r- 1 X. Vol. I. ... No. 2-1 The NCTICTH C2A.R OM I NLA M A A 1 'V N H 3 OR, I V E R SAL I N" T E L X A G N C: E R; FrorrrFR I D AY Oct peer -iq, to FR It? AY October 26, 1764; curious Indflent, -travJlcJed-frm-the-:-t lived Francifco de la Vega. : ' .Spanish.. . and his wife Maria del Cafar, who had 4 Tons : l-f I thcirjnolikliLvJia far3; being . ::" :'rk-kv, A'irs c -y t xjt the . fhafts cf, rrsncilco. to th( - tovyn o f-J i JJb 0 a jv h en learn the trade of a carpen- wci a n i iihcip Pon top p 1 d a n ter j i:no this bulinefs he cxcrcilexlfor-ivearg. fTe em i n 2: to adept r -1 n h 1 3 iiztmsith 1 itorv of'& t iength -in-fheYesri 654 on the eve of fMorvvsy, certain etraonnnsry incidents ic-. J.lv5g"rg 10 caine witn icme ot m$ latirg tothe w on a crs c 1 tnc c c c p 1 o n e oxum. uiHriib, jn .tne. n yer ci tin? iaid; tpwntheyfi iv-j Iiadr IdOis :c!otiiC3 alhe they ncA tr" thdal5off-tI;ci4IU ooubttd ; but he, would return. : In this cxptc- thbr Padre Feijoo, who l)atn enrtfiel m :ranfp.lanting into it thofe dil- 1)13 niaiter. ideitranfa ttt a rrsnntr x K V t r.1 n fi" toveriS of iil Maria, del Cafnr, who lamented may riot be ami has been grateful for the fctvke he h2s donq the figure oTa human creature floating her, and t bar he hss for fpoie t lme been pro- on the furface of the fea , a nd d i v i n g tic cafibn -; moted to thedignity of a BHhbp. ally ; but when they approached him V; the In the 8th.eilayt ot the 6th volume of his lrit day he difappeared: They faw him, hov- .Tlieatro Lntico, after a pn JinibJe, in which ever, on the fcllovvinfr, when .having again -- s - , , ' - - : - a r . pains he. had taken to in- exummed his jigtire, enc expcrie he informs us of rienced his flight, "VelfipS very extradrdim TpbT t7 heT f sroufsus-w jtivvtranfmittsdto"hinrbv tire marauis6TValr7 lire of tnbwinff'Hiatliru?s, th-tr-an Duena, rtnueni in ine xyw ui oc. nnuero ana uic invenuon or many,to contrive, means to procure J by means of Don Jofh dc la pro- his Catholick majefly s minifter. in th roysl vidccT nets of a largefweepiirorter to - (u audience of the Allurias; " In. the - village of Liergne?, of t trift of .Cudeyo, in the' arch-bifl)bprick -Burgos-atout two leagues to the Jouth:wcft, they caugh 'l .' -'-v : : -' " - . v;'7--'. y. ' ' ' ''A r : . afhoTel -. f i It h t i': ! r L i (-il:;: J,;, i 1,1,5 I" ' ? !,: Hi' .l:Vt": ?! !:i't; . . . " !'. ... v : it I .- if'; $ V'' 4 M: If : . bK:l! : rfi '..f, ;'. 1 ! i(5 : -BM ,:.:,,. i;,;.,,,?,t -:.:!.'jf.i:JH:,i '. .. -v, it Jl ; -'I 'I