I The rtharoIim:GA Z"I N ,E," for 17 6 4V 4 -ft...- - X i'j -4 , . ... .- I J 1 - 1 . t -. J April iq. A few Dys fince the Wjfe of an ejmqcntT confiderable Sum offnoncy: for her huftiand, was accompanied in her Journey by a pretend ed Clergy n?anv w When they came toeing. Inn, offered his Service to fee her to her Lodg- and a hackney coach was accordingly called ; but inflead of taking her vvhere (he direifcdi he -priva tely outer qdH certain bagnio : The lady feeing the miftuke, re ftifed . to ge t out of .the coach, upon which Wrwfif lemah -ordered "tlie" coachman to drive; about the ' in which time he; took oc- ca fi on T to , ufe her - with grea t-B rata 1 i ty , w hie h 1 may; pro ba bly coft h e r h er life,' as fhe is no t yet rex concJuded: the fcene, by:leaving her in: the f of the ftreets, by which means he for that time f made his Efcitpe, but ftiid (carch is making af- ter him. ; ...... B R I b G E-T O W N, Augujl 4,1 764. Various are the Reports among the Public, 5.5Ar9J.Pg iifc in hu manlMu rdexebm mi tted "XJnuiaylafrby aNfgro onlheBody of a 'White' Woman ; but' the : moft Ipar ticular we--can obtain, is the following : That on Sunday the gthl longing (as it is (aid.) to Captain Callendet,: on his Return from a Negro Play, met with Mifs, Sarah Sutton, of the Parifli of Chrift Church (who was attended by her Sjfter, and -two fmall NeproesVgathMn Piece of Second crop Canes $ that he feized the Negrocs, Mifs Sutton defired him riot to hurt then," and (he would give hi m a f Bitf HisA n fwer Jwas, " 4 Damn your Bitt, I don't want it :" That he then ftifeed-herv-and-dragged herfometii ftance in the Cane Piece, near the Place where her Sifter was bufied in cutting Meat alfo, and "thefFlie faftened each of ReFLeffs and Hands concealed in , an adjacent Spot, r not daring to Iriiove for Fear of Charing the fame Fate, frhc Villainis fince apprehended, and is now con fined ;in Goal to wait the Sentence of his juft Deferts. . -NETBETFCW, Sept. i 8 We have certain Ad vice from Norfolk in Virgi That the Hon; Col. Tryan, our Lieutenant Governor, has got a Man of War Appointed to bring him to his Government by Way of Virginia, -whsrc-he-is-hotirly eXpefied.t-Thereforc the Para- graph in the Wilmington Pojh Boy, of the Gover nor's having taken his Paflage in Capt. Vfronier. a Tnfall Bfi. belonging": to Cape .Fear., and .was to come by Way of Madeir i, proves premature ; as indeed it is a Paragraph f the 5y? Irnprejfion, to tell us a Governor had takenhis PafiVge to hbGo--vemment w a Tar'rJDroguer4i and intended a trading ;Yoyagc by. ..JVay ;:of:ie.-M.idehasr;jrBatMdurnf-Mourn, ye Wilmingtonlans, and put on Sack clorh and Aihe. for the Meafure of thy 3ood Things is -fulL -and-the" evillDayi8.icbmingI upon thee ! M r; ' Trya n, if we have any Skill in Augury," i? coni ing to'live in Peace among uc, and deliver us from unievened Bread,; which nothing: but His Refidence onifheG r ASsyLlLAiX5:can jcilore andjiccomplifhfL Wc hear .fromcCoreSound, at CApt; Lo bcing-ftaioned bctvvcen Virginia arid South-Caro v lina, for rthe Proteftion of our Trader Since our laft the Schoonej l iarnsa r rived: "here'frofirBarbadc, with a Parcel of Jfine healthy young Slaves he brings no. mate rial News, Markets very loiv. He fays he was ch seed -rri a ny H on rs :by a fine clean S loop, Who both rowed and crouded.all fhe could to come up went Over him : This great Curiofity of the Sloop, in Time of Peace, to (peak with Capt. Williams, excitedhis Diligcnceito avoidrherWhichliglitir Pairpf:HccIs;chabIed,him-tod6,- P R I C F. C U "R R E N T in Newbe, Tnr," o s. to 10, Pitch, z s. 6 d nine, 1 1 s. Flour, :i 677 to a different Buiicb o of every Senfe but Brutality, he robbed her of : A : of every her Virginity. When he had fated his brutal rtuftshe (tabbed her with a Knife on each rSidet)f-herHeadf-then-with-his-ttaridon -Throat, ftranglcd her till Part of her Tongue hung out of her Mouth, which he .ihftantly ; cut ofF, and, perceiving her (fill alive, with - three difFerent Cuts acrofs her Throat, he left only about an Inth of iFlefli to keep her Head tp her Shoulders, having .entirely disjointed thc Neck Bone. All this Time herSiuer Jay, Rice, 13 s. Ad. Tallow, 7 d. -BeesWax; i s. 8 d. DekTnsTITT Do. dreft, 3 s. 4 d. Weft-India Rum? . s.. Loaf Sugar, 1 s, 4 d. J Vlufcovado do, 45 a; to lamaicaTSpirit, 7sV N. E. Rum, 2s 6 d. afles,LSad( Wh ite-oak Hhd 3 tavesr r i i oarrei ao. a e $t v avy Mill Lumber,'66s 3d i ann d Leather, . . ; . C U 8 TP M - H 0 U S E, PortBcaufort i - - . S Entered Inwards.. pfom y, ;ift. Schooner Sally ,& Polly Robert .Harris, Ncw-York.