jr.,' . .... : 'v 1 . ; -f- : ,. : . . ' : .. .y,, ' 1 ' 4 '1 The . NO RTH- C AROLINA . J M G: V, O R, UNIVERSAL INT ELL I G E N C E R., From OXD AX.7 M X 20 to F R I D, A YTJ V lk-X:; 27,-1764;.,,, Wbcd Bands oj Faith can impious uxre bM rhus far that good Emperor, in a Letter to JT))(T is to me aftonifhing, ytyj that, his Friend Antigonus. But Where the Love qf w immortal Prince, that Chrlfiian Money has taken-Ppfleffion of the Heartrthefcv J & 'Heathen, Marcus AntoniustHat U no Beaft tjMan,f (allowing o" - V moft amiable Attribute of the peas'd ; but the Avaricious can never be "fati s -Gods, and having daily Inftances of their Fprr ify'd, and none efcapes' him with vhom-he is fronts' oiFer'd) can have the Heart to injure hi every Virtue, but ven H Fellow Creature, or evfcn to return Wrongs; changing Nature, the Groans of the" Oppreffed for if the Gods wtefofa nventndmealWM grateful and deligh1irig Spch Moitalrdo7"oneOnly'QfFen clow, 'i Orphan, and helplcfs Prifpner he has a -corrupts the Judge, fides with, the Bowerful, Heart to joye the Gods 7 Under ftanding-to and treads the Poor under Foot. Where a Man : IcridEvilandrifc Moneyhe; Good : . He has riot tfie Horns of a Bull, ; the never afks what's juft, but what's lucrative; Hoof of a Horfe,. the Claws of a Tyger, the nor what's reafonable, but what makes for his ;Teet!pf a Lyon, or the Vendm of a Serpent 5 Intereft; JDid theL vfor asbe Gods are mercifulio have fign'd us mild and -CQriipaffioiutca is . , b ; 4-4 ;!! t 4 ti xient to deprive usof. Life, Who, continues he Nations ? How many have been made defolate; can be cruelr either through Wantonnefs, Re- by Avarice ? There Js (carce a Crime which : 4; venge, or filthy Lucre, deferys not he Ap- does not take Rife from the Auri facta fames r . . py. pellation of Man r for Man the Gods (as is This makes the Minifter betray his Truft, and fociable Creature ; He is not furniflied with one - by this infatiable Thii'ft of Riches Men not dSK - iiaturai lnurumenrTor, for Mercy and Goinpaffion r to behold and comrnilerate the Indigent and change their native Rights for gilded Fetters Helplcfs : He has two Feet to carry him to the here is nothing the A at : 'Temples, to praife the Gods ; and to thofe Murder Treafon, Sacrilege, are puny Crimcsi who, want liis Afiiftancc, to imitate their Good- and Gold renders them imperceptible, ap-- ncfsjlhej t tt-'V-T"", - .'- f. : H i : Side: He has a J prigue: to plead for the Wi- : Confcience,iargues and convinces. Avarice ; - i ; . u,.. . . tp- '! 'i 'i V ... 1 - r. ,.,T.r.,..,.:,T,...:r:!.,v . , i. ..r.. .; . .... .. j . ... n ft. V 1 ' ; .... i. .' i !