; provided ;by theuMayor, for the Corporationv where all the Gentlemen in Tovn were invited. Iltadi of an AGT.fajfed this ' SJJions for grants , Jrig certain D : JPlaniatipns in; Americ(i) andjor itprqv ing andjecuritig the Trade: between the. Jamt i : for regelating the American. Trade, and VV; t a-reycnue bc ra.fed 'n Amenca, ,V. ng additiont Duties on it 5. which! will.be ir.- yor oeiraying- ine.'expences; 01 acrencing. .anarf fcrtrcj jn our nvxt,-- 1 Yellerday arrived here, Capu Bolton, from Phi I'delphia, with 'European; Goods, and a Quantity teftiuii --and fee ur In jr die. fume : Advertifementu. .1 ' t.-r . 1 .c ' ' ' 1 1 1 . 1 t F 4..-:.vl" ' 1 I '' ' 4 r n : r.- I' ' '