J -1, fifii eftablifhed, had perfecuted the Chrifiians and ther DifFentcrs : ;But Adrian being of an ea Tier TcmpertolemedllTd Lucius undertook an Expedition againftHhern3 ivji i lcgr: con ti riu ed at Romen ten t ori AfFairs of Government," , and making fuch preferred Peace, both at Home andJbfoadi to Laws,, as were wholefonic to the Gommoh- 'everyxthcrCorifideratIan.,In .wealth. - When the ParthiansQxc fubdued,. rafter, he was, courteous and humane, a good the Title of Parthicus was given to-both the oinpamun ano a nearcy rnena. z&uusytrus emperors: Marcus indeed, raodeltiy retulca waBpppnted f qr h I s S c e flq r J b u t h e d i d no t ifcTt fir flvasTielirad no Share in the Vi&ory, l(g furyive h : Lucius but an indifferenj: Gharaler, given Mafcuf lntcriius-the Philofopher, and Lucius voted himfelf greatly to Sloth and Debauchery, aWolWercerWare El niMus -piTii was a Prince, whole Gharic G rcame little fl Uceiiher? Tewlt liminifhed the Taxes, and kept the Colletor of Armenia, Partbi&m&M re uriuem wiumi.uue oounus: i oiuppiy vvnrcji turnea to itomej 4viin great 'iieiuctancy, as erTerrencnea cner-! dtd not ike to f be a near h s Krother. -DcfidencjnntherRevrrru Salaries of fuch Oiriccrs as were of no other whofe grave philofophical Morals were not V iVt "III: 1 1 1 v Jl ,1U s hin to receive their Eav,-it verv arrreeable to 2jlh1sj with his Jbameful, nothing e::was taken fudd enly -ilKeS: 7 Vx Ikcreafe by their Labours. He was much which Illnefs he foon died j : whith gave Rife beloved at i?(f, and of grea Authority wi ifOTeign Nations ;:tho fPeacetfKey Sentence of dapioy IJwd wtbeiJavtMeJ eniban-Bllaand f loiHfTVdmini fffaUon orMairs w i th public Trcafurics rich, but exhaufted hris own redoubled 'Diligence. 1 He quelled the Tebelli- AVcalth by his Wmlaful. 11 Pcrjians rzzo hc layn hiDeath-b whdfe Education he had beftowed uncommon exerted all the Qualities of a brave Soldier, anil Z fcridne, Avhich was always- fuch honourable Mention in the eKfuing- peror-s Bed-Chamber, to be carried into Mar- Hiftory ; and whofe pathetic Speech on his " . fA Apartment ; after which, his Fever: in- Death bed. Concerning his SonLwis jiiit iuc rxcauer, witnou5 oeraming nim witn ZM who, h adl ma rr i ed th a ny-1 onger Pream b 1 e ; 't andi r e Per v e wh are vc ter, held the Imperial Dignity: as Gollegu, pn::HerMiah .;";;'Where' each'-Girciimftanc wo" and were the fir ft. two that reigned over Rome! thy Notice, (hall be, explained, as it occafion ar one i ime. marcus was vcrpmucn addict- ally otters. cdL to thctudy of P Degreeaso gethe-w?s an Emj V(- .J )'i V I ' . ' ' ' ' :':-:!: ' N'E W S. . v j - ,l'' 1 r r- v A .-T" -4rr ; 1 ' i