(, The :NorffcCarolm; f f A". G. A;Z-1 N'E for .16. 59 - Ireland,' excepted . The penalty on counter feiting &c. any affidavit, or certificate, fhall ;bej5pp;l vefrels7f6ifnarat'mch w - roreign on the coafts of Any ,pf the J3titi(h American' dominions, and not departing unle(s;dittreff ed , with in 4S hours after no ti ce, (hall be for feited, with the "goods, except French filhing Jntcndiiig a fraud, jhcyimay ' be i : admitted to entry, paying the ufual duties. . Ji-3Blond and Tcciirit to the At 12 Car 2. in cafe of lading any enu merated goods, tHat aiiy foreign mcaflb and fyrupV," ph board (ball be brought to fbme of ; the Britifh plantations in America, or to Great Britain j of which report (hall be made at the portjof arrival - Non-enumerated gopdMaden veliels oit NewfoundlantJ. - on;boanm landing into, -or com- feited with;the velTel. v : " r; ving out from me ifles of Sh -Pierre and Mique- Them the coafts, or with , giyen-bond ; his -. fcitedtogether-withthe goods.;, and the.maf-. voyage, he ihall deliver up at the port of diP 1 erpc ihall .fo r fei ti al (o t re b 1 e jval u e, ... .;. ." . . . charge, on penalty of iool,;- r : ; Britim veflel ed neaiy' tfi e Br itifh ;mc;m cqatts, not pro ducinga certificate as? fegin r edby law $ '.or not producirigpne atthe be forfeited. ; v -: ::.. r : v; ; y.-. fee in force, for one . year after the voyage ; vKen, if no fraud appear, it fhall be given up.' 1 Coffee, and other enumerated goods of. the Britifh American plantations," ed under like as thole in afts 12 and 25 Car. II. r Bond and fecurity ihall be.given before lad- Concealed gobfofa port tria'de by the mfter, ad not comprifed T i if ; Ii i s f t, 1 1 forfe 1 ted and t hlna f- Ter, ueing privy xo xnc irauu, lnau iorjeu tre ble the valueiT . If cuftomed goods be either ladetron board, or: landed, before the duties are paid; or pro hibited goods' be imported into or .exported out of, any. of the Britifh colonies in America ,the perfons conccriled therein (hall fo"rfeitxtre- Die cne vaiue : topetner witn tne ooats, car- riages, cattle em ingnylrpif plantations, conditioned to land the fame, if for Europe, in Great-Britain ; .and to produce ceiving any bribe, &c. c6hni ving at a falfe en-' try ; making ;cplluhve feizure p or-being guilty of other f (KTlra m rd bend iTdblrdfroytrfervinthe-Kin A certificate thereof within 18 months ; andlf ,Tox any of the Britifh American plantations, ' vithin 6 months 5 . and if for any other place months. f 171 . - - - - T vv nere tne gooc in-anyofficeAjidprfb mifing any bribe,' &c. to ftich. pfficer,:in;'orr. TJeiigro . Penalties and forfeit u res in Ameri ca, may be recovered in the Courts of ; Record there, or iCourtf ft-a!llbeTpid to the Governor, and one third to thc Tro- fecutorri;ButIfeiz is penin, or are ta- ,lcen5 the bond (hall be difcharged. ' ;-No goods ftall be (hipped in one, Britifh co- - :16ny to be carried to another, without a fuffer- 'King's fhips, are7to go one "moiety to the ance,.ana;t3icingv0Ut,a'.prgp . lh'all be produced at the. port bf difcharge ; on jed neverthele Trr-pe:forfeitedrif-t ket;: A vefle be ftopt ; ' and ,the goods, for which po edeket. pence fwndemiiau ;Britifh TOlonies in America xargb be fhippediri this kinsdomiyj and where .any European venei . is. uucovprea near iucn ., anivver.cons De given, ro me arounc or 001. rcoafts, the goods for which jio.fuch cocket is .produced , jOball . be fejzed Siil?: vinesi&cKorfe pfovifions, or linens from. and in defadltf ftip and demncflr - s (hall be con- Where V , I t r - 1 "