4 .i-;;rrJ - I V : j -1 ; ? - 'r', - t -lhe r-fe-M-A G -A 5: 1 -N-E,for-i6"44 Pound Two Shillings, over and above all other George tl le Second, entitled, Ad for the Duties invpofed by any former Ad of Parlia- better fecuring and encouraging the Trade of his ment. -. ' majejry s ougar Lioiomes tn simertcasNXixzxv For every Pound. Weight Avoirdupois of was to continue in ForcerforJMVe Years, to.be : fuch foreign-Indigo Six -Pence. : computed from the itlrDay of June, .1733 , , For every Hundred Weight Avoirdupois of ahd to the End of the theancxt Seflionof Par 'iuch foreign Coffee, lianknt ; and w'hich, by .feveral fubfequent ftom amrrlaceTexceprvjrear the 1 ith, the 19th, the 26th : Pounds, Nineteen Shillings and-N ine Pence. -the 29th, and the 3 lit. Years of the Reign of; For every Ton of Wine of the Growth of his aid late,'-Meity, .was TrpmTime;. to the Madeiras, or of any other Iflahd , or Place Time continued ; and by an A6t made in the ffoni -whence fuch Wine maybU ported, -lan&iwhichift fuili lflands or Places,1 - the Su of Seven prefent Seflion of Parliament and although the lounds "C" For every Ton of Portugal, Spanifh, or ful, yet it is highly expedient that the fame any otheD Wine '(except French Wine) im- fhould be altered, enforced, airi made more- portedfromXjreatBritaiathC bhilhngs. Diftanccsorfeveral of the faid Colonics and- For every Pound, Weight Avoirdupois of Plantations from this Kingdom, it will be pro-- wrought Silks, Bengals and Stuffs, mixed with per further to continue the faid A2 for a fhor China,- or Eaft India, imported from Great-, ments flialLtake. Effcfl, in order that all Per-: "BritaihvvbiSHillm jroreyery piece of Callico, painted, dyed, tice thereof , be. it ..therefore enabled by the priiiHci oftainihpperfia - Tf-;r- i'v r - rr 7 1 tT TT'TTI TT ' t"r TVT 't ' "" f I -t-r ft-.t India, imported from Great-Britain, - -Two v in the Sixth-Yearo of His late Ma- :SKiliinfes:afldzS!3i:Penc'i entitled, An -For every Piece of foreign Linjen Gleth Act for the beitir jeeuring and encouraging the called Ganibrick v imported ffprif Great-Jja- . Trade of his Maieiy $ sugar Lolontes tn Jme- tain, Th r ee S h i Hi n gs. rica Ihall be, and the fame is hereby further rFoEryPieccTo from Great-Britain, I hree Shillings. -j 1764 And. after thofe Rates for any greater or lef. And be it further cnaftcd by the Authority fer Quantities of fuch Xoods refpe&iyely. aforefaid, That from the 29th Day of Septem- Aiul-iFis heby caSe fuchAlte "afofcfatd7THr1rmTr v Dayx)f Septem ber, iri.iMM. be" contained ,-fhall be the fame is hereby; ; raifcd, levied, 'collected, and paid, unto his 1 made perpetu Majeity, his Heirs and Succe(Tur:,, for and up-, ' And be it further enabled by the Authority' on allCofFee and Pimento,, of the Growth . and: aforcfaid, rhatjn heu and lniicad of the Rate nYm er ica , w h i c h fli a 1 1 be there Jaden on board lafles and SjTups, from and after .' - a n y B r i t i fh S h i p 6 r V c (Tt. 1 -1 0 be- canied 'out; . the faid :29th Day; of September, . 1 764 be lrom tnence to any oiner riace wnauocvercx ranee, leviea, coiiecieai ana paia, :unto nis cept Great Britain, the federal Rates and Du-' Majefty, his Heirs: and Succefibrs, for and up- orr every (gallon ot ivjolaiies orcyrrups, d ties-followinivJlIhat-iUo- For every Hundred Weight Avoirdupois of the Growth Pre ibchBfitifli Colft jefty, his Heirs or .(, j.'t : 1. For everyiPound W eight - Avoirdupbis of ; the" Dominion of v his fuch Britifli Pimento, One Half penny.. . . v; Succefibrs, which (hall be imported or brought Andjaftcr thofeRates for any greater or lef- into any Colony or Plantation in America, JerQuintity And whefcliOn" And - j . 1 T