foh IVavincr the Chafers nf thp Shin nr V?V1 N for the better preventing Frauds Certificate under his Hand andSeal of Office. 4 fl'i the Importatmn of foreign Sugars and (without Fee or Reward) of his having rt PanelesRucn and Stunts, sMolaflb TUjinjojr-ofJ under Pretence that the fame arc -the Growth, nrefs the O.ialifv nf thrnne;0 M -produce, or Manufaaure of the BntiQi Co- . board (uch Ship or VelTel, with the Number 0.nies -0L"lantatlons t is further enaed by. and Denomination of the Packages : And fuch the Authority aforefaid, That from and after Colieaor or other principal Officer of the tattons tn America, any Rum or Spirits, . Su- faid Affidavit to the Secretary's Office for the garorancivio.anes-or oyrrups, as or relpective Colony or Plantation -where - the S Grwth, Produft, orManufaaure ofany f3oods were Clipped, on Forfeiture of Five clearing out of the laid Ship or Veft and deliver to the Collet or other princip Officejft:euftom herDifcharge; either in Great-Britain ot any an Affidavit figned and iworn Juftice orthe Peace in the faid BritiOi Colo- fuch Goods mav be JawFullv imnort: thp nJesorPJantattons,enher-bv:the-Growerr7Mi( -r-,..- Maker,, or Shipper of fuch Goods, or his or . Ship or Vcffel, fliall, at' the Time he makes . ifir, n-r .-Agor Faa wprefiing, in -his Report of his Cargo, delivel-tire faid Certi T:"'? ' ''' " o ' u,c ncate to tne collector 01" other principal Offi. Quality oT the Goods fo fhipped, w.ith the ccr of the Cuftom's, and make. Oath before. iNumoer anq. denomination or the racicages, him. that the Goods fo reoorted are the famP and delcnbing the iame or Names of the that are mentioned in the faid Gertificatev on Plantation or Plantations, and the Name of Forfeiture of inn 1: an,! if cm, R.,, cJ.: Ai I t 1 - . v .. .... - uii 1 4v u 111 ,ut UUU ild ducor manufa be attefted, under the Hand of the faid Juftice Sugars or Paneles, MolaiFes or Syrrups, (hall uc imponea or round on board anv fuch Ship orV eflel, for which no :iuch-CertifiratP-fh -:-.ounc-iw,-uH. vccwriworn 10 in ins be produced, or which fhall not a?ree there-: - Prelence ; wJ?o. hereby required .o do thei; withth lamp tvirnnnr Hpp nr Knnrrl A H fhn I '1 u r !.. n ir ' a - i . r - - - - -w . "u u.vui- uc 2orein-KuiiLaM..5pirits, -bugarand Fane e -lector orother-DrinciDal Officer of the Cuftbnvs i: ' to. whom fuch Affidavit fhall be delivered, fnall fame Duties Relhiaionsi Regulations, Penal- . 1 '.J a i t .. 1 ill I i - I - v ;. j. .V: ; ' J .2S : . r..,.c auM4;- "..v-f.'V 1 . t-!:5 1 ; J " 4 :,. f if" Urn UK.: