-Vol..X' i: 89 1 The NORTH - C a L I jSf A m G IB N hi, ? 5 ; U.N-1 O R S A L FropFrR ID AY August-i 7, to FRI DA Y August 24,1764. -ThezReiriaindtrcffa quefl, that; whatever Miniftfy may be em- t irTouf Jqiy ployed irTthe Condu& of bur Affairs,they : JoJJ j;HE Tiiexulconfidera tiooTTis, ' imayguard it With a tvaicbfui Eyey fteadyr V'l T1 the Hantls .of -France by the that iKey. may n Security of this Kingdom, the firft Treaty which gave her the lea(lrRlgIit If this fhould ever prove to be the Cafe, every of Claim-to any Share i Traded (he no hoheft-Man's HeartinV fitftty poor Nation, and 7tjq?idly vctufc3 to' Jink -an JiirTongap viILcurfe tha ger. Jflaind, callings .thai" part of. the-Sea her lown $ r--hc-prodigiousradefr out or our own tianas to irr teems at pre- oeing mcujgea wun a imeny to ary ner run -ientto-loakuponusLw TthisAccoumT-p icon fequ c n tly .Sailorsju p p or tcd-liyi t j iwas iiot--pfuior. knn or KI be ' ouf Armsre . i With' Regard to the Newfoundland fijhery , thcmfelves canndt 'blamig'us lb Wilhingwc i our lyiajeny wni give us JUjave co expreis . naa nounng 10 iear. Your Majefty's Dominions i Providcrce which is.one.of the moft eflentiaL Foiindatioiis to depend:uponv which has fbiremarkably ft- . pf our; Naval Power j and it:is our earneft Pve- vourcd this Nation,- even in the moft perilous f ,,. f " zhait fhould rnbackTtbhtogain knoivn -thrown erahd Nurfery of Seamen tHcVJWjirfAw JFtJ)ery, f $ to vconiequent iy to underleil us in foreign Mar- " - preti 6 kets? For let Men be ever fo-willing and rea- 4 tMinifirr ; ih oil IgV aflc Vimw w : z; France -dy to ferye their -Country,, it is itnpoffible for ; hft:.wit fuppbrt a lofing Defence pbutgFwrrt -Hands:out-of Mifchief. ' ; - Thing to hopei; and now, furclyrthe Mi thd'fljong-.Sehfe' portarice of fecuringthc Powerand Intereft of anccswe are ri6t yet left without Hope. : We r I ... (,(: ': '-J:SVS - - , -T $ ' j !' ." ' .-J f r:-.-4.jJ. :.';'; m -1": A I'' , ;-sl J 4- l i . fc V'i f ; . A u, i-T... r-'!-.i,.'v 1 I'M 1 ft-' 1 -ii .:lt':l! f; I. r-v .. ..... 1 ' ;: ' ! I 1 ' -f i ; Al! 'lis 11 j .1 .1 -. I i -,i J ""irH? " r