11 ' ' ; 1 - : -'"Fhe A 2 I N E, for 1764. employment for the women and" children ; as-indigo, rice,! and other valuable commodities, will be raifed by thegreater ttreneth' of the'men.' : iviay 10. A perlon nas,Jajteiy, arrived: in-town- fei upon every "future occafion, ' , Yefterday the.Commiflioners of the Navy con drafted for 500 tons o( hempof Britifh growth. V -We-are credibly "infofmedTthat 'a penfion of 15001. per annum for Iifcjs granted to the Right :from -QoebecV who, ; amonp other Commjftlnnw . ,- - . ' o , ' - . . are informed,, has orders to engage me fkfHulHon. Lord.Sandys. lauiv-ii, lurmc iron mines near i rois Kivieres, in Canada, feveral gentlemenj having already formed " themfelves into a company f with a view. to. carry oh. that valuable manufaaure to the bed advantage. May. 17. Ycfterday the Right-on. uhe Lord High Chancellor kifs'd his Majcfty's . hanc on be ing created Earl of Northington, Vifcount Henley, and Baron,6f Grange ri Ham bftire. - Ycfterday arrived' a mail from .New York, being vaffly. fuperior to...what has has 'ever heen UWI U,.U14lUr g . T r--T- They write from Breft. that the Co have lately ordered, the. number of fea.rnen on the marine lift, to be augmented with i5toco-menr ." It. is rumoured, that enquiry has been made at a publick office,) to, know in; what time they could virtual i o,obo men, in cafe of emergency. In confequencc of tmidentmeafure-.r'mv- " r ' - x ' " . I ---------- ..v, T taking;' the ihteof the 'Britifh' navy is in a"way6f -uruugni oy .tne rite racKec, Bngltock, in 27 days, -experienced . inrformjr yMrs:; Excrpfjvc:of.a:tho- 7 orcen reas were on Ihurlday iold for a gbmea rough furvey of all his Majefly's fbips'ofwar, con i day gave an deeant entertainment: to th foreign Minifters, and many of the Nobility atld Gentry. ' ivir- wnKes s eitate m Kuckinghamlhjre is to be fold, the beginning of June next, by order of the Truftees. ' : .. ; :r;- -The Society for the Encou ragemen t o f Ar'ts on Wednefday evening lalt, ordered a bounty of teneuineas-to-MrTdnrfpfTt-n 1 t . ' fame contraft is nlfo in force in moft foreign ftates in Europe, fo that let a King4s fhip put in any wnere, ine is more ot being lupplied. . . ' Portfmouth, May2 2. Sailed the Guernfey and Solcbay men of war for Newfoundland 5 the St George, iaHard, from London for ' New Eng- "TL.r T r I r""Ti " ' ' ' . . . ' ... ' . Boraxjzmanufaaured in this kingdomT -The Lords of the Admirahv. who nre malcTrio the tour of all th& YnrH: MAr n o in a f A U ; 1 H; ft ; I O. Some Gentlemen mlnptif tumn.Wrv rr..Y4i.,-i-a xr.i...:.L - 1 r - -1 lkill m the profeffion of engineering, are now pre- Egmont accompanied with three other Lords of paring tojmbark for the Grenadoes.- They are to that Board, together with their Secreiiiriesmnlr take an accuratefurvevoF-nlI UkeanarAtffutveyor in nlands m the Weft Indies, with Mi mnft- mmrA. nrHitrf th, r mnii.:-,. ti. n.:... .:. ri",w": u iiiirtiiuiis- wnicn arer wun all expedition to be put in a prODer ftate of defrnro ? - IfOrd Clive gives Capt. Mills, of the Kent,; a . ' Tboufand Pouhds for his paffage ;to Reni; -: ' " a I . . : i - & Ji H1 ar uuery, is n ow7 preparing;- as they went"; enquiring into the 'nntureand-Br lent ftate ?f all the floras ; condition of the feveral of wr ; neceflary-jTDairsr?fc their LordQiips vvere.pleafed to think worthy their ' ...-..r-. wr7n.;ai . uiutlfU iu UC ltiHIUlCU lOrCnWltn, together with lome. engineers, to direft the build- and were expdted; to view Debtford,. 2nd the other mg of the fortifications. Yards. As nothing can .be more ple.-.firg to the May -24. Yefterday at .half paft twtlve.came on enemies of Great Britain, than to hear that her before Lord Mansfield, and the other two Judges fhips' hre Offered to rot) in her .harbours,' ?n.d her ol the Lourt of King Bench; at WeOm the trial, of Philip Carteret Webb, fq ; Member founds' more grateful and harmonium m the ears of l iIIIdl;,cl11 10T nanemere m burry, Solicitor to all the true friends thereofthan thofe that refult from accounts of fo really interVfting and ppli- the Treafury, .and .Fellow qf ' the Royal Society, for Perjury, which" continued till 7 o'clock in -the - eveningr when t heJ ury ,t wh icKwas fpecial-on , after an abfence of half an hour, brought in their . Verdifti Not Guilty. It was ivuh no little diffi culty that a Jury could be irapanhelJed ro try t-.n's-important caufe. fome of the npntltnn u;K u becnfummqncd-neglercd-touendFnotwf tical a concern sis the above, to wit, a timely at mg the preffing neceffity ,for their appeararjer. ' One of them, however. , was fined tn 1. fnr hJc miflhefs, which ic is 'hoped willhave a falutary if. tentjon to what conftitute nation, the nerves o'f t he Hate; fa much recom mended arid tnl;en notice of in KirMEjeRyVlte moll gracious .fpeechTrom the. throne. , .V v AlllilLJi u ?n.b erof hands-re-ordored-to-"Sheerntfs to be em ployed In t!nt Yard for- fitting but feveral (hips there for Channel fcrvice. -; Orders are given for feveral. ..firmed Hoops, and. HfterijiotjI forthe coaft.of Svptlrnd,-f6r-the pro- - . i . tction; ,