"3 mm izo - ::flBA(&M A:G A Z I N E, for 1764. Oiy.-S'ti'wjh'- ;;"iw.IV;'-;'''.;! , l;c r.. ' " it .... y i !' t s J!ar m pi- , I; i f IP, M$M -;::;V.:: V-v ": ? j a, i: 1 ' t";ii;; H ' ! V, .. . r i H i i ' ''in ' j. ; mi ?:ii'3!i.!i'V--:: il;tt..-a ; .!!'! ! ' . . ' '4! I s'i . . i 4t iMti-jS It i; !:', 1 . . .. 1,1 ii . r.mt-r: i. ' -r. v;r(ii;;-:i:'o.i-y Hi-' :U7 y ; iu 1 1 'M!;n-I" k If I !4: h ; 1 i,; , ,u , V.'i S t5 rje f - te tfrs Kn i gK t n d KG ree n , i n? N e vv- Bags of;Wafran tfflnd prndi or her Papers. Any itreldcfired to deliver them 'greaveiin'Newbern andrthey -warded for trir i houble,by :N. The Saddle Bags is branded: on the Sidethat layiirtex lying in bwoan County, pleafantly fituated on -EdentoR Lands, by a fmall Creek : There is- a genteel Dwellingy " Houfe. with all convenient Uut-Houies on iti being the SeatO Efq;- Any inclinable to: purchafe,. may " know the Terms, by applying mpHuV -k.'. faletb Heivts. -Executors y : SamueLSwift . IT,a Vellry Keld ( at : the:X ;That all perfonsThavinglahyXlaim againft (aid Pa ri h. do exhibit the iame' to the laid Veltrv on iThurfday the th oi jQornextv at the;Church, for37t7Vttwfe r.Churchwardenf, and all Perfons who may have any ilyicmies ia their Handis belonging to aid Parifl), ; ' ; September. 7, 1764. kU S T imported, and-to be fold, by the Sub- fcnber very cheap, for ready Money or rro- ducc, a parcel of likcjy healthy young Negroes. H E Honourable Gommifiioners of Ji H is M aj efty's CuUonis, having been in-; iiequefledolaite hi Vrkx will tl ; the Vestry will then fit ; to"tran(aftthe Parochial Bufinefi : JOHN SMITH, Oi. VeHry. Newhernf . '-Hi Vtbii'-Brefsi .md ..fyeedily will be- ijXolleflibn -of 2all tbeU AfltsoU A 5 s s hb l.y . of v f ? th'iy Prayince J in Force and life from jhe r-ifirlettle m en t of the Provi nee in the Year 17 v a; complece Reyifal of ' : th the 'Gommilfioner$ fbme ; that Time. ThisvWorkiis de- r il g b edK a s it li e F J ft CV'pl u me b co mpl e t e S e 1 1 0 f al 1 . W-S;P.CJ fae 1 Proy jnce-bvytd the'prcfcnjtimei : the' Second. Volnme frorn the Year i? to the rcrff Timej being - already, poblifiied, -.. and to bfc ; 111 ibid lip - the repealed Laws, and thofe : that have had their --' Effeft,. expired, of obfolete, will be left out all -;V;?butJhc Titles, with marginal: Notes and Referen-' y ces (hewing when repealed, or how otherwife pro- - :vided for - To -which General Index to both Volumes 5' with alt the Jr.GrA Pfovince by King- I ' CH AR L E tfjthe Second. ' Perlbns inclinable to have, them bound and Lettered, t by, applying -to (hall have their Orders imme Idiaiiyjcoroplied. with, , t : j , ter'd into for the Duties impofed by the Afts of 6 g -1 1 . z pay abl tolH : M a j c fl y at the Pcrts 0 f rrr, give !thir will make Difcovcry of any Perfon or Perfons, who v lhal! have been guilty of entering into, or conniv ing atju Efq; or Peter Randolph Efq; S urveyors-Geheral of H is Majeft Principal: Officer of H Cuftoms; - the ; "CoIIcttor; or ComptrollelvM the Port where fuch Fraud was entered into, fo that the Parties offen be cbnvifted thereof, and the Duiies reer'd; ta ceivc One Third Part of :lhiT)aties. IcTifccovcr'd. . Directly For A NT 1Q U A. J O H N S C O.T T, . Commander O W lying:-at -N E W B E R N ; . very. ' 1 well ' accommodated , for Paflefagers. For Freight or PalTa'Ee, enquire of theJMaltcr,;;- arRichad' Ellis'j.-Merchant, in NRWBF.RN. . Lately PUBLISHED, - N T H E Ms of Aflembly, pafled laftSciEons iVpFHmingtori, .-. .T7 - B E R . Printed by JA M E S 3D A V I S , by whom all Perfons may be fupplied . . : t Kit jiihc firft Week, and Tw$ Sbffljprr fyr every :.C9flttnuan.y Apy finale Number na7-y 0 7 7