The for x'i9 by the Cogency of our Argumepfs to convince thetfJ ifwe : take Cafclb)U.hc Candour of , our Behavour, to make. anImpreffion on , his VilU , Thofe wh"o advanccthe wildeft Paradcjoces, often dafli them with fome material Truths, and juft HKrughtstrwQuld-be thercfo while to trfo whetheriby commending them Prince dSoubife, Executor of her Will, her (jrlals Houfe at oeye, and therrurniture, to wards paying off hey: Debts and - Legacies, whrcn are eftimated at one Million to Ma dam d' Amblimoht ;a Set of Diamonds valued at 20,000 Crowns j 4p the Duke and Duchefs rof-UhojteuJth for the lattery-we vmighlotdextroufly reclaim them from the form , inftead of :;dmly:enteri ouintOanvindecnt bame&Ssneven, herpurgcon, an Annuity of aooo Li- M ad a m du R oOre, each a G old Box ; to t he Duke (de;Gontaud, a magnificent Watch ; to theMar(hal deJirepojx,t to Mr. vjuenet, her r hylic 1 a n , an d : t o Mr. -dflEafEori itlLbe- -tor her ein ten dan t, 6o6o-Li vres "to. bring:Mheiomi as much toheriiquerry ; to hen Dome MenHike-Loadftones.-when they a Life, in Wdpoition to their too much heated by the i'rj b Wages and 1 ime of bervicey and: to her Chamber Womcri, berLaces and Wardrobe, TheKing-has given uphis Legacy of the Hotel d'E vreux to the" M a rquis Vde Marigny, her Brother, with this Stipulation, that if hq fiipuld'have Occafion to refume it, heJhall payv L O N R G May v. ti v e Pp wer Vh ich the y, ha d be fore. 1 t i s pr c t- HjUaidAifh J( who were tranfported by Paffiori, bythcir " ill . Management of a good Caufe, and by c jthciir ungracious Way of. maintaining the MFutKI "be in the wrong, even when they are in ..""'the right."' 7 J J None can be more PreiudiciaUo the Inter- acnumenis upon tnc ompyiy wjijvtne magN of offering them withjh -drefs-bfTt ftruHon more artfully, than a Teeming Diffi dence 7of which we have a pregnant lriftance in my.Lord Cjl ar end on: Mr. HtmhcUn -"A-.lbort Time before Madam Pompa--dour's Death, being fenfible of her approach inglEndi-e fee and to be reconciled to him : But he wrote . back for Anfwerv ihat he fbrihc?r but could not prevail on himfclfy to conie to Court, where he had once. been. forbid. She lx Temper in , Debate, and of that feeming ( Humili ty and bubmiffion oh Judgment as rt i n t it r f 1 c t w v a m f v iiw v- - Vi ft V IMJ UVrll VI IUI Ci h imr ;but Defire of Information and In "ftruSioVi j-yethe-had lo-fubtil-a-VVay of w interrogating and, under the Notion- of 4 Doubts, -inftnuating-his Qbjeiions-that he m ' V I r- l- m- S j then pent great Part of her Time in fettling5 "hcr'wqrldlyrAffairs :cies-5-amonghicK?afeioGO .the Garthufiansi-where her body-is bu- ;ariarge)um-to the rooro thie-rarilh and another to pqrtion but young :Maidens H :Sheas-alfo-lcft c infufed his own OpimonTii whom he pretended, to learn and receive ful within two uays ot her Death, when hav- " them." If thefe Meafures were fo powerful ing receiveithe Extreme Un& -ih'a:bad-Cfeiv irrefiftible in a good one. - ' : - ; (he declined feeing his Majcfly, and defircd to felf. T wo Hours before her -Deathihc Prf, Apiil 20. Madam: Pompadour has left her fine Seat atE tJqooooL n g ; to t h e DulctdePenthievre the like Sum j to the fired two Ladies, who coiiftantly attcnded on her, to leate her, and go to one of her owsi Hpufcs, as they would probably thereby pre vent the Morti ficatioh of bein s fent away on her-Death ; this they dccljned but (he again . urged it, and told them,, tlt-I!k had oidtred ner. f 1 V' -ssr ...ti- 1 -c V'. Ik Ml' ';'..i: .v.. -wfc-i ( J . . ! V i, -- .Mi i 171 -m f 'VI