- . - - - - . . . . . ' mm V : i fro ' the obfetvtion of the fibbath.is renewed, where- Signior tbreateurRufiia with war. -Others pretend. by working, diyerfions in carriages or on the wa- to, have received advices of the march cf a nume-'trjVand-frcqUeiuing-public-houfes:o-Sunda-and mu IJolidays, are forbidden under the-fevereft penal-1 1 . cocfirmation. - . ; ' ' - ' ties The Julliceb of the peace are once a month A fevvJda) s fince Mr Morea," 2in cminifn't pain to give in an account of the behaviour of the inha,- ter,' preferited b pifture of his Jvlajefty on horfe oitants, ro oe ngnca oyt cne mmitier or iae piace ; . uacK, aeKafq;py iora ligonier, to- me LUieen ; hicH-is io be tranfihlaed to the chamber of War - ;vho was fo much pleafcd with -the execution, that . A and Domairi, who zft iiyltyitlfefbre the king. Jherdered Mr Worea a purfc L U N U U " . ' reward tcr:inRenuity.: - , ' , A?t;': T,m y The ftips -now building at Chatham, are; the Villiam Kelynsc; Jha Spinnags, and John Phil- 9 gu"5 each, and the Raifonable cf 74. The JlmEkFsTfour footmen. -charged with riotous--" v-,uor- n?e largeii ir.ip.;pat evervat Dum m- ; r- 1 ..-. ------1 1 , . , ji . . .. f rh Nnhilttv. relative to ; the nofaivin(r orlftif- - l herepor;:fome .time fince "curremVthat the - ieringjvails to be taken, pehingfeveral gentlemen. nflrwcTre to cede New Oilcans to thcSpaniards, with brickbats, and ' breaking the windows, &c. feerns to be. founded on truth, as we are informed When one w ho had vthlate,ried who had alfo afiaulted a. Pcrfon; who had eodea- tail S .turday, about 5 'oclock:in; the morning, ' vaarcd to ciffuadc him from his riotous oroce-d a tradefman, rtar.Wardour fucet, oho, attempt: ings, was fent to Newgate," another Was bodtHi to- J t0 hang himfelf on the jron rails-.pf - his owr4' his Sood behaviour, and publicly difchaged fiom; houfe but was prevented-by the rop$s breaking, -his miller's Service, one fet-at libcrcv, no one ap 5e thP pearinagainfl him; and ihc-6ther di : magittrates, on afking nirJoh; and KramlfniP t.j J" - "our.irejniuxqumte tor aircoverjuiacconxplices. V:7 - I' -'19 v ment. Yeterayr:.-Gyoge'e' Bitt,' bafHdorRhcourt of , " , . . , - j : .... . .. - ; . . --. . stills . , . r . ! , . i .: - - J - -inAfliritonfifYetr-ffOrnrthnpdoinr: . :i:a' . The !jft letters from Wutfaw of th--ill mil.. ad- . A rvport pre v,iils. that his Grace the Duke of ixifehituJie-merchin tJ 7 - ' to . . r. ? . .. j .? i . - - A - : i ij., '( !'!) t -mm: city, were f?curing their bell iffcfU by fendi.-g cafion is not dtci..rc-d.' Yhf.'m"': entered. lodging thsm in the monafteries. 'bfuig apprelien- snd . ibir.d at Coiafmith's. h ill ; the greateft f.ve that th-.-fi.imej of war will be fbon kindled in"." i.v one day that has been known for many . tliit ncighDournood. . . J. , 'r - t-: I ' ) -J..1-. J1.II -lend d iviuney Jb iu very pienurm in ooinna, inat inci w"4, b bVJ , . V vM id it on Ene I 111 2 oodrfecur t es. and even on Iiv: 'I''! ' db flock' at three per cent, on "Dutch two : ad: : Value, ,for v:hich;he :had advtrtifcd an jnconiiclev half Dec cent; and diicount on-alhforts oflbilli two. mite They write fron Scluchte i he 2 d in it . that a water uchtere fcout;brcloud. hanoened 0 to break near that t,l3ce.--K'v which fix of the ad . t- kitchen hre ; :.hadv you offered any thine like a,fe- jicent villagfs vvere quite ruined. ward for the recovery, you Ihould. have had it Yenerday the right' hon. the Lord High Char "ou' Uhc charg of a fixper.ee, s neither my celldr k'uTed his majvliy's hand on beingreated an'-: CTCumjtances ;Or)nclinatiout rrqoireor allovv me Varl,' by ti.e title of E:irl of No'rthington, Vifcount- .to bent fit by. the misfortunes of other people. " If ; Hcnlev, and B,iron of Gnnge, in Hampfhire. .: you fr.oald ever have a fecond cccifion to adverr JMs-f3id-that-Fran.cVirVvfcore m 1 ! it illH'! ofVienna, intereflj-hcrfe!f..vvith.aour for prince- attfn:ion to the exigtr.cy of the poor, Jtft the . J;,: CKarlesof Saxony,"" in"order togethim feated.cn -fin'dcr in need of your bounty. ; for - -. ' theihrone of Poland; " , , , v , 1?! : According toa lfrft; from all circumftances, that the approachiii: , W cleftion - for. the crown? of : Poland will exa to furhiflv m commotions. It is faid that letters have been re- io new B r i u (h b ai 1 1 f r i gat c s , of 3 c n s e a ch , j d , from Cotiftantinpple, Ja which . the" Grande the fvTYiccrof ihe king cf Trufljal - - : 1- ,."! ! K !,.. i i tt, ' . ! 'I . J r -. ! I. j f-n i' -. 1 i-r ., ,4 .n.J V:!- I! ! 1 4 l h' ir-