J : -- VoLi I. 197 No. 13 The N O R T HC OZ-IN O R5 UN-1 V E R S A L I I JI; '!-:! C E R. D Augus 64 '"V : . ' ; ; ful of murmurs among the people, and too To what could it be owing that the reigns of fo prCgnant of cenfurc from a patriot writer, to many of our bugs have been inglorious, unjor- lay you under any nccefl'.ty 0f treading iri the innate, ana even jaiai 10 wemjeivcs r ij w -ingenious of your unprolihc brethren. may give cremt 10 mjiory, tney eviaentiy pro- Thcrc are, however, feme cafes, in which an cceded from one of theje eaufes-i that is, either extrafl mav be hichlv act and ufeful : and tar- . frsm the ill.deftgns and emcmpts of-the prince. ,Vtfrv when it is from a piecerwhichrtrom mi J' m nJ"h eg"'"!- e .liber ties. oj his luhjecls; the original form of its publication, and the or from his iufferin? some other Person u,u ,j ; r..-. ; ,nn,r if r.,..,.,! . . .. ;. . , jwnguiui uuiv. iiiivv iv jvt vu j , o if ami hi '-cngrofs,Afcautho over them in .His Name. . : nor generally remembered. If, therefore, CRAFTSMAtf, Jan. I '1 you think this a fufficient rcafon for printing thc;fbllowihgy taken from a nphamphlet pub ;STT -U R D: A" Y,: Oilctir lty 1763. limed about twenty 1 even years ago, S I R, i : which then made a very great hoife, it is at your .iervjce": It not, Jnubmit to your better Judgmen u 'SL ; ; V. ' ' v:'; ;.?.'.--'..3L. 27; fatal Con ftauentes of 'MlnW ffi.ffiffiffijffi-yT has long been a maxim iwith or, the Difference feru; Royal Power ikM'i ion wtthextcniive extracts from J of the crown, fhould be able by the many gljW other publications. Thefe fort pofts and penfions at their difpofal, to influence V M of Geniufes feize on every "po.- elections of all kinds, and both houfes of par- . pular production as a lawful prize and iiav- 'liament, fo 'as to have; always a majority "in wMucji .icviuus ciicunuuiii uj mirouuce eacn.noulc, under the abiolute direction or the it with fome degree of colour;-which, general- prime, minifter for the time being, it would ; ly. fur.nifhes a fmgle paragraph only, .the piece be no way ncceflary for any minifter to defire is down to their jize, and happily ferves to a farther facrifice of our confiitution ; for,, by iillup the remainder of the paper. ;I have ob- both houfesbeingundcrfuch a tli'reaion, our n'cdnrffortrrBritorrr k 1 . . -'' ; 1 ' ' .. J vet uwii iu uchv.ii:ih, in waiter, as to avail as i Dotn nouies nau tomeo m an apioiute lur - cpnyenieiitartific . ",: ;" ." . ,. : . .. . ... . ' , ; ' -. " ' .. is?,.!' .. -- . .... . . , ...... (., ' . . fairs continue on their .prefent footing,, do I people. . vtppn.iituu ;uu wiii cyci experience a. icarcny j:nc outward -tornimignt, ana prooa , cf iubjeas Jie infolence, ignorance and in- xwould, be kept up j biit every man muft feg; . jis i; , ;: y ... - f.i 't: 1 :rfi. t.V'-f fj. if - J 'i I ; i - 111 n' ! t . ; ; , ! ;!. S'.:s. ;, .. - J. j-'i.: ; ir ill mi - fij. . 1 --'.rrJ 1,1 I f .4- . :!.' ' i. b 1 -.?." I. I-.. f i.i! : ' I-...,. . . ,.y