The- 0 RTH-C A R 0 L IN A . V - ' , t. - - - ' R S A-L I N T E L h I G E N C E R. '' 1 -i jEro tniILR-IiPA YB e ft e m b e Rr yzto F RID A Y September 14, 1764 r j ( .....' 1 ...... -- pullijhed' his Law cNA T IONS, r- by himfelf, , and he necefiarily ftandsln need of gwally-in, 'FvtiiQhi a Tranjlttkn-ofit-into the affiftanceandTuppbrt-'orcreatiiFeJik him- JEngliih 7 tffry made and pubiifiecf in, Eng- - fclf,' io preferve and perfect ; hisf own beings land 5 .as this Bock is reckoned ainang thefirf n fMI ahdjom . . 1 - - . . , -. - -- -. - r- - - j - --- - a -- w i 1 --- - h apreeabe. their ' reaion and -Knowiedce ; ana tnis being ren deridn telli gcht, will not be u 0& 0 QN G til e works of genius, thods ofprc(er v ing t he rn iclvcint fupplying m'S learning, and erudition, which their wants. JEvery one alfo becomes fcnfible, I Al & appeared or late, we mayrrccr mat nc can ncitnerj iive n-ppny, nor improve himfelf; vvithoutj J8f3 litJs a-nianifeft.prooftliat (hfe JVflrm Ihould converfe with one ario- trench, by M. de Vattd j,a traniiation ot ther, and grant to cacn tneir mutual, aia ana which into our laneuoe has been very lately affiltancc : from that natu publuhed. ThrcoiUents of vafffo jsr- that each fliould do for f variety of artiClesthatt is Jnipo - -T-- ---rj-- -.1 . . .. j , 1 . , , . w " is to gtve ourVreadersva ftrw.c at th yallcperjdrmance, tvyh!ch.m iiiterelHne to everv Eritifh reader as it Jcan- bly to their nature, , and in conformity to the not but ftord hun great pleafure-and aatisfac a jawanat ( tion to ice the o qVn country- our own faftty, our happinefs, and oujr moft ":incn adopted throughoutandou conili precious vangesj-qujh tntionpmduced "as tbe;mofVwife and; happy;" every one oFijs;: Irifca I ne quotations wnicn we rnasc ntuy inc wuuu vvuiuu ,ciijuy, wuc .Miiui; ihall be confiheel to fuch as pre moft interett- v willm' Gn the contrary : ' ing ; and .yer this-is difficut-tafky-fince-it is iflevcry-wman and7jrnme--L hard to fihd a fihgle . p3ge throughout the diately workihat can be called difinterefting, v others,' ail;ankind ;woulH. be very unhappy The author, by way of introduHon, fhews Let us then endeavour to promote the happi the principles, of the Law of nafions in which ,'f nefscf allj - thus all will endeavour to promote Hfc,obftryes; :uppn natural fociety, ; tht " Man ours,; and :we Oiall eftablifli qut- felicity on mollfolid 'foundaUons,.,i! v.: u.,,..,..i.,ii., 4X " . . . . :; .. ii.ii!' - fr'v":" .-..v;t::i?-.;. 5-;.' ' - , ! ". rr" - v-t. : --v.- .ii:Y:-, . 'J t- '?; i..-r,' ,,;y .i: . . i; l;i . . . !