t m m m m t m m rm m mr m m m a m m m w r-wr m m w m t m . . b - -- - " v ; l j - - - -w-' m w . m w - rr .. -. - . i- w . -- - ... .i ., -u mi--ri m- i - ; 7 TliC g& this Accou 'May, rs they ing.Anchpr. at Sene , gal, bound to Goree, arid having on board 43 Slaves,;1 they fuddenly rofc and killed Gaptaiii Goulc , arid two of his Men, W ecfcIatSi made prifbn That this bloody Maffacre wks firft difcovcred by a Man DaiEnp 1v. who hearing no Nniffl in th running aft, thinkingto fecure.thc Arm the Negroes fled beloWj where beingJnftantl confined, the Veflcl came off the Coaft, . de- School, went in, and (aw the Mato wun nis isioie unaer nia Arm-: i nat one or the j: ' ' , V .... ; , . ' - " -' .... ....1!.. Scholari was then alive (but died foon after) who oldiimthere-jwere four Indiana who-werenot feen till they entered the Houfe : .That two of thg Childred then murdered; belonged to an Ainhappy Man, who had four others carried off by the Sar vages laft. War : That fcveral fmall Parties' of the Enemy were faid to -be feen in that- Settlement : And that a Stroke ftruck fo ar in the fettled Part of tKeimtry it occalion ma ligned for the WcftJndies, under the com--mand-ofGeorge Taggot, rd M aftpr. the Mate havincr been turned out Xinie, - at Seayvand killedcthezzGarpenter, when the Whitemen were .obliged to fire,., killing eight Slaves downright, then doubly barricaded the reft. , That they afterwards put into St.-Thomas'sj -whcreTaggot vyas encou- raged bv a ooaniard to iro down to Eiifign Smith (a brave young Man, and who had been Prifoner fome Years among the Indians) went oi!t, with feven Men, :as a fcalping Party t That -travelled Seventy Miles below Fort Pittj till they came to a:rlace called Crow s Town, on the i3hio,vhich they Jound abandonedand the1 Houfes burnt : That the Houfes on Beaver Greek co tn fell the Nernes. andJic fet fail directly ; . were likewife deferted, but not deftrbyed : And -' - v . , 1 f 1 " . ' 't '. I. 1 1 - fbf flipv frill rirl n fpu trarlrc Kit r? trl ..rnt on nut on his Mrrrvn the naninrd nut t ie rncic on . . .wv... v .v . him, by firft gqing a board wliUi a Number, .:, under Prctence of Tre,1 (e and carrvinxUhe CrewJnto his-Boatwith In- 1 tenffouiif VVay thither the Eiiglifhmen ran off with the Bo'atidiiiim - Spaniard wKbTgaVc the Encouragement y from y Indian- but- one, .during their fatiguing March. watching a working Party at Fort Pitt, who they tried tD come up with, but could not. fEuefdlyiJaft-tJieiShipari arrrved here from Rotterdam with Palatines," thence they went to St. Doming and iome of them -tervvards proceeded to-Jamaica to Ativertifem ents. give ' Information ; but tttc : Brig and Cargo, .wcl; are 'toldj . rare' cphfifcated:by"the;;Teh6'r:.of Jj rent I cs - . : . , . 1 P H t L A D E L P H T : A, Augufl 9; FfomGarlifle-wc-havcthefoUowing 0- ly intelligence; viz -Thaton Sunday, thcwen- ty:fecond uit; two or three-Indians were 7 T T Veftry held at the Church in Newbern, for Cbrift'Churcb Parifn,:in Craven County, on t he-3 o t h-Day-rbP AuguflA. a fl.itwas-theprdered That all peifons having any Claim againft faid Pa rifh, do exhibit the fame to the laid Veftry on :Thuffday"the4th aforefaid :At ' which Time and Plaice thcyformer Fort Loudoun: T h 1 1 0 n the We d n e f da y following; 23 a Woman named .Cunningham, big with Child,; wa$ going from her own Houfe to one Jullice Mc J3owelFs, about two Miles below Loudoun, (he was met with by the Savages, who murdered,-fwlpedrrand-otherwifemoft-horridly -abufedjier, ripping her Belley open, and taking out-the Child, :which theylcfHying-befi another Woman, named Jamieion; waslmiffiri to be carried orTV: That pnAthe--rFv;en ) pear Churchwardens, and all Perfons who may have any Monies. in their Hands belonging to faid Pari(h, are requelted to attend and 'fettle their Accounts, as Ihe V estry will then ' fi 1 Bufincfi. fit to --Kin fa ft the-Parothial JOHN SMITHr Clh Veary; To be SOL Dr. Ijuly,! cim6UFoufet::!r'6nf-Cp Twelve or Fi f teen Miles from For t Loudoun , in the very Heart of the Settlement, where'they kill cd ahd fcalpcdthe Mafier,one. Brown, land Nine -jofhisbcbolars -Lyitxt$p-: ing to the School, who, it 1 more be- TV .valuable -Trad of Land, containingri on--ZJenhn Bay, and divided frorrr th bjlmaiTiC Houle, w on it, . . being the Seat of the late , Hon. Jikjr lluujfett9 . Efq Any Perfon inclinable to purchafe, ,may KnoY:uie l erm5,,oy applying iu ' .; "--lr.j , : -rJobn Harvey V ' ' '; lokih newts. zxerutorSx , . ! ' ' v. . . - , . ' , ' ., " "71 '" " ' ' ' . ' ' v -r- ' ' ' v ' 1 - V Ii ' T '" '- ...u;.:,Xv.ir .l7.; - ' . , 1 r ii-.' WW it; 1 J), 'Si 11 t. ft1; w. if L.i' 4fe . . ; Mi M"' "TV"' f' , j -Tf-- l--' r (s - i 'ii -Jit v!- fit. w i .' 5- fc.': ii, . ''1,;: 'f . ; ' . ;i si: 1 1- ll ft Ii'." J1. .... i i ,! 1-!iJit 'i ff'- f :,s 5 t f-1 l E il ,11 M ;;.'. mm ' ;f ill !' ' .-); it r, i j i. : ; i! b if ,';J('i ,,., ..., ,1- ,

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