. T - JScJioo Schooner Nancy, Peter Qfboine, Sloop Anne, John Haley," Schooner James, Jofeph Crifpijn Boiion Tortola. I el phi a New-York, Philadelphia" 4Ioop4M C: w bey n-Fa eke tj-J o h n-Rafs7--- BbijdoeT" Sloop Friendmip, Oliver Hull,; Rhode- lfland Snbw Bbrothyv jfjhn Gwhamv, v : Barbadoesv Schooler JoteplvSteph Sloop Endeavour, John Pendar, jtfn;; Philadelphia 7 : ' .Clear d -Outwards. ?IIZ1Z Schooner Jam es , J ofeph Grifpin, I Sloop Nancy, Step Eftatc of ( he Hon. R ich a rd i Sp Ai GHTj! decealedv are defired to; bring ia in order to be ieuiedr Arid thofeihat are indebt ed to the faid Eftate, are rcquelled to make Pay ment immediately without further Trouble. r ' .-r-Thomas Cliff 6rd Howe; i :-:-,,'' ''::-:; - Elizabeth Howe, Adrjitrx. For Virginia Sloop Induftry, Si vahas Curtis, v Sloop William, Simon Reeves, "Bolton N.,York Quebeck : ' 1:: T Sept. 21ft, 1764.. ' ' 7H:E Ho Lewis Berry jnbvv jej, rnenTsrhe fituated, and a cori-v venient Place for a Store or Tav inclinable to purchafe; may knovv the Terms applying to Mr, Nicholas Miller at Bth, or ; the - Rh.IflSd S: Carolina Subfcriber at Newbern.- NfYork Samuel Cornell. Sloop Richmond,- Nathan Fanning, Schooner Britannia, George Fulford, Schooner: Dol Sloop Spcedl jvft i;nportcd hl tht Shop Newbem.p.cket, . Schooner SailPolly,. lin,, Elk.nV,: N. ork " from Ba rliadoes. akA tn he fnMi-hfAir fnki. Charm.ng Salljv John Ouver, . Do . '. : Mn, fl,J, nj;, t, U. sir:i.; A Parcel af choice young. S L A V E S. Alfo to Schooner Nancy Sloop Elizabeth Schooner -Halifax, Freenun Ellis, .New-York Advertil ements. H I S is to inform th. Pubiicifor as I have . fuch repeated Aftsof Viilany committed on myPiantation,Tby-my-own -Ncgfocs,"in "iVealinsf fny Corn, Potatoes, Sec. and carrying the fame rp Town, and there d ifpofe'., of them to .Perfons who make it their conftant Praftice to deal with Ne- 7 gtoes : i am,; for the future, .determined to pro fecale, with the utmoft Rigour of ; the Ltfvv, any Perfon or Perfons that (hall- deal in nny Mnnner or or Refpeil: whatfoffver with any of my Negroes, vt h ou t;jh eir rih.afet-.ar, Certificate, Tigned by Me, of their having Leave to difpofe of the Commoduy-vofrered-forrSaleT be (old at' faid Store, Wholefale or Retail, old -BarJbadoes,. Spirit, Rurg Sugar, and-dry GOODS. ' : . - :z:::. Tiioka s; Haslen, Onflow; County, -Septs 21 1764. OjriOIJEfrom Day Time, a dark bay Horfe, about 1 3 Hands 3 Inches high, ftort Tale, half hisrMane cut,-fl)od bvfforewith a large SaddleSpot pnl tbe rifing Side of his Back, and branded with the Letters M. G. Alfo Hole with (aid Horfe; a new Saddle and curb Bridle, a great. Goat, rand a Pair of linnen Spatter dames, ; Said Horfe is fuppofed to have been llolen by one J jn es Gibbon, an I fiihman, abou t 25 Yea rs of Age, long : Village,- brown Complexion , . ' a re. markable large Mouthtand thick Lipg. coarfe fpo ken. has: bl 3 clr Hair "t i e d hv hi n d 71 n a J "in 11 n r arH .Andany Perfon that will inform Me, (o thai hh' fometimes prffes for.a Ship CarrQnter,rid at other j-ciumonyyiu-tupport-a-ienai-oiecutior Perfon or Perfons hereafter dealing with any of ihy Slaves, without the CeruficAte aforefaid, (hall be paid a KcrofFQrtpSlnWits Proclamition -Mj-ney,JoreachrPfofecuu fupport, by - Vhomas-Clifford-Howe: .and red Breeches, a rufilcd Shirt, fome check Shirts, and a black Pattern. for a Pair of Breeches. . '--Who ever apprer4endsj the faid Thief, with the Horfe, s inem to me in Unilow Lountv: sha I -x - have & Reword or;Tli:N POUNDS, paid by -: ' . ' William Willi ami. fun. ' .. Lately P-UB LIS TIED VV A N T E1D, AxidltcbCSlOXTDa Printing Office In . Golleftibn of. all the Acts of Assembly of A the Piovince ot : bioztb CarMina, in Force and Ufe, Jincel the Revi 1 7$ i ts Tbgethcr -with-an cxaaTablel'o which . "efixed, a "Lift of "the Names of thofcGende- who fubferibed for the BOOK. - - A Perfon "that underftands tending i Saw : MilK Any Perlbn inclinable to undertal v may, meet with great Encouragement by 2p- r i g Kttl a t iou I d 1 u nci er t a k e the b u il d i r g - of a SawMiH, v and making "tumblirig Dam ; oycravery:pid: Streams -A- ..' I; , ' .;i r - . i w- ' l . I':: it -J V .' ),(:. 1 iV, 1. . i; !'- : 'i 1 't; r. :'''.'i:s it)., " M. . . . i f''i5t L' VI: 1 -;-; I r -i.j.. ,fcf- -. Hi-ti-:.-'.M i:;:-;ex ;":.?1 ).' ,j:'.',-.v?t i : ' t l 'i . It' J- "3 iff 'V:f: .?4 'it:. 1 " ' I'M ' 5-' i ' V' V !. Y , -.-.I- " " ""t (i 1 . ;.(,V, ' i , ;.!; ,.1 -vi '. ! -i' , lit- Hr I i4 .u-t t-t 1

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